Binge Eating / Emotional Eating



  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    BoogeyBrat wrote: »
    Fay84Vegan wrote: »
    Does anyone that suffers from Binge Eating KNOW what THEIR Triggers actually are...??

    I do. I have a couple and I've worked out solutions to most of them.

    #1 I'll eat out of boredom. I've stopped this for the most part because now I won't eat unless I'm actually hungry. If the answer is yes, I'll eat. If not, I'll drink some water and go find something to do.

    #2 I'll eat if I've had a bad day and feel like I deserve a treat. For this I'll go ahead and have my treat, but it's something that isn't going to break the bank when it comes to my calorie allotment. No ice cream, cookies, or brownies. I like Chobani coconut yogurt so that's what I'll usually have.

    #3 I'll eat if I'm woken up numerous times in the night. This one I still have trouble with because I'm not awake enough to register that it's not a good idea. I'm not hungry, it's more like a tired, groggy feeling and I'll instinctively head for the fridge. I try to not keep foods that will get me in trouble in the house for this reason.

    I mostly relate to #1 & #2 ...I need to get into a habit / routine of drinking water instead of eating if I'm not hungry! It's like having to relearn how my body works & what it actually wants instead of trying to 'resolve' things with food!

    Thanks xxx

  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    afigirl113 wrote: »
    I'm a bored/emotional eater. My bf works nights, so I'm home alone a lot. I do fine with my eating at work, but when I'm home and I don't have anyone to talk to, I eat. When I have a rough day, it's worse. It's a hard thing to deal with, but using this app has really helped me. People on here are truly supportive and helpful.

    It's good to connect with people going through similar problems

    Boredom is a big one for me too!

    I don't work, so have a lot of free time... I know in the past that when I have been busy with work I have found it a lot easier to control my eating habits.

    It's not as simple as getting a job because I don't want to work somewhere I don't like just to keep myself busy.

    I need a hobby !!
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    Cirque95 wrote: »
    I'd say that I've had problems with binge eating for a while. It tends to happen when I'm stressed, upset, bored or sometimes even when I'm happy. Whenever I was under a lot of stress I wouldn't have the energy or the motivation to cook so would go to the shop and buy things like chocolate, cakes and sweets and then binge on those instead of eating normal food. If I was feeling bored then I'd just keep snacking all day on things like crisps and sandwiches, stuff that tasted good.

    It really is frustrating because I actually eat healthy most of the time, I rarely have takeaways, don't drink fizzy drinks and eat normal portions of healthy well balanced meals. I also push myself really hard at the gym. It just annoys me because that sort of stuff doesn't show, it's the binge eating that makes me put on weight and makes me have a need to diet. I'll work really hard to lose the weight, then I'll let my guard down for a few weeks and it will all spiral out of control with the binging and I'll give up with trying to be healthy. Then I'll get to the point where I realise that I've put weight on, so I have to diet to lose the weight and then the cycle begins again. It's like I could spend the whole day eating healthy food and working hard at the gym, then something will happen and I'll end up eating like 800 calories worth of chocolate. It really is frustrating. :'(

    I empathise with you!

    We have to recognise the triggers that make us binge in order to prevent it from continuing so we don't get caught in a cycle of binging & dieting!'ve noticed that your binge eating is triggered by emotions, like mine too!

    There must be a way to stop it from happening ?

    We know how to make it continue... By doing what we have been doing! So... Something has to change in order to create a different pathway to have balanced eating habits, right!?
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    some people think binge eating is like several 100 cals over ... if you're like me ... I can eat and eat and eat and eat when this happens and its nothing. Neither full nor satisfied and I don't know why, but its like a frenzy. I literally feel out of control and just can't seem to stop.

    About 2 weeks ago -- I tried to log every bit of it just to see -- I'm sure I missed some -- but it was like 4,000+ cals

    My triggers seem to be when I'm too tired. I try to get as much sleep as I can, but my daughter has a condition which doesn't allow that most nights. Other triggers, food was withheld when a child. I literally got about 200cals a day for months ... now it's like I have to eat it all when these feelings come on. Other triggers are boredom and just feeling lonely or isolated. Also, I stopped my birth control. That has surprisingly helped.

    I've learned that sometimes I can evade these binges when I stop, breath and pray. I've taken on a 30 day yoga boot camp challenge (just doing it by myself in my home) and it has helped SOOOOO much!!! I'm on day 17 and I'm feeling so much better.

    That's Great !!
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    Fay84Vegan wrote: »
    Does anyone that suffers from Binge Eating KNOW what THEIR Triggers actually are...??

    Stress, Anger, Loneliness, Overwhelming emotions.

    I use overeating/binge eating/emotional eating to soothe myself when there's nothing going right.
    What helps me is realizing that maybe I really don't want to eat that full pizza, I just really want to get a handle on whatever it is that's bugging me.
    Then I move onto, can I control this situation I'm in or not? Thinking it through helps me realize I'm not hungry/craving it, just trying to soothe my emotions.

    I also binge on junk food/comfort foods up to 6,000 calories in one sitting. I'm not proud of it, but I have reduced the instances.

    Exactly... I try to Soothe myself with Food !!

    I was suffering quite badly with stomach pain the other week and I was rocking with a hot water bottle on my tummy and eating food at the same time. My husband thought I was crazy... And told me to "stop eating, eating won't help!" But it's just a habit I have gotten into to try and make myself feel better ! ...I compare it to people taking drugs or drinking to escape their problems.
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    I usually get triggered by a high stress day at work. What I do to help combat it is I agree to let myself have a cup of chocolate frozen yogurt during lunch. It equates to about 200 calories, but usually it's enough to keep me from going nuts and making really bad decisions when I get off work (and can say, drive to a McDonald's or something similar and binge on burgers and fries).

    If you frequently have these high stress/emotional days, it may be useful for you to find out what triggers it and if there are other things you can do that will make you happy. Maybe take a hot bath with scented candles or fancy bath oils? Watch your favorite movie? If you've lost weight successful and keep track of it (I keep a daily weight log), look it over and praise yourself for your success?

    You can also try doing what I do and develop methods to combat binge eating too much. Like I said, having that cup of frozen yogurt in the middle of a stressful day usually keeps me from going over the edge. If you can find a way to eat a small/reasonable portion of your favorite junk food, then this may help keep you from going overboard in general.

    It also helps for me that the frozen yogurt is the ONLY junk food that we keep in the house. I don't shop too far in advanced, so there is normally very little food lying around that isn't accounted for (ie: for making that day's/week's breakfasts, lunches, dinners, or are leftovers from a previous dinner.) As a result, there isn't much for me to binge on in the first place (I know for some people/families, this isn't realistic).

    Hope this helps.

    Thank You !!
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    vada44 wrote: »
    I am an emotional eater too. This group is very helpful!!

    Thank You, this is Great!!!
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    The relationship between food and emotions is fraught with difficulty. I try to approach it with all the logic I can muster. If I am angry, I used to eat it - but then I thought heck, I am now still angry AND I've just sabotaged myself by binging - now I am even angrier! If I am lonely, having a meal doesnt magically produce someone to talk to. So I have had to learn new strategies for dealing with these emotions. Oh heavens I am just a work in progress, and by no means have this perfected in any way! But I try to talk myself through it, and try to avoid as much damage to my self worth, wallet and eating plan as I can!
  • embersoul0417
    embersoul0417 Posts: 20 Member
    Fay84Vegan wrote: »
    Has anyone got issues with Binge eating / Emotional Eating?

    I had a great week last week but this week I've got a cold and my emotions are getting the better of me and eating is what I do to 'feel better'.

    I Binge on Healthy Food most of the time but that still puts me over my calories & wrecks my day because I find it extremely challenging to stop!

    YES!!! I binge eat when my emotions and moods are manic. I am a recovering drug addict. I have been clean for 12 yrs. I transferred my addiction to food. Sweet food, I gained over 100 lbs in one year. It was a sudden and dramatic change that sent me into an all time low. Over time I added another 63 lbs. Eating what I wanted and when I wanted was the one thing I could control. I would go all day without eating anything. Then around 10pm I would get hungry. I was craving sugar because of the effect it had on my brain like drugs did. At 10 I would eat a little something { sweet } then after everyone was in bed it was on. I would eat sweets until I was sick. 1whole family pack of oreos 48 cookies, Then almost a whole box of baked brownies. Not to mention the milk I had with all that.My physical health was affected and I,m bi polar I had no control of my emotions and moods. I was miserable. It took me several years to get this under control. I am now on the proper medication for my bi Polar and OCD. I made a decision to get my life back, my health back and to get my weight under control as well. I educated myself on weight loss and excersise I Learned what foods were a healthy choice. How sugar,carbs and calories effect the body and weight. Tracking my food and calories helps me to see exactly how much I,m eating and what kinds of food I eat and it helps me pay attention to the calories and fat thats in the food I eat. Discovering MFP was the best thing I could have done. I started only 18 days ago. I lost 29lbs and 9 inches in the first two weeks. I am determined to see this through. My first goal is 150lbs. I have 94 to go. I weigh in once a week and measure once every two weeks. My emotions try to get the best of me. I still have mood swings and the first thing I want to do is eat something sweet because I always used food to feel better. I stop and think about how miserable I have been, how over weight and unattractive I have became. I think about my health and how I ache all the time how I have no energy and I just don,t want to live like that anymore. I realized I am the only person in this world who can change me. I have control over my happiness and health no one but myself. I realized there is no magic pill, drink or machine that is gonna do it for me. I know it will be difficult at times and it won,t happen over night. By next year this time I will look back and see that it was possible. My goal is reachable and I can do it. I know that now. I understand the effects that uncontrollable emotions can have on someone. If you ever need to vent, cry, yell, get angry or whatever you are welcome to e mail me or message me any time you need to. I will just listen and if you want advice I will offer the best I can. I know you don,t know me, but I will encourage you. I will support you and help you along your journey. I apologize for the long detailed reply. I am a talker, your question and comment hit home. If you decide not to respond to my offer I wish you the best. All this is probably to much information and again I apologize. It,s just a topic that really affected my life and I can relate to. Good Luck in your journey!!
  • valentinebluexx
    valentinebluexx Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2016
    Love this post and reading about other people's struggles with binge eating. Makes you realize your not the only one struggling with it. I'm a binge eater. It's usually healthy foods though (I e I'll make a salad chicken wrap, but eat two, then have two big bowls of fruit, then cashews, protein shake etc...) I seem to be able to eat and eat and eat and not get full. I can't have bad food in the house, or eat bad food in moderation.. because if I have one biscuit, I can't stop thinking about the rest of the packet. It drives me a little crazy.
    I did a couple of things that seem to work. I started writing a diary of my food, and when I did binge I wrote down my triggers straight away or how I was feeling. I noticed I did it when I was tired, watching movies or bored. So I've tried to improve in those areas. I also have a thing with my friend where we send each other daily food updates. This helps me be accountable for my food too, as I become embarresed and therefore think twice about eating it as I write it down to her.. drinking water helps too. When I'm dying to binge, I drink like a litre of water, which bloats me well before I can eat too much. It's a mental thing too. You gotta be strong, breathe, think hard about what your about to eat and if you will regret it. That works sometimes for me too! I think the main thing for me is distraction.. if I'm not thinking about someone or something, I'm thinking about food! :blush:
  • PBinSoCal
    PBinSoCal Posts: 7 Member
    There is a Panda Express very near my office. It is a place I need to avoid. Stress = Orange Chicken. Orange Chicken is addictive. :#
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,052 Member
    edited February 2016
    @Fay84Vegan as there were many people on the first page who took the time to look at your diary and make suggestions based on your low fat and protein counts, I find it interesting that you didn't address these posts.

    If you take the simple step of tweaking your macros, you might find your normal triggers no longer lead to binge eating .
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Challenge your thoughts.

    Don't believe everything you think.

    Don't go off on a whole bingeing tangent just because the idea of a donut pops into your head.

    It's just an idea. You control your ideas.

    If necessary, you can make room in your calorie limit for one or two treats.

    Challenge your thoughts.

    Don't believe everything you think.
  • emmajaneway
    emmajaneway Posts: 5 Member
    Yes I totally struggle with this! My biggest binge trigger is STUDYING. (Probably followed by lack of sleep, IF it lasts more than a few days).

    I'm in my 3rd semester of going back to college after taking 20+ years off. (Single mom, 2 teenagers left at home, [no child support] working 45 hrs/wk, commuting 2 hours a day, running 5 days/week, sleeping ~ 5 hrs/night, & taking 8 or 9 credits per semester).

    But NONE of that sets me off worse than staying up extremely late, or skipping sleep altogether, to study for a big test. (One thing they taught us in anatomy is that the brain takes up less than 5% of your weight, but more than 20% of your glucose, so maybe that explains it a little).

    What's so frustrating is, the utter LOSS OF CONTROL. I eat well most of the time. But then I'll start studying and get tired & brain-foggy & think "I'll just have one little piece of chocolate as a pick-me-up." Then it's over. I start eating things I typically never eat, donuts, cookies, candy, chips, everything in sight. It's like someone else's hand is shoving all that food in my face and I absolutely cannot stop no matter how much I want to.

    *What worked for me one time (I NEED to try this again) is this: I knew I had to study, knew I'd want a snack, so I made sure I had no junk food around and just took a bag of carrots upstairs. Soon I was compulsively eating the carrots. Since I was so mindlessly eating them, I didn't really notice that they were just carrots, so I didn't sabotage anything. (NOTE: This wouldn't have worked if I had even ONE piece of candy beforehand. My brain would've tasted the sugar & demanded more. But since I didn't, it worked really well)!
  • amanda_durham35
    amanda_durham35 Posts: 6 Member
    Check out Heather is a recovering binge eater that has been in maintenance for over 4 years now. I listen to her podcasts most every day at work and it's extremely helpful and motivating. I've never struggled with binge eating but I am a compulsive over eater. I've never figured out why except that that's what I've always done. Even as a kid. As long as I'm tracking everything I eat I do good but as soon as I don't track, I'm back to old habits.
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    Love this post and reading about other people's struggles with binge eating. Makes you realize your not the only one struggling with it. I'm a binge eater. It's usually healthy foods though (I e I'll make a salad chicken wrap, but eat two, then have two big bowls of fruit, then cashews, protein shake etc...) I seem to be able to eat and eat and eat and not get full. I can't have bad food in the house, or eat bad food in moderation.. because if I have one biscuit, I can't stop thinking about the rest of the packet. It drives me a little crazy.
    I did a couple of things that seem to work. I started writing a diary of my food, and when I did binge I wrote down my triggers straight away or how I was feeling. I noticed I did it when I was tired, watching movies or bored. So I've tried to improve in those areas. I also have a thing with my friend where we send each other daily food updates. This helps me be accountable for my food too, as I become embarresed and therefore think twice about eating it as I write it down to her.. drinking water helps too. When I'm dying to binge, I drink like a litre of water, which bloats me well before I can eat too much. It's a mental thing too. You gotta be strong, breathe, think hard about what your about to eat and if you will regret it. That works sometimes for me too! I think the main thing for me is distraction.. if I'm not thinking about someone or something, I'm thinking about food! :blush:

    You have described Me !!

    This is exactly what it is like for me too... Thank you for sharing
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    @Fay84Vegan as there were many people on the first page who took the time to look at your diary and make suggestions based on your low fat and protein counts, I find it interesting that you didn't address these posts.

    If you take the simple step of tweaking your macros, you might find your normal triggers no longer lead to binge eating .

    Because Binge Eating isn't actually about Food
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    Yes I totally struggle with this! My biggest binge trigger is STUDYING. (Probably followed by lack of sleep, IF it lasts more than a few days).

    I'm in my 3rd semester of going back to college after taking 20+ years off. (Single mom, 2 teenagers left at home, [no child support] working 45 hrs/wk, commuting 2 hours a day, running 5 days/week, sleeping ~ 5 hrs/night, & taking 8 or 9 credits per semester).

    But NONE of that sets me off worse than staying up extremely late, or skipping sleep altogether, to study for a big test. (One thing they taught us in anatomy is that the brain takes up less than 5% of your weight, but more than 20% of your glucose, so maybe that explains it a little).

    What's so frustrating is, the utter LOSS OF CONTROL. I eat well most of the time. But then I'll start studying and get tired & brain-foggy & think "I'll just have one little piece of chocolate as a pick-me-up." Then it's over. I start eating things I typically never eat, donuts, cookies, candy, chips, everything in sight. It's like someone else's hand is shoving all that food in my face and I absolutely cannot stop no matter how much I want to.

    *What worked for me one time (I NEED to try this again) is this: I knew I had to study, knew I'd want a snack, so I made sure I had no junk food around and just took a bag of carrots upstairs. Soon I was compulsively eating the carrots. Since I was so mindlessly eating them, I didn't really notice that they were just carrots, so I didn't sabotage anything. (NOTE: This wouldn't have worked if I had even ONE piece of candy beforehand. My brain would've tasted the sugar & demanded more. But since I didn't, it worked really well)!

    I'm the same.

    Processed Junk Food is addictive so if I start eating it I struggle to stop... I very very rarely have any in my house because it is an unnecessary temptation & isn't healthy!

  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    Check out Heather is a recovering binge eater that has been in maintenance for over 4 years now. I listen to her podcasts most every day at work and it's extremely helpful and motivating. I've never struggled with binge eating but I am a compulsive over eater. I've never figured out why except that that's what I've always done. Even as a kid. As long as I'm tracking everything I eat I do good but as soon as I don't track, I'm back to old habits.

    Thank you!

    I'm glad you have gained some control over your over eating
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    cross2bear wrote: »
    The relationship between food and emotions is fraught with difficulty. I try to approach it with all the logic I can muster. If I am angry, I used to eat it - but then I thought heck, I am now still angry AND I've just sabotaged myself by binging - now I am even angrier! If I am lonely, having a meal doesnt magically produce someone to talk to. So I have had to learn new strategies for dealing with these emotions. Oh heavens I am just a work in progress, and by no means have this perfected in any way! But I try to talk myself through it, and try to avoid as much damage to my self worth, wallet and eating plan as I can!

    We will resolve our issues eventually I'm sure of it !
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    I binge all the time hence my need to lose weight. Binge on anything but healthy food though, Chinese food is SO hard to resist for me, its just SO good and when I'm eating something crappy I have that "sigh" moment like I'm on drugs or something and I'm ok now with this food. But I will literally eat out somewhere then like 30min later go somewhere else etc... Its a big waste of money too .. I am trying to stop, seeing a therapist, nutritionist and starting with a trainer tomorrow.

    Great I hope it all works out well for you!
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    Fay84Vegan wrote: »
    Has anyone got issues with Binge eating / Emotional Eating?

    I had a great week last week but this week I've got a cold and my emotions are getting the better of me and eating is what I do to 'feel better'.

    I Binge on Healthy Food most of the time but that still puts me over my calories & wrecks my day because I find it extremely challenging to stop!

    YES!!! I binge eat when my emotions and moods are manic. I am a recovering drug addict. I have been clean for 12 yrs. I transferred my addiction to food. Sweet food, I gained over 100 lbs in one year. It was a sudden and dramatic change that sent me into an all time low. Over time I added another 63 lbs. Eating what I wanted and when I wanted was the one thing I could control. I would go all day without eating anything. Then around 10pm I would get hungry. I was craving sugar because of the effect it had on my brain like drugs did. At 10 I would eat a little something { sweet } then after everyone was in bed it was on. I would eat sweets until I was sick. 1whole family pack of oreos 48 cookies, Then almost a whole box of baked brownies. Not to mention the milk I had with all that.My physical health was affected and I,m bi polar I had no control of my emotions and moods. I was miserable. It took me several years to get this under control. I am now on the proper medication for my bi Polar and OCD. I made a decision to get my life back, my health back and to get my weight under control as well. I educated myself on weight loss and excersise I Learned what foods were a healthy choice. How sugar,carbs and calories effect the body and weight. Tracking my food and calories helps me to see exactly how much I,m eating and what kinds of food I eat and it helps me pay attention to the calories and fat thats in the food I eat. Discovering MFP was the best thing I could have done. I started only 18 days ago. I lost 29lbs and 9 inches in the first two weeks. I am determined to see this through. My first goal is 150lbs. I have 94 to go. I weigh in once a week and measure once every two weeks. My emotions try to get the best of me. I still have mood swings and the first thing I want to do is eat something sweet because I always used food to feel better. I stop and think about how miserable I have been, how over weight and unattractive I have became. I think about my health and how I ache all the time how I have no energy and I just don,t want to live like that anymore. I realized I am the only person in this world who can change me. I have control over my happiness and health no one but myself. I realized there is no magic pill, drink or machine that is gonna do it for me. I know it will be difficult at times and it won,t happen over night. By next year this time I will look back and see that it was possible. My goal is reachable and I can do it. I know that now. I understand the effects that uncontrollable emotions can have on someone. If you ever need to vent, cry, yell, get angry or whatever you are welcome to e mail me or message me any time you need to. I will just listen and if you want advice I will offer the best I can. I know you don,t know me, but I will encourage you. I will support you and help you along your journey. I apologize for the long detailed reply. I am a talker, your question and comment hit home. If you decide not to respond to my offer I wish you the best. All this is probably to much information and again I apologize. It,s just a topic that really affected my life and I can relate to. Good Luck in your journey!!

    Thank you !!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Fay84Vegan wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    @Fay84Vegan as there were many people on the first page who took the time to look at your diary and make suggestions based on your low fat and protein counts, I find it interesting that you didn't address these posts.

    If you take the simple step of tweaking your macros, you might find your normal triggers no longer lead to binge eating .

    Because Binge Eating isn't actually about Food

    This may not be the case for you, but many of us find that it is easier to resist binges when we are meeting our dietary needs.
  • I think I stress drink or emotionally drink pop sometimes cuz of the caffeine and carbonation I think and I used to binge on potato chips but sometimes I slip up on that but not always
  • emmajaneway
    emmajaneway Posts: 5 Member
    Fay84Vegan wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »

    If you take the simple step of tweaking your macros, you might find your normal triggers no longer lead to binge eating .

    Because Binge Eating isn't actually about Food

    * That is SO True!! *