Is alcohol ok if it fits into my calorie count?



  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    why yes, yes it is :)
  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    Yes, it's fine if it's within your calories, and as long as it's not ALL your calories, of course! For me, if I have too much to drink - even if I stay within my calorie goal - It's the next day that gets me. I find that I'm a bottomless pit the day after and could eat everything in sight. So I have to be careful because it could get me on not one but two days.
  • TaraTall
    TaraTall Posts: 339 Member
    This thread makes me happy.
  • ModernRock
    ModernRock Posts: 372 Member

    Wait..... You can BANK your calories?? Like roll over calories?? Like if I have 100 calories left over every day for 5 days then on Saturday I have 500 extra calories?

    Yes. It's all about the overall trend. Some people eat based on a moving weekly average equal to their calorie goal. So, they might eat 1500 one day and 2500 the next if they are on a 2000 calorie goal. Or, 100 under their goal 6 days a week to have 600 extra calories for one night.

    Switch from "Diary" to "Nutrition" on the menu on the mobile app, and this should show calories by week. At any moment you can check to see how many bonus/unused calories you have left from the previous 6 days plus what you have left for the current day. So, if you were under overall the previous 6 days, then you'll have your normal calories left for the day, plus some "bonus" calories. Of course, it works the other way, too. If you were over earlier in the week, then no bonus. Just get back on track with your daily goal and move on.

    For this to work as intended, you need to log accurately and consistently.

    If you already know you want to eat more on certain days and less on others, but still meet your calorie goal over the course of a week, then it can be really simple if you have the paid premium MFP account. Among other things, it lets you customize your calorie goal to be different on different days. Just make sure the weekly average is equal to your daily calorie goal.

  • esnider211
    esnider211 Posts: 30 Member
    I bank significantly, so I can go out with H on Friday nights and go significantly over, as long as my week levels out. My diary is embarrassing on Fridays.
  • missblondi2u
    missblondi2u Posts: 851 Member
    random255 wrote: »
    Although MFP doesn't let me directly log it, I build up a calorie deficit for the week, knowing full I'll drink it on Saturday night. So I'll shave off 50 cal here, 140 cal there, and by Saturday I'll be 300-500 cal under what it says I should be (even for the deficit). Then on Sat when I drink my 5-6 diet coke and vodkas, it works its way back towards even.

    I've still been losing 1-2 pounds a week doing this.

    Lots of others do this, they call it 'banking' their calories. You just gotta' be careful, don't want to under eat too much, because those vodkas aren't coming with a ton of nutrients. :smirk:

    Wait..... You can BANK your calories?? Like roll over calories?? Like if I have 100 calories left over every day for 5 days then on Saturday I have 500 extra calories?

    I call it "piggy banking" :wink:
  • thehoss316
    thehoss316 Posts: 125 Member
    Love this thread hard...almost as much as I love my craft beer! May be part of the reason I'm on the site. I've heard various things, with a prevailing thought having to do with the impact of alcohol on your hormones (fat burning is stalled while your body looks to eliminate alcohol).

    I find this guide to be good... Cheers, salud, whatever your toast word of choice!
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    random255 wrote: »
    Although MFP doesn't let me directly log it, I build up a calorie deficit for the week, knowing full I'll drink it on Saturday night. So I'll shave off 50 cal here, 140 cal there, and by Saturday I'll be 300-500 cal under what it says I should be (even for the deficit). Then on Sat when I drink my 5-6 diet coke and vodkas, it works its way back towards even.

    I've still been losing 1-2 pounds a week doing this.

    Lots of others do this, they call it 'banking' their calories. You just gotta' be careful, don't want to under eat too much, because those vodkas aren't coming with a ton of nutrients. :smirk:

    Wait..... You can BANK your calories?? Like roll over calories?? Like if I have 100 calories left over every day for 5 days then on Saturday I have 500 extra calories?

    Isn't CICO great?! I drink twice a week usually and I have 5+ drinks those nights. I always fit them in.
  • jlcbooth
    jlcbooth Posts: 35 Member
    I am just catching up on this thread that I started a few weeks ago. Glad to see so many of you like it! I have been drinking a glass of wine a day, and I do what is needed to make sure it fits into my calories :) I've lost 6 lbs since Jan 5 so it's working!
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    My trainer has said if it fits into your DAILY macros it is fine. She sent me a link to someone that was training hard for a fitness competition that decided to eat a snickers a day as an experiment to see if it impacted her results. End result was that it did not...but it fit within her macros. My preference is a tasty craft beer...fills me up more than wine without a lot of additional calories and it is easy for me to stick to just one...not so with wine. On days I know I am going to drink a little more, I just exercise more and eat a little less to create room in my daily macros.
  • joelyont
    joelyont Posts: 10 Member
    Lot's of good stuff here, I've only just (today) started logging my food in an attempt to lose weight. As a lot of people have said, I make poor food choices when I've had a few beers.
  • richln
    richln Posts: 809 Member
    srecupid wrote: »
    Ultimately, yes. The problem I have when I drink is the munchies I get once I'm intoxicated. Somehow, those never end up getting logged. :D

    What are you drinking? I find heavier craft beers leave me fuller so I don't feel like eating. I could almost use an iPA like some people use protein shakea

    Why not both?

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  • emmaprocopiou
    emmaprocopiou Posts: 246 Member
    Yes fit it in.
    I did a load of walking yesterday and had loads of cals to enjoy , wasn't hungry but had a very large baileys and made the most of it.
    Just make sure you measure and log
  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    edited February 2016
    jlcbooth wrote: »
    I'm working really hard to lose about 20lbs, and have lost about 3 in the last 3 weeks. I've been cutting out alcohol some nights - most nights - but allow myself a drink or two on the weekends if it fits into my calorie count.

    What's the consensus on trying to lose weight and drinking? If I have room in my calorie count for one glass of red wine tonight, should I drink it or skip? (And yes, I can stop at 1 glass.) I have found lots of mixed research on the topic and would love to hear what you all think.


    I do the same exact thing and plan for a drink a night. While I don't always actually HAVE that drink, I haven't seen any difference between the times when I drink and the times when I don't. My weight changes according to the calories I consume.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    edited February 2016
    Oops, double post.

    Still, since I can't seem to find a way to delete this post, I'll add that perhaps there is an impact when people drink significantly more and have more alcohol in their system on a more frequent basis. But I simply don't consume to that extent so I can't vouch for that aspect.

  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    edited February 2016
    My triathlon club take their annual beer mile race very seriously. i'ts one of the most coveted wins in the calendar!
    My tipple -a glass of red-clocks in at 125 calories. That is a seriously satisfying treat for so few calories!
  • viperbrick
    viperbrick Posts: 9 Member
    Yes - I think it helps the long term sustainability of weight loss. You've got to be able to live and socialize if that's what you do! But I've got to add that I've recently cut out alcohol entirely in solidarity with my spouse due to her medical problem, my body has changed for the better.
  • pchca
    pchca Posts: 31 Member
    I have a glass of wine every night and have been losing weight just fine. As long as you count it, you can eat/drink it
  • mayraretano
    mayraretano Posts: 10 Member
    I actuality do log my drinks into MFP. I saved them under recipes. Or if I have beer I save the bottle cap or the "ring" thing on the cans, so I know how many to log.

    Hope this is helpful, please add me :) I'm always looking for new friends to stay motivated with.