The February 2016 Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @Elise4270 Definitely rooting for Kara! I listened to the Another Mother Runner podcast interviews with non-elite qualifying women who run for Oiselle, and it was so cool to hear all their "regular people" stories about how they got their OT qualifying times. Very inspirational!

    Skip has been following Kara, what an inspiration she is! Of course Huntsville's own Brandon York is running today too!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @shanaber and @Elise4270 ... and anyone else on my Friends list... I apologize for "unfriending" you without notice... I had reason to believe my account had been compromised.... #aintdivorcefun

    Amen brother!!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Elise4270 Definitely rooting for Kara! I listened to the Another Mother Runner podcast interviews with non-elite qualifying women who run for Oiselle, and it was so cool to hear all their "regular people" stories about how they got their OT qualifying times. Very inspirational!

    Skip has been following Kara, what an inspiration she is! Of course Huntsville's own Brandon York is running today too!

    I'll look for him!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @ddmom0811 yea! I have my fingers crossed all make to their destinations. I haven't put mine on, feel like bad luck until everyone has theirs.

    Mine arrived! I'm not worried about bad luck. Put it on straight away! Thank you!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @ddmom0811 yea! I have my fingers crossed all make to their destinations. I haven't put mine on, feel like bad luck until everyone has theirs.

    Mine arrived! I'm not worried about bad luck. Put it on straight away! Thank you!

    Yea! That's super!

    Most went out 2 day, for others it calculated 3days. So I'd hope if you don't get it today it'll be Monday.
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    2/01: 3 miles, easy, 8:36 pace + 45 min x-training + core
    2/02: 5 miles, tempo, 8:22 pace + 40 min x-training
    2/03: 5 miles, speedwork (4x800m at 5K pace) + 45 min strength training + core
    2/04: Off (bad head cold -_-), 45 min x-training
    2/05: 4 miles, easy, 8:40 pace
    2/06: 5 miles, 3 miles at race pace (averaged 7:43) with warm up/cool down + 55 min strength training + core
    2/07: 8 miles, long and easy, 8:39 pace
    2/08: 3 miles, easy, 8:40 pace + 45 min x-training + core
    2/09: 5 miles, 6x2 minutes at 5K pace with 2 minutes recovery jog between plus warm up/cool down
    2/10: 4 miles, easy, 8:54 pace + 45 min strength training + core
    2/11: 1 mile, quick, 6:52 pace + 45 min x-training
    2/12: 5 miles, easy, 8:45 pace
    2/13: 5 miles, 1 mile/800m/2x400m at 5K pace with warm up/cool down + 55 min strength training
    Total: 53.31 miles

    It was -9 degrees (F) with windchill out this morning so I did my run on the treadmill today *sigh*. 1 mile warm up, 1 mile @ 6:58 pace, 1 mile easy, ½ mile @ 6:58 pace, ½ mile easy, 2x1/4 mile @ 6:58 pace with ¼ mile easy. My legs were so tired by the end! I have such a hard time being motivated to run on the treadmill.


    Upcoming races:
    2/20 - Mardi Gras Chaser (5K)
    3/12 - Leprechaun Leap (5K)
    3/20 - Excalibur 10 Miler
    3/26 - Chicago Quarter Marathon
    4/09 - Chi Town Half Marathon
    5/28 - Soldier Field Run (10 miles)
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    February Running Totals (miles)
    [1/31 – 14.01 easy with hills]
    2/1 – 6.08 easy + 4 strides
    2/2 – 9.73 warm up, speed work, cool down
    2/3 – 6.30 group run
    2/4 – 11.04 long speed work
    2/5 – scheduled rest day
    2/6 – 15.00 long speed work
    Weekly total 62.16 vs. target 62

    2/7 – 11.35 easy 1.5 hour
    2/8 – 5.96 easy + 4 strides
    2/9 – 11.08 warm up, speed work, cool down
    2/10 – 6.01 easy
    2/11 – 11.75 warm up, speed work, cool down
    2/12 – scheduled rest day
    2/13 – 22 steady on inside track
    Weekly total 68.15 vs. target 68

    February total to date – 116.30

    Goal – 62 or 68 miles per week, per training plan
    Expected February total - 262 to 265 miles

    Today's notes – The forecast for today had us in for the coldest weather of the season. It came true. The Freezeroo race that I didn't enter today got canceled because the local police decided it wasn't safe. The training program I pace for canceled runs due to weather, for which I was grateful. The venue is all rolling hills, but temperature near zero, 25 mph wind, snow underfoot, no heated shelter to go back to mid-way through the run, and needing 9 more miles than the longest sponsored training run combined to make me uneasy with that location.

    I went to bed last night undecided between running shorter (4 to 10 mile) loops from home with stops to change out water bottles, or just running on the indoor track that I use for Tuesday and Thursday speed work. Got out to shovel the driveway while my steel cut oats simmered, saw the road conditions, felt the wind, and made the decision. Today I am a weather wimp. With the outdoor temperature between -1° and +3° F (-18° to -16° C) and winds of 25 to 30 mph, I decided to run on the indoor track. I could run 10 miles outside in this, and probably 13; but 22 is just too much.

    Got GPS signal at the track, but it wasn't accurate indoors. Garmin thought I ran 19.2 miles. I know better. I counted 8 laps, then pressed lap on the watch, 22 times. There is a sign saying 8 laps to the mile; but it's a 200m track. A mile is really ~1610 meters, so I need an extra lap for every 20 miles. So after my 22 x 1600m at E pace with no recovery, I ran another lap plus 20 paces to estimate the extra 20m for the last 2 miles. I'm calling this one 22 miles even, in 2:57:42, for an average pace of 8:05 per mile. That makes sense, since my 200m laps were all within a few seconds of a minute, one way or the other. Next time I run this venue, I need to remember to disable GPS on the watch.

    I never thought I'd wimp out and do a long steady run on the track, but today the mental challenge of running steady in circles was less than the physical challenge of running 22 miles outside. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get milder weather for a 100 minute run; 10° F (-12° C) and 5 to 7 mph wind would be good enough.

    Upcoming races:
    March 12, 2016 Johnny's Runnin' of the Green 5 mile (Rochester, NY)
    March 26, 2016 Spring Forward Distance Run 15K (Mendon, NY)
    April 18, 2016 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA)
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Gravitationally Challenged this morning.
    Rolled over looked at the clock 09:14. Running club leaves from the Coffee shop Parking Lot at 09:00 for long run day.
    Geared up went to the Coffee shop and went for a short 9 km run up Misery Mountain. Picked this run/distance as based on timing it should get me back at about the same time as the Long Runners. I could see 2 runners returning just as I was coming down the last slope. Sat down with them and waited an Hour for the Next group to show up. They were just doing 10 minutes more than the first group, Zagged when they should have Zigged and got lost on the Riverbank Trails. Everyone had a good laugh, especially since this is a trail they run on all the time. They were so busy Talking they didn't notice until they ran into a Farmers Yard - dead end trail. And that's how they ended up doing 30 km today.

    02/01 – 0.0 Km – 0.0 - 140.0 – 150.8 Km
    02/06 – 9.0 Km – 9.0 – 131.0
    02/07 – 21.1 Km – 30.1 - 109.9
    02/08 – 6.0 Km – 36.1 - 103.9
    02/10 – 8.0 Km – 44.1 - 95.9 – 194.9 Km
    02/13 – 9.0 Km – 53.1 – 86.9 – 203.9 Km

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @ddmom0811 yea! I have my fingers crossed all make to their destinations. I haven't put mine on, feel like bad luck until everyone has theirs.

    Mine arrived! I'm not worried about bad luck. Put it on straight away! Thank you!

    Yea! That's super!

    Most went out 2 day, for others it calculated 3days. So I'd hope if you don't get it today it'll be Monday.

    Got mine today!! Love them! Love the colors! Thanks @Elise4270, @Stoshew71, @skippygirlsmom - you all had a part in making it come together!!
    BTW - if you don't get yours today it will likely be Tuesday - Monday is a holiday.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    What a fantastic run this morning! I did as we have been talking about here lately - went out and just ran without paying attention to pace or distance, because it was beautiful out and just felt so good. When I got home I was surprised by how far I had gone and how long I was out. Doesn't exactly fit in my taper program but I am ok with it since my average HR was only 100... Guess it was an easy enough run!

    02/01.......4.15..........4.15 - Treadmill run at the hotel
    02/03.......3.55..........7.70 - Treadmill run at the hotel
    02/05.......4.12........11.82 - Yay for running outdoors!
    02/07.....13.20........25.02 - Surf City HM
    02/08.......4.50........29.52 - Agility
    02/09.......6.10........35.62 - +Strength Training
    02/11.......4.32........39.94 - +Strength Training


    These are my upcoming races, let me know if you are going to be running too:
    02/20/16 - Special Edition Divas Half, Temecula, CA
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @ddmom0811 yea! I have my fingers crossed all make to their destinations. I haven't put mine on, feel like bad luck until everyone has theirs.

    Mine arrived! I'm not worried about bad luck. Put it on straight away! Thank you!

    Yea! That's super!

    Most went out 2 day, for others it calculated 3days. So I'd hope if you don't get it today it'll be Monday.

    Got mine today!! Love them! Love the colors! Thanks @Elise4270, @Stoshew71, @skippygirlsmom - you all had a part in making it come together!!
    BTW - if you don't get yours today it will likely be Tuesday - Monday is a holiday.

    Thanks for the correction. I'm working through the weekend/holiday, selectively forgot that.
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited February 2016
    Rainy day here... Today was actually the first time ever I let the weather shoo me back inside before I finished my planned distance! After two days of snow, today was warmer and rainy instead. It didn't stop raining all day, so in the afternoon I decided to suck it up and head out for my long run, rather than lurking at the window, checking out the clouds.
    First thing I noticed was that the little forest trail I wanted to run turned into a muddy mess - I kinda figured that out after 1km when I stuck my left foot ankledeep into a mud hole that had looked like an okay bit of trail beforehand. Running with one wet and one (semi-dry) shoe was a little awkward, so I evened that out by sticking my other foot into an equally deep puddle of barely molten snow - ugh, cold!
    During the second kilometer, the rain turned into a torrential downpour. Around 2.5km, my headphones decided they had had enough and died. That was about when I decided to turn back home, swap the freezing-water-soaked shoes for a dry pair and continue my run on paved roads instead. Only that when I was half a km from home, it started hailing. Bad enough to sting even through my jacket. Seriuously?! I would have stared accusingly at the sky, if I hadn't been trying to protect my face from the hailstones...
    When I had stumbled back to my apartment, I just dumped the entire sodden mess (formerly known as my running clothes) into the bathtub and admitted to myself I'm not badass enough to go back out into that epic deluge. I rather decided to curl up on the couch with hot chocolate and blankets.

    It took a while for the weather to turn back to "normal" rain, and a little longer still for me to feel warmed up enough that I was up for another battle with the elements. Good thing I have more than one set of running clothes ;)
    Just in case the weather would go crazy on me again, I outfitted my phone with a second ziplop back on top of the first. Luckily, that wouldn't have been necessary - just regular rain, which slowed to a drizzle after 8km. And at the 12km mark, it even stopped completely! That was around when I got back to the village, with all the street and shop lights, making sparkling reflections in the puddles. After my first disastrous run in the afternoon, this one was awesome! I felt so great in the end, like I could have gone on forever :)
    Since I had already done another short run today, I dediced to resist that temptation and only went a tiny km further than my training plan suggested.

    So now that that is done, I can go back and read the last ten pages (10 pages! It's not that long ago that I last looked in here!) in this thread without feeling jealous of everyone who went for a long run today :-)


    This week's runs
    09.02.2016 - 5.4 km
    11.02.2016 - 10.1 km (rather slow, that's when the first snow of the week started falling and made the roads a slippery mess - I've just not had any luck with the weather this week!)
    13.02.2016 - 4.6 km + 15.7 km
    67.3 km of 120 km done

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited February 2016
    I'm going to be a cry baby here- my knee was doing fine this morning (at work). I grabbed the knee brace, thought it'd be a good idea to wear it. I'm on the mend and might as well since I'd like to run tomorrow, extra support. The knee brace was a mistake. I don't understand, I'm back to no bending, its throbbing (iced), warm and red around the abrasion. I did have an X-ray last Sunday. Have a beer and wait it out another week?
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I'm going to be a cry baby here- my knee was doing fine this morning (at work). I grabbed the knee brace, thought it'd be a good idea to wear it. I'm on the mend and might as well since I'd like to run tomorrow, extra support. The knee brace was a mistake. I don't understand, I'm back to no bending, its throbbing (iced), warm and red around the abrasion. I did have an X-ray last Sunday. Have a beer and wait it out another week?

    Oh no. I don't have any advice/expertise on this but hoping it will be okay.

    @shanaber - what is the cute VW van you are in front of?
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    @Elise4270 your poor knee! Warm, red and throbbing doesn't sound good at all! Could it be infected?

    @_nikkiwolf_ that was a stellar effort in the weather! I can't believe it hailed on you! Well done for getting out again after all that, and so glad it was a great run!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited February 2016
    michable wrote: »
    @Elise4270 your poor knee! Warm, red and throbbing doesn't sound good at all! Could it be infected?

    @_nikkiwolf_ that was a stellar effort in the weather! I can't believe it hailed on you! Well done for getting out again after all that, and so glad it was a great run!

    I thought that too.I'll reevaluate.

    @ddmom0811 thanks, for the thought.
  • doctorallenisin
    doctorallenisin Posts: 4 Member
    Finally got a ticker! Added another mile today. Don't know how to update the ticker!


  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ sorry scout the weather you are a beast for doing it. I hate to admit your post made me chuckle.

    @Elise4270 take care of that knee
  • JohnONE29
    JohnONE29 Posts: 101 Member
    17.1 miles today. Got to bear down with 7 weeks till next 26.2
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    February goal 80 miles

    2/1 3.8
    2/2 4.17
    2/3 bad life day
    2/4 4.00
    2/5 3.82
    2/6 preparing a Superbowl Luau
    2/7 hosting a Superbowl Luau
    2/8 sick
    2/9 4.02
    2/10 10.00
    2/11 rest
    2/12 snorkel 3 hours

    2/13 3.25

    Total 33.06

    @Elise4270 hope your knee recovers soon....
    @skippygirlsmom and I hope Skip feels better soon

    Upcoming races:
    3/20 Big Island International 1/2 marathon
    6/26 SHEPower Virtual 1/2 marathon
    11/13 Las Vegas Rock n Roll 1/2 marathon

    Ticker is my goal for 2016 and accumulation to date:
