For those who weigh daily



  • Snipsa
    Snipsa Posts: 172 Member
    I log on MFP once or twice per week, usually when there is a loss, but sometimes even when there was a small gain, as I know these things are not linear.

    I usually weigh in the mornings, in the same basic clothes. Tend to see fluctuations of up to 2kg, but it usually evens out by the third day.

    If somebody were to ask I would give them my trend weight as shown on Libra (where I log daily), except for my sis, who knows my exact weight daily as she weighs straight after me.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,025 Member
    Ashtoretet wrote: »
    My weight almost never fluctuates. The last two days it did, it says I gained a pound back. I hate it! I want to blame it on PMS but I'm going to definitely be better about calories for the next week. So I go by what the scale says that day, to keep myself on track.

    You should blame it on pms. You are probably retaining a little water because of it and that is why you are up a little. Definitely keep an eye on the calorie intake, but don't worry about a little water weight especially when it is that time of the month.
  • debradugas9
    debradugas9 Posts: 162 Member
    I always say what I weigh in last...
  • Lindsay375
    Lindsay375 Posts: 49 Member
    I weigh myself every morning and log it here and also a spreadsheet I made.
    That spreadsheet also pulls out every Monday weigh-in on a separate sheet and graphs it. This Monday weight is usually what I say I weigh.
    The spreadsheet also takes a weekly average, using the weekly weight loss and then roughly calculates based on those averages my weekly TDEE which I devide by 7 so approximate my daily TDEE. I have only been tracking for 6 weeks but I hope to use this information after several months to get a more accurate maintenance level. It also helps me better approximate my actual calorie burn during exercise.

    I really like spreadsheets...
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    edited February 2016
    scottsull7 wrote: »
    Bmoy87 wrote: »
    I weigh myself every 2 weeks on Saturday morning. I only do it every 2 weeks mainly because I drink so much water I have to "water fast" the whole night so I have a proper weigh-in. I think weighing yourself more than once a week is overkill and your treating your weight loss as a race and not the proper life change it is and your possibly setting yourself up for failure.

    Actually, exactly the opposite is true. When you weigh yourself everyday you see more clearly the trends and fluctuations. Most people responding here that weigh every day don't get excited and drastically change their behavior because their weight went up 0.5 or 1 pound from the previous day. We know it will come back down and that weight fluctuates due to any of several factors. Weighing every day actually helps to see how weight loss is long-term, and you stop being worried about the difference from day to day. I step on the scale every morning when I wake up and then I go about my day.

    This is how I am, but not how I always was! I find myself obsessing much LESS about my weight/the scale now that I weigh daily and see that fluctuations are normal.

    Previously, when I weighed weekly, if I hopped on the scale early out of curiosity, it would devastate me to see it a couple pounds heavier. Now from weighing daily, I know that is normal fluctuation

    A lot of people mentioned Happy Scale, which I have been using but I don't think I really get it. It doesn't appear to tell me my average weight, only my "best in 10 days." I'm sure there's something I'm not getting but I'm not too worried about it.

    Also many people mentioning that no one asks their weight. Sorry, that was just an example. What I really mean is the weight you think of yourself as.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i am what i weighed today. i will likely say a different weight tomorrow
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    I weigh daily and track in a separate app that gives me graphs, my BMI, and average daily and weekly loss. However, my weigh in day is Sunday, and that's the weight I use to determine at any given time how much I've lost or what I weigh at that time. That's the day I enter my weight into MFP and also use that weigh in date for challenges, etc. As someone above said, I actually find that I stress out less because I weigh daily. After you see the daily fluctuations, in relation to overall loss, it makes them much less scary. In fact, you can see that these fluctuations are very normal. I no longer freak out when I go up or stay the same.
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Normally I step on the scale every morning (before eating anything). I record my weight in a notebook (old fashioned, I know) on Mondays and update MFP about once a month (I'm very close to goal so not seeing big enough changes to warrant doing it any more often than that). No one asks what I weigh (!), but if they did I would go with my last Monday weigh in, rounded to the nearest 5 lbs. I gave up the scale for lent tho. My last weigh in I was 152, but I have been getting discouraged by the sloooow progress over the past few weeks (goal is 145) even though I know it's normal and expected. So I'll be "about 150" until Easter morning. Then hopefully I'll be in the 140s. I am taking measurements weekly though, just to have something to measure, and of course if I see a significant increase, well, I'll bust out the scale.
  • chimaerandi
    chimaerandi Posts: 153 Member
    I log my weight to the tenth of a pound on Libra every day, but I only change it on MFP when it is a full pound, up or down, so like 137.9 and 137.1 are both just 137. I'm always just flat pounds on MFP.

    Weighing myself every day is a lot of help, and Libra, where I can see a 7-day trend, is even more helpful to making me like, "Ah, curse my love of ramen noodles! Ah well, nbd," when I shoot up a pound after consuming a bunch of sodium.
  • sheebamae
    sheebamae Posts: 1 Member
    Bmoy87 wrote: »
    I weigh myself every 2 weeks on Saturday morning. I only do it every 2 weeks mainly because I drink so much water I have to "water fast" the whole night so I have a proper weigh-in. I think weighing yourself more than once a week is overkill and your treating your weight loss as a race and not the proper life change it is and your possibly setting yourself up for failure.

    For some people I would agree it could be a set up for failure, but I love weighing myself more as a reminder as to how far I've come. First thing I do in the morning is step on the scale and it reminds me to stay focused for the day, I.e eating right and exercising, if I want to keep moving the scale. If you want instant gratification though I would say an everyday weigh in would not be the best for you.
  • Ruatine
    Ruatine Posts: 3,424 Member
    I started weighing every day at the beginning of this year after receiving a Fitbit Aria scale for Christmas. I really like being able to see the daily fluctuations of my weight and seeing how "bad" days affect it. I have never had someone ask me what my weight is, but if they did, I would give them the number from my scale that morning. What I weigh is what the scale tells me. I don't try to pretend otherwise or get bent out of shape if that number happens to be higher than my lowest weight recorded that week. I know it's a psychological thing for some people not to see that number go up and down every day, but it helps keep me honest.
  • lexabeep
    lexabeep Posts: 232 Member
    I weigh daily-some times twice. I am curious as to the weight changes throughout the day. As a female- I know I'm not alone- my weight can from 5+ in a day to -5 a week later. I only record a weight once a week. And try to average a few days. I avoid looking at the scale some times when I'm feeling bloated. Otherwise I have to remind myself I'm an child-bearing aged female and talk myself down
  • Mapalicious
    Mapalicious Posts: 412 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    I would answer "around 12 stone" - if anyone is interested enough to ask.

    Whoa...I'm the weight of 12 stones. Amazing the things you brits discover.

    I weigh daily in the morning, right after my morning pee. If my weight has been at a lower number for 3-4 days straight, I track it. I'm always a bit higher after: excess sodium intake, high-intensity full-body workouts, alcohol consumption, I know not to track those numbers.

    Also, I don't go only by weight. I track hip/waist ratio (2 weeks) how well I'm doing in my circuit training class, how fast I can bike my commute to work (ha! personal goal!), and how flabby my arms look (totally subjective).
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,025 Member
    scottsull7 wrote: »
    Bmoy87 wrote: »
    I weigh myself every 2 weeks on Saturday morning. I only do it every 2 weeks mainly because I drink so much water I have to "water fast" the whole night so I have a proper weigh-in. I think weighing yourself more than once a week is overkill and your treating your weight loss as a race and not the proper life change it is and your possibly setting yourself up for failure.

    Actually, exactly the opposite is true. When you weigh yourself everyday you see more clearly the trends and fluctuations. Most people responding here that weigh every day don't get excited and drastically change their behavior because their weight went up 0.5 or 1 pound from the previous day. We know it will come back down and that weight fluctuates due to any of several factors. Weighing every day actually helps to see how weight loss is long-term, and you stop being worried about the difference from day to day. I step on the scale every morning when I wake up and then I go about my day.

    This is how I am, but not how I always was! I find myself obsessing much LESS about my weight/the scale now that I weigh daily and see that fluctuations are normal.

    Previously, when I weighed weekly, if I hopped on the scale early out of curiosity, it would devastate me to see it a couple pounds heavier. Now from weighing daily, I know that is normal fluctuation

    A lot of people mentioned Happy Scale, which I have been using but I don't think I really get it. It doesn't appear to tell me my average weight, only my "best in 10 days." I'm sure there's something I'm not getting but I'm not too worried about it.

    Also many people mentioning that no one asks their weight. Sorry, that was just an example. What I really mean is the weight you think of yourself as.
    You can go into settings and change it to display your 10 day moving average or your best in 10 days.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    Considering how much the scale fluctuates, for those of you who weigh-in daily, which weight for the week do you pick as your "actual weight"?
    For instance if someone asked you right now how much you weigh, would you give them your lowest weight for the week, or how much you weighed this morning? Or is there a certain day of the week you consider your "actual" weight?
    Purely out of curiosity.
    Since weighing daily for the last few months, I find it interesting to see the fluctuations and I can pretty much predict which days are going to be my low days and where my high days will be. As for my actual weight, is it "cheating" to state my weight as the lowest for the week, when some days are 4-5 pounds heavier? And don't get me wrong, I'm not worried about this, it's just something I'm pondering while having my morning cup of coffee.

    I'm not that excited about the concept of an "actual weight". It matters to me if I'm heading in the right direction, and how I feel, mostly. I like knowing the fluctuations because I think of weight loss/weight management as kind of a fun science fair project, and knowing the fluctuations helps me understand how my body works.

    So, I weigh every morning first thing, record the result in Libra for trending, and record only new lows on MFP.

    If someone asks me my weight, one of three answers is likely, depending on who's asking:
    • Medical professionals: "122.4 first thing this morning"
    • Friends with whom I'm willing to chat about such things: "It bounces a bit, but around 122" or "low 120s".
    • Others: "Why would you ask such a personal question?" ;)
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    Lindsay375 wrote: »
    I weigh myself every morning and log it here and also a spreadsheet I made.
    That spreadsheet also pulls out every Monday weigh-in on a separate sheet and graphs it. This Monday weight is usually what I say I weigh.
    The spreadsheet also takes a weekly average, using the weekly weight loss and then roughly calculates based on those averages my weekly TDEE which I devide by 7 so approximate my daily TDEE. I have only been tracking for 6 weeks but I hope to use this information after several months to get a more accurate maintenance level. It also helps me better approximate my actual calorie burn during exercise.

    I really like spreadsheets...

    Hey! Fellow spreadsheet lover here!

    I have a 5-day and 20-day moving average going for my daily weigh-ins, and also use my weights and reported calories to approximate my TDEE. I know if it's showing a really high BMR/TDEE than I need to expect my weight loss to slow down. It's reporting lower than expected now so I'm making sure my logging is accurate for both food and calories. I always have it running the last 21 days for actual weight loss, expected weight loss (based on Scooby's TDEE #), calculated TDEE, average calories eaten over those 21 days (so I know if I'm hitting my food goal over time or not). I wanted to be like all those cool TrendWeight people so I set up a trendline on my 20-day moving average as well to approximate when I will hit my next mini-goal. I too only have about 6 weeks worth of data, so it keeps me motivated to keep my calorie counts like I want them, exercise good, and weighing in every morning so I will have more and more data!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I log daily in Happy Scale app to see the trends & fluctuations. I log each new low in MFP because that's what keeps me motivated. What I tell someone would depend on who they were, but prob my last low or just total pounds lost to date...132!
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    I do weight daily. Ok i weight myselg 3 times a day. Like you i like to keep note i aint gaining to much lol. But i go by what i am on Sunday morning as thats my daily weight in day.
  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    I weigh daily, but I only log when I've lost weight. My biggest loss is always on Sundays for some reason, especially since I eat more on Saturdays normally.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    I weigh daily and use my 7 day average as my weight.