Favourite ways to eat Sweet potatos?!

I love throwing them into the oven and eating it that way.. then the natural sugars caramelise and it's amazing.
But open to new ideas :D


  • Karyn1120
    Karyn1120 Posts: 184 Member
    Yuck. Sorry, can't help you here LOL
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    edited February 2016
    I actually just ate one. I could eat one a day- they are so tasty! Once cooked, I slice it up, throw a little peanut butter on it and cinnamon. When I need sweet fix I will also drizzle just a little honey on it, and it is wonderful. I've also made a recipe similar to this one and it is awesome http://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1013488-coconut-oil-roasted-sweet-potatoes
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    As above, I like mine with peanut butter.
  • Deckhand562
    Deckhand562 Posts: 76 Member
    I love my sweet potatoes with butter, cinnamon, and sugar. But I also had a pre-diabetes and high bmi problem :p
    So, now, I bake them, use spray margarine, cinnamon, and Splenda...they're great! I have heard a lot of people that put cottage cheese on top, I haven't tried that one yet. I'm still getting used to cottage cheese. :|
  • Odilerubia
    Odilerubia Posts: 80 Member
    I just posted yesterday a sweet potato smoothie, cause it was totally delicious: in blender, 1 banana, 1 potato, cinnamon-I used a lot-skim milk although the recipe called for almondmilk, so you can vary.
    I boiled for bout 20 minutes a few potatoes and keep the rest in the fritz. Also you can put the banana in the freezer and your smoothie will be icecold. You dont need to sweeten cause it is sweet by nature. Im hooked and addicted!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    I usually just bake them like I do a regular baked potato...I don't eat them all too often though and eat a lot more red potatoes than anything.
  • BekahC1980
    BekahC1980 Posts: 474 Member
    Baked with cinnamon only
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    I throw them in the over also, however I add some sweet yellow onion and butter to the mix. A little S & P also.
  • Dustinryan24
    Dustinryan24 Posts: 233 Member
    sweet potato chili.. its better than it sounds. "He and She eat clean" recipe
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    With almond or cashew butter on top.

    Or chocolate almond butter.

    But also with just plain regular butter.
  • jessicapk
    jessicapk Posts: 574 Member
    Incidentally, today is National Cook a Sweet Potato Day :smile:
    I personally despise them. I wish I liked them. So, so healthy. But no. Not happening. Enjoy your sweet potatoes for me!
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    candied with marshmallows. But they're also amazing in tacos! Look up "Sweet Potato Street Tacos" by fitgirlsguide. I thought it would be gross but I loved them.
  • DaphneSW
    DaphneSW Posts: 117 Member
    YUM!! So many great ideas, I love it!
  • akopesky
    akopesky Posts: 42 Member
    Top with blue cheese if you like. It sounds weird together but it's sweet & savory all together.
  • zgiarc
    zgiarc Posts: 58 Member
    I cook them in the oven like a baked potato and put a little bit of brown sugar on it.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i like mine baked with butter and brown sugar, was actually going to have one with dinner but dont have any brown sugar:(
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    Baked then put some cooked ground beef, bell peppers and onions, a little hot sauce or hot peppers and either some plain yogurt or a fried runny yolk egg on the top.
  • mylittlerainbow
    mylittlerainbow Posts: 822 Member
    I nuke them and eat them as a main dish with a green side salad. Or I roast them in the oven along with other things like eggplant and Brussels sprouts and then serve them with balsamic vinegar on top.
  • baxgilter
    baxgilter Posts: 246 Member
    peeled, steamed, mashed with butter or bacon fat
    peeled and pan fried like homefries
  • kaylasaurus
    kaylasaurus Posts: 45 Member
    I like mine cubed and roasted with a little coconut oil, sea salt, and cracked pepper. My boyfriend made hash browns out of them with onions-- so good. I can't stand any kind of sweet topping.. things are sweet enough as is. Also if you have a chance, try Japanese sweet potatoes (the purple ones with white flesh). Those steamed in a rice cooker with a little soy sauce are amazing.