A Little disappointed-What could I do better?



  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    chief3202 wrote: »
    UPDATE: I just went to the doctors and was weighed in. My numbers were wrong, but the loss was MORE. 266.2 pounds. HOLY CRAP! I lost 8 lbs this week. I know I have a long way to go to reach my goal of 220, but I am excited of my accomplishment. Good bye Oreo's for ever. (lol) Thanks everyone.

    Wow, that's awesome! Great job. :)
  • ADean3182
    ADean3182 Posts: 16 Member
    chief3202 wrote: »
    UPDATE: I just went to the doctors and was weighed in. My numbers were wrong, but the loss was MORE. 266.2 pounds. HOLY CRAP! I lost 8 lbs this week. I know I have a long way to go to reach my goal of 220, but I am excited of my accomplishment. Good bye Oreo's for ever. (lol) Thanks everyone.

    WTG man, keep it up! Whatever you are doing is clearly working
  • ernestrodgers82
    ernestrodgers82 Posts: 204 Member
    chief3202 wrote: »
    Hello everyone! I am a first time poster and enjoy reading some of the wonderful success stories. I am a 48 year old male and I am 6'"1 tall.

    On December 11, 2015, I decided to change my life style because I started having some minor health problems. I was 291 pounds and developed high blood pressure and plantar fasciitis. I am under doctors care and receiving treatment. Plantar fasciitis has a long healing process and made me not want to move. I can barley walk on some days and I became bored. I was eating a few dozen of oreo cookies a day and my weight skyrocketed from 270 to 291 within 6 months.

    I was watching television and surfing the channels, coming across the TLC channel series 600 lb life. Some of these stories made me think, "DO I LOOK THIS OVERWEIGHT?" I looked into the mirror and it clicked in my mind that I have a weight problem. My belly was shaped like a pear and I had a double chin that I really never payed attention to.

    The next day I started my weight loss journey. I spoke with my son who is 23 about weight loss because he suffered from being over weight. His weight was 400 lbs and he went on the paleo diet a year ago. He lost 170 lbs and his accomplishments inspired me to ask how he met his goals.

    I began the paelo adventure on December 12, 2015 and did my first weigh in on January 12. I lost 13 pounds. According to my son, I should of dropped 20 pounds or more of water weight. 2 more weeks went by and I just lost 5 more pounds, weighing in at 274. There are no calorie counting with the paleo diet and supposedly one can eat until full. I thought the food amount was excessive and the food seemed to contain tons of salt, making me drink a gallon of water daily. I ate the good fruit carbs and eliminated all junk carbs, especially oreo cookies..

    I joined myfitnesspal and followed the calorie counting. It was recommended that my calorie intake was 1750, but I reduced to 1500 because I cannot exercise daily due to the plantar fasciitis. I went over my calories a few times, but did not exceed the original 1750. Additionally, I worked out doing cardio exercise and burned a 1000 calories as of today.

    I weighed in this morning and only lost 1.5 pounds using calorie counting method. I was disappointed with my 1.5 lb loss because all of the water weight is gone, and I have minimal carbs intake. I was looking for bigger numbers then 1.5 pounds. I know its early in the game, but I thought I had an advantage from the Paleo diet and expected calorie counting to by more successful.

    Can anyone recommend what I am doing wrong, and give advice on some changes? Is this all the weight that I can expect to lose weekly? Some days I am starving and others I am fine. I am pushing myself hard to exercise more, but the plantar fasciitis pain is unbearable and refrains me from doing more in the workout.

    Thanks, and I hope to explore a journey like my son has..

    Dean, you didn't put that weight on in three months, how can you expect to take it off in just three months? I'm saying this as someone who was in the same place as you in July of last year at 6'2" and 290 pounds. I was able to get down to 249 by the end of November. Your 1500 calories seems really low. Mine is 2110 for 249 pounds, lightly active and desiring to lose 1.5 pounds per week. Just go with the flow. As long as you're losing you're not gaining. As for salt, be sure to cook your own food, don't eat prepared or frozen food, and pay attention to the MyFitnessPal sodium limit of 2300 mg/day.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear. It's hard to keep in mind, espically when the number on the scale doesn't vary much, but it is true. My numbers always go up and down over time, but when I started looking at the trend and it was going down, I was able to stop worrying about it as much. So keep an eye on your trending weight, and as long as you can draw a line from start to finish and it's going down, you're fine. Congrats on the weight you've lost so far! ^_^

    Also, you don't have to say goodbye to Oreos, they still love you. You just can't love as many of them as you have in the past. XD
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    You'll be able to work those Oreos in soon enough!
    Once you reach your goal weight, your foot has healed, and you get into weight training perhaps, you'll be able to eat tonnes.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    dubird wrote: »
    Also, you don't have to say goodbye to Oreos, they still love you. You just can't love as many of them as you have in the past. XD

  • chief3202
    chief3202 Posts: 41 Member
    edited February 2016
    ernestrodgers82, nice job! Thanks for the encouragement ewhip. Those pictures of your weight loss is awesome! I cannot wait to post my pictures when I hit my goal. I know a plateau will be coming soon, but I am determined to get the job done. I weigh myself in every Friday and I will post next weeks numbers hoping for great results again. Have a great weekend everybody and thanks for all the kind and inspiring words.
  • chief3202
    chief3202 Posts: 41 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Today's weigh in showed that I gained a pound and I can explain why.

    My wife wanted to have a romantic valentines day and we made reservations at McCormick and Schmick's. I was not allowed to take my scale with me (lol), and no accurate nutrition information was posted online. The waitress was dumbfounded. Not one employee could provide me with nutrition information about the food, except that "there is a lot of calories" in everything we serve.

    My wife is very skinny and tall with a beautiful physique. She supports my diet project, but she is is like the devil making me take the apple. (lol) I ordered tilapia fish and lobster bisque soup. I took the first bite, and I could taste the grease. I knew in my mind that the calories were coming back and I felt uncomfortable. Of course I ate the entire meal, but who wouldn't for just spending $125 on a meal. We enjoyed ourselves and I stuck to drinking water instead of alcohol.

    The following Monday, I weighed myself and found that I had gained 4.5 pounds. I was completely shocked and disappointed in myself for gaining that much weight within 2 days. I made a commitment and focused on going to the gym everyday this week and increased my workouts. It was very difficult for me with an injured foot, but I stuck to it bringing my weight back to 267.7. I am satisfied with today's weigh in, but it cost me a doctor's visit because my foot severely flared up to the point where I can hardly walk.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Domicinator
    Domicinator Posts: 261 Member
    I would kill to be able to lose 1.5 a week at this point. I'm 4 lbs. away from my ultimate goal weight, and I have to keep it to .5 lbs. a week or I feel miserable and hungry all the time. Enjoy the ability to melt that much off per week while you still can. Progress gets slower and slower as you get closer to goal.
  • elaineamj
    elaineamj Posts: 347 Member
    Dean: a week's weight loss is not worth injuring your foot enough to impair months of progress. It really, really, really isn't. I have a bad tennis elbow injury that has been bothering me for almost 8 months now. I REALLY want to start playing badminton 2x a week. I love it, PLUS it is an amazing cardio workout. But it leaves me in pain for 2 days and if I play, I know I will be delaying my recovery for months. So I stay far away (and watch my DH and son go off to play every week :( ).

    I'd also like to add the strength training everyone here raves about. But even using 1lb dumbbells for 5 mins will wreck my elbow for 1-2 days. So I've put those aside as well. It's not a frightfully painful injury - but I know if I don't start taking care of it, it is going to affect so many of the things I want to do.

    Don't mess up your feet - go see your doctor/therapist and follow instructions. You can lose weight with just a calorie deficit alone, and given your current injury, it will likely be healthier (even if it is a bit slower) in the long run. Patience is the name of the game here.

    And the 4.5 lbs wasn't "real" weight - it was all the extra sodium causing you to retain more water. You'd likely have seen the loss even without the extra workouts.

    As for the huge meal, I get it - I really do. I struggle when i eat a big meal at a restaurant because my mind starts seeing the big red numbers on MFP. That said, if this is my life for the rest of my life (and not just a crash diet), I must have a way to deal with these types of social situations.

    I do what other MFP'ers have recommended - count my weekly net calories. So my daily numbers are not my focus. I typically have a social meal 1-2 times a week where I will eat about double the calories I normally do (and no scale, no nutrition info - just guesstimating). So I bank calories for a day or two beforehand, eat very lightly during the day(stuff I find filling like plain chickpeas or plain hard boiled eggs are my faves). I also make sure I get my workouts in, maybe even an extra workout or two. 9 times out of 10, I can fit everything into my weekly net calories.

    I also pay more attention to my trending average weight than my day to day fluctuations. I tend to yo-yo around the same numbers for about a week and then drop 1 lb or so suddenly in a day. I adjust my plans every 2-3 weeks based on what my weight graphs tell me. I've noticed it takes about a 1-2 weeks for any diet changes to affect my average weight (although I've only been at this for 7 weeks so still early days for me to tell yet).
  • chief3202
    chief3202 Posts: 41 Member
    I went to the Doctors today and she told me to lighten up on the cardio workouts, stay off my foot for a week and prescribed an anti- inflammatory.

    Can anyone recommend exercises that I can do that does not require too much weight on my foot? Is there a website that can show me the proper exercise techniques? Could I decrease my calorie intake from 1500 to 1200 to help with weight loss to substitute for the workout burn calories?

    Within 8 weeks, my weight went from 291 to 267 and the 1500 calorie intake seemed to work for me, along with burning on an average of 500 calories per cardio workout.

    I think I am doing fairly well and I do not want to gain weight back from being inactive because of my foot.

    Any input is appreciated..
    Thanks, Dean
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    chief3202 wrote: »
    Hello everyone!

    Today's weigh in showed that I gained a pound and I can explain why.

    My wife wanted to have a romantic valentines day and we made reservations at McCormick and Schmick's. I was not allowed to take my scale with me (lol), and no accurate nutrition information was posted online. The waitress was dumbfounded. Not one employee could provide me with nutrition information about the food, except that "there is a lot of calories" in everything we serve.

    My wife is very skinny and tall with a beautiful physique. She supports my diet project, but she is is like the devil making me take the apple. (lol) I ordered tilapia fish and lobster bisque soup. I took the first bite, and I could taste the grease. I knew in my mind that the calories were coming back and I felt uncomfortable. Of course I ate the entire meal, but who wouldn't for just spending $125 on a meal. We enjoyed ourselves and I stuck to drinking water instead of alcohol.

    The following Monday, I weighed myself and found that I had gained 4.5 pounds. I was completely shocked and disappointed in myself for gaining that much weight within 2 days. I made a commitment and focused on going to the gym everyday this week and increased my workouts. It was very difficult for me with an injured foot, but I stuck to it bringing my weight back to 267.7. I am satisfied with today's weigh in, but it cost me a doctor's visit because my foot severely flared up to the point where I can hardly walk.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Chances are, that weight gain is water weight, not fat. You changed your eating habits for one evening, and probably ended up with a lot more sodium than you normally get, so your body was retaining water. Next time it happens, simply go back to your normal routine instead of adding a bunch of extra exercise. It'll even out and you hopefully won't have a flareup. ^_^
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,721 Member
    chief3202 wrote: »
    Hello everyone!


    I ordered tilapia fish and lobster bisque soup. I took the first bite, and I could taste the grease. I knew in my mind that the calories were coming back and I felt uncomfortable. Of course I ate the entire meal, but who wouldn't for just spending $125 on a meal. We enjoyed ourselves and I stuck to drinking water instead of alcohol.

    The following Monday, I weighed myself and found that I had gained 4.5 pounds.


    +1 to the idea that most of that 4.5 pounds was water weight, if this was the only meal where you were off goal.

    4.5 pounds equates to roughly 15,750 calories. Tilapia plus lobster bisque doesn't equate to 15,750 calories in excess of maintenance calories at your current weight. That would be ten times your current daily goal, over and above maintenance calories. Just no.

    Use the arithmetic of weight loss to think about where you are; it helps.

    One option, if you can't get precise nutritional info from a restaurant, is to mentally estimate your portion size, then (when you get home), go out to the MFP database and pick an entry for a similar dish, choosing one that's on the higher side of what's out there if there are multiples (because there are a lot of lowball entries), and use your estimated portion size compared to the database one. This will give you a general idea of the impact. Log it, and go on.
  • viblanco
    viblanco Posts: 32 Member
    Hi everyone. I've been reading the posts here and also share the same frustration. I have had a roller coaster kind of experience with my fitness goals and results.

    Even to the point of even wanting to give up sometimes. I am self-taught (weight lifting, nutrition, etc) and I can't afford to shell out a ton of money on a personal trainer. I have made some strength gains but I am still not where I want to be physically.

    I decided to start my own youtube channel in order to really hold myself accountable. The biggest issue has always been the nutrition. If you guys would like to support or even give some feedback or ideas I would really appreciate it. Even though I have been "working out" since about 2012 I feel like I am starting from square one.

  • meggy_182
    meggy_182 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi I too suffer with plantar fasciitis and it's a real pain! I see a physio one a fortnight who gave me lots of stretching excerises to do that have helped a bit. Also look into heel.cups they've been a life saver (I work in a shop so I have no chocie but to walk)
    As for excerises that aren't weight baring I cycling you don't put pressure on your feet doing that or something like swimming is very gentle
  • FabianMommy
    FabianMommy Posts: 78 Member
    Hi Dean, remember weight loss really begins in the kitchen, please don't injure yourself further in a desperate attempt to damage control, it isn't worth it and it's what you eat that mainly causes weight loss in a calorie deficit. As long as you have a deficit, you will lose and right now, you need to concentrate on resting your foot. Put that meal behind you, it's what we do consistently that makes the difference, not the odd calorie splurge. It's early in your journey, go with the calories MFP calculates, rest your foot and heal and stick with it. As long as you have your calorie deficit, the weight will and IS coming off, be patient! Best of luck!
  • elaineamj
    elaineamj Posts: 347 Member
    No - 1200 is TOO LOW.

    I suggest u think about whether u want to keep the weight off for the rest of your life or go on a crash diet and then have a high possibility of regaining it all after u return to "normal" food.

    I am on what MFP assigned to me but have been losing more than the 1lb a week though. I upped it 2 weeks ago and am still losing quickly so am planning to add more calories. It actually feels more sustainable since I have upped it. I can handle social meals, I can have treats, I can live more "normally" and that all makes this easier. Sure it will take me longer, but so am interested in the habits of a lifetime - not a short term fix.

    Patience can be a very good thing :)
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    chief3202 wrote: »
    I went to the Doctors today and she told me to lighten up on the cardio workouts, stay off my foot for a week and prescribed an anti- inflammatory.

    Can anyone recommend exercises that I can do that does not require too much weight on my foot? Is there a website that can show me the proper exercise techniques? Could I decrease my calorie intake from 1500 to 1200 to help with weight loss to substitute for the workout burn calories?

    Within 8 weeks, my weight went from 291 to 267 and the 1500 calorie intake seemed to work for me, along with burning on an average of 500 calories per cardio workout.

    I think I am doing fairly well and I do not want to gain weight back from being inactive because of my foot.

    Any input is appreciated..
    Thanks, Dean

    You won't gain weight on your calories. You just might not lose as much for one week. But can you get to a pool? That would be fun while your foot heals.

    You could also try some floor work online, like Pilates or even a ballet thing called 'floor barre'. It's all tough enough and darned fun (I think), and I use it when my bad toes act up. There are also some yoga moves, but most practices won't be divided up into floor vs standing. Some might, so Google :)

    Congratulations! Great job.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,867 Member
    edited February 2016
    You know, I thought about it a bit, and I know I am going to come out of this looking a bit like an *kitten*; but other people are looking at these posts too.

    Dean: you are losing weight in an unsustainable fashion as evidenced by your injuries, your overly onerous deficit, following a way of eating that you don't necessarily believe to be sustainable long term, and by your emotional reaction to scale weight and transient weight fluctuations.

    So: take a deep breath. Clear your calendar. The next year is going to go by whether you are losing weight, gaining weight, or maintaining your weight. So will the one after that.

    If you continue like this one of two things will happen: you will end up giving up discouraged when you become too injured to exercise, or you will succeed and achieve rapid weight loss based on an excessive deficit and have to deal with the excess lean mass you will have UNNECESSARILY lost, possibly end up with gallblader surgery due to gallstones, and definitely end up without the skills needed to maintain your weight loss long term.

    So, based on your stats and desire to exercise set your weight loss to -750 Cal (for most people it would be -500, but you seem to be willing to exercise and as long as you're obese and your TDEE is over 3000 Cal, -750 is within the acceptable range for a deficit which I consider to be 20 to 25% off of your TDEE). Be prepared to drop that deficit to 15% to 20% of your TDEE when you move from obese into the overweight range.

    Keep to your -750 or -500 deficit. Consider adding strength training to your fitness regiment. Exercise for health. Eat for weight loss.

    Use a trending weight program so that you stop reacting to water weight variations that have nothing to do with your underlying weight level changes.

    Enjoy your ON AVERAGE 1 to 1.5lb a week drop.

    The changes at that rate of loss will already be almost too fast for your brain and body to keep up with!

    BTW: if you do nothing else, really just start using a trending weight program and stop reacting to daily scale weight changes!

    Happy Scale-iphone
    www.trendweight.com: requires supported scale or freely available (without a device) fitbit.com account to enable weight entry through integration.
    www.weightgrapher.com: just like trendweight but also allows for manual entry of your weight.

    Best of luck!