Problem with alcohol



  • jaycich
    jaycich Posts: 44 Member
    edited February 2016
    TaraTall wrote: »
    Lots of respectable honesty here, props to all of you for seeing and wanting (and some accomplishing) these changes.

    I have a tendency to drink too much too but with an autoimmune disorder that flares with alcohol use, it has started to set me straight. Pretty, smooth, healthy skin > tasty wine. Sometimes, I find it's the physical habit of drinking something that isn't coffee or water so I try to replace the actual drink - tea, juice, diet soda, something that is 'different' but not liquor.

    Also agreed on other habits. Soccer is my 'drug of choice' the only downside is the occasional team beer post game, but I'll offer to drive and it keeps me accountable.

    If you feel the want to have a craft beer here or there, don't deprive yourself but moderate yourself. Instead of guzzling it and reaching for another, perhaps start a craft beer journal/blog where you sip the beer and write about it. My issue was always that I don't want to stop after the first glass of wine so I finish the bottle. Now, although it's more expensive, I'll buy those single serve glasses. It helps with moderation (and calories!)

    Great luck on your journey. As others have mentioned, the fact that you WANT to fix it, is a huge step in the right direction.

    Yeah I understand a beer here and there is fine, but before I can do that, I need to go cold turkey for a few months and least get my tolerance back down. I used to drink 4 and didn't need anymore, now it's more like 8.
  • JayRuby84
    JayRuby84 Posts: 557 Member
    Absolutely seek professional help and go to an AA meeting. They are everywhere. Seriously, all day everyday there is a meeting. Even if you aren't convinced you need to go, I am. If it's not right for you, then do something different, but still seek help. Hoping the best for you my friend. It starts with you tho. Only you can make yourself get help. We can't do it for you.
  • TechOutside
    TechOutside Posts: 101 Member
    It looks like you have taken the first steps, acknowledgement. I am much older now, and frankly can't keep up with the younger guys, but you will get to a point where you don't want to feel like crap anymore. You'll find that you enjoy being sober and clean headed. Things taste better and more interesting in my opinion.
    I do wish you the best of luck, purpose driven life man, purpose driven life!
  • archie313
    archie313 Posts: 9 Member
    edited February 2016
    If AA isn't your thing, there's a great site to help with alcohol abstinence: It's free. You sign up for a self-governed period of time to quit or reduce your alcohol consumption. You can set other goals if you like, or join in others' promises to themselves. It's a great community of people who have been where you are, where ever that is. It's nothing but supportive. Please consider it. Just go take a look. It helped me immensely!
  • jaycich
    jaycich Posts: 44 Member
    It looks like you have taken the first steps, acknowledgement. I am much older now, and frankly can't keep up with the younger guys, but you will get to a point where you don't want to feel like crap anymore. You'll find that you enjoy being sober and clean headed. Things taste better and more interesting in my opinion.
    I do wish you the best of luck, purpose driven life man, purpose driven life!

    Thank you.
  • jaycich
    jaycich Posts: 44 Member
    archie313 wrote: »
    If AA isn't your thing, there's a great site to help with alcohol abstinence: It's free. You sign up for a self-governed period of time to quit or reduce your alcohol consumption. You can set other goals if you like, or join in others' promises to themselves. It's a great community of people who have been where you are, where ever that is. It's nothing but supportive. Please consider it. Just go take a look. It helped me immensely!

    I think AA is a bit excessive. I'll definitely check out that site. Thank you very much
  • Sweetiepiestef
    Sweetiepiestef Posts: 344 Member
    I also recommend It has helped me to kick my nightly wine for about 50 plus days now and I am pretty excited about that :) Very supportive people on there.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I tried to keep drinking in moderation but couldn't get my exercise or weight loss on track. I stopped drinking for a month, and now just drink on "special occasions". Both my parents were alcoholics so I was nervous, but have managed moderation (with no set schedule, like drinking on just the weekends). I also rarely drink my favorite- wine. It's easy for me to have a single ounce of scotch, but not just one glass of wine.
  • boegeholda
    boegeholda Posts: 18 Member
    Well it's good to see that you acknowledge a problem exists, now is about changing your habits. If you're bored, find something to occupy your time! I saw you mentioned mountain biking as a hobby, and I see a very cute little kitten in your profile pic, why not see if you can volunteer at an animal shelter? When I lived in Montana, I made friends by joining roller derby, so a new group hobby might open up your social life a bit. But most importantly - if you have the resources to seek professional substance abuse help, try it out. It might also help to find a friend to be sober with. One of my friends quit drinking for the month and we hung out on a Friday night, got dinner and went to a museum and neither of us had any booze and we still had a good time! Her not drinking made me want to abstain as well.
  • jaycich
    jaycich Posts: 44 Member
    boegeholda wrote: »
    Well it's good to see that you acknowledge a problem exists, now is about changing your habits. If you're bored, find something to occupy your time! I saw you mentioned mountain biking as a hobby, and I see a very cute little kitten in your profile pic, why not see if you can volunteer at an animal shelter? When I lived in Montana, I made friends by joining roller derby, so a new group hobby might open up your social life a bit. But most importantly - if you have the resources to seek professional substance abuse help, try it out. It might also help to find a friend to be sober with. One of my friends quit drinking for the month and we hung out on a Friday night, got dinner and went to a museum and neither of us had any booze and we still had a good time! Her not drinking made me want to abstain as well.

    I tried to volunteer, but I was hired at a job right after the orientation so I was never able to show up. It's a far out of the way, about an hour in traffic so I couldn't make it after work. I found that kitten outside under my car, she was just 6 weeks old and would've been by herself even after I got off work so the volunteer thing didn't work out. My friends........ Let's say I call or text one of my friends now, I'll get a call back at 8:30 saying he was with his girl or working on his car. Another friend will say he's meeting some of work buddies for drinks, another going to the gym then home. I have to get my own the thing going like I had in the past.
  • jaycich
    jaycich Posts: 44 Member
    Okay guys, 2 days no alcohol. I still feel a little groggy through. I put up another one of my firearms for sale.
  • Teamdhb120
    Teamdhb120 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm on day four. You can do this!
  • jaycich
    jaycich Posts: 44 Member
    Good to know I'm not alone.
  • jaycich
    jaycich Posts: 44 Member
    Hey people, I just wanted update you guys. I haven't had a single drink since the day I made this thread and I sold yet another one of my guns.

    The down side is it's taking me long to fall asleep at night. When I awaken I feel extremely tired and my muscles hurt. It feels like I need more sleep. How many hours am i sleeping? I don't know it's to tell I'm not sure what time I'm falling asleep, but I think it's about 6 or so hours.
  • jaycich
    jaycich Posts: 44 Member
    Teamdhb120 wrote: »
    I'm on day four. You can do this!

    How you holding up?
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    jaycich wrote: »
    Hey people, I just wanted update you guys. I haven't had a single drink since the day I made this thread and I sold yet another one of my guns.

    The down side is it's taking me long to fall asleep at night. When I awaken I feel extremely tired and my muscles hurt. It feels like I need more sleep. How many hours am i sleeping? I don't know it's to tell I'm not sure what time I'm falling asleep, but I think it's about 6 or so hours.

    you are likely suffering some withdrawal and your body is still learning this new habit. give it a few more weeks and hopefully you should be sleeping and feeling better.
    if sleeping is still an issue, look into a sleeping routine-check google.
  • Lorriehashope
    Lorriehashope Posts: 12 Member
    Please add me and lets talk....I have been sober for 11 years. Change Happens!
  • jaycich
    jaycich Posts: 44 Member
    Please add me and lets talk....I have been sober for 11 years. Change Happens!

    Not a single drink for 11 years?
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    jaycich wrote: »
    Hey people, I just wanted update you guys. I haven't had a single drink since the day I made this thread and I sold yet another one of my guns.

    The down side is it's taking me long to fall asleep at night. When I awaken I feel extremely tired and my muscles hurt. It feels like I need more sleep. How many hours am i sleeping? I don't know it's to tell I'm not sure what time I'm falling asleep, but I think it's about 6 or so hours.

    For the past 26 years, for me, it has been: "I did not drink yesterday, and I will not drink today."
    Clichés aside, it is one day at a time. Get yourself active. Learn to love, or at least like, yourself. Find a hobby, activity, or job to busy your time. Meetings help, particularly in the beginning. Find one near you. You'll find someone there with whom you'll be able to talk, face to face.

    Since you didn't drink yesterday, don't drink today. Be well
  • melindamaejones
    melindamaejones Posts: 8 Member
    I am 7 years sober and want you to know it's the most freeing feeling to not have to drink to enjoy who I am. I am just going to give you advice that changed my life, you can take it or leave it☺️ start praying every day when you go for your first drink... Even if you drink it thank God for freeing you from your addiction every single drink you take give thanks to Jesus for loving you so much and taking on all infirmities for you. Just give it a try and see what happens☺️