Chalean Extreme Group Starting Monday 5/23



  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    My son is ok. Good as new again...well until his sister bopped him in the eye with a flashlight. You have to be tough to survive here.

    Time-The burpees don't bother me as much as the air jacks.

    Cee-I'm sooooo sore from HIIT 15. Who would think that 15 minutes could completely kick a person's booty?
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    I flat out can not do tricep push ups - I don't know if I just have super weak tri's or I just can't get the correct form, but it's one exercise that I'm just totally useless at! : P Burpees, on the other hand, I can do!!!

    Cardio day today, so I subbed in Insanity Pure Cardio - a seriously tough workout on its own, but add in TOM cramps - yikes!! I completely earned it today!!!

    Shake - so glad to hear your son is okay! Ya gotta really watch kids around weights - we had a boy in my neighborhood growing up that dropped a loaded barbell on his face when he was 12 - broke his nose and both cheekbones, several teeth. My 15 year old daughter lifts with me sometimes, but I watch her form like a hawk!

    Time - I don't think extra cardio will help flush out excess water. Actually, I read somewhere that drinking more water helps to flush it out, but don't quote me on that! Are you giving your muscles a full day of repair between lifting workouts?
  • mmtiernan~ I have been sticking to the scheduled workouts to the letter up until last Fri/Sat. I had slept on my neck funny and had a tight shoulder muscle so I did not do my Burn Circuit 2 on the day it was scheduled, so I ended up doing Burn 2 one day, Burn 3 the next. But I then took 2 full days off from the workout DVDs (still did some physical yardwork though one day, a complete rest day the 2nd day), and was back on track this last week. I will have to try to up my water and see if that helps. I am drinking 10 8oz glasses but perhaps that's just not quite enough? :) More water is never a bad thing!! And I cannot imagine the pain that little boy must have been in when he dropped that on his face!! OUCH!!!! The tricep pushups are tough for me too. I can do the regular one on my toes now, but I cannot even do ONE tricep one on my toes yet. On my knees is still kinda tough! lol

    Shake~ same goes for my house!! My kids are bruised on a daily basis, I swear!! Course they are all little Evel Knievel's too!

    Just did Turbo Jam Fat Blaster for my workout today. Totally didn't feel like working out, and I knew if I forced myself to do Burn It Off, I'd only do a half assed job at it. The Turbo Jam ones don't feel quite so intense to me, so I push myself more easily on those ones than I do the Burn cardio ones. :) I give myself a "9" on Chalene's effort scale. It probably would have been a "6" for Burn It Off. lol
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    I really REALLY didn't want to work out today at all!!!! but as the evening dragged on, I did it and am glad. I did the TurboFire 55, TurboFire Core, and the recharge from yesterday (as I ran out of time). So I'm caught up again.

    Shake...glad your son is ok. It's scary when they hurt themselves! need to rest one day a week. I've heard that when we push ourselves too much then we won't loose any weight (I think that was from the Biggest Loser).
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    Catniss: OMG That same exact typing thing happened to me right now! Just wrote a HUGE amount & the page disappeared on me! Makes me wanna throw my lap top!!!!!! RAAAAAAA!

    ...Let me try to remember what I typed last time.

    Time: If you're due for a rest day or your body wants one, take it instead of doing the cardio to flush the water out. I was up all night reading an old copy of Bod For Life a friend had given me a while back. I was absorbing the part about overtraining and rest days & realized I've totally been overtraining and have been putting my muscles through trama instead of allowing them to rebuild themselves. I'm one who only gives themselves a rest day once every two weeks or so. Not any more! I'm giving myself at least one a week now! You're doing a great job of taking in all that water! I think that water retention will disappear on its own when it's good & ready!

    Mmtiernan: At least you can do regular push ups on your toes! When it comes to push ups, I feel like Laylee! LOL At least I've got the burpees thing down, though!

    Team: I'm strangely starting to LOVE Burn Intervals & Burn It Off! As far as Fat Blaster, I've always loved it! I now preer QUICK, intense cardio mare than steady 45 minute to hour long, steady paced cardio! I think this is my body telling me I'm ready for Turbo Fire! My last payment for CLX goes through this month. If my friend doesn't lend me Turbo Fire by the first pay day of next month, I'm ordering it myself!!! LMAO

    I hope everyone is doing well!

    Shake: I'm so glad your lil' body builder is doing well! Kids are so CRAZY! LOL
  • Morning team!

    Well the scale FINALLY gave up the ghost and moved for me! Yea! 1.8lbs since yesterday, so I am already starting to rid some of that water. :) I know it's all water weight, but to me seeing the scale go down is all I care about!

    Janine~ Last Tuesday was the first true rest day I've given myself since starting CLX. I just realized this! So yes, I will definitely make sure I take at least one a week!! I'll just take a walk or something instead of an actual "workout".

    Bev~ you definitely feel so much better after working out, especially on the days you really don't feel like it! But you did an amazing job!! Go Bev!!!

    Well, I'm off to start my day. I'll be checking back in later! Have a great Sunday everyone!
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    Time: Congrats on the loss! Wooo hoooo! Scale movement in the right direction is a HUGE plus on CLX! Weighing in tomorrow for my Pin Up Girl Challenge group & I'm dreading it! If it were up to me, I'd ditch the scale for 3 more weeks til I start Lean Phase! LOL
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Burn Circuit 3 and I only give myself a "7" for effort - hot flashed kicked in right in the middle of the squat with overhead press and I thought I was going to pass out!! Menopause is a b * tch!! I still managed to finish the workout but only did 10 reps on some of the exercises - and I even had 2 fans running, plus the A/C dropped down to 75!! Argh! On the plus side, my back felt pretty strong overall. I went down in weights on the squats and was very strict on my form, just to be safe.

    La Cubana - hang in there - you'll get to push ups on your toes soon! I think nearly everyone starts out on their knees, particularly if you haven't done a workout like this before. I just wish i could get those darned tricep pushups down - I have googled them, watched YouTube videos and I just can't figure what I am doing wrong, but they never 'feel' right to me. I can eek out two on the toes most days, but I swear that I must look like a fish out of water just flopping all wacky on the floor!

    Time - yay for the scale movement! Maybe you are starting to flush out that extra fluid!

    Bev - how are the men in your family doing? Hope that they are both on the mend!

    Tomorrow is rest day, but I will likely do some stretching yoga - feel a bit tight in the shoulders and calves. Probably just screaming at me for working them so hard after two weeks off from the back injury! Feels so good to be back with the program!!
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    mmtiernan: glad to hear you're back on track. Yoga?! I just can't seem to love it. I tried the P90X one and barely made it though it.

    My guys are doing a lot better! My son is on an asthma inhaler now and that has his breathing under control. It looks like these last pills for my husband are finally working (he was allergic to the other two that they tried and that's what all the problems were last weekend). It felt great not to be at the hospital/drs this weekend!!

    Thanks for asking and for the support.

    I am so glad I found this group :flowerforyou:

    I'm tired!! Did my last push one for this month. And did TurboFire 45. Tomorrow is a rest day and my weigh in.

  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Bev - I'm not crazy about P90X yoga, either. I've always loved yoga, but it's one of those types of exercises where the instructor really makes all the difference. I prefer Rodney Yee. My fave is his stretching routine. It's about 30 minutes long, lots up and down dogs, some warrior poses - really stretches the back of the legs and the back in general. You can find his workouts at Target or Walmart for about $10-$15 each. I admit that I do have an old Brian Kest yoga tape, just for the eye candy! :)

  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    Hi everyone....

    Did Push 3 & 30 minutes of Burn Intervals - ran out of time, had to take my daughter to her swimming lesson....!

    I think Push 3 is my favourite.... I went heavy, 20 - 22 lbs for most of the exercises.... and I think I will be going heavier the next time.
    I can still feel the effects of the Single Sumo it..... because my booty needs the work....!

    I was too tired yesterday.... so didn't do Burn It Off & Recharge - this bis the 2nd or maybe even the 3rd time I've not done them - am I missing out....?

    Today is Push 1 & Turbo Jam - Punch, Kick & Jam
  • Morning team!!

    Well today is my 30day result check day. I wasn't too impressed by the movement on the scale this past 30days, as I only lost 4.4lbs. Not that impressive nor that great in my book. However, then I took my measurements and got excited! Pictures to come tonight, once hubby is home to take them for me! Hopefully I will be able to see some physical differences there as well.

    Area of body Start measurement 30Days later Inches lost

    Neck 15.5 14.34 3/4

    Chest 42.5 41.25 1 1/4

    Waist 46.5 44.0 2 1/2 *not taken over the belly button, but rather about 1" lower, over the area I refer to as the "baby pooch"

    Hips 48.5 47.5 1

    Upper L arm 14.5 13 7/8 5/8

    Upper L thigh 28.25 27.5 3/4

    Total inches lost: 6 7/8

    WAHOOO!! I'll take it! :D

    Bev~ I've tried a variety of yoga tapes too, and the only one I have tried and liked is the Biggest Loser Weightloss Yoga. It's intense and your muscle are a shaking!!! But it stretches you out and feels good at the same time. And of course, the little yoga/tai chi stuff that Chalene does on her dvds. I agree the host makes ALL the difference in the world. Hope you can find one you like as well!

    Marianne~ I almost dread doing the Burn Intervals simply because they are 45mins as opposed to the typical 30mins for everything else. LOL Those extra 15mins for some reason totally kick my butt!! I cannot wait to start the Push phase. :) Great job on the 20-22lbs weights!! I know my lower body needs those, but I cannot imagine using them on my upper just yet :D I'm not sure if you're "missing out" or not really... although the Recharge one is stretching and it feels great! But as long as you are doing some other form of stretching in the schedule once or so a week, I'd think you'd be just fine. Chalene makes the comment that the flexibility training is just as important as the cardio and strength training is for your overall health.

    Hope you all have a great day today! Keep pressing play!
  • Sorry the numbers are hard to read... when I posted it, the site ran it all together. :indifferent:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Good morning, CLXers!!! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. I am officially in my countdown phase to my cruise. We set sail on July 9 and I fully plan on continuing with my routine while on the ship!

    Tricep pushups - had to do some of those today during TF Sculpt 30. You know how Chalene likes to go super duper slow. I was just relieved that we only had to do 4. I was actually able to get through those but would have face-planted had she said do more. :laugh: I love doing pushups now. Just the fact that I can do them makes me feel so much stronger - the slow ones especially.

    Janine, you'll definitely build up to doing them. Even if you do one on your toes and go down to your knees, it's one more on your toes than you did the day before, right?

    Bootylicious, I'm so happy your son is better! Yeah!

    Time, woohoo on the scale moving in the right direction!! About the weights, you can really go heavy doing the back exercises. I was at 20-22.5 by the time I finished the Push phase. I don't think we realize just how strong our backs are! Your 30-day results are WONDERFUL. I think the inches lost paint a much bigger picture! Woohoo!!!

    Bev, I'm glad your guys are doing better!!

    Michelle, I haven't always been a yoga fan, and I think it's because I just thought it was so BORING. Now that you mention the instructor, I really think that may be it. I'm going to look up Rodney Yee. I need to work some more flexibility into my body.

    Today was TF HIIT 15 and Sculpt 30. That Sculpt 30 was tough, even with using the resistance bands. I was like, yeah, this isn't a walk in the park by any means!! Let's see how my body reacts to it.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Cee-My body is reacting to it with pain. LOL My arms are already killing me. They will probably be limply dangly from my sides by this evening!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Did Push 2 for the first time today--those single leg lunges are incredible--man, you just start to move your foot up and bam! flex right on the butt cheek---now if my a** doesn't tighten up with these, nothing will help!!!

    Gonna try a Cardio Interval class tomorrow--90 mins--but so far the classes at this center aren't very difficult, so we'll see--any workout is better than none, right? And I can just push myself within the class.

    I took my measurements for the start of Day 30 and then compared them to Day 1---no change--nothing--everything exactly the same--it's hard to see any difference in the photos as well, although I haven't really studied them side by side (and so my husband says "so how can you possibly tell??") but if the inches haven't changed, I'm not really holding out much hope for the appearance of the remaining flab.

    That being said, I feel better and in the end that's what really matters. I'm not going to stop the workouts--I love them and how I feel once I'm done--I just have to accept that my body isn't really going to change how it looks all that much until I get the eating under control....the benefits to the inside of my body and my quality of life are immeasureable and I do know that this exercise is increasing both.

    Have a great Monday!!!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Cee - I hear ya about boring. Yoga, by design, is supposed to be a quiet, soothing type of exercise, so many find it pretty boring. I like the Rodney Yee videos because it's constant flowing movement rather than holding a pose for 5 minutes or whatever - and I always appreciate a little calmness in my life so the 'boring' is a welcome reprieve most days!

    There is a company called Collage Video that sells all kinds of workout DVDs and their web site ( will let you 'preview' most workouts - so you could visit their website and see if you can find an instructor that might work for you!

    Even though it may seem boring, yoga is extremely beneficial. I read once where someone asked Tony Horton if he had to choose just one workout what would it be - and he chose yoga! Surprise!
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    Time: ROCKIN RESULTS!!!!!!! GET IT DONE!!!!! :drinker:

    Guys! I did Push 1 today & did FOUR PUSH-UPS ON MY TOES! :bigsmile:
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    Did Push 2 for the first time today--those single leg lunges are incredible--man, you just start to move your foot up and bam! flex right on the butt cheek---now if my a** doesn't tighten up with these, nothing will help!!!

    Catniss - wait till you do the single leg sumo squat.....! I can feel the muscle deep in my booty.... still... 2 days later... and I'm happy about that... cuz that means it's going to be nice & firm when I'm done. :bigsmile:

    I completed Push 1 today & did 25 minutes of Turbo Jam Kick, Punch & Jam - everything before the Capoeira (I find it annoying...!).

    I did 8 push-ups on my toes.....!!!!!
    I only could do 2 more on my toes in the extreme set... and had to do the final one on my knees....
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Hey guys,
    I have been lurking for the last three weeks. I had to start over a couple of weeks ago because I missed too many days. I am doing Burn week 2 and am in the middle of it. I can now do all 12 push ups on my toes, but can't do the breakdown at the end Burn Circuit 2..
    I love this work out! I can't wait to take my measurements. I have been taking at least one day off a week and yesterday was my day off. I have also been running for cardio as well as using the DVDs.
    Glad you all are here and will be keeping up with you all
    Have a good one! :drinker:
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