Nobody wants to lift no heavy *kitten* weight!



  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited February 2016
    Male 44. Around 210 lbs 13% BF.

    Platform bests raw:Squat 187.5kg/413 lbs, Bench Press 135/297, Deadlift 232.5/512. USAPL.

    Non platform best deadlift: 525 lbs.
    Non platform best BP: 315 lbs.
    Front squat: 315 lbs.
    Push Press: 175 lbs.

    Can't wait until I start lifting heavy.
  • dvis334
    dvis334 Posts: 125 Member
    Welcome, and good luck on your goals. Not sure why everyone jumped down your throat here.

    Thanks! Looking forward to the journey. I'm already enjoying the results I've seen in the past 4 weeks (when I began lifting). Lifts were tragically lower of you can believe it lol
  • dvis334
    dvis334 Posts: 125 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    I used to focus on my 1RM numbers, but a shoulder injury last summer combined with approaching age 40 scared me into shifting my lifting plan to 10RM numbers instead. It's taking some getting used to, lifting a weight 10 times instead of just 2 or 3 times, lol. Still dialing in my numbers.

    Oh, and just for thread continuity, my stats:

    Age: 38.7
    Ht: 5'9"
    Wt: 192
    BF: ??? (I'm guessing around 16-18%)
    1RM (pre-injury): B-285, S-475, D-425
    10RM (current): B-195, S-315, D-315 (Deadlift done in sets of 5)

    Have you ntocied any significant body composition changes due to training w higher reps vs lower?
  • dvis334
    dvis334 Posts: 125 Member
    MommyMeggo wrote: »
    I'm on week 5 of SL5x5 and look forward to every workout. I'm proud of my progress! Having never lifted anything besides my kids and the end of a couch I'm kicking *kitten*! Love it. *flexes and lols*

    This is the program I'm following. I've been running it for 4 weeks and like I mentioned in a previous response, my lifts were ridiculously low to begin with. Which edition are you running? I know the most recent one cuts out all accessory work while the 2nd edition includes chins, dips, planks, and push ups
  • dvis334
    dvis334 Posts: 125 Member
    DYELB wrote: »
    TR0berts wrote: »
    Fittreelol wrote: »
    It's a pretty famous quote. Do you people even lift or interwebs?

    Sure, but the intent behind him quoting it was a mystery. It sounded like he was bragging.

    He's 162, no it didn't.

    Thank you!
  • dvis334
    dvis334 Posts: 125 Member
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    TR0berts wrote: »
    Fittreelol wrote: »
    It's a pretty famous quote. Do you people even lift or interwebs?

    Sure, but the intent behind him quoting it was a mystery. It sounded like he was bragging.

    Nothing wrong with the stats and goals that he posted. Looked good to me. Also this is just about the most famous quote ever in bodybuilding. I can't believe some of the people here didn't get that.

    Coleman is king!

  • dvis334
    dvis334 Posts: 125 Member
    Male 44. Around 210 lbs 13% BF.

    Platform bests raw:Squat 187.5kg/413 lbs, Bench Press 135/297, Deadlift 232.5/512. USAPL.

    Non platform best deadlift: 525 lbs.
    Non platform best BP: 315 lbs.
    Front squat: 315 lbs.
    Push Press: 175 lbs.

    Can't wait until I start lifting heavy.

    Seriously impressive front squat number! What are your thoughts on the OHP vs. Push press? Any benefits of using one over the other?
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    dvis334 wrote: »
    Male 44. Around 210 lbs 13% BF.

    Platform bests raw:Squat 187.5kg/413 lbs, Bench Press 135/297, Deadlift 232.5/512. USAPL.

    Non platform best deadlift: 525 lbs.
    Non platform best BP: 315 lbs.
    Front squat: 315 lbs.
    Push Press: 175 lbs.

    Can't wait until I start lifting heavy.

    Seriously impressive front squat number! What are your thoughts on the OHP vs. Push press? Any benefits of using one over the other?
    OHP vs Push Press? You should probably choose one over the other depending on what main lift your accessorizing.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,464 Member
    edited February 2016
    dvis334 wrote: »
    Have you ntocied any significant body composition changes due to training w higher reps vs lower?

    I'm right now cutting weight, so no significant changes atm, though I am very happy to say my shoulders are pain free, which really is a wonderful feeling. You don't realize how great it is to NOT be in pain until you live with pain for several months.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    dvis334 wrote: »
    Male 44. Around 210 lbs 13% BF.

    Platform bests raw:Squat 187.5kg/413 lbs, Bench Press 135/297, Deadlift 232.5/512. USAPL.

    Non platform best deadlift: 525 lbs.
    Non platform best BP: 315 lbs.
    Front squat: 315 lbs.
    Push Press: 175 lbs.

    Can't wait until I start lifting heavy.

    Seriously impressive front squat number! What are your thoughts on the OHP vs. Push press? Any benefits of using one over the other?

    we were actually just talking about this over in the "show me your X,Y Z video" thread- about how push press is really great for explosive lifting- I personally prefer it to strict OHP- but quite frankly- I need size right now- not explosive powers- so strict press for me. :( sad panda face.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I don't really lift, but wanted to be in the cool thread.
    42 yrs, 5'-10" 170 lbs. ~11-13% BF
    the only 1RM I know is 340 deadlift
  • erialcelyob
    erialcelyob Posts: 341 Member
    Forever converting lbs to kg :(
  • piperdown44
    piperdown44 Posts: 958 Member
    5'11" ~200lbs (give or take a muffin or 2)
    Haven't hit the platform yet and haven't maxed in a long while (except for deadz)…so...
    Bench 265x6
    OHP 150x5
    Squats 255x6
    Deadz 385x1 (failed at 405, while I got it up couldn't get it locked out)

    Goals for this year
    Bench 315x3
    OHP 185x3
    Squats 315x1 preferably 2
    Deads lock that darn 405 out and hopefully hit 435-440.

    Also, as you can see from above my upper body is wwaaayyy stronger than my lower. So my advice to you is keep pounding legs as hard and as often as you can. Trying to play catchup in your 40's suck…..
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Ain't nothin' to it, but to do it. You got this OP.
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    Forever converting lbs to kg :(

    I know, hey! America is one of 3 countries worldwide that still uses the imperi-*kitten*-al system
  • phildog49
    phildog49 Posts: 31 Member
    who's Ronnie Coleman?
  • eeejer
    eeejer Posts: 339 Member
    love all these people bragging and putting you down, and trying to make it seem worse saying they are a girl. Really great attitude people. Anyways, good luck buddy, don't worry about braggers, they probably quarter squat.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    OH OH ME ME ME ME_ I want to contribute
    Body Stats: F 32. 5'8". 175 lbs. blubber-bf.
    Current Lifts: Bench Press-190. Squat-245. DL-305. OHP-95

    Strength Goals (5x5): Bench Press-225. Squat-350. DL-405

    190 Bench....Sweet baby Jesus i'm jealous and impressed.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I'm usually not the one jumping to anyone's defense in the forums, but holy crap, people are harsh on this thread. If this is the weight I should be lifting as a female, then I guess we're both weak af. I've been lifting for two years and definitely can't squat anywhere near 350. I clearly don't even lift. :smile:
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    dvis334 wrote: »
    Body Stats: Male. 25. 5'10". 162 lbs. 13.6% bf.
    Current Lifts (5x5): Bench Press-155. Squat-210. Row-125. DL-225. OHP-100
    Body Goals: 185 lbs. 8% bf.
    Strength Goals (5x5): Bench Press-225. Squat-315. Row-185. DL-400+. OHP-185.

    If you're into working out, nutrition, goal-oriented, excited, and need/want more accountabilibuddies or just more MFP friends feel free to hit me up or add me!

    Good for you. You're at a good starting place.

    FYI - It looks like your DL and OHP are a little out of whack with the BP and Squat goals.