2016 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    I was adopted by cw106 in January. :)
    Things are going great here. I have over 40lb to lose and so far I lost 11lb. But what excites me even more is that I lost 5 inches off my waist. (My profile pic is an older photo of me of what I would like to get back to - just saying this to avoid confusion).
    I really enjoy my training and feel a lot fitter and stronger already.
  • Nova
    Nova Posts: 10,069 MFP Staff
    The list has been updated! Thanks to everyone who has volunteered so far. Reminder to people who are looking for a mentor to check the original post and proactively reach out to people you would like to mentor you.
  • masdec7
    masdec7 Posts: 166 Member
    I could use some extra support. I'm in my upper 30's, mother of one (currently) 5 year old, and married to a wonderful man. Would like another female to be my support, preferably in my age range or older... kids not required :smiley: . Thanks!
  • ChrissyTokarz
    ChrissyTokarz Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, I am looking to be "adopted " I am a 30 with 2 boys ( 2,1) so I am always busy with them. However I can't stay up with them. I want to lose weight so I can keep up with them and see them grow old. I am right now 281 and eventually want to get down to 145 range. I have tried to do diets on own but I need someone to push me through. I also have a family history of medical problems, my mom passed away not to long ago from a lot of medical problems, I don't want same fate as she did. If anyone would like to be mentor would appreciate it :)
  • Kdbuell
    Kdbuell Posts: 2 Member
    I might be a little late to the game, but I'm very interested in being a mentor. I specifically would be great with women who struggle with PCOS and weight loss. I've done a lot of research on PCOS and weight loss and have been successful in losing weight with PCOS.

    I am not perfect, and those I mentor should know that I still have weight to lose. After losing a significant amount of weight (94 lbs) and then having surgery for a running injury, I have gained some back from the inactivity surrounding the procedure. I am currently working on strengthening, and getting back to where I was pre-surgery. My goal is to be even stronger than I was then!

    I do have knowledge with many workout types, and I currently do my workouts at home/outside. I'm a big believer in making what you have work for you!

    I would be ideal for someone who:
    -Needs motivation
    -Needs someone to keep them accountable
    -Loves to workout in a variety of different methods - I hate doing the same things over again.
    -Loves to try new things
    -Likes to take workouts outside of the gym

  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    I would be willing to be a mentor, however the mentee better make good use of my time. I work full time, take course online, coach youth sports year-round and try and squeeze in my own workout between those activities. So I don’t want to have someone that I need to chase down to keep on tract.

    Please go to my profile and read about me, if you like what you see and you think that I would be able to help you then by all means send me a note.

    I am in NO way a pro or even actively pursuing any certifications, I am just a health enthusiast who is willing to share his experiences (both good and bad) in hopes that they may benefit others.

    FYI, I will hold you accountable!
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    DWBalboa wrote: »
    I would be willing to be a mentor, however the mentee better make good use of my time. I work full time, take course online, coach youth sports year-round and try and squeeze in my own workout between those activities. So I don’t want to have someone that I need to chase down to keep on tract.

    Please go to my profile and read about me, if you like what you see and you think that I would be able to help you then by all means send me a note.

    I am in NO way a pro or even actively pursuing any certifications, I am just a health enthusiast who is willing to share his experiences (both good and bad) in hopes that they may benefit others.

    FYI, I will hold you accountable!

    Don't mean to sound like a Drill Instructor, but if you are truly interested in getting in shape and are invested in obtaining your goals, at the very least you need to have your basic info on your profile filled out.

    About Me:
    I haven't filled this out yet.

    Why I want to get in shape:
    I haven't filled this out yet.

    My Inspirations:
    I haven't filled this out yet.

    If you want people to help you and to take you serious about this, then you have to put forth the effort to show us you are devoted to this goal.
  • BiafraGirl11
    BiafraGirl11 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello All,

    I am a NOOB, looking to be adopted, lose some weight, and have fun doing it. Some quick background:

    About Me: I am 44 yo, looking to create a lifestyle change. I recently reached a new all-time highest weight, this time accompanied for the first time of feeling like a creaky, hanging onto the walls to get up the stairs overweight old lady. I have successfully lost weight in the past, however, I am looking to make permanent change to achieve and maintain permanent weight loss. I have started off by trashing my beliefs about health and fitness, tearing things down to basics and tracking everything I currently do to get full understanding.

    In the past, I had the tendency to focus on exercise, with the belief that I ate moderately healthy (so not true!). I have done everything from having a personal trainer, training for and completing a marathon, a couple of triathlons, tae kwon do. Unfortunately, after losing the weight life happens, and I would surely gain the weight back with interest.

    I came to MFP after reading that people who successfully lost weight and kept it off, were the ones who tracked their food and weight. I had resisted food journaling in the past, but now with the MFP app, have learned to enjoy entering and learning more about my food choices (8 straight days,so far Yay!). In the past, I have tried interesting diets Master Cleanse; cabbage soup; macrobiotic eating; a no sugar, no salt, no processed food body builders cutting diet; done 3-7 day detoxes, incorporated foods only available at specialty food stores, etc. and am fatigued from the swings to and from extremism. Currently I am looking to find a plan that works within a budget and my local grocery store, using everyday, in season, possibly local foods, altering my regular go to foods.

    I am now looking to successfully combine exercise and nutrition, to achieve permanent results in a sustainable way -- I am hoping that I can have a balanced life, and not have to train and compete in triathlons or subscribe to outside the neighborhood food plan to maintain my desired weight.

    Goal: My goal is split up into to phases:
    1. Lose weight 50 lbs; to get to a healthy weight range, yes this is just into a healthy range (137-151) per large body frame size charts.
    2. Sculpt body to desired fitness level

    Ideal Mentor: I am looking for a mentor who has lost a significant amount of weight and has successfully kept it off for some time. One that focuses on the nutritional aspects, using a KISS (Keep it Simple, Sweetheart) principle. Also, one who can balance being results oriented and sensitive to the rational (planning), habitual (hereditary) and emotional aspects of how I got here, and what I will need to overcome to get me to where I want to go. I am not looking for pity party, but need someone who can coach me on how to fly, so I will eventually fly own my own.

    Anyway, I hope that wasn't too long. I look forward to achieving health and fitness with you all.

  • Camilleathome
    Camilleathome Posts: 99 Member
    Im currently looking to be adopted XD. Im 28(Soon to be 29). At my heaviest I was 365. I lost about 60 lbs a while back but gained it back due to stress and am ready and willing to lose this weight.

    I suffer from hypothyroidism and sleep apnea which makes my energy levels crap but I am slowly starting to add some exercise into daily schedule.

    The other bad side is I have an old riding injury so my back gets super stiff when I exercise and I cant afford a gym right now(Doing the upper body machines is what helped make it go away last time).

    Im a big geek and cosplayer though losing weight is not for cosplay like some.

    Id really like someone to adopt me and help with ideas for low impact workouts, take a look at my meal plans and help guide me and encourage me. Im slowly hitting my stride but always feel like im sinking, would be great to have someone help keep me afloat.
  • ransaka
    ransaka Posts: 135 Member
    Hello All,

    I am a NOOB, looking to be adopted, lose some weight, and have fun doing it. Some quick background:

    About Me: I am 44 yo, looking to create a lifestyle change. I recently reached a new all-time highest weight, this time accompanied for the first time of feeling like a creaky, hanging onto the walls to get up the stairs overweight old lady. I have successfully lost weight in the past, however, I am looking to make permanent change to achieve and maintain permanent weight loss. I have started off by trashing my beliefs about health and fitness, tearing things down to basics and tracking everything I currently do to get full understanding.

    In the past, I had the tendency to focus on exercise, with the belief that I ate moderately healthy (so not true!). I have done everything from having a personal trainer, training for and completing a marathon, a couple of triathlons, tae kwon do. Unfortunately, after losing the weight life happens, and I would surely gain the weight back with interest.

    I came to MFP after reading that people who successfully lost weight and kept it off, were the ones who tracked their food and weight. I had resisted food journaling in the past, but now with the MFP app, have learned to enjoy entering and learning more about my food choices (8 straight days,so far Yay!). In the past, I have tried interesting diets Master Cleanse; cabbage soup; macrobiotic eating; a no sugar, no salt, no processed food body builders cutting diet; done 3-7 day detoxes, incorporated foods only available at specialty food stores, etc. and am fatigued from the swings to and from extremism. Currently I am looking to find a plan that works within a budget and my local grocery store, using everyday, in season, possibly local foods, altering my regular go to foods.

    I am now looking to successfully combine exercise and nutrition, to achieve permanent results in a sustainable way -- I am hoping that I can have a balanced life, and not have to train and compete in triathlons or subscribe to outside the neighborhood food plan to maintain my desired weight.

    Goal: My goal is split up into to phases:
    1. Lose weight 50 lbs; to get to a healthy weight range, yes this is just into a healthy range (137-151) per large body frame size charts.
    2. Sculpt body to desired fitness level

    Ideal Mentor: I am looking for a mentor who has lost a significant amount of weight and has successfully kept it off for some time. One that focuses on the nutritional aspects, using a KISS (Keep it Simple, Sweetheart) principle. Also, one who can balance being results oriented and sensitive to the rational (planning), habitual (hereditary) and emotional aspects of how I got here, and what I will need to overcome to get me to where I want to go. I am not looking for pity party, but need someone who can coach me on how to fly, so I will eventually fly own my own.

    Anyway, I hope that wasn't too long. I look forward to achieving health and fitness with you all.


    Boom! How to write an "I would like a mentor" post.
  • ginazed
    ginazed Posts: 2 Member
    I am a noob and would love a mentor! I'm 27 F, SW: 294, CW: 270, GW: unknown. I follow the Paleo diet and work out 6 times a week (doing the C25K app and upper body workouts on alternating days with Sunday as a rest day). I'd love a mentor who is familiar with the Paleo diet.
  • BiafraGirl11
    BiafraGirl11 Posts: 5 Member
    ransaka wrote: »

    Boom! How to write an "I would like a mentor" post.

    Thanks Ransaka.

    Good news all, I was adopted by cw106 "YaaaaY!!!"
  • RobertReyne
    RobertReyne Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there guys im Robert and i was wondering if any mentor is available to help a noob get where he needs to be!I am livin in the UK and im planning to join the police in the near future...atm im training weight lifting on my own at a local gym, tryn to absorb all the knowledge and exercises forms from my fellow gym mates. Currently started my first ever bulk phase (even tho im not sure if im doin it right)cause i think im too skinny. Im 29 yo and im atm 64kg. I guess i would like to try get to a 73kg lean mass body and im sure your help would make a difference! Hope to hear from you soon! Have a nice one
  • Darazz
    Darazz Posts: 5 Member
    If there are any mentors still accepting a newbie to help out, I would love a little guidance using the site to make sure I get the most out of my experience here! I'm a mum to two children, most recently to my daughter who is 6 months old.

    Bit of background: before I had either child I was around 185 and wanted to lose some weight. After my first I lost some of the baby weight but got stuck at 200. After my second baby I was at 226, but through walking everyday, watching what I ate and BF I not only lost her baby weight, but the additional weight from pregnancy #1 and then some.

    Currently I'm at around 176lbs, and I'd like to reach 160lbs. I'm on a very restricted diet at the moment because of daughter's stomach troubles, so I have to avoid all dairy, soy, beef, and legumes. We will be weaning soon and I'm a bit concerned about keeping to good eating habits and not getting sucked into old ways of eating junk again once I am able to.

    So that's me... any takers?
  • emilymlazgar559
    emilymlazgar559 Posts: 3 Member

    My name is Yasmine, and I would really love to have a mentor. I'm currently about 265 lbs, and hoping to drop over 100 of that to be at a healthy weight for my height and age ( I'm 5"2 & 22). I also have a thyroid disorder. I'm not necessarily new to mfp, but I've never been consistent and want to start.

    I've currently quit drinking pop, and have started to go to a gym with a friend.I'm trying to meal prep when I have time. I have a fitbit that I'm starting to use for tracking as well. . As a student with a part-time job, my schedule is hectic and my budget tight, so I'm hoping someone can help me with tips and tricks that will also fit my current situation and I'm not looking for a fad diet, but to make healthier lifestyle changes

    I'm really hoping a mentor will help keep me accountable, encourage me to try new routines or recipes, and help me better understand nutrition and how to work out productively.

    I hope someone will take me on! :)

    If you'd be interested you and I sound like we are both in the same boat. I'm also looking for a mentor, but also for support. And I feel like we could be good support for each other if you'd like
  • emilymlazgar559
    emilymlazgar559 Posts: 3 Member
    Patrieee wrote: »
    Hi, I'm available to be mentor. I'm 30, recent grad school grad, live in Canada. I do a lot of home fitness programs, meal prepping, and run when the weather is nice.

    I'm looking for a mentor!
  • pvignard
    pvignard Posts: 7 Member
    Hello All,

    I am a NOOB, looking to be adopted, lose some weight, and have fun doing it. Some quick background:

    I hope you won't mind but I really liked your post so am going to use similar format to present myself!

    About me:

    I am 28 years-old currently under-going quite a lot of changes! I'm father to an awesome 1-year old boy who brought many changes into my life! My son's birth has been the sign for me to get it back together and start doing sports! With the short nights & feedings through the night (he was not breast fed as he spent the first few weeks of his life in the hospital, he got used to bottle-feeding and never accepted the breast), I found myself with lots of spare time through the night so I started doing some sports between 4 and 6 am.

    Last year, I lost about 7 kg to reach my ideal weight at 73kg for a height of 1.78m. I've been using MFP for a while, not necessarily logging in daily but making sure I keep track of what I eat and eating as healthy as possible, while still allowing me for "cheat days" or "cheat meals" every now and then. MFP really helped me become more aware of nutrition and what eating healthy means. I've been reading through the forums and getting information here and there about how to eat well, and what to eat.

    I have been over-weight all my childhood but now have it under control thanks to healthy food and lots of sports. I've been doing a lot of cycling last year with HIIT training outside. I am not going to the gym 4x a week following Les Mills program (bodypump, cxworkx, bodycombat) and doing some weight lifting.

    I feel confident with the progress I've made so far and now, I am ready to take it on to the next stage!

    My goals:

    Now that I've reached and stabilized my ideal weight, I want to change the way I look. I've been over-weight all my childhood and never felt at ease with how I look. But now that I've started training properly, I do have the feeling that I can finally change that! And I want to change that! I want to be proud of how I look and I want to like what I see in the mirror.

    My first and ultimate goal is to lose that belly fat! I've always had a belly and I am actually starting to see it shrink but I've hit a wall for the past 4 months where, although eating healthy and going to the gym, I am not seeing any changes anymore.

    Ideally, I would want to drop by body fat percentage below 10% (current measurement puts me around 14%) and gaining muscle. I wouldn't mind putting on weight - up to 75-78kg - as long as it is muscle.

    What I am looking for:

    I would like a mentor that could drive me forwards with weight lifting and muscle development. I am NOT a cardio person, although I like doing HIIT (I just can't run more than 5k, I get bored and I am slow, not my thing). I really want to focus on building muscle and losing fat.

    I feel that I've hit a wall lately. I am in-line with my calories intake although not 100% accurate and I have ups and downs. I do gym 4x a week but I am not sure that the training that I do and the food that I eat are the best to reach my goals.

    Questions on my mind for example: is HIIT the path to having a flat belly and abs or should I focus on power lifting instead? Hitting the gym 4x a week for full body work-out: good or unnecessary? Whey protein, useful or useless? Bored of chicken and eggs for breakfast, other ideas for good breakfast recipes?

    I am also available to discuss with anyone about food & nutrition (can share some recipes although, to be honest, I am not the one cooking!), fitness work-outs and exercises and share experience!
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    Darazz wrote: »
    If there are any mentors still accepting a newbie to help out, I would love a little guidance using the site to make sure I get the most out of my experience here! I'm a mum to two children, most recently to my daughter who is 6 months old.

    Bit of background: before I had either child I was around 185 and wanted to lose some weight. After my first I lost some of the baby weight but got stuck at 200. After my second baby I was at 226, but through walking everyday, watching what I ate and BF I not only lost her baby weight, but the additional weight from pregnancy #1 and then some.

    Currently I'm at around 176lbs, and I'd like to reach 160lbs. I'm on a very restricted diet at the moment because of daughter's stomach troubles, so I have to avoid all dairy, soy, beef, and legumes. We will be weaning soon and I'm a bit concerned about keeping to good eating habits and not getting sucked into old ways of eating junk again once I am able to.

    So that's me... any takers?

    I think most people could use this same guidance so here is my thought on how to properly get started and how to stay on track.
    1. Account for all intake! Even condiments. If it goes in your mouth it goes on your logs.
    2. Get a digital scale and weigh everything. You may think that you know how to eye a serving but I can promise there is something that you are currently eating what you think is a single serving but turns out it’s more. Example; my protein powered say two scopes is a serving (i.e. 39 mgs) but when I put it on a scale a single scope is around 22 mgs that may sound like a minor thing but it adds up quick.
    3. In keeping with the above track your water intake you may be surprise to find out you are not taking in enough or at least on a regular enough basis. I keep a filtered water bottle with me so I always have a source with me.
    4. Find a BMR that works for you, start with the MFP recommendations and then modify it to fit what works for you. Not saying if MFP recommends 1200 calories and you aren’t losing weight fast enough for “your” liking to drop below that. I mean if you start at 1200 and after your day you are still hungry or don’t have the energy to get through the day and you work out, you should look at increasing your calories.
    5. Find a workout routine that you enjoy and is not so routine. Meaning mix it up, find exercises that you enjoy. Google is your friend! Google exercises to get ideas of what to do and how to do it.
    6. Don’t start to fast, like the old saying slow and steady wins the race. It’s a marathon not a sprint, starting to fast could cause you to get burnt out or worse injured.
    7. Ask a Pro! If you have any serious dieting questions or health concerns, ask your Doctor or a professional in that area.

    Ok enough for now especially since I have no idea if anyone will even read this.
  • violet0ann
    violet0ann Posts: 72 Member
    I’m looking for a mentor to help me.

    about me:
    I’m 28 and I’m from the UK. I spend most of my time sitting at a computer at work and because I need to continually study a lot to keep my job i spend a fair amount of free time at a computer. I have hypothyroidism and I’m 345lbs. I’m a very logical and list orientated person but confidence is definitely an issue with me.
    I’ve been dieting on and off for a very long time but I get so far along and get frustrated that my weight Plato that I fall off the wagon or in the past I was going on one fad diet after another and it would be unsustainable and i would just pile it back on again very fast.

    What I’m looking for
    I’m looking for a mentor that can help me with advice with exercise in particular since my fitness level is very bad at the moment and most of all that can help me know what i’m doing wrong or what i need to change to keep myself losing weight.
  • Darazz
    Darazz Posts: 5 Member
    DWBalboa wrote: »

    I think most people could use this same guidance so here is my thought on how to properly get started and how to stay on track.
    1. Account for all intake! Even condiments. If it goes in your mouth it goes on your logs.
    2. Get a digital scale and weigh everything. You may think that you know how to eye a serving but I can promise there is something that you are currently eating what you think is a single serving but turns out it’s more. Example; my protein powered say two scopes is a serving (i.e. 39 mgs) but when I put it on a scale a single scope is around 22 mgs that may sound like a minor thing but it adds up quick.
    3. In keeping with the above track your water intake you may be surprise to find out you are not taking in enough or at least on a regular enough basis. I keep a filtered water bottle with me so I always have a source with me.
    4. Find a BMR that works for you, start with the MFP recommendations and then modify it to fit what works for you. Not saying if MFP recommends 1200 calories and you aren’t losing weight fast enough for “your” liking to drop below that. I mean if you start at 1200 and after your day you are still hungry or don’t have the energy to get through the day and you work out, you should look at increasing your calories.
    5. Find a workout routine that you enjoy and is not so routine. Meaning mix it up, find exercises that you enjoy. Google is your friend! Google exercises to get ideas of what to do and how to do it.
    6. Don’t start to fast, like the old saying slow and steady wins the race. It’s a marathon not a sprint, starting to fast could cause you to get burnt out or worse injured.
    7. Ask a Pro! If you have any serious dieting questions or health concerns, ask your Doctor or a professional in that area.

    Ok enough for now especially since I have no idea if anyone will even read this.

    Thanks for taking the time to comment! I think I'm ok for food and water intake, the hard part is the exercise and the energy in general. With the super cold weather I can't get out with the kids for walks, and because of my daughters stomach troubles she still wakes up several times a night so I don't get much sleep. By the time both kids are in bed I want to collapse into bed too, not work out. I have several exercise videos that I really enjoy doing when I do find the time/energy to work out at home, and I try to get out to swim laps once a week as well.

    I lost a lot of weight *really* quickly after my daughter was born, like probably 40lbs in 2.5 months. That wasn't intentional and I'm sure it wasn't very healthy either, but it did give me a good kickstart for losing all the weight that I need to get off.

    I'm hoping to make some "friends" on here for support and accountability really so that once my daughter is weaned and I can eat all the foods again that I currently can't eat (chocolate, milk, cheese, yoghurt, and dining out etc.) that I don't end up overdoing it with the foods that I have MISSED oh so much for the last 6 months.
This discussion has been closed.