A Little disappointed-What could I do better?



  • chief3202
    chief3202 Posts: 41 Member
    Hello everyone!! I just wanted to check in and thank everyone for their kind words and advice that was posted last week. This week I could not sit still and went against my doctors advice to rest. After seeing how my stomach fat diminished, I could not sit stagnant and allow the fat to return. I pushed myself and suffered with the pain and continued working out until I reached my pain tolerance point. I decreased calorie intake to 1200 to substitute for the reduced workouts.

    As of today, I lost 4 additional pounds, totaling 27.1 pounds since I joined MFP. My current weight is 263.3. It is very obvious from my appearance that my stomach shrank.

    I am looking for opinions regarding me adjusting my calorie intake? Should I go back to 1500 or continue with 1200 since I cannot perform my routine exercising? I wear down when I am 20 minutes into the workouts, but other then that, I feel fine during the day.

    Another question... Should I eat fruit carbs and protein before I work out to give me an energy boost? If so, how long should I wait for the food to digest before i begin the workout?

    Thanks again,
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    chief3202 wrote: »
    Hello everyone!! I just wanted to check in and thank everyone for their kind words and advice that was posted last week. This week I could not sit still and went against my doctors advice to rest. After seeing how my stomach fat diminished, I could not sit stagnant and allow the fat to return. I pushed myself and suffered with the pain and continued working out until I reached my pain tolerance point. I decreased calorie intake to 1200 to substitute for the reduced workouts.

    As of today, I lost 4 additional pounds, totaling 27.1 pounds since I joined MFP. My current weight is 263.3. It is very obvious from my appearance that my stomach shrank.

    I am looking for opinions regarding me adjusting my calorie intake? Should I go back to 1500 or continue with 1200 since I cannot perform my routine exercising? I wear down when I am 20 minutes into the workouts, but other then that, I feel fine during the day.

    Another question... Should I eat fruit carbs and protein before I work out to give me an energy boost? If so, how long should I wait for the food to digest before i begin the workout?

    Thanks again,

    I am a 5'4" woman and I eat 1600 to lose weight. 1200 calories is far too low for you to be eating at your height and weight. I personally think 1500 is too low. You should follow your MFP calorie goal and add a bit back in for exercise. I don't think what you are doing is sustainable and, frankly, I think you need to take a step back and examine your emotional reactions to food and scale fluctuations, especially since you are deliberately disregarding the advice of your doctor and pushing yourself to the point of aggravating your injury.

    Why are you not satisfied with realistic weight loss goals?
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    chief3202 wrote: »

    I am looking for opinions regarding me adjusting my calorie intake? Should I go back to 1500 or continue with 1200 since I cannot perform my routine exercising? I wear down when I am 20 minutes into the workouts, but other then that, I feel fine during the day.

    When you plugged all your stats in to MFP when you joined, did you select your activity level as 'sedentary'? if so, the 1500 you were given has already taken in to account your lack of exercise, you don't need to lower it any further.
  • chief3202
    chief3202 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for the replies.

    3bambi3, my goal is 220lbs by summertime. I just got back from the gym and weighed myself in. I lost over 2 lbs of water weight and my weight is now 261.5. I think I am going to increase my calorie intake back to 1500. I think 6.5 is much to lose within a week at my age of 48.

    smotheredin, my activity level was originally set at sendentary, but i changed it a few weeks ago to Lightly Active.

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,786 Member
    edited February 2016
    Have you signed up for your gallbladder surgery yet?

    You are obviously losing weight by exercising to injury and (in your words as a recall) by choosing ways of eating you don't think are long term sustainable.

    In the summer when you are 220lb and you go on your vacation/marriage/re-union/BIG EVENT that precipitated this weight loss... what are you planning to do about your eating and exercise?

    When your lack of practice at your new way of eating results in a weight increase you don't expect... what skills have you learned that are going to stop you from giving up because things are not working, life sucks, and the big event is long gone?

    You current approach reminds me of all the people who do quick diets to get quick results.
  • chief3202
    chief3202 Posts: 41 Member
    Good morning everyone! Today my weigh in loss was .07. I must of hit a plateau. I exercised fairly hard this week and performed more cardio on the ellepitcal because of my foot. I was a little disappointed like others feel about the small loss, but I am over it and moving forward hoping for better numbers next week.

    I bought one of those fitbits last week and used its information during this week period instead of me manually entering my workouts. Does anyone have opinions on the fitbit charged HR and its calculations? It determined that I have burned far many more calories for the day then want my cardio machines display. I ordered a garmin HR this week from QVC. The LED display is much larger and it seems to have more options. Any opinion to which one is more accurate?

  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Stick with 1500.

    Do you have access to a gym? (I haven't read every post thoroughly). I'm thinking a rowing machine would be great cardio without so much pressure on the feet. You do push with your legs, so I'm not sure whether it would bother your feet. If I were in your shoes, I would give it a shot.