I am new. Do I just ease myself into 1200 calories per day?



  • MsObesityRehab
    MsObesityRehab Posts: 23 Member
    mygalsal76 wrote: »
    Your goals are too aggressive. That's why you are getting that calorie target and why you think it is unrealistic. It's unrealistic. Slow down. You didn't gain the weight quickly and you won't lose it quickly either. Make lifestyle changes that you can maintain the rest of your life. Then you can keep the weight off and avoid yo-yo weight loss and gain.

    Is 17 pounds in 11 weeks and 47 pounds for the year unrealistic? I am not trying to be a jerk. It seemed sensible to me., but I could be wrong. What goals do you suggest?

    It is not unrealistic it just takes a lot of discipline. You will have to exercise a lot weigh your food including measuring cooking oils and condiments. You will have to reject food that contain uknown calories or designate one day a week/month in which you are a bit free. If you want it all gone within a certain time you will need to stick to a certain plan. It can be done with protein, loads of non starchy veggies (1 kg à day) and 0.5 kg of raw vegetables, 3 L of water, a soup a day and 6 meals or more instead of 3. IMO that's it in a nutshell.
  • MsObesityRehab
    MsObesityRehab Posts: 23 Member
    mygalsal76 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone! I am going to start my official first day with a banana (I usually skip breakfast, which I know is bad). Good luck to everyone!

    Good luck!

  • mlinci
    mlinci Posts: 402 Member
    mygalsal76 wrote: »
    mlinci wrote: »
    I have very similar stats to you (40 yrs old, starting weight 185 lbs, current 168 or so - losing steadily 1 lb per week on abou 1500-1600 calories a day). I wouldn't last a day on 1200.

    How much exercise do you get?

    I walk on average about 7000-9000 steps a day, which brings my calorie expenditure to about 2100 calories a day on average. I don't do any other exercise, other than regular stretching exercises at home.

    I set my activity level to sedentary, and I measure my step count through my Fitbit. If I'm completely sedentary, for example when I'm at home with a cold, my basic expenditure is about 1,600. On days I walk a lot, say 15,000 steps, it tells me my expenditure is about 2,500 calories. Overall, I think both Fitbit and MFP have been quite accurate, as I've been losing exactly as predicted.

  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    mygalsal76 wrote: »
    Your goals are too aggressive. That's why you are getting that calorie target and why you think it is unrealistic. It's unrealistic. Slow down. You didn't gain the weight quickly and you won't lose it quickly either. Make lifestyle changes that you can maintain the rest of your life. Then you can keep the weight off and avoid yo-yo weight loss and gain.

    Is 17 pounds in 11 weeks and 47 pounds for the year unrealistic? I am not trying to be a jerk. It seemed sensible to me., but I could be wrong. What goals do you suggest?

    Look at the weight loss goal you selected in MFP. With 47 pounds to go, choose the 1 pound/week option. 2 pounds per week with only 47 pounds to go is not healthy or sustainable. If you selected 2 pounds/week, MFP is probably defaulting to 1200 calories (the lowest it will give you regardless of your stats and goals).
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    mygalsal76 wrote: »
    Your goals are too aggressive. That's why you are getting that calorie target and why you think it is unrealistic. It's unrealistic. Slow down. You didn't gain the weight quickly and you won't lose it quickly either. Make lifestyle changes that you can maintain the rest of your life. Then you can keep the weight off and avoid yo-yo weight loss and gain.

    Is 17 pounds in 11 weeks and 47 pounds for the year unrealistic? I am not trying to be a jerk. It seemed sensible to me., but I could be wrong. What goals do you suggest?

    It is not unrealistic it just takes a lot of discipline. You will have to exercise a lot weigh your food including measuring cooking oils and condiments. You will have to reject food that contain uknown calories or designate one day a week/month in which you are a bit free. If you want it all gone within a certain time you will need to stick to a certain plan. It can be done with protein, loads of non starchy veggies (1 kg à day) and 0.5 kg of raw vegetables, 3 L of water, a soup a day and 6 meals or more instead of 3. IMO that's it in a nutshell.

    There really is no need to do all that. You can eat no raw veg, eat starchy carbs, drink no plain water or soup a day. And you can eat just 1 meal a day if you like.

    All that matters is eating less than you burn off.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    mygalsal76 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone! I am going to start my official first day with a banana (I usually skip breakfast, which I know is bad). Good luck to everyone!

    You don't have to eat breakfast if you don't want to.
  • MsObesityRehab
    MsObesityRehab Posts: 23 Member
    mygalsal76 wrote: »
    Your goals are too aggressive. That's why you are getting that calorie target and why you think it is unrealistic. It's unrealistic. Slow down. You didn't gain the weight quickly and you won't lose it quickly either. Make lifestyle changes that you can maintain the rest of your life. Then you can keep the weight off and avoid yo-yo weight loss and gain.

    Is 17 pounds in 11 weeks and 47 pounds for the year unrealistic? I am not trying to be a jerk. It seemed sensible to me., but I could be wrong. What goals do you suggest?

    It is not unrealistic it just takes a lot of discipline. You will have to exercise a lot weigh your food including measuring cooking oils and condiments. You will have to reject food that contain uknown calories or designate one day a week/month in which you are a bit free. If you want it all gone within a certain time you will need to stick to a certain plan. It can be done with protein, loads of non starchy veggies (1 kg à day) and 0.5 kg of raw vegetables, 3 L of water, a soup a day and 6 meals or more instead of 3. IMO that's it in a nutshell.

    There really is no need to do all that. You can eat no raw veg, eat starchy carbs, drink no plain water or soup a day. And you can eat just 1 meal a day if you like.

    All that matters is eating less than you burn off.

    For 17 lbs in 11 weeks or more. It is necessary. And raw veggies are good for you. And I didn't say "no starchy carbs" I said 0.5 kg of non starchy veggies. It helps stay fuller when eating less and less calories while exercising more.
  • MsObesityRehab
    MsObesityRehab Posts: 23 Member
    mygalsal76 wrote: »
    Your goals are too aggressive. That's why you are getting that calorie target and why you think it is unrealistic. It's unrealistic. Slow down. You didn't gain the weight quickly and you won't lose it quickly either. Make lifestyle changes that you can maintain the rest of your life. Then you can keep the weight off and avoid yo-yo weight loss and gain.

    Is 17 pounds in 11 weeks and 47 pounds for the year unrealistic? I am not trying to be a jerk. It seemed sensible to me., but I could be wrong. What goals do you suggest?

    It is not unrealistic it just takes a lot of discipline. You will have to exercise a lot weigh your food including measuring cooking oils and condiments. You will have to reject food that contain uknown calories or designate one day a week/month in which you are a bit free. If you want it all gone within a certain time you will need to stick to a certain plan. It can be done with protein, loads of non starchy veggies (1 kg à day) and 0.5 kg of raw vegetables, 3 L of water, a soup a day and 6 meals or more instead of 3. IMO that's it in a nutshell.

    There really is no need to do all that. You can eat no raw veg, eat starchy carbs, drink no plain water or soup a day. And you can eat just 1 meal a day if you like.

    All that matters is eating less than you burn off.

    Plain water is necessary and soup helps you lose weight. You should watch "10 things to know about losing weight". Let the physician inform you of this.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    edited February 2016
    If I had to eat only 1,200 a day, I would be eating paint off the walls.
    I'm your height. Do not exercise. Consider 1,400 to 1,600 until you get used to weighing food.
    Little daily calories sets me up for bingeing (each and every time).

    I want to respectfully disagree with the advice not to exercise. For me it's an important part of the picture. I want to feel stronger, healthier and more energetic, not just weigh less. Go ahead and eat more to compensate for that exercise, but absolutely add some strength training and cardio in.

    And absolutely eat more than 1200 calories a day! Sounds like 1600 would have you losing a pound a week.
  • kettiecat
    kettiecat Posts: 159 Member
    I'm 5'10 160 2lbs deficit 1200 calories.

    I started a little over a week ago. I shoot for my calorie goal but as long as it's under 2000 I consider it a success. I think the flexibility while shooting for an aggressive goal works well.

    I was eating easily over 2500 calories a day and more days than not I've been content at 1200 calories.
  • ModernRock
    ModernRock Posts: 372 Member
    If I had to eat only 1,200 a day, I would be eating paint off the walls.
    I'm your height. Do not exercise. Consider 1,400 to 1,600 until you get used to weighing food.
    Little daily calories sets me up for bingeing (each and every time).

    I want to respectfully disagree with the advice not to exercise. For me it's an important part of the picture. I want to feel stronger, healthier and more energetic, not just weigh less. Go ahead and eat more to compensate for that exercise, but absolutely add some strength training and cardio in.

    And absolutely eat more than 1200 calories a day! Sounds like 1600 would have you losing a pound a week.

    I'm pretty sure the person was saying they doesn't exercise and yet still eats more than 1200. She wasn't suggesting to the OP that she stop exercising.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    ModernRock wrote: »
    If I had to eat only 1,200 a day, I would be eating paint off the walls.
    I'm your height. Do not exercise. Consider 1,400 to 1,600 until you get used to weighing food.
    Little daily calories sets me up for bingeing (each and every time).

    I want to respectfully disagree with the advice not to exercise. For me it's an important part of the picture. I want to feel stronger, healthier and more energetic, not just weigh less. Go ahead and eat more to compensate for that exercise, but absolutely add some strength training and cardio in.

    And absolutely eat more than 1200 calories a day! Sounds like 1600 would have you losing a pound a week.

    I'm pretty sure the person was saying they doesn't exercise and yet still eats more than 1200. She wasn't suggesting to the OP that she stop exercising.

    Lol. It's funny how easy it is to misinterpret. I saw "Do not exercise. Consider 1,400 to 1,600 until you get used to weighing food." But on rereading, you're right, it's more likely that I should have connected "I'm your height. Do not exercise." Thanks.

  • LuckyMe2017
    LuckyMe2017 Posts: 454 Member
    I'd say it also depends on you. If you are good at being consistent and delaying gratification, set your loss to one pound per week and maybe put in an extra workout per week.
    If not, you may need to do a bigger deficit to see initial progress, keeping in mind that you're in it for the long hall.
    Or do a combination. When I started about a year ago, I set my deficit at 1.5 pounds which put me at 1600 calories, but two days a week I ate 1200 calories. Something similar might help you to eat less in the long run.
    Btw, you're already at an advantage. You have reasonable goals and are planning ahead. Best!
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    edited February 2016
    Are you in a rush? or just looking to be healthier? baby steps! I am 5'5" and weighted 170 when I started. I was @ 1800 calories per day not eating back any exercise calories and was losing weight. I got down to 140 but gained 10 back when I slacked off. My exercise was 2 days 30 minutes cardio 2/3 days weight lifting for 30-45 minutes. I am still losing weight @ 1500 calories.
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Keep in mind that walking your dog for 30 minutes probably burns 150 calories if you are doing a quick pace - you can add some of those calories back in to you calories allotment for the day and the more you move the more you get :)
  • mygalsal76
    mygalsal76 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks to everyone who took the time to answer my first question on here! :)
  • scottish_laura_13
    scottish_laura_13 Posts: 69 Member
    if you go onto the nhs bmi calculator and input ur info it will recommend a calorie range to lose weight if u choose the middle to lower end you will lose weight - the website promotes sustainable weightloss and lifestyle changes
    you can always decrease the cal total but if you go straight to 1200 there's nowhere left to go down - so if you don't mind it taking time but likely will be more permanent loss then stick with that guide
  • MissConsistency
    MissConsistency Posts: 38 Member
    1200 is not realistic for anyone.
    Roughly eat 1700-1900 cal a day. Hit cardio 5-6 days a week. Weight training was 6 now down to 4-5 due to a challenge I entered.
    Hit me up with questions.
  • DonaldBlinks
    DonaldBlinks Posts: 55 Member
    I kind of eased into the lifestyle instead of easing into lower calories. Like first, I just wrote down what I ate. Then I logged on MFP, but didn't weight everything. Now I'm weighing about 90% of my food and I'll probably continue that way until I stall. I'm a tall guy and have a large margin for error, so this has all worked pretty well for me.
  • thiosulfate
    thiosulfate Posts: 262 Member
    edited February 2016
    1200 is not realistic for anyone.
    Roughly eat 1700-1900 cal a day. Hit cardio 5-6 days a week. Weight training was 6 now down to 4-5 due to a challenge I entered.
    Hit me up with questions.

    Ummm I'm pretty sure there are people who can and do consume 1200 healthily. Especially people who are 5'2" and under who live a sedentary lifestyle. For most people, sure you can eat more, but you can't say 1200 is unhealthy for everyone.