Snacking, I just can't help myself!



  • CassidyScaglione
    CassidyScaglione Posts: 673 Member
    I have 5-6 hours left before my bedtime and 160 calories left in my budget... who wants to make some bets???
  • drajel
    drajel Posts: 9 Member
    Its sounds silly, but when I get hungry in the evening I brush my teeth. then I have an extra reason not to eat because I would have to brush again. It works for me so give it a try. Good luck
  • makeanewcult
    makeanewcult Posts: 1 Member
    I used to snack a lot, but now when I get the urge I swap it for green tea with lemon. At first I found the taste bitter (usually I have three sweeteners in my milky black tea) but the taste grows on you and now I love it. I also found removing all sweet things other than fruit from my diet stopped me from craving it, if I eat chocolate I will want more, if I don't eat it I wont crave it as much.
  • harrybananas
    harrybananas Posts: 292 Member
    Nothing wrong with snacking. Don't fight the urge.
  • lionrace
    lionrace Posts: 11 Member
    I am a snacker too, so I always make sure I have plenty of pickles in the fridge. They're 0 calories (for the dill kind at least) so I can eat as many as I want, and they're crunchy and salty so they really satisfy my cravings. Another good 0 calorie crunchy snack is celery- you just have to stop yourself from smothering it in peanut butter or whatever. You can eat a whole lotta steamed veggies for very few calories, and you can top them with sodium-free and calorie-free seasonings to make them more tasty. Someone else mentioned tea, that's a good one too, or just plain water. I always think "I'm hungry, water won't help" but then I force myself to chug a few cups and I feel like my stomach is going to burst. Give it a try. Also, chew gum (sugar free of course). It tricks your brain into thinking you're eating and can make you feel more full. You can chew gum while you're preparing food for your kids so you aren't tempted to steal bites. Hope that helps!
  • lionrace
    lionrace Posts: 11 Member
    drajel wrote: »
    Its sounds silly, but when I get hungry in the evening I brush my teeth. then I have an extra reason not to eat because I would have to brush again. It works for me so give it a try. Good luck

    This too! (Almost) always works for me.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Hating yourself after eating something isn't good and doesn't bode well for long term success. Why hate? Food is delicious and a gift. You need to be eating now in a way that you're comfortable with for a loooooong time.

    1200 calories is too low, in my opinion. What's the problem with adding more calories to your day?
  • abijones75
    abijones75 Posts: 116 Member
    Thanks for all the helpful replies, good to hear I'm not the only snacker!
  • vivelajackie
    vivelajackie Posts: 321 Member
    We plan snacks into our calorie allowances actually. If you're on a vegetarian diet snack on veggies, which are high volume snacks for a low amount of calories. Kids or not, you can turn to healthier alternatives. Mind over matter. :)