Confusion with food habits combined with fast metabolism

many people say different things. Some tell me to eat anything I can get my hands on cause calories are calories and you need so many each day.
Others say strict healthy diet not too much of this or that and you should be progressing in your gains....

My metabolism is so fast along with burning numerous calories working.

What do you guys think ?


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    It's somewhere in the middle honestly. You definitely want to get whole foods in as the base of your diet(beef, chicken, vegetables, fruit, etc.). Once you've hit your micronutrient and fiber and hopefully have gotten close to hitting your protein goal, this is where you work in some more calorie dense foods just to get the calories in (full fat milk, fruit juice, butter, cheese, peanut butter, pop tarts, brownies, soda, etc.)
  • allabouthegains
    allabouthegains Posts: 46 Member
    I feel like I can never get enough of all of it each day no matter how I prep each day
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Are you trying to maintain your weight or gain weight? How many calories do you have to eat to maintain your weight? What are your macro goals set at?
  • allabouthegains
    allabouthegains Posts: 46 Member
    Im at 160 trying to get to 175lb. My calories are at 3570. People are saying to up the calories. Honestly though sometimes I can't even reach them. Or I just simply ain't hungry.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    How accurately are you tracking calorie intake. Are you measuring your food out with a food scale or is most of it estimation?
  • allabouthegains
    allabouthegains Posts: 46 Member
    I search it most the time I find it but some times I can't find it so I check the bag and put in whatever is closest to the actual
  • allabouthegains
    allabouthegains Posts: 46 Member
    I always have to eat cral to get my last bit of calories I don't think I should have to be doing that
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I always have to eat cral to get my last bit of calories I don't think I should have to be doing that

    Well I hope you're not literally eating crap. Other than that, it's not crap it's just food that's a part of your diet. It's not unhealthy as long as you get the base of your diet from meats, fruits, vegetables, grains, basically whole foods. It's completely healthy to eat processed foods and empty calories on top of that to reach a calorie goal. I suggest pop tarts.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I search it most the time I find it but some times I can't find it so I check the bag and put in whatever is closest to the actual

    Sounds like there's a lot of estimation and guesswork happening. If you're not weighing everything, you need to get a food scale and start weighing things, it makes a world of difference. You could honestly estimate everything and think you're eating close to 4000 calories a day, but only be eating 3000 or even less. It happens to a lot of people.
  • allabouthegains
    allabouthegains Posts: 46 Member
    So where would I get one of those weighing scales ?
  • William4MVP
    William4MVP Posts: 166 Member
    ^ amazon
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    So where would I get one of those weighing scales ?
    ^ amazon

    This... also, Wal-mart, target, most grocery stores that have a kitchen supplies section, the pharmacy, the post office. Pretty much anywhere.
  • stephxo1
    stephxo1 Posts: 191 Member
    You really need to be weighing your food and logging it before you can honestly say that those calories are working or not for you. I'm on 2700cals at present and gradually gaining weight but I couldn't gauge it properly without my scales and food diary. Good luck!
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Also, are you doing cardio? You need to eat those calories back too, or cut down for a bit.

    Lucky lucky you. I'm netting 1600 at the moment and I'm MISERABLE.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    stephxo1 wrote: »
    You really need to be weighing your food and logging it before you can honestly say that those calories are working or not for you. I'm on 2700cals at present and gradually gaining weight but I couldn't gauge it properly without my scales and food diary. Good luck!


    and you also need to realize that there is nothing wrong wiht calorie dense foods like ice cream, oreos, bagels, etc; just make sure that you are meeting micro and macro needs first and then fill in your remaining calories with calorie dense sources
  • Zmac34
    Zmac34 Posts: 32 Member
    many people say different things. Some tell me to eat anything I can get my hands on cause calories are calories and you need so many each day.
    Others say strict healthy diet not too much of this or that and you should be progressing in your gains....

    My metabolism is so fast along with burning numerous calories working.

    What do you guys think ?

    If you're using an online BMR calculator because it's different with every person despite putting in your age, weight, height, and activity level. At one point I would consume 10K cal a day and not gain a pound. I stayed at 145 lbs at 5'11" through high school and majority of college. It wasn't until continuous heavy weight lifting and high caloric consumption that I got to 165 lbs at 8% Body Fat by the age of 24 but I had the SAD diet and my blood pressure was terrible.

    I would say calories is #1, macros is #2 and nutrients is #3 for sustaining life. However you need a balanced combination of them all in order to make gains and improve health.

    If you haven't already done this track exactly how many calories you're burning, consuming, and your weight for one week and after this make the proper adjustments in order to gain weight. You should shoot for 100 calories over your daily BMR. Once this is completed focus in on nutrient dense foods like sweet potatoes, oatmeal, berries, avocados, cruciferous vegetables, and various legumes as your staple. This will ensure you're getting ample micro nutrients and antioxidants to promote muscle recovery. Maintain a macronutrient breakdown of high carbs medium fat and low to medium protein. Lastly cut out processed foods and try to stick to organic whole foods as much as possible.

    Good luck
  • Zmac34
    Zmac34 Posts: 32 Member
    Also, are you doing cardio? You need to eat those calories back too, or cut down for a bit.

    Lucky lucky you. I'm netting 1600 at the moment and I'm MISERABLE.

    1600 wow, that's one meal for me. I could never go that low.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    Lizzie Valasquez (ásquez) has a "fast" metabolism. The results include she's blind in one eye and has myriad health conditions.

    For 96% of the population, your basal metabolic rate is going to be within +/- 200 calories (that's less than adding or subtracting one snickers bar from your diet to put you at the average). Most of what is different for people is how active they are, and how many calories they eat.

    If you want to gain weight, eat more calories or move less. If you haven't, try tracking your foods with a food scale and see if you're really eating as many calories as you think you are. Many people who have "fast metabolism" find out they're just someone who thinks they're eating more than they are the same as most overweight people under report what they're eating until they correctly track.

    For body composition, you're going to want to track and meet your macros, which is simple to do once already tracking food and calorie in take.

    For health, getting in veggies, fruits, lean meats or legumes, adequate fiber, low saturated fat, and many other things matter, to varying degrees, most a lot less than being at an appropriate body fat.
  • allabouthegains
    allabouthegains Posts: 46 Member
    This is all really good stuff I need to do some more research cause obviously everyone's body is different but im extremely active my work is active plus im taking a lot of tests so I have to have good cardio and unfortunately im burning so much that I can't keep up with it along with my fast metabolism.

    The combo is terrible but there's not much I can do about it
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Zmac34 wrote: »
    Also, are you doing cardio? You need to eat those calories back too, or cut down for a bit.

    Lucky lucky you. I'm netting 1600 at the moment and I'm MISERABLE.

    1600 wow, that's one meal for me. I could never go that low.

    Yep. That's 150 cals under what I need before exercise. So I exercise a lot for treats!
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    This is all really good stuff I need to do some more research cause obviously everyone's body is different but im extremely active my work is active plus im taking a lot of tests so I have to have good cardio and unfortunately im burning so much that I can't keep up with it along with my fast metabolism.

    The combo is terrible but there's not much I can do about it

    It's not your metabolism that's fast, it's the active work + cardio you're doing.
  • allabouthegains
    allabouthegains Posts: 46 Member
    It's hard for me to not be active I don't have a choice cause my job is delivering to customers all day.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    It's hard for me to not be active I don't have a choice cause my job is delivering to customers all day.

    And that is fine. You just have to make sure you are eating a lot of calorie dense foods to make up for that activity. And at least, while you are bulking, cut any additional cardio to make it easier to get calories.

    This thread has a running list of calorie dense foods. Find some of the convenience items and keep them with you at work.
  • McKittyJane
    McKittyJane Posts: 143 Member
    A friend of mine had a similar problem when he was in his 20s-mid 30; would eat lots but coulsnt gain weight because of work and metabolism. So usually he'd drink a big mix of ice cream and protein powder after dinner.
    Also luck yall; i eat about 1000/day! Haha
  • jacklifts
    jacklifts Posts: 396 Member
    try granola - that stuff is very calorie dense, easy to eat a lot of on the go, and has some micronutrients. you can easily eat 1000+ calories of granola a day. I know this because I have to stop myself from doing that by not buying granola. Get something with nuts in it, like almonds, make sure it's high fat.
  • dizzler1
    dizzler1 Posts: 48 Member
    Lots of good advice on here I have gone from 161lbs in August to 178lbs . I know some of that is fat but I am still comfortable still in my 32 inch jeans / trousers which is always a good measure , try to make your own mass gainer by blitzing oats and adding to your protein shake . Food scales are a must , Google high calories nutrient dense foods . Granola is good for breakfast as an example . Don't buy mass gainers they are full of crap make your own it's fun also to do this you can get really creative
    And of course shift some heavy *kitten* Weights and stick to compound lifts
  • edwardmack23
    edwardmack23 Posts: 51 Member
    Its a weight gainer called cb1 it increases your hunger and diseases and metabolism there for burning less calories and gaining more weight I use it myself and it was successful
  • allabouthegains
    allabouthegains Posts: 46 Member
    Its a weight gainer called cb1 it increases your hunger and diseases and metabolism there for burning less calories and gaining more weight I use it myself and it was successful
    I don't want it to increase diseases Lll but this is all good stuff I've been looking for my own stuff to make a protein shake but when I make my own it gets all foamy and fluffy and it doesn't even taste decent.
  • allabouthegains
    allabouthegains Posts: 46 Member
    I got a new obsession for those cliff bars all the sudden. Im sure they are more sugar then anything though
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    I got a new obsession for those cliff bars all the sudden. Im sure they are more sugar then anything though

    Which ones? The builder or energy (carb) bars.