10 Weeks of You Are Your Own Gym Down!

questionfear Posts: 527 Member
edited November 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
I just finished the Beginner cycle of You Are Your Own Gym. I read the book and then used the app to track my workouts.

I didn't take measurements before I started, but since I started I'm down 15lbs (thanks to eating right) and I have defined biceps! (It's the little things in life). I've dropped a pants size, had to replace a big chunk of my professional wardrobe, and can do real pushups!

What's most important is that I could stick with it consistently. Every time I thought about slacking off, I realized I was just being lazy-this was a workout based around my own body and a few household items, and there was no reason I couldn't find 20-40 minutes a few times a week. Once I got into a groove it was easy; I would get up at 530 or 6am, warm up, then my son usually woke up so I gave him breakfast, we had our morning routine, and then when he settled in to play/watch some tv before preschool, I could do the main workout.

When I work out at 630 in the morning, the only thing I'm giving up is time I was spending on the couch. That realization was a big helper in keeping my momentum going!

I'm running a 5k on thursday, then I plan to give myself Friday, Saturday, Sunday off to rest before I dive into the intermediate program on Monday!


  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    Great job! Good luck at your 5K!
  • Heidisjourney
    Heidisjourney Posts: 41 Member
    Fantastic! So glad to read this! I plan on starting the beginner program on Monday
  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member
    well done! Are you doing any cardio? Have you been training for your 5k for example? Just curious if the program alone is enough to lose weight with (and a deficit.) I do a fair bit of cardio and was looking for a program like this to start to get back a bit of tone. I will look into it. Thank you :-)
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