How much/often do you exercise?



  • mjwarbeck
    mjwarbeck Posts: 699 Member
    I try for every day as I have the time right now.
    Strength rotates on a three day cycle: Arms, Legs, Back/Chest/Shoulders
    Cardio is everyday 30-35 minutes on stationary bike
    I try and walk to the gym and back (~4 km)
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,013 Member
    Lately, SL 2x a week and roller derby practice 2 hrs 2x a week.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    Last week's workouts are below. It had to quit running for awhile due to an injury, so I have had to get more creative. Also, the snow provided a few extra calorie burning opportunities!

  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member

    Walking- at least 3 times a week, up to 90 minutes a walk. And before anyone leaps in about how walking isn't exercise, uhm, yeah, it is. I'm up to 6 miles, headed for 6.5 on my distance days and just broke 15 minutes a mile on my 'short and fast' days (short is 4 miles). I'm starting to incorporate jogging, hoping to get up to a 5k at a jog, but knee pain is holding me back. (Ortho appt. on March 3rd. Fingers crossed for good news.)

    Swimming- Used to be three times a week, alternated with walking, but I can't state enough how much I hate the new owners of our gym and the way they manage the pool. Probably will end my gym membership and go back to swimming at the Boys & Girls Club. More expensive but at least it's clean and the people are polite. Upped my hula hoop workout to 40 minute instead,

    Strength-Training- Three times a week, usually incorporated with my hula-hooping. 40 minutes hooping, 30 minutes weight training. I have adjustable weight dumbbells that I'm getting back into using, but honestly, I prefer my resistance bands and strap-on style arm and leg weights for weight training because it doesn't just feel like I'm 'pumping iron', I'm getting more of a full-body workout. Plus the strap-on arm weights don't put pressure on my wrists. (I have tendinitis and need my wrists to type for work.)

    Honestly, I started walking to help with weight loss, but what I've seen is that my blood pressure readings have, for the most part, fallen out of the "Pre-hypertension" range for the first time in probably 3 years. I read three times a day, and now, maybe 1/3rd of those readings are in the 120's/over 70's range, but the rest are all solidly below that. After years of my doctor nagging me to reduce sodium, and eating low sodium? If I'd realized all it would take was some walking, I would have been walking my little legs off!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited February 2016
    I lift 4x per week. I need about 1.5-2 hours in the gym to complete my routine. I do no cardio. I'm more concerned with strength and physique so cardio just doesn't do much for me. I can maintain around 1800-1900 this way. I choose not to add much cardio because I hate it and would do so little/get such a little burn it wouldn't make a difference for me. I will consider adding during a cut, and am working up the nerve to add it for heart health
  • jennz81
    jennz81 Posts: 194 Member
    After talking to a trainer, I cut down 2+ hours a day to an hour, or just 45 minutes. I'm not doing an excessive amount of cardio, and there's tons of variety in my workout which helps. I'm usually in the gym at least 6 to 7 days a week though, and I find that my current routine is much easier to fit into my schedule (which can be insanely at times). I try eat at maintenance, or just a little bit below. I have about one cheat day per week, and I've been able to maintain quite well.

    You have to do what works for you, though. :)
  • Dreysander
    Dreysander Posts: 294 Member
    edited February 2016
    I wear a fitbit and I try to get in at least 30 active minutes a day but most days it ends up being 45 - an hour. That's usually walking, running or stationary bike. I have two big dogs that need to get out every day. I eat in a deficit during the week (right now it's around 1200 cals but I'm thinking about raising it a little bit), sometimes with a fast day in there somewhere, then overeat on Saturday.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    Last week my total exercise was 9 hours 17 minutes. I try to workout everyday, but it's not always possible. I don't count cleaning, walking, playing with my kids or gardening.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Lift 10-12 hours per week, cardio 5-8 hours per week.
  • Arianera
    Arianera Posts: 128 Member
    I'm also new to maintenance. My life responsibilities (and some pesky minor injuries) didn't allow more than 1-2 karate classes a week and walking for 30 minutes 1-2 times a week during my losing phase. I don't expect any big changes to my activity levels now that I have switched to maintenance. For comparison, I also didn't have a lot to lose.
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    I'm currently pregnant so I'm doing less - 10K steps a day (no car) plus gym 3-4 times a week (20 minutes cardio, 20 minutes free weights).

    Before getting pregnant I was cycling about 2 hours a day 5x a week and lifting heavy weights 3x a week.
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Every day 60 minutes cardio ( walking/jogging)
    And i teach twice a week Body-Robics for 60 minutes
    plus 30 minutes elliptical

  • DaDisplacedYooper
    I lost 50 lbs by walking and have maintained for 6 months now. I am cutting back exercise time now because I was spending too much time walking. I did 20 to 25 ksteps per day in December. Since then I am upping cardio intensity by doing HIIT on a stationary bike or using the elliptical. I'm adding strength training too. I am hoping to stay at 6 hours per week.

    I love being outdoors and hate running. I am getting an Elliptigo bike for a more intense outdoor workout. Expensive but my health is worth it.
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    vixtris wrote: »
    So, for those who are maintaining, how much/how long/how often do you exercise? What kind of exercise(s) do you do?

    Every day I go for a walk of about an hour. Every other day, I do weightlifting (full-body routine) which takes about an hour. About once a week I'll go sprinting. I don't do any deliberate endurance training.
    What is your daily calorie intake for maintenance?

    About 2300 or so.
    Do you exercise solely to eat more food, or do you do it for other reasons as well?

    This is a somewhat alarming question.

    I exercise for my health. I think "doing cardio" to "burn calories" is a really bad idea. Why not just eat less in the first place? Don't grind the body down for no purpose other than to make up for overeating.
    At what point do you think it becomes an obsession?

    When it doesn't make sense. Exercise is pretty boring; I do it because it's important but am happy to get it over with.

  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    5-6 days a week, either an hour long yoga class or a half hour run (that's only about 2.5 miles for me as I'm slow right now, recovering from an injury) followed by a 15 minute stretch and light strength session. I would like to add deadlifts on the running days but have not implemented it yet. Always at least one rest day a week for me. I have MFP set to "lose slowly" not "maintain" as I would like to creep down about 5lb this year, and it gives me only 1200 a day plus exercise; so I always over-eat on rest days.
  • tashadelima
    tashadelima Posts: 6 Member
    I work out 5 times a week.

    Mon: Rest day
    Tues: Shoulders & cardio (30 minutes elliptical/jogging)
    Wed: Cardio (1 hour ZUMBA!!!), and alternating strength training
    Thurs: Arms, abs & Cardio (30 minutes)
    Fri: Rest day
    Sat: Chest & Cardio (30 minutes)
    Sun: LEGS DAY!
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    Lifting 5 days per week, lifting 80% of my 1RM, 6-9 exercises, 6-10 reps x 3 sets, usually takes 30-60 mins. Don't do cardio, hate it.
  • mommarnurse
    mommarnurse Posts: 515 Member
    Start running. A 10K run burns 700 calories for me. That's only an hour. It's a way to get in excellent cardiovascular exercise and to burn a high amt of calories in a shorter time.
  • mommarnurse
    mommarnurse Posts: 515 Member
    jsidel126 wrote: »
    I don't have time to exercise. I watch my caloric intake by logging the food I consume. I have been losing weight since I started this experiment. Keep your calories in check and you can lose/maintain your weight.

    This is very true.
    For me though, I enjoy being able to eat much more because I exercise. Haha.

    I do also feel it's important to be physically active. It's a huge stress reliever in my life.
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    jsidel126 wrote: »
    I don't have time to exercise. I watch my caloric intake by logging the food I consume. I have been losing weight since I started this experiment. Keep your calories in check and you can lose/maintain your weight.

    This is very true.
    For me though, I enjoy being able to eat much more because I exercise. Haha.

    I do also feel it's important to be physically active. It's a huge stress reliever in my life.

    Also, slightly overweight and active trumps thin and idle, health-wise. A very restricted diet is the fastest way to lose weight for sure, but it's not good for your body, and not good thinking either... I can pretty easily drop below a healthy BMI by working out less and not eating much, and my mind still pulls toward that sometimes. Staying fit and feeling firm and strong helps to offset the unhealthy thinking patterns.