What do you eat to stop yourself from starving between meals at offices?



  • AudreyWhetstone
    AudreyWhetstone Posts: 1 Member
    bendis2007 wrote: »
    I pre-cut fruit and veggies at home and leave them in containers at my fridge at work.

    That's what I do too. I also keep light snacks at my desk, like mixed nuts and pretzels. Then if you start feeling that mid-afternoon hunger, you can just grab one of your snacks to shut your stomach up until dinner. You can also try drinking some water, if you're not wanting to consume more calories. It sounds (and everyone else has been saying) that your calories are distributed more in the evening, so if it works for you, you might be able to shift some of those calories to earlier in the day. But if you prefer to eat more in the evening, I'd suggest eating fruit and veggies with lots of fiber as a snack. It takes your stomach a while to break them down, helping you feel full for longer. AND won't use up much of your calories.
  • peter56765
    peter56765 Posts: 352 Member
    My advice is: don't eat anything at the office except your lunch. Snacking is a habit, and not a very good one. Chances are you aren't really hungry. You're probably a combination of 1) thirsty, 2) bored, 3) needing a break. Don't let food be your go-to solution for times like this. Have a couple eggs for breakfast and protein for lunch and chances are you'll feel less hungry during the day
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    I agree with what others said about more protein, adding veggies to your lunch, etc.

    I drink a lot of water at work so I also really like the Wylers beef bouillon cubes. I put one in my coffee mug, add hot water from the cooler and just sip at my desk. The sodium helps me feel a lot more even and it's tasty.
  • amyr271
    amyr271 Posts: 343 Member
    I keep a bag of mint imperials in my desk. It keeps my mouth busy and stops me from eating out of boredom/hunger before lunch etc etc
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    My MFP pals recommended upping protein and fats. Now adays I usually have a snack after 3hrs (my lunch is 5hrs after I start) of 2 cheesesticks, or a cheesestick and some low-salt deli meat. I had to up my meat to 5oz, and eat 3+ servings of vegetables. There was also an interesting link on another thread about eating at a moderate pace, so even on snacks I've tried to slow down and take my time. - http://press.endocrine.org/doi/abs/10.1210/jc.2009-1018#sthash.ERGKo9rZ.dpuf
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    I like to spread my eating out, it makes the day go by faster. So instead of eating breakfast at home, I'll bring a smoothie and drink that when I get in. Then a hardboiled egg or two in the mid morning keeps me from reaching for lunch at 10:30 am. I usually pack a small snack for the afternoon too, that helps me keep my lunch portions down (so I don't think I need to eat more at lunch to get through to dinner since I know I have my snack available). Veggies/hummus works well, apple, nuts (be careful about portion size on these), cheese stick. Or sometimes I really just like my "real food" so I'll pack a tiny container of leftovers to eat at 2:30 pm. Today it was leftover black beans, in a little 1 cup container. Fiber and protein to keep me going til dinner.
  • Chaagy
    Chaagy Posts: 109 Member
    Check out my diary, it's totally open. I'm also working in an office. I usually have 3 meals here (breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack). I like to have a bit of a late breakfast (10am), I'm not usually hungry right in the morning. So I'll have cereal or instant oatmeal in the office. I try to find something with a lot of fibre as that will keep you full. But that usually lasts until lunch at about 12-1pm.

    Lunch is full of vegetables and protein. I find protein keeps me full, and the vegetables provide some low calorie bulk to fill me up. I enjoy something hot. It's a little messier than a sandwich, but it's important that it be satsifying.

    Then I can't wait until dinner, so I usually need something around 3-4pm. Veggie sticks and some sort of protein - ie. cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese will do. A slice of deli meat, and cheese wrapped up in a lettuce leaf is just about a perfect snack that keeps me full. But sometimes it's just a granola bar, or a breakfast bar like Belvita.

    Then I'm home by 6 or 7pm for dinner. Again, I make sure there is a good portion of protein and lots of vegetables. Usually fruit or berries for dessert. Sometimes accompanied by a greek yogurt or cheese.

    Day done.
  • dotti1121
    dotti1121 Posts: 751 Member
    Instead of 3 big meals per day, I have about 5 smaller ones. I sit in an office all day, so I try to keep healthy foods stocked and ready! Peanut butter, walnuts, veggies and ff ranch dip, fruits, cheese sticks, yogurt, Laughing Cow cheese wedges...
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    First off, you should probably eat more. Second off, eat more protein, for sure. Carbs + dairy won't be nearly as filling as veggies and meat. I advise packing a lunch ahead of time and bringing snacks to munch on every few hours. I, too, work at an office (plus have a 3 hour commute) so I know the feelz! I'll give you a run down of my basic day:

    9:30AM - protein bar and coffee
    11AM - banana
    1PM - lunch (tuna, chicken, etc. with veggies)
    4PM - snack (carrots and dip, snappea crisps, fruit, yogurt, etc.)
    6PM - additional snack
    8:30PM - dinner (meat and veggies)
  • ADean3182
    ADean3182 Posts: 16 Member
    Maybe a protein shake?

    They're generally around 120 - 150 calories each, and are quite filling for a while.

    I agree. I work in an office as well (with a catered lunch every day too, usually not healthy) and I make sure I either do eggs in the morning or a protein shake. (shake - http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/jeff-mauro/power-smoothie.html) I add a tablespoon of chia seeds to the smoothie as they absorb something like 10x their weight and make you feel fuller, longer.

    If you don't do eggs in the morning, you can do scrambled eggs in the microwave at work for lunch.
  • chocolateandpb
    chocolateandpb Posts: 453 Member
    I always have a morning snack and an afternoon snack at work, in addition to eating my breakfast and lunch there. Nuts, string or sliced cheese and whole grain crackers, yogurt, protein shakes, granola bars, instant oatmeal packets, hard boiled eggs or egg muffins, raw veggies & dip, rice cakes w/peanut butter or laughing cow cheese, and apples are all easy snacks to eat at work. I have a desk drawer dedicated to my snacks so I am never tempted to hit the vending machines.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Look at it this way:
    you've been running on reserves (glycogen & fat) all night.
    So you need a decent breakfast.
    At least have 1/3 of your calories, even up to 1/2, and if you can make it high protein it will stick longer.
    (Protein, fiber, fat, & fluid tend to be filling.)
    During winter, I really like oatmeal. Good oatmeal, with lots of things thrown in. Slow-cook oats, walnuts,
    cinnamon, brown sugar & cream on top. Yes, it's about half my calories, but it keeps me full for a long time.
    That's got plenty of fiber, some protein, and isn't bad on fat.

    For eating at work...
    Hard-boiled egg.
    Lowfat yogurt, esp. Greek.
    Black beans over rice (or better, quinoa). Avocado on top is really good. Salsa is practically calorie-free, lots of flavor.
    Nuts (almonds are particularly healthy).
    Hummus & baby carrots (or other veggies; I like red bell pepper).
    Take a can of soup, if you have a microwave. I like the Progresso healthy line.
    I've also put the makings of miso soup (miso, mushrooms, onion) into a small tupperware, then add hot water @ work.
    If you have the time, roll some maki (sushi rolls, which don't have to have raw fish).
    Make a wrap with a 50 calorie whole-wheat tortilla, a slice of Swiss, some mustard, & turkey or ham slices. Add veggies ad lib.

    Plan ahead. Take a couple hours some evening, or a weekend afternoon, to portion things out, boil the eggs,
    make the rice, beans, let a roast fall apart in your slow-cooker, chop veggies, maybe even write what you're going
    to take every day. Check to be sure you have enough yogurts, sliced meat, etc., & make a grocery list. The mornings
    I'm running late, but can grab an assortment of healthy foods & shove them in my lunchbag make me feel better.
  • dewy333
    dewy333 Posts: 20 Member
    Might need to eat more often. Take your total calories for the day and divide it by 4 or 5. I don't know what tool-box decided we needed to eat 3 times a day... but I know I can't wait that long between meals/snacks.

    I usually divide my lunch in half and eat half at the scheduled lunch time and the other half for my snack. Then another snack before leaving work and normal dinner. Since I started doing that, I've had less "hunger pains" in the middle of the afternoon. I also keep "snack packs" in my purse for emergencies. My snack packs include measured trail mix, dried fruits, apple, tuna cups. I also keep a jar of peanut butter at my desk for apples or saltine crackers.

    Good luck! Keep moving forward. Also, make sure you are drinking enough water. Sometimes you think you are hungry when you are actually thirsty!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    pandabear_ wrote: »
    I started an office job a couple of months ago and finding it difficult to eat appropriately. I'm always starving and my stomach is so loud when I am hungry, it is hard to ignore and embarrassing. So I am just wondering what other people are eating between meals on here.

    I work in an office and I have breakfast before I go (around 9am), which is usually coffee, yoghurt and muesli. Then before lunch (1pm) my stomach starts rumbling. So then I will end up eating my lunch early at my desk at about 12pm so that this noise will go away. Usually at work I just have a cheese sandwich, kind of basic, but easy to make, can eat it a desk without being messy, and easy to carry. Around 6pm my stomach again starts rumbling really loudly - despite now being half way through calories for the day. I go home at 7pm, exercise (doing Insanity) and then fill up on dinner - which is the only time I get to eat a lot of food and feel full.

    Any other office workers who have a good food plan? I'm never painfully starving, I just have a really loud stomach.

    Wrong food choices. Go for protein, fat, and fiber for breakfast. Then ditch the sandwich at lunch, use a low carb tortilla or some salad instead, that will save you over 100 calories from the bread, and have an apple or something with it.

    Honestly I'm shocked that you actually manage not to be hungry for 4/6 hours eating what you are eating.

    And there's absolutely no way that you wouldn't be losing on 1400 - you're either eating much more than you think, or you need to see a doctor.
  • iangelab
    iangelab Posts: 42 Member
    add me as a friend and look at my diary. I eat 5 times, breakfast at 7, small snack (greek yogurt & fruit) at 9:30, lunch at noon, afternoon snack (usually cottage cheese and fruit) around 3:30 then dinner around 6:30 or 7. I found that the protein really helps to keep me full and the snacks are quick and easy so not disruptive to coworkers or my schedule. I keep big containers of them at work but you could easily pack it in a cooler each morning too. hope that helps!