Nobody wants to lift no heavy *kitten* weight!



  • Gurney_Halleck
    Gurney_Halleck Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome, and good luck on your goals. Not sure why everyone jumped down your throat here.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,859 Member
    I used to focus on my 1RM numbers, but a shoulder injury last summer combined with approaching age 40 scared me into shifting my lifting plan to 10RM numbers instead. It's taking some getting used to, lifting a weight 10 times instead of just 2 or 3 times, lol. Still dialing in my numbers.

    Oh, and just for thread continuity, my stats:

    Age: 38.7
    Ht: 5'9"
    Wt: 192
    BF: ??? (I'm guessing around 16-18%)
    1RM (pre-injury): B-285, S-475, D-425
    10RM (current): B-195, S-315, D-315 (Deadlift done in sets of 5)
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I actually don't lift.
  • jay_mck
    jay_mck Posts: 112 Member
    squat- 285lbs
    bench- 215lbs
    deadlift- 345lbs
    OHP- 120lbs
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    It's a pretty famous quote. Do you people even lift or interwebs?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Fittreelol wrote: »
    It's a pretty famous quote. Do you people even lift or interwebs?

    quote with no "quotes" doesn't register immediately to me. sorry not sorry. The point of the post was not clear- and he's new.

    But yeah- I definitely don't lift.
  • McCloud33
    McCloud33 Posts: 959 Member
    Age: 33
    ht: 5'-8"
    wt: 183 (and dropping)
    bf%: ~17
    1RM currently
    Bench: ~235
    OHP: ~150
    Push Press: ~175
    Squat: ~330
    DL: ~405
    Weighted Pull-up: ~105
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    I'm on week 5 of SL5x5 and look forward to every workout. I'm proud of my progress! Having never lifted anything besides my kids and the end of a couch I'm kicking *kitten*! Love it. *flexes and lols*
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Fittreelol wrote: »
    It's a pretty famous quote. Do you people even lift or interwebs?

    Sure, but the intent behind him quoting it was a mystery. It sounded like he was bragging.
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    Body Stats: Male. 36. 5'10". 186 lbs. 18-20% bf.
    Current Lifts (5x5): Bench Press-225x1. Squat-350x1. Row-150x3. DL-350x1. OHP-120x1
    Body Goals: 175 lbs. 10-15% bf.
    Strength Goals (5x5): Bench Press-250x1. Squat-375-400. Row-175-200. DL-400+. OHP-185.

    Really been stuck at my current PR's for a while now. Eating at a deficit still so I don't see any major gains coming soon. Been trying to get down to 175 for a while now so I can have a clean slate to do a bulk/cut phase. :s
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    OH OH ME ME ME ME_ I want to contribute
    Body Stats: F 32. 5'8". 175 lbs. blubber-bf.
    Current Lifts: Bench Press-190. Squat-245. DL-305. OHP-95

    Strength Goals (5x5): Bench Press-225. Squat-350. DL-405

    You call people out all the time though?

    495 315 495 in competition
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    Fittreelol wrote: »
    It's a pretty famous quote. Do you people even lift or interwebs?

    Sure, but the intent behind him quoting it was a mystery. It sounded like he was bragging.

    He's 162, no it didn't.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    edited February 2016
    TR0berts wrote: »
    Fittreelol wrote: »
    It's a pretty famous quote. Do you people even lift or interwebs?

    Sure, but the intent behind him quoting it was a mystery. It sounded like he was bragging.

    Nothing wrong with the stats and goals that he posted. Looked good to me. Also this is just about the most famous quote ever in bodybuilding. I can't believe some of the people here didn't get that.

    Coleman is king!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    TR0berts wrote: »
    Fittreelol wrote: »
    It's a pretty famous quote. Do you people even lift or interwebs?

    Sure, but the intent behind him quoting it was a mystery. It sounded like he was bragging.

    Nothing wrong with the stats and goals that he posted. Looked good to me. Also this is just about the most famous quote ever in bodybuilding. I can't believe some of the people here didn't get that.

    Coleman is king!

    I straight missed it- nothing in his post referenced it other than the quote- and quite frankly- its' rare you see straight bodybuilding stuff come up in the general forums- you'll see it more in the gaining section- so yeah- I definitely missed it. (also I'm more power than body- so- well why I love Coleman- it's not like he jumps into my head for famous quotes right off the bat)

    but yeah- got it now- coleman- no one wants to do the work- they just want to look like it. check check. it happens. mai bad. <insert internet apology for my general snarky douchebaggery>
  • dvis334
    dvis334 Posts: 125 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Did you see this coming?

    Haha not exactly.
  • dvis334
    dvis334 Posts: 125 Member
    ovidnine wrote: »
    dvis334 wrote: »
    Yep, just a quote. Maybe tongue in cheek humor doesn't translate well over the internet lol anyway I've only been lifting for about 4 weeks and seeing as i never once stepped foot in a weight room before it goes without saying I dont have a lot of friends to go to for advice, etc. Which was the whole purpose of this post to begin with (not to call anyone out or brag about 4 weeks worth of numbers lol)

    This place needs a thumbs up smiley/emoji/whatever we call them now that I'm old and they have new names.



    Agreed. Classic colon and paranthesis smileys for the win!
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    sarahlifts wrote: »
    Wow you are all so strong.

    bench 90x5, squat 160x5, dl 200x5, ohp 60x5

    5'7 153 24% bf 37yo
    (I bulked through the winter) Avatar 141and I was lifting way less then like a 80 lb squat yall 70 lb dl 30 lb ohp

    yall are strong as all get out!

    Lifting heavy is considered heavy for that individual. what I'm lifting now is heavy to me

    @sarahlifts You look awesome!!!
    Your stats are about the same as mine and your lifts are about the same!!!
    Some very very strong girls on here actually some are so strong they should be competing in powerlifting comps!!! Cause they are reping weights heavier than the lifts that took out the powerlifting titles here where I live! And they are 1 rep max lifts for girls that train dam hard and totally dedicated to powerlifting........amazing!!! Surely puts my weights to shame!
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    Light weight baby!
  • dvis334
    dvis334 Posts: 125 Member
    McCloud33 wrote: »
    dvis334 wrote: »
    Body Stats: Male. 25. 5'10". 162 lbs. 13.6% bf.
    Current Lifts (5x5): Bench Press-155. Squat-210. Row-125. DL-225. OHP-100
    Body Goals: 185 lbs. 8% bf.
    Strength Goals (5x5): Bench Press-225. Squat-315. Row-185. DL-400+. OHP-185.

    If you're into working out, nutrition, goal-oriented, excited, and need/want more accountabilibuddies or just more MFP friends feel free to hit me up or add me!

    Since you're new to this whole thing, I just want you to have realistic goals going in. Based on where you say you are now and what you say your goals are, it looks like you want to put on 30lbs of muscle while dropping 7 lbs of fat (162 to 185, 13.6% to 8%) If this happens, it's more than likely going to take you YEARS which is fine...I just want you to know that going in. A realistic interim goal if you want to put on some muscle, would be 185 at like 18%. That would give you 11-12lbs of added muscle and then you can cut some fat from there and do the whole process over again. You're going to gain some fat with the muscle. Maintaining your current BF is nearly impossible while adding any significant muscle and actually dropping your bodyfat is just that much harder.

    This is more along the lines of the responses I was expecting lol thanks for your advice/input. I'm definitely in it for the long haul. Body goals posted are definitely longer term. However, I do have plenty of short term goals in mind to keep me motivated throughout the journey. Right now im focusing almost completely on strength so thats a priority over aesthetics.