Over 50, lets make it fun!



  • Malenurse51
    Malenurse51 Posts: 181 Member
    sndrd49 wrote: »
    How are you going to be "Dad" to people over 50? Lol

    Good point. Let me re-think that, lol.
  • sndrd49
    sndrd49 Posts: 234 Member
    You could be my cousin if you want, I don't have any of those.
  • 1idd
    1idd Posts: 14 Member
    I can echo what others have said. My version yesterday; wait, I'm 59......(just had a recent birthday). I'm surprised how easy it has been to put on weight due to a variety of factors. Time to get healthier!
  • Tinymeaf
    Tinymeaf Posts: 30 Member
    You can add me as well. I'm 51, and have kept my New Years resolution so far to the tune of 15 pounds! My keys have been to exercise regularly, to log everything I eat, and to snack with less carbs.(apples and raw almonds). My wife is very happy with the new me, and so am I. What a kick when someone notices and compliments me. I haven't been perfect, but have decided not to kick myself around for it.
  • archie313
    archie313 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all. 64 here. Started getting "serious" about this weight loss/healthy eating/fitness thing awhile back. Starting weight 265, "Seriously started" 241 on 8/21/15, Current 188, Goal 175. We can all use all of the help we can get. Slow and steady is the way to go. Don't beat yourself up about slips (like the one I had tonight). As Scarlet said; "Tomorrow is another day". I'm here for whomever needs a "dad figure," lol.

    If my brother were still alive he'd be 64. Will you be my big brother
  • AngelaPea
    AngelaPea Posts: 8 Member
    Me! Me! I'm 51, coming off of two years of cancer treatment and recovery....and I need some FUN motivation. I need to lose about 15 pounds, but darn if it isn't coming off SLOWLY. Like fractions of an ounce each week. Makes me crazy!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,328 Member
    About 10 to go and oh is it slooooooow! Would love to join. Geez - why did a Krispy Kreme news story come up while I'm typing this?!?! It's a sign!! :D
  • goodreadsgal
    goodreadsgal Posts: 248 Member
    Hi. Restarted here. Just turned 60. I have 100to lose. Would love to join this group

  • txcraftr
    txcraftr Posts: 133 Member
    Hi I'm 58. Have lost 100 pounds vvvvveeeerrrryyyy ssssslllloooowwwwwllllyyy about 15 years to do it. I have another 50-75 pounds to go. Would like to lose a little bit faster and know I can do it. Just need some good people to talk to.
  • DebBahr
    DebBahr Posts: 110 Member
    I just turned 50 last month. I've lost 43 lbs and I have at least 17 lbs to go. We'll see how I feel when I reach my goal. Would love a few new friends!
  • 1idd
    1idd Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks to all for sharing such a variety of progress with weight loss! Encouraging!!
    Good to be back to tracking food and mindfulness of eating it brings.
  • AngelaPea
    AngelaPea Posts: 8 Member
    All Righty Then....we appear to have a group going here. SO..how does this work? Will someone post every morning with the title "Over 50 - The Fun Crowd" and we all check in? I'll get it rolling tomorrow...
  • sndrd49
    sndrd49 Posts: 234 Member
    Should we start a Group in the Group section?
  • RuralShutterbug
    RuralShutterbug Posts: 18 Member
    Hi there, my name is Al, short for Alison. I need to refocus and be accountable. I'm an Aussie living in the leafy eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Add me if you need someone else :)
    That goes for others who have made comments also!
  • Hey all, another over 50 gal. I was just reading the comments and I'm shocked at the words we use to describe ourselves, "disgusting, sloth, loser etc". One thing I've learned on my journey already is that you can change the inner voice before the outer self sees improvements. You must think and speak of yourself with love. It's not a crock of crap. It's a fact. Your body will respond to positive thoughts of love and motivation. But, the loudest voice of encouragement has to be yours. Don't look in the mirror and see everything wrong with yourself, look in the mirror and say, I can change the way I look. I can do something differently today. Any journey no matter how big or small starts with the first step. Today, just choose to take a step and congratulation yourself when you do.
  • gmadaisy
    gmadaisy Posts: 5 Member
    Looking for friends over 50 with a positive attitude and a great sense of humour to join me on my wellness journey!

    Hi Natasha. Add me and we could motivate each other. Only just started this myself and have lots to lose. So let's start this.
    archie313 wrote: »
    Looking for friends over 50 with a positive attitude and a great sense of humour to join me on my wellness journey!

    I'm Karen and I'm in. Am in my mid 50s and have become a slug. A big, squishy, soft-bodied slug. Was a gym rat till I was ~40, how the hell did this happen? But it's time to get my life back. Very happy to be doing this with you. Yay!!

    I'm gmadaisy I've been on fitness pal for awhile thought I'd join. I'm a very active 72year old great grandmother. Some days need encouragement!
  • Tinymeaf
    Tinymeaf Posts: 30 Member
    Taking the next big step. Now that I have lost enough weight for my knees to handle the pounding, I am going to start running again. Shopping for good quality shoes so that I don't break down. Any tips on how to get up and running?
  • 1idd
    1idd Posts: 14 Member
    There are several good couch to 5k apps available that are free. Some also have good support community. This was suggested to me by several fitness trainers. Hope this helps. Happy running ;) and congrats on getting to this point!
  • Malenurse51
    Malenurse51 Posts: 181 Member
    Tinymeaf wrote: »
    Taking the next big step. Now that I have lost enough weight for my knees to handle the pounding, I am going to start running again. Shopping for good quality shoes so that I don't break down. Any tips on how to get up and running?

    Best shoes I've found are New Balance1260v4 Style 478. You have to go to a New Balance Store to get them. The difference in quality between them and the other New Balance that you can buy anywhere (Kohl's) are like day and night. Not cheap: $145. but well worth it. Very stabilizing, good ankle support.
  • Tinymeaf
    Tinymeaf Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I have downloaded run trainer by under armor. Started with a 15 minute run/walk and set up a training schedule for me. Went to a running store to get fitted with shoes. Ended up with Nike zooms.