Anyone else skip breakfast?



  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Ppl I'm gonna say this one more time!! All I said was it's not a good practice!!! Did I say it's horrible for you? It's gonna make you fat? It's bad for you? I simply said it wasn't a good practice and the rsn I say it's not a good practice is because a LOT of ppl eating late meals prior to bedtime will not eat what's within their macros! Think about it for a moment, most don't have the drive and mental strength to eat proper day in and day out and it's crucial to stick to those macros especially late at night. Now hopefully no more flaming the new guy lol.

    Not new to the game may I add! :)

    Being a breakfast skipper and late night eater I suppose I fit your profile. I have no macro goals. Not that I don't consider them. I eat a balanced diet and include protein, fat and carbs in all my meals. But I don't track and fret over macros and I'm sure they vary pretty wildly if tracked day to day.

    But that doesn't mean I don't "eat proper". The fact that I've eaten this way for most of my adult life and made past the half century mark in age without any major or long term medical problems would suggest I eat quite properly.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Another on the "it doesn't matter" wagon.

    I tend to eat a very small breakfast and light lunch. (But I down coffee like it's going out of style). A quick snack after working out - all told I rarely eat more than 500-600 calories before dinner time. I eat a (relatively) large dinner, and usually a couple snacks before bed.

    This fits my typical daily 'office' lifestyle. On days I'm doing long bike rides or other strenuous physical activity, this of course changes.
  • ADean3182
    ADean3182 Posts: 16 Member
    Oh and Lunch is typically a smoothie: Protein powder, almond milk, berries, avocado, chia seeds,spinach

    This is pretty much what I do every morning - great smoothie recipe! I don't have time in the morning to make a breakfast and sit and eat it, but I like to make sure to have something in the morning and found this is a great idea and quick too.

    I use this recipe - and use any whey protein powder I have. Chia seeds are great to use as well as they absorb around 10x their weight and make you feel fuller longer.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    Depends on how I wake, hungry or not. When I don't wake up hungry, I'll usually eat breakfast foods at lunchtime. As long as you stick to the amount of calories given to you by the end of the day, that's what matters for weight loss. :smile:
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    I've never been a "morning person" and I've also never been a "breakfast person". I really really don't want food unless I've been up and about at least 3-4 hours or so. So I started IF (16/8) because it really suits my circadian rhythm. My eating window is 11am-7pm. I have a biggish high-protein meal around 11 which keeps me going for ages. Then I have a couple of bits of fruit during the afternoon and another high-protein dinner with some veggies. I don't crave anything and I don't feel I need to eat all day, unlike when I start the day early with a carby breakfast. When I do that I could eat all day! Just horses for courses I guess.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    edited February 2016
    I don't eat until 12pm - that's my 1st meal of the day. You could call it breakfast, but I normally eat something like a curry, or chilli, or spag bol or whatever, so we'll just call it lunch!

    I haven't eaten anything other than the occasional actual breakfast for a few years. I don't miss it and it's a lot less farting around with all the other stuff I've got to get done in the morning.

  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Ive hardly ever eaten breakfast since I was in grade school.
    When I wake up (7am) I have coffee with my pills/vitamin (ill get nauseous if I don't at least have coffee w/ milk). I typically don't get hungry until noon. I have a two-three large snacks/small meals. I also eat a late dinner.

    If I eat breakfast then I will be hungry much sooner and for the rest of the day. No point in eating if I'm not hungry, especially since I'm trying to lose weight!

    Eating a late dinner is not a good practice while trying to lose weight.

    This is myth

    Weight loss comes down to calories. Not meal timing .
    Calorie deficit - weight loss
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    I eat 6 to 7 small meals a day so breakfast isn't something that I skip.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I use IF everyday and have my first meal sometime between 2-4 pm. If I actually ate earlier I would have a very hard time staying within my calories each day.
  • alismommy1992
    alismommy1992 Posts: 72 Member
    Well i personally never eat breakfast never in my life i usually eat until 12-1 pm and im fine i eat a regular lunch if i eat breakfast i get sum severe diareah tmi i knw but thats what happens to me right now i eat a bit of oatmeal maybe less then a cup just to get through my early morning workout but i do get a bit of a tummy ache
  • rattiemomma
    rattiemomma Posts: 41 Member
    I feel sick to my stomach if I try to eat within an hour or so of getting up. Sometimes longer. I've been like that my whole, except when I was pregnant and felt hungry to the point of nausea at all kinds of weird times.

    It's becoming a problem for me, because I'm now on meds I need to take first thing in the morning. I can't take any kind of pills on an empty stomach and I can't eat that early.
  • MelanieBruce1
    MelanieBruce1 Posts: 20 Member
    lately I have been waiting until 10 for breakfast and I stop eating at 6. This is working well for me in the sense that I feel like I have more control over my eating. (esp late night snacking- except when I am drinking then everything seems to go out the window). I don't have time for eating first thing in the morning, so I stopped stressing about it and just bring a hb egg or yogurt to work with me and eat it when i get there.
  • MyUserNameiz
    MyUserNameiz Posts: 6 Member
    I used to skip but Dr. recommend one whey protein shake, sugar free/low carb for breakfast. I add that two weeks ago today, changed nothing else. and have lost 12.5 pounds. I like the Dutch Chocolate 2 scopes with a.class.of water blended 15 seconds.
    He also said try 40% carbs 40% Protein 20% fat for daily goal. :D
  • absentmindedhousewife
    I'll have coffee shortly after I get up, but I nurse it for a half hour. Otherwise I'm just not hungry doing my normal routines until around lunch. The only times I am ever hungry in the mornings is when I'm pregnant and when I'm doing Disneyland. Not going to do pregnancy again but chances are I'll go to Disneyland a lot more.
  • gettingto65
    gettingto65 Posts: 78 Member
    I don't like breakfasts either - I naturally start eating from about midday and finish around 7. But I'm trying to start eating breakfast though I don't think it's a big deal if you don't eat it. Like others have said - that's essentially intermittent fasting which a lot of people gain benefits from x
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    Ok this is literally the last post that I'm responding to. What I said was eating late at night isn't a good practice.

    What you should have said is that it is not good practice for you. Could've avoided a mess of misunderstanding. I eat dinner between 5 and 7, last night it was 8, and then have my ice cream or whatever and a cup of hot chocolate right before I go to bed around 9:30. I've been doing this since I started here a year ago, and learned that I could eat what I wanted when I wanted and have lost 52 pounds. Trying to follow arbitrary rules, like eat breakfast (which I don't anymore), don't eat after a certain time, don't eat this, eat that, and aaaaall that other noise is why I failed so many times in the past. Filtering out the noise and keeping it as simple as possible is what has allowed me to succeed.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    OP, I "break fast" around 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. everyday. Been doing that for years which basically means I use IF for scheduling my meals as I start 11:00 - 12:00 and stop at 6:00 p.m.

    IMHO, a person should eat or plan their meals around how best they need supplied energy to get through their day, activities, exercise.. etc. Meal timing is a personal preference not a requirement.