10 Pounds A Month Club

catie224 Posts: 50
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
Hey MFP Community! I'm looking for a small group looking to lose ten pounds a month through a combination of healthy eating and exercise. I would like to keep it small just so that we can really keep up with each other. Anybody in? =)


  • fidgekitty
    fidgekitty Posts: 43
    I'm down, I'm starting p90x doubles and a *net* 1200 calorie goal on Monday, so I'm really hoping to lose about 10+ a month (I've got a long way to go) :D
  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    Count me in! I've been rockin the exercise and staying under my calorie allowance for the past 10 days (since I joined MFP and started this journey).
  • jklapatch
    jklapatch Posts: 29
    I'd love to join too! I think I'll do better with a smaller group. I also love challenges so if there's anyway to incorporate that, that'd be awesome!
  • mnldreams
    mnldreams Posts: 21
    I would love to join you! I need motivation to keep going and only have 10 lbs left to go :)
  • catie224
    catie224 Posts: 50
    Yayy, lets do it! A little bit about myself--I ran track all through high school and was in great shape, but in April 2010 I dislocated my knee and tore my meniscus while dancing. I had arthroscopic surgery at the time, but needed to have open knee surgery last December to tighten my knee cap further. I am able to walk and use the elliptical machine normally now, but haven't been able to run. Returning to racing is my long term goal, but for now I just want to get back in shape and lose the weight I've gained over the past year. I am considering starting Supreme 90 Days (it's a cheaper version of P90X basically haha) next week. Stats: CW: 158 GW: 130ish.

    I am definitely down for challenges--any suggestions?

    Share anything that you think will help us encourage each other!

    -Catie =)
  • jklapatch
    jklapatch Posts: 29
    What about weekly challenges for either specific exercise goals or eating goals? Or both? This way we get some novelty with changing up week to week, plus we'll have incentive to try new things!! I for one always stick to the same exercises and I know that can easily lead to a plateau...
  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    I'm new to the group idea, but what about setting a "calories burned" goal for the first week (end of 1st week), maybe 1250 calories burned from exercise. That's approx 208 a day for 6 days. Just a suggestion, not sure if it's practical for all players.
  • tatesmom
    tatesmom Posts: 56 Member
    Count me in!! I need to get moving!! I would LOVE to lose 10 pounds a month!! I did my first month on MFP, but slowed way down!!!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I already strive to get about 10 a month, at least.
    But I think it would be awesome to be in a group for it, too. [;

    I'm Kailee.
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Wow! Is it possible to lose 10 pounds in a month?
  • jklapatch
    jklapatch Posts: 29
    I'm new to the group idea, but what about setting a "calories burned" goal for the first week (end of 1st week), maybe 1250 calories burned from exercise. That's approx 208 a day for 6 days. Just a suggestion, not sure if it's practical for all players.

    I like it! This way it's flexible- you can do a bit each day or 3-4 harder workouts.
  • catie224
    catie224 Posts: 50
    Welcome, new members! I love the idea of calories burned as our first challenge; starting with exercise is an active first step! So we will do weigh ins/check ins on Mondays--this still gives us six days to reach 1250 calories burned!!

    In response to uvlyluv--it's roughly possible, depending on your starting weight and calorie intake. I have my calories at the minimal 1200, which MFP says will make me lose 1.8lbs a week. At 4.5 weeks/month I probably couldn't technically lose 10 lbs, but it's a goal. =)

    So, to recap:
    We had a suggested 1250, but feel free to set higher or lower personal goals. You know your body best.
  • catie224
    catie224 Posts: 50
    Oh, so I'm going to aim for 2000 calories burned =)
  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    Oh, so I'm going to aim for 2000 calories burned =)

    I burned over 4000 last week, so I'll keep that as this week's personal goal.
  • jklapatch
    jklapatch Posts: 29
    I'm going to aim for 1500... here goes!
  • catie224
    catie224 Posts: 50
    Check in time!! How did everyone do?

    My goal: 2000
    Calories Burned: 2962
  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    My goal = 4000+
    Calories burned = 4442

    lost 2lbs
  • Sounds like a great plan. I started Feb 22, 2011. Today I am 39lbs down. So I am almost right on that track.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • tatesmom
    tatesmom Posts: 56 Member
    My calories burned goal is 2000 and I burned 2482!!! My beginning weight last week was 221 and my weigh in on Saturday was 220!! So only down a pound!! I have lost 30 pounds in 90 days though, so hopefully I can stay on pace for 10# a month!!
  • Hello all! I know I'm joining late but it's better than never :)
    My name is Samantha, I'm wanting to lost about 40-45lbs all together. I'm 5'8 my CW/SW is 180 (weighed in this morning) and my GW is around 135. My weekly calories burned goal set by MFP is 2380 doing about an hour workout six days a week. Calories eaten, I'm trying to sat 1200-1500 depending on my workout that day. I'm currently on the recovery week for INSANITY. :) Hurt my ankle last week though so was unable to do anything and now I'm attempting to get back to it just taking it a little easier. Good luck everyone!
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