Do your legs ever get so fatigued that your performance sucks?



  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Yes to the fatigue. It takes more than a day to fully recover from running and lifting. Marathon programs actually take advantage of this (accumulated fatigue) to simulate running farther than you're actually going.

    When I've let too much build up, my legs feel heavy. Not bad, just like it takes twice the effort to get them to move.

    Fixes are one or more of: more food, more sleep, more rest days.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Sounds like cumulative fatigue/ overtraining.

    That's a lot of CV work and very limited resistance work.

    What are you aiming to gain from your training? It's a lot of time in the gym for no clear outcome, so you could probably benefit from a more structured approach that builds in recovery and work periods that have a clearer purpose.
  • slimandsmiling
    slimandsmiling Posts: 85 Member
    When I was eating less carbs and less protein I was getting heavy legs.some days I would go out to run and felt like I could only just walk. Although I have put on 8lbs now..when I run I feel a lot more able. I am also not running so much. I am walking a biking to work 4 days at most.that is only 5miles of biking but around 15000 walking steps with quite a few up hill. Listen to your body pushing through May not be the answer...have two rest days. Rest..sleep. do your legs hurt when you sleep? Just a thought.xx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    Do your legs ever get so fatigued that your performance sucks?


    I cycled a 200 kilometre randonnee on Saturday 30 January. That's 200 kilometres within 13.5 hours, and we did it in about 11.5 hours, including all breaks, of course.

    Sunday, my legs were pretty fatigued and we did just a bit of a walk.

    Even Monday, I only managed 25 flights of stairs and a short walk because they were still fatigued.

    But by the next Sunday I cycled 84.5 km and was fine. :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    In your case I would suggest doing two things:

    1) I presume you know your resting heart rate ... your heart rate before you get out of bed in the morning? Check it again now and if it is significantly higher, you're probably overtraining. For example, if your usual resting HR is 55 and now it is 75, that's a good sign you're over training.

    2) Go to the Dr for a complete physical. Ask for a full set of bloodwork including for diabetes, thyroid, all the vitamins and minerals, etc. etc. etc. It's good to get all these things checked now and then.
  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
    Great article explaining fatigue, including cumulative fatigue.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Thanks all. To answer a few random questions - no it's been going on for months, not just the last couple weeks, and I do get a physical every year with bloodwork, and I had one in September (it was already happening then).

    I've taken a few 3/4 days break because I got sick a few times since though. I haven't been sick in 2 months now so maybe that's why it's worse?

    And I don't really have goals... I like eating, so I'm just trying to burn calories... lol. I've actually gained a couple pounds since November so I'm definitely eating enough (although I've been back at a deficit for the last 4 weeks, but probably just enough to lose 1 or 2 pounds.. not sure yet, TOM just started).

    Swimming is pretty much out because my form sucks and it's actually doing more damage than good, and I can't be in water 2 weeks a month anyway because.. female issues (I know some women still find ways, but I've tried and it's a big nope).

    So... just take it easy for a few days (can't really take it easier on the bike as I'm already at low intensity)? Or just take a few days off? I did some treadmill yesterday but only at 8% (which is really not a strain for me at this point).
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    So swim the two weeks that you aren't having female issues.... And seriously, two weeks? You can't get in a pool for two weeks? Women fight in wars, compete in the Olympics, work strenuous jobs, etc. Do you think they take two weeks off every month because of woman time holding them back? No. They use an appropriate feminine hygiene product and they suck it up. If you enjoy swimming, or any activity for that matter, your menstruation should not be a reason not to participate. This is the 21st century and being held back from doing something because of your period seems a little silly...

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'd take 2-3 days off from the gym. Walk around and stuff, but nothing hard.

    I'd also track sleep, as you don't recover as well if you aren't getting enough sleep, and I like Machka's idea of monitoring morning heart rate as that (and sleep issues that are new) are signs of overtraining/inadequate recovery.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited February 2016
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I can't be in water 2 weeks a month anyway because.. female issues (I know some women still find ways, but I've tried and it's a big nope).
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    So swim the two weeks that you aren't having female issues.... And seriously, two weeks? You can't get in a pool for two weeks? Women fight in wars, compete in the Olympics, work strenuous jobs, etc. Do you think they take two weeks off every month because of woman time holding them back? No. They use an appropriate feminine hygiene product and they suck it up. If you enjoy swimming, or any activity for that matter, your menstruation should not be a reason not to participate. This is the 21st century and being held back from doing something because of your period seems a little silly...

    ...or else it's an excuse. :)

    Two weeks out of every four? Seriously? There might be a day or maybe two in there where heavy menstrual flow *might* be an issue, but 14 days? Every single month? Yikes!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    @kshama2001 can you tell this op all about your alternative women products ? ( I don't know what else to call it. But she might benefit from hearing about the cup and that type of stuff . I don't know enough about them to comment on it but remember you telling a member about those type of products )
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited February 2016
    I can't use those 'female products'. And yes, it would be unsanitary for me to get in a pool 2 weeks a month. Sorry but not getting into details about this on public forums just because a couple of you think that it's such a priority for me to do swimming (when as I said earlier, my form sucks anyway, I learned to 'swim' on my own but never learned good form and have no desire to bother at this point).

    I'm more and more amazed at these forums. The judgment is astounding. Do you tell people that they use excuses for not running if they just don't want to do it, even if they exercise all the time anyway (and apparently too much)?

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I can't use those 'female products'. And yes, it would be unsanitary for me to get in a pool 2 weeks a month. Sorry but not getting into details about this on public forums just because a couple of you think that it's such a priority for me to do swimming (when as I said earlier, my form sucks anyway, I learned to 'swim' on my own but never learned good form and have no desire to bother at this point).

    I'm more and more amazed at these forums. The judgment is astounding. Do you tell people that they use excuses for not running if they just don't want to do it, even if they exercise all the time anyway (and apparently too much)?


    You didn't say you didn't like swimming. You said bad form and woman issues. Which is why I said I don't think menstruation should hold a person back from doing any activity they enjoy, whether it be swimming or something else, in this day and age. If you don't enjoy it and don't want to learn then no, you don't need to try swimming.

    If a person asked for suggestions for cardio exercises and someone suggested running and they said "I can't run because I'm female and I menstruate" I would say the exact same thing to them. Suck it up and go for a run. Using menstruation as an excuse for every ailment/affliction/justification of bad habits/reason to overeat/why a person can't lose weight gives all women a bad reputation...
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I can't use those 'female products'. And yes, it would be unsanitary for me to get in a pool 2 weeks a month. Sorry but not getting into details about this on public forums just because a couple of you think that it's such a priority for me to do swimming (when as I said earlier, my form sucks anyway, I learned to 'swim' on my own but never learned good form and have no desire to bother at this point).

    I'm more and more amazed at these forums. The judgment is astounding. Do you tell people that they use excuses for not running if they just don't want to do it, even if they exercise all the time anyway (and apparently too much)?


    You didn't say you didn't like swimming. You said bad form and woman issues. Which is why I said I don't think menstruation should hold a person back from doing any activity they enjoy, whether it be swimming or something else, in this day and age. If you don't enjoy it and don't want to learn then no, you don't need to try swimming.

    If a person asked for suggestions for cardio exercises and someone suggested running and they said "I can't run because I'm female and I menstruate" I would say the exact same thing to them. Suck it up and go for a run. Using menstruation as an excuse for every ailment/affliction/justification of bad habits/reason to overeat/why a person can't lose weight gives all women a bad reputation...

    Sure, I guess I could go swimming and put blood all over the pool anyway...

    You can't really compare swimming and running, lol. But sure, menstruation is no excuse not to exercise. Unless you have so horrible pain that you can't function (it's happened to me - 4 Advils didn't put a dent in it). But apparently, close minded people like yourself don't realize that we're all different and that some women DO have hormonal issues that give them a lot of pain or really make them much hungrier.

    And THAT is the kind of attitude that give women a bad name... always bashing each other without having any idea what it's like to be in each other shoes.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    i want to know what these special products are.
    i understand not going in the pool during monthlys
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    resistance work and rest days

    use something and it gets tired, let it rest to recover and it gets better and stronger

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    oh I forgot you're against muscles aren't you?

    ummm.. yoga or pilates or bodyweight resistance then
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    oh I forgot you're against muscles aren't you?

    ummm.. yoga or pilates or bodyweight resistance then

    why against muscles?
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I can't use those 'female products'. And yes, it would be unsanitary for me to get in a pool 2 weeks a month. Sorry but not getting into details about this on public forums just because a couple of you think that it's such a priority for me to do swimming (when as I said earlier, my form sucks anyway, I learned to 'swim' on my own but never learned good form and have no desire to bother at this point).

    I'm more and more amazed at these forums. The judgment is astounding. Do you tell people that they use excuses for not running if they just don't want to do it, even if they exercise all the time anyway (and apparently too much)?


    You didn't say you didn't like swimming. You said bad form and woman issues. Which is why I said I don't think menstruation should hold a person back from doing any activity they enjoy, whether it be swimming or something else, in this day and age. If you don't enjoy it and don't want to learn then no, you don't need to try swimming.

    If a person asked for suggestions for cardio exercises and someone suggested running and they said "I can't run because I'm female and I menstruate" I would say the exact same thing to them. Suck it up and go for a run. Using menstruation as an excuse for every ailment/affliction/justification of bad habits/reason to overeat/why a person can't lose weight gives all women a bad reputation...

    Sure, I guess I could go swimming and put blood all over the pool anyway...

    You can't really compare swimming and running, lol. But sure, menstruation is no excuse not to exercise. Unless you have so horrible pain that you can't function (it's happened to me - 4 Advils didn't put a dent in it). But apparently, close minded people like yourself don't realize that we're all different and that some women DO have hormonal issues that give them a lot of pain or really make them much hungrier.

    And THAT is the kind of attitude that give women a bad name... always bashing each other without having any idea what it's like to be in each other shoes.

    Again. Swim the two weeks you aren't menstruating. IF you want. Why does something have to be every single day/week the same?

    No one is bashing. People have tried to offer you suggestions in many, many threads. About hunger, pain, menstruation, sodium burns from fast food, exercise, setting maintenance calories, dealing with your mother, etc. People are patient and try to offer legitimate suggestions. My comments about swimming here are no different. Every suggestion is met with reasons why it won't work, why it's not worth trying, or how people don't understand what you're going through. I think you've even mentioned you've been frustrated with your doctors not believing your issues are as severe as they are to you. If this is the case then I truly can't relate, but that doesn't mean I'm bashing women.

    I really don't know what else to offer in the way of suggestions. Elective hysterectomy? It's an extreme option but since this menstruation thing is so debilitating for you that it negatively impacts your life (at least that's how it sounds from your posts) maybe you should talk to your doctors about that.

    Oh and back to your original question, I notice leg soreness more on days after I do hills. Maybe it's the incline that is getting to you. Try lowering that.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    oh I forgot you're against muscles aren't you?

    ummm.. yoga or pilates or bodyweight resistance then

    why against muscles?

    OP has posted before that she doesn't like the look of muscles on women for herself - that's her choice and desired body aesthetic