Crossfit Fans?



  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    crossfit? swing and a miss

    If you want to burn fat, running, swimming, elliptical machines, ect. are your best bet
    If you want to gain/preserve muscle, following a linear progression or linear periodization model is your best bet
    If you just want to flail around with a high chance of injury for hour - Crosshit to the rescue!

    Man, it's almost like some people want to work on conditioning and strength building at the same time!

    Any intense exercise carries risk of injury. I've done Crossfit for 2.5 years, and have no injuries to report. Meanwhile, at least half of my friends who run or do cardio classes have ended up at a PT from overuse injuries.

    Of course there are bad coaches. There's also dummies who do starting strength style programs with god awful form.

  • meggic
    meggic Posts: 14 Member
    I was having coffee with a friend after the gym yesterday and she asked me what my goals are, besides losing weight. I said deadlift 265 and 5 back squats at 200. How can I get to those numbers, while losing weight?

    You can absolutely hit those numbers. You can lose fat and build muscle. Is it easy? Hell no, but there are ways. I've done it and so can you. I know you mentioned not wanting to try Paleo, but a great alternative and less restrictive lifestyle is Keto. This goes against the masses, and I'm sure someone will try to call me out on this, but I'm here to tell you that it works, and last week I PR'd my back squat by 30 pounds. It didn't take a sweet potato. My body runs on fat. But to do this you'll also have to go through a transitional period where your body is basically going through carb withdrawal.

    You probably won't PR in large numbers unless you take a CrossFit class that isn't a WOD. Maybe they offer a strength-related class at your box? If so, I would try to take that.

    I've been doing CrossFit for 3 years. Not once have I had an injury. Maybe a muscle cramp where I had to take a few days off a couple times, but no injuries. In 3 years of CrossFit, the only debilitating injury I've had is from a cat bite :smiley:

    I've shed 40 or so pounds of pure FAT and been PR'ing throughout this entire time. My muscle mass goes up, slowly, but it's actually increasing and I'm not losing any muscle. So yes, it can be done.

    I would also invest in a HR monitor you wear all day so that you can see how many calories you actually burn. Then create a 1000 calorie deficit on days you don't work out, and 500 deficit on days you do. This should give you a 1-1.5 lb weight loss per week. Seems to be working for me and I never feel starving on Keto.
  • Upstate_Dunadan
    Upstate_Dunadan Posts: 435 Member
    rejectuf wrote: »
    crossfit? swing and a miss

    Any intense exercise carries risk of injury. I've done Crossfit for 2.5 years, and have no injuries to report. Meanwhile, at least half of my friends who run or do cardio classes have ended up at a PT from overuse injuries.

    Of course there are bad coaches. There's also dummies who do starting strength style programs with god awful form.

    So true. I chuckle here when my non-CF friends post about their injuries from walking, hiking, running, lifting weights, etc. I usually rib them a bit and tell them they should try something less CrossFit. That always gets a good chuckle out of them.

    Bad coaching is an issue, though I've not seen it personally, but you get that everywhere, even with personal trainers. I think a bigger issue is EGO. People who can't check their ego at the door really shouldn't do CrossFit, or many other sports for that matter. The idea of personal responsibility just seems to elude many people.
  • mandiegold941
    mandiegold941 Posts: 67 Member
    I've never heard of Keto. Do you have a good reference?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I think people who hurt themselves doing crossfit have one of two issues: Bad coaching, or they are doing something athletic and athletes get hurt! I've been doing crossfit for 3 years and I have had one injury, I tore something in my thumb. And ya know what, it was worth it. How can you do something athletic like that and never ever get hurt? I also tore my ACL, skiing. And I still ski. As much as possible actually.

    Today I found my current 1 rep DL, 145. My coach thinks I should up my goal for the years end to 300!

    I like the basic concept of crossfit, but I've been to three boxes and the application has been horrible. I do believe there is something more inherently risky with CF in terms of was pretty big here in town with the local fire fighters and police officers and there was such a rash of off duty injuries that the city has banned them from CF boxes. These injuries were not happening at this clip with other forms of exercise...and yes, you can get injured doing anything, but some of the stuff I've seen at the three boxes I went to were just asking for it.

    I liked it conceptually because I'm an Oly lifter...but seeing people do tons and tons of volume on Olympic lifts just didn't sit particularly well with me....not to mention that form quickly disappeared...but the volume was all important.
  • meggic
    meggic Posts: 14 Member
    I've never heard of Keto. Do you have a good reference?