My Fiance and his sister have started Keto Diets, and It is hard for me to understand it... if you are trying Keto, you are starting a tough, disciplined, yet rewarding diet! I am not doing the Keto diet, but I am trying to support my Fiance. He says that this diet is supposed to help with energy levels, cleansing, and much more. It is to cut out CARBS and SUGARS! Post on here, and we can all learn together!


  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    It's just another fad diet...
  • goddess_divine
    goddess_divine Posts: 5 Member
    you think so?! I have not done many diets, but my fiance seems to be feeling really good from the inside out.. you know?? i mean, it cuts out carbs (which make you feel sluggish) and sugars
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    you think so?! I have not done many diets, but my fiance seems to be feeling really good from the inside out.. you know?? i mean, it cuts out carbs (which make you feel sluggish) and sugars

    It's not uncommon for people to feel great at the start of a new diet. That someone feels good when starting a new way of eating doesn't mean that it isn't a fad (I'm not saying it is or isn't, I'm just saying it isn't really relevant in deciding whether it is).

    And carbohydrates don't automatically make you feel sluggish. There may be certain percentages of carbohydrates or certain carbohydrate-containing foods that make some people feel sluggish, but many people maintain high energy levels with carbohydrates in their diet (including myself).
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    Everyone I know that has done it has gained all their weight back and actually more once they remember how good carbs are and they still haven't learned proper nutrition because they just ate keto....
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited February 2016
    I think it's a great diet if it suits your lifestyle. I'm lower carbs now, I did do keto for a while but the dragon breath was unbearable, so upped my carbs. I now stay under 100g

    Everything you need to know is in this group
  • belinda_73
    belinda_73 Posts: 149 Member
    there's books at the library on it. I read one and it seems to be a good thing for diabetics. I think it would be too restrictive for most folks. there are other rewarding things you can do for your health. like cutting out processed foods, eating more fruits and vegetables. watching your sugar intake. be sure to look for contraindications of a high fat diet, I've heard people having gall bladder issues doing it.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    There is a ketogenic group on MFP that has tons of information that may help you in supporting your fiancé. There is also a low carb group where many follow a keto plan as well.
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    I eat primarily protein and carbs and a moderate to low amount of fat, I have plenty of energy and only see my strength go up. The rules of weight loss are the same as always, eat less calories than you burn.

    Restricting carbs is unnecessary and irrelevant and can do more harm then good especially if you are strength training.
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    edited February 2016
    Keto is a mixed bag. It's actually prescribed, in some cases, for people with seizures.

    For people who don't have medical reasons to be on it, however, there are a full range of opinions. You're better off searching for a Keto-friendly group, because the opinion on the boards is that it's just another way of establishing a calorie deficit.

    IMO, I like my carbs. This diet is not sustainable for the average person. And Keto flu is NOT worth it.

    ETA: I also believe the water/glycogen spill in the beginning gives people false impressions of how successful it really is.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    you think so?! I have not done many diets, but my fiance seems to be feeling really good from the inside out.. you know?? i mean, it cuts out carbs (which make you feel sluggish) and sugars

    It is currently very trendy...dietary adherence is one of the most significant issues with keto diets...I personally wouldn't want to do it unless it was necessary for medical reasons (which is the case for is particularly effective in treating seizures).

    Most people will feel really good doing just about anything other than the SAD (Standard American Diet).
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    I'm doing Keto too. Remember that it's not unlimited calories, you still have to count calories just like any diet. The difference is in the food you're eating. IIRC rather than your body burning glucose/sugars/carbs, it's focusing on burning fat. I'm sure there's a more science-y way of explaining it but that's an easy TL;DR.

    It works for me but doesn't fit into everyones lifestyle easily. Lots of planning and work-arounds are usually needed.
  • eeejer
    eeejer Posts: 339 Member
    Keto is fine and works well, because you eat satiating food. It is not a fad diet (well, maybe it is used as such, but so is low-carb, high-carb, tacos, juice, whatever - there will always be someone trying to cash in on anything that people want), it is well established and has many followers. It is not for everyone. You can strength train just fine on keto, many people do, myself included. You have to have a certain mindset to do it, and if you are addicted to carbs it is going to be very very tough to follow. I personally prefer eating protein to carbs any day, and fat as well, so it works great. It is not magic, you still have to eat less than you burn, like any diet, and you need to be even more careful than most dieters in logging and food choices since you are restricting so many things from your food. I am on a large deficit and I am never hungry. Lots of people seem to hate on keto, not sure why, but don't worry about them.
  • goddess_divine
    goddess_divine Posts: 5 Member
    Oh wow!!! thank you everyone for your honest feedback and your time! I know not all diets are for everyone (def not for me) but they are worth trying if the person doing it can be determined! I will read up on other discussions and go from there!!!
  • DeliD25
    DeliD25 Posts: 19 Member
    I have been on Ideal Protein for about 3 weeks now. I was happy I didn't feel sluggish as a result of giving up the carbs--mainly because I am not having peaks and valleys anymore. I however, am a strong believer in eating whole foods to lose weight. I have been giving into the cravings too much so hoping this program will help me reset. It hasn't been too bad, but as others have said, it will not help a person learn lifestyle change for long term and sustained eating habits. Ideal Protein has been around for 10 years, but anything that is a "diet" does seem to come and go as fads.
  • CindyS858
    CindyS858 Posts: 17 Member
    I have read things about keto being dangerous for some people, and potentially causing long term damage. I never see anything about it here or in other forums? Does anyone know if this is a safe diet option, especially for someone in his or her 50's?
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    CindyS858 wrote: »
    I have read things about keto being dangerous for some people, and potentially causing long term damage. I never see anything about it here or in other forums? Does anyone know if this is a safe diet option, especially for someone in his or her 50's?

    I believe you are confusing ketoacidosis (bad thing) with nutritional ketosis (good thing). Try googling each term and do a little research / reading up on them both. If you are interested in learning more about following a Keto lifestyle, I suggest you check out the main low carber forum group here in MFP. It's where most of us Ketofiles hang out:

    And yes, it is safe for older mom, who is in her late 60's follows a LCHF way of eating WOE and over the course of 17 months of eating this way she has been taken off of 4 different medications (blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetic meds, and a water pill - go mom!). lol
  • eeejer
    eeejer Posts: 339 Member
    another good resource is
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    DeliD25 wrote: »
    I have been on Ideal Protein for about 3 weeks now. I was happy I didn't feel sluggish as a result of giving up the carbs--mainly because I am not having peaks and valleys anymore. I however, am a strong believer in eating whole foods to lose weight. I have been giving into the cravings too much so hoping this program will help me reset. It hasn't been too bad, but as others have said, it will not help a person learn lifestyle change for long term and sustained eating habits. Ideal Protein has been around for 10 years, but anything that is a "diet" does seem to come and go as fads.

    Ideal protein is a huge waste of money. If you want to go low carb is is easier and cheaper to do it on your own.
  • eeejer
    eeejer Posts: 339 Member
    Wetcoaster wrote: »
    DeliD25 wrote: »
    I have been on Ideal Protein for about 3 weeks now. I was happy I didn't feel sluggish as a result of giving up the carbs--mainly because I am not having peaks and valleys anymore. I however, am a strong believer in eating whole foods to lose weight. I have been giving into the cravings too much so hoping this program will help me reset. It hasn't been too bad, but as others have said, it will not help a person learn lifestyle change for long term and sustained eating habits. Ideal Protein has been around for 10 years, but anything that is a "diet" does seem to come and go as fads.

    Ideal protein is a huge waste of money. If you want to go low carb is is easier and cheaper to do it on your own.

    never heard of it so I googled, this stuck out hehe "Exercise is actually not recommended during the first three weeks of the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method. The reason for this is because your calorie intake will only be about 900 per day. " ummm... ok?

    I have your ideal protein right here: chicken breasts.
  • mmmpork
    mmmpork Posts: 133 Member
    I was on Keto for 3 years and went off because it caused IBS and nutrient malabsorption. I am neither pre-diabetic or insulin resistant but on Keto I became insulin resistant. I also suffered hypothyroid symptoms including low body temperature and other hormone problems. I couldn't digest raw vegetables or any significant amount of fiber. I couldn't exercise because my body cramped and I had no energy or ability to concentrate. I was a hot mess!!

    To be clear I did the diet "right". I ate grass fed organ meats, I drank Kombucha, I ate my lard and coconut oil. I ate the zucchini pasta and the turnip risotto. I believed all the hype and thought this was the miracle diet that would allow me to magically manage my weight. Boy was I wrong!

    There is very little research on adults on the long term affects of this diet. Keto literature will cite Masai and Inuit populations as examples of traditional cultures who practiced Keto. Modern members of these groups do not practice these diets and the only records we have of the traditional diets are anecdotal at best. Unless you're planning to subsist solely on your own cow herd or hunt seals, it probably doesn't apply to modern diets anyways.

    Keto/Paleo/whatever, it's a cult, not a diet. If the person is telling you that the USDA is the devil and science is wrong but "my" science is right oh and by the way you should buy my supplement, I hate to break it to you, but it's a fad diet.

    Keto changes your metabolism significantly. You need to work with a health care professional if you want to try this diet. I'd argue it's pretty dangerous in the long term because of the lack of data out there and the potential gut impact it has. It's kind of like Vegan because you're adopting a diet that nobody has ever naturally evolved to. You're cutting out entire food groups that provide unique sources of nutrition that are difficult to get elsewhere.

    I finally admitted to myself, the science is right, the charlatans are wrong. Unless you have some disorder that affects your metabolism, you need to create a calorie deficit to lose weight and avoid a calorie surplus to gain weight. Carbs and wheat aren't the devil. There's no such thing as a "cleanse" or "detox" (take 5 mg of liquid magnesium, that'll cleanse ya!). That said, if you're getting most of your calories from carbs you're probably going to have a harder time staying at or under your daily calorie target. One thing I learned from Keto is saturated fats aren't bad and you should get the bulk of your calories from nutrient dense sources.

    If you want to lose weight, work with a health care professional to establish a realistic calorie deficit. You really can eat whatever you want and be perfectly healthy as long as you stay within your energy requirements. Don't believe the snake oil diet hype!!!