I know it's naughty but fast track weight loss....



  • Stronger11
    I lost 3 dress sizes in 7 weeks by eating healthy (around 1200 calories per day average) and exercising for 30-45 minutes every single day...so it definitely can be done the 'right' way.
  • holkeo
    holkeo Posts: 34
    The issue you're going to run into is that you don't have all that much to lose. Your fat levels aren't all that high, and this means that they're in areas where it is more difficult for the body to access them.

    Probably what will get you the best results, without destroying your metabolism or making you worthless in day-to-day functioning, is a deficit of around 1 lb per week and a LOT of strength/weight training. Strength training will be your best friend right now, because it will help maintain muscle mass and help your metabolism. And while you might not drop quite as much weight, it will probably help you more in the dress-size department than cardio will. Muscle is more compact, and can help you take up less space even if you haven't loss as much weight.

    Eat very clean (please, please don't try to do a VLCD - you WILL regret it), get lots of water, keep carbs moderate, good protein, etc. Avoid sodium. Hit the weights hard. Also, might look into HIIT (high intensity interval training).

    Good luck. :wink:

    Thank you so much for this- really helpful. I tend to stick to classes coz for some reason I lose all motivation when I'm alone in the gym. You familiar with Body Pump?? Do you think that as a class would do the trick? Or do i REALLY have to get on the weights machines and free weights etc??? Shall i still stick to spin every day + weights work??x
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I think you can lose 2 dress sizes in that time healthily. Please don't do anything drastic!

    To jumpstart the weight loss I'd do a fruit and veggie cleanse to get rid of some of the toxins in your body. Do 2-4 days of just fruits, veggies, water and herbal teas. Avoid bananas which can constipate you. Get as much fiber as you can to help flush things out. 1 cup of mild laxative tea such as senna tea per day will help move things out of your body. Then after doing this for a few days, slowly reintroduce normal food and no less than 1200 calories per day. For a few weeks now I've been eating around 1300-1450 calories per day and losing a steady 1-3 pounds a week. I've been drinking a lot of tea and water, keeping my sodium and carbs as low as possible, and proteins high.

    I know a lot of people here on MFP don't really agree with cleanses and/or fasting, but a fruit and veggie detox is a form of fasting and it can actually be really good for the body to take a break from all of the really hard to digest foods we eat such as meat, dairy, etc. It can help reduce bloat, clear up skin, give you more energy, etc. It can help jumpstart weightloss once you get back to eating normally. Just make sure the detox doesn't go on for longer than 4-5 days or your body will think it's starving.
  • holkeo
    holkeo Posts: 34
    To change your body shape, get those muscles working. Lift heavy weights and focus on not just your problem areas, but all muscle groups. Muscle burns a great amount of calories at rest - increasing your daily caloric burn and making it 'easier' to lose weight. Don't be afraid of bulking up, that is nearly impossible to do with a calorie deficit (what you are doing).

    So lift! Lift lift lift :)

    Thank you- what would you recommend?!?!?! Low weight high rep on all areas?!?! i don't do much muscle work as you can see ;-)
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Choose a weight and try to do 10 reps, if you can do them easily, pick a heavier weight. Wait a few minutes and try the 10 reps again.

    Ideally you want to be really trying hard at rep 6-8, and rep 10 to feel almost impossible. But if it is too hard to even get to rep 6, the weight is too heavy.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    The issue you're going to run into is that you don't have all that much to lose. Your fat levels aren't all that high, and this means that they're in areas where it is more difficult for the body to access them.

    Probably what will get you the best results, without destroying your metabolism or making you worthless in day-to-day functioning, is a deficit of around 1 lb per week and a LOT of strength/weight training. Strength training will be your best friend right now, because it will help maintain muscle mass and help your metabolism. And while you might not drop quite as much weight, it will probably help you more in the dress-size department than cardio will. Muscle is more compact, and can help you take up less space even if you haven't loss as much weight.

    Eat very clean (please, please don't try to do a VLCD - you WILL regret it), get lots of water, keep carbs moderate, good protein, etc. Avoid sodium. Hit the weights hard. Also, might look into HIIT (high intensity interval training).

    Good luck. :wink:

    Thank you so much for this- really helpful. I tend to stick to classes coz for some reason I lose all motivation when I'm alone in the gym. You familiar with Body Pump?? Do you think that as a class would do the trick? Or do i REALLY have to get on the weights machines and free weights etc??? Shall i still stick to spin every day + weights work??x

    Body pump would be an ok class, and one that will help more than spinning. But, I hate to say it, you REALLY need to get on the weights. You will be amazed at what they will do for your shape and the way clothing fits. Is it possible to get a trainer temporarily? That might help keep you motivated.
  • holkeo
    holkeo Posts: 34
    I think you can lose 2 dress sizes in that time healthily. Please don't do anything drastic!

    To jumpstart the weight loss I'd do a fruit and veggie cleanse to get rid of some of the toxins in your body. Do 2-4 days of just fruits, veggies, water and herbal teas. Avoid bananas which can constipate you. Get as much fiber as you can to help flush things out. 1 cup of mild laxative tea such as senna tea per day will help move things out of your body. Then after doing this for a few days, slowly reintroduce normal food and no less than 1200 calories per day. For a few weeks now I've been eating around 1300-1450 calories per day and losing a steady 1-3 pounds a week. I've been drinking a lot of tea and water, keeping my sodium and carbs as low as possible, and proteins high.

    I know a lot of people here on MFP don't really agree with cleanses and/or fasting, but a fruit and veggie detox is a form of fasting and it can actually be really good for the body to take a break from all of the really hard to digest foods we eat such as meat, dairy, etc. It can help reduce bloat, clear up skin, give you more energy, etc. It can help jumpstart weightloss once you get back to eating normally. Just make sure the detox doesn't go on for longer than 4-5 days or your body will think it's starving.

    This is really helpful- funnily enough, my friend sells Aloe Vera detox plans and I'm going to buy one at the end of the month (pay day).... this healthy eating lark is really expensive. I used to eat far less (hence storing all this excess weight) so buying everything fresh is really expensive for me. So the detox will have to wait until end of the month. Have also bought a weight loss tea which sounds simliar to the one your'e talking about.

    Thanks for your advice!x
  • holkeo
    holkeo Posts: 34
    The issue you're going to run into is that you don't have all that much to lose. Your fat levels aren't all that high, and this means that they're in areas where it is more difficult for the body to access them.

    Probably what will get you the best results, without destroying your metabolism or making you worthless in day-to-day functioning, is a deficit of around 1 lb per week and a LOT of strength/weight training. Strength training will be your best friend right now, because it will help maintain muscle mass and help your metabolism. And while you might not drop quite as much weight, it will probably help you more in the dress-size department than cardio will. Muscle is more compact, and can help you take up less space even if you haven't loss as much weight.

    Eat very clean (please, please don't try to do a VLCD - you WILL regret it), get lots of water, keep carbs moderate, good protein, etc. Avoid sodium. Hit the weights hard. Also, might look into HIIT (high intensity interval training).

    Good luck. :wink:

    Thank you so much for this- really helpful. I tend to stick to classes coz for some reason I lose all motivation when I'm alone in the gym. You familiar with Body Pump?? Do you think that as a class would do the trick? Or do i REALLY have to get on the weights machines and free weights etc??? Shall i still stick to spin every day + weights work??x

    Body pump would be an ok class, and one that will help more than spinning. But, I hate to say it, you REALLY need to get on the weights. You will be amazed at what they will do for your shape and the way clothing fits. Is it possible to get a trainer temporarily? That might help keep you motivated.

    I'm thinking about getting a trainer for the next couple months. But also, I can book in free for a training programme by one of the trainers there so going to do that asap. Maybe if I tell them the situation they can explain to me the best option for weights?!x
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    This is really helpful- funnily enough, my friend sells Aloe Vera detox plans and I'm going to buy one at the end of the month (pay day).... this healthy eating lark is really expensive. I used to eat far less (hence storing all this excess weight) so buying everything fresh is really expensive for me. So the detox will have to wait until end of the month. Have also bought a weight loss tea which sounds simliar to the one your'e talking about.

    Thanks for your advice!x

    Aloe Vera is supposed to be soo good for you! I think that's a great idea.

    I used to eat less too. That's why I was overweight. I wasn't eating enough! Now I feel like I'm eating so much all day long but I'm losing, so I guess it's working. :laugh:
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    The issue you're going to run into is that you don't have all that much to lose. Your fat levels aren't all that high, and this means that they're in areas where it is more difficult for the body to access them.

    Probably what will get you the best results, without destroying your metabolism or making you worthless in day-to-day functioning, is a deficit of around 1 lb per week and a LOT of strength/weight training. Strength training will be your best friend right now, because it will help maintain muscle mass and help your metabolism. And while you might not drop quite as much weight, it will probably help you more in the dress-size department than cardio will. Muscle is more compact, and can help you take up less space even if you haven't loss as much weight.

    Eat very clean (please, please don't try to do a VLCD - you WILL regret it), get lots of water, keep carbs moderate, good protein, etc. Avoid sodium. Hit the weights hard. Also, might look into HIIT (high intensity interval training).

    Good luck. :wink:

    Thank you so much for this- really helpful. I tend to stick to classes coz for some reason I lose all motivation when I'm alone in the gym. You familiar with Body Pump?? Do you think that as a class would do the trick? Or do i REALLY have to get on the weights machines and free weights etc??? Shall i still stick to spin every day + weights work??x

    Body pump would be an ok class, and one that will help more than spinning. But, I hate to say it, you REALLY need to get on the weights. You will be amazed at what they will do for your shape and the way clothing fits. Is it possible to get a trainer temporarily? That might help keep you motivated.

    I'm thinking about getting a trainer for the next couple months. But also, I can book in free for a training programme by one of the trainers there so going to do that asap. Maybe if I tell them the situation they can explain to me the best option for weights?!x

    Even if you just get the consult and a session or two, they should be able to set up a good plan for you for the weight training. Get the form right, do the heavy weights (and like Sarah said, don't be afraid of bulking up), and I bet you'll be pretty happy with the results in a couple of months. :wink:
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    It's good to read about other folks who ate less and had extra weight. I was the same way. I'd eat 2 small meals a day when I had time, and work hard at 2 jobs the rest of the day. For some reason I became 30 lbs overweight (that had to do with eating ice cream on days off, I'm going to bet :wink:)

    Now that I have read all this, I eat good foods all day long. I feel like a pig! Eat eat eat eat. But then I get on the scale and it shows a smaller number! :) it works.
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    Why not just work your tail off and do all the right things and be proud of the body you worked hard for?? I wouldn't feel real cool knowing that I'd done something to sacrifice my longterm health (ala injecting myself with hormones or starving myself and screwing with my metabolism) just to be tiny for one day. Not an insignificant day, but still, its just 1 day.

    THAT SAID, lift weights/pilates type stuff plus all that cardio you're doing and you can't go wrong. Make sure you're getting enough protein to maintain your muscles and keep up with the exercise.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    DEFINITELY possible. I lost two dress sizes in less than two months (from tight 16 to comfy 12) doing it the "right" way, counting calories and exercising 6 to 7 days a week. But I was quite big at 186lbs/ 5' 1.5" when I started. If you're not as overweight, it may be more difficult.
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    okay so a very healthy way to do this but also requires wayyy wayyy more personal control than i have keep logging on mfp stay at 1200 calories net but go on the south beach diet (no sugar no starches no caffine you cant eat carrots lol or fruit for 2 weeks) most veggies are fine read more about it online but basically you eat 1%or fat free dairy products (no artificial flavor in your yogurts even) and lean meats for 2 weeks it promises you lose 8-13lbs i've gotten through 2 days before and lost 2lbs (and it stayed off...but i couldnt force myself to do it any longer im a 4-5 diet cokes a day girl) and i just dont have the will power to do it
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    sounds to me like you don't really need to loose the weight, just look like you did. Don't women have all those corset things and shape ware stuff. I'd say start loosing, and just strap yourself in till you can't breath.
  • acanary
    acanary Posts: 5
    Stay under 20 grams of sugar and eat sprouted grain carbs
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    When I was modeling, here's what we did:

    (please don't do this without the guidance of a doctor or at least a nutritionist)

    1 serving of carbohydrate a day

    1 4 oz or less serving of lean protein a day (as clean, organic and hormone free as you can get)

    1 gallon of water a day

    fruit for breakfast

    fresh vegetables all day (seriously, every meal and snack except for breakfast)

    nothing fried, caffeinated, artificially sweetened (or artificial anything for that matter), no refined sugars.

    Lots or cardio. And you must take at least a multivitamin, if not other supplements.
  • holkeo
    holkeo Posts: 34
    sounds to me like you don't really need to loose the weight, just look like you did. Don't women have all those corset things and shape ware stuff. I'd say start loosing, and just strap yourself in till you can't breath.

    HAH!!!! I LOVE this advice! Don't you worry- corsets, fat pants, pull-y-in everything!!!!!!!!!

    I am overweight- 5"11 in height and 13st 11lbs in weight. I need to lose around 2.5/3 stone really. I'm a size 16 and want to be a size 10-12 ultimately!!!!

    Thanks for the laugh!!

  • holkeo
    holkeo Posts: 34
    DEFINITELY possible. I lost two dress sizes in less than two months (from tight 16 to comfy 12) doing it the "right" way, counting calories and exercising 6 to 7 days a week. But I was quite big at 186lbs/ 5' 1.5" when I started. If you're not as overweight, it may be more difficult.

    WOW- now this has made me very happy. I am a snug size 16 and ideally would like to be a comfortable 12 by the last week in August. So you literally did this by cosuming 1200 cals a day and using MFP and exercise 6-7 times a week? What particular exercises did you do? Any more advice would be brilliant as what you achieced is EXACTLY what I want to achieve!!!!

    I am 5"11 in height, 188lbs and a size 16. What you reckon? I am a 'big' girl in the sense I'm tall and curvy and don't consider myself to be fat. But I'm out of the comforable range for my height by a stone and want to get that size 12 dress in 2 months!!!

    HELP!! YOu're my hero!!
  • candysh0p
    candysh0p Posts: 23 Member
    2 months is plenty of time if you're dedicated. Eat 0.75g of protein per pound of bodyweight, do compound lifts (squats, bench press, deadlifts, pull-ups, overhead press)and lift heavy (find what works for you, personally I can squat about 40kg, working on getting it to over 50kg). Don't use pink 3lb dumb-bells, they don't do much. You need to really push yourself to your limits and building muscle will make you look more "toned".

    Keep a good diet, eat clean, keep carbs around 50-100g, eat enough protein and you're set.