Pressure Cooker



  • chiltonenator
    chiltonenator Posts: 33 Member
    Insta-Pot is great. Beans are easy, brown rice, stews, braises, tagines. I cook beans by boiling them first on saute then slow cook for 2 hours or so. It does it all. It's a little slower than the stovetop pressure cookers because it cooks at a lower pressure (11 psi vs 15) but the convenience of not having to babysit it the whole time more than makes up for it. Steel cut oatmeal is easy in it.
  • TangibleTania
    TangibleTania Posts: 8 Member
    Excellent for beans meat soups stews
    Brown rice too not so good for white rice
    I use mine several times a week

    I cook white rice in mine quite often and I have never had a problem. I cook jasmine rice with 1 cup of rice with 1 1/2 cups of water on the rice setting. I hope that helps. :)
  • TangibleTania
    TangibleTania Posts: 8 Member
    amillenium wrote: »
    Hope this isnt considered a hijack but rather a related question: I am debating a pressure cooker as my next big kitchen gadget you guys think its worth it? I have a slow cooker and like the fact it can be set up in the morning and not when everyone is ravenous in the evening. What do you use it for most?

    Buy one!! I too have the Canadian made Instant Pot that many are mentioning here. I have a family of 4 and I have used mine for almost 2 years. I make stews/soups, anything I made in my slow cooker in a fraction of the time and even desserts if I feel adventurous and I do like to it's fun. I can make my beef stew that I use to cook all day in my pressure cook in less than an hour..that's building up pressure and cook time to depressurize..and's it's the exact same taste as for the previous 20 years of crockpotting-it. :)

    I also researched buying my pressure cooker for about a month...just reading and researching online in the evenings..before I settled on the Instant Pot. Worth it!
  • lucys1225
    lucys1225 Posts: 597 Member
    I haven't stopped using it since it was delivered!!! Last night's dinner was It was so good! Will definitely be making it again...soon!
  • bhay004
    bhay004 Posts: 9 Member
    OMG! I love my pressure cooker!
    We do 18 hard boiled eggs at the beginning of each week (2c. of water, high pressure 6 minutes and slow release)

    I have also found pork to be AMAZING in the pressure cooker. Take a sweet potato peeled and cut into 4-6 pieces. Lay pork chops on top. Mix 2 C of water and 2tbsp Worcestershire and pour in. Cook on high for 20 minutes quick release.

    My favorite is to cook a whole chicken. I will often do this while we eat dinner. Takes about 30-40 minutes. Then we chop up the chicken, freeze some for quick dinners, use the rest for dinner the next day.

    So many options, but so convenient, especially if you're busy!