Any gamers out there?



  • jenovatrix
    jenovatrix Posts: 219 Member
    besaro wrote: »
    final fantasy, witcher, lbp, katamari damacy, dance central. skyrim, would love to play ESO, but am having difficulty logging in, and in an uncharacteristically gamerish approach, haven't battled the "mega-boss" to figure out its weaknesses. lol

    YAY katamari! I really wish they would make another. I was never able to get that stupid cowbear though, the only thing keeping me from 100% collection. :disappointed:
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Not the gamers I thought when I read the title. I'm too damn old. *takes dice and goes home*
  • pie_eyes
    pie_eyes Posts: 12,964 Member
    GTA V / Online
  • rubenjr531
    rubenjr531 Posts: 2 Member
    Xbox1, world of war craft,
  • charlottemmarks
    charlottemmarks Posts: 61 Member
    I don't play as much by myself anymore, but when I do, I play a lot of Skyrim and L4D2. Portal 2 is a loved favorite, as well. Sometimes I'll delve into some of my older stash and play Ocarina of Time, Oblivion, or Ninja Gaiden. I'm a console hoarder. But recently, I've been playing a few lighter PC games with friends, most notably League of Legends.
  • bunnyghost
    bunnyghost Posts: 142 Member
    I don't play as much by myself anymore, but when I do, I play a lot of Skyrim and L4D2. Portal 2 is a loved favorite, as well. Sometimes I'll delve into some of my older stash and play Ocarina of Time, Oblivion, or Ninja Gaiden. I'm a console hoarder. But recently, I've been playing a few lighter PC games with friends, most notably League of Legends.
    can you teach me how to play league omg i'm extremely terrible at it
  • charlottemmarks
    charlottemmarks Posts: 61 Member
    edited February 2016
    flazeda wrote: »
    I don't play as much by myself anymore, but when I do, I play a lot of Skyrim and L4D2. Portal 2 is a loved favorite, as well. Sometimes I'll delve into some of my older stash and play Ocarina of Time, Oblivion, or Ninja Gaiden. I'm a console hoarder. But recently, I've been playing a few lighter PC games with friends, most notably League of Legends.
    can you teach me how to play league omg i'm extremely terrible at it

    I've found that with League, the only way to learn is to play. I could teach you some basics (I'm not amazing myself), but I think the best way to delve into it is to play the tutorial, get a feel for the hand placement (which is hard at first if you haven't played PC games before), and play some bot games. Watching youtube tutorials can help, in terms of how to play particular characters and learn strategy, and is a GREAT resource for learning how to set up runes/masteries and build a particular character. I highly recommend it. As for actually playing it, though, I've found that the more you do it, the better you get (it took me about 5 months before I stopped being outright terrible and another year or so to get halfway decent... by far the biggest challenge for me was learning how to use a keyboard, since I was raised on consoles). There's no tutorial out there that can teach you adequate reaction time, when to jump in and when to stay back, how much mana you blow through with your particular play style, etc. If you're a redditor, might be of some help, as well. This thread (for beginners) might offer some insight, as well.
  • melstampz
    melstampz Posts: 28 Member
    MMO gamer myself. I play FFXIV (Final Fantasy) and Elder Scrolls Online - Tamriel. I find that the social aspect of them (with livechat on teamspeak or whatever) is fantastic. Though happily I play a lot less and get out in the world a lot more now. :)

    Sometimes I even play simple games (like tetris, mario, etc) while riding an exercise bike. It makes for a great distraction. The bike is good for games where you're just mindlessly farming stuff too. :D (Oh and for those also in FFXIV the patch is live today!)
  • flaminica
    flaminica Posts: 304 Member
    LOTRO -- Laurelin server

    LotRO -- Landroval. The other RP server.
  • charlottemmarks
    charlottemmarks Posts: 61 Member
    edited February 2016
    I don't play as much by myself anymore, but when I do, I play a lot of Skyrim and L4D2. Portal 2 is a loved favorite, as well. Sometimes I'll delve into some of my older stash and play Ocarina of Time, Oblivion, or Ninja Gaiden. I'm a console hoarder. But recently, I've been playing a few lighter PC games with friends, most notably League of Legends.

    @charlottemmarks I <3 L4D2 I just recently started playing again

    @PlaydohPants It's such an amazing game. I wish they'd come out with a third :( My luck, my granny computer wouldn't be able to run it, though. Do you play PC or console?

    P.S. Louise is my spirit animal.
  • Edis_krad
    Edis_krad Posts: 3 Member
    Mostly just play ps4... I'm currently into destiny, bf4 and rocket league. Once in a while I bust out the SNES and play some Super Mario World.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    I'm dying to get Fallout 4 but I already barely have a life and If I got this I would disappear into my cave maybe forever. .
  • sladey_182
    sladey_182 Posts: 98 Member
    Clash of clans fans?! Where are you
  • Lextmg86
    Lextmg86 Posts: 102 Member
    SWTOR/Warframe is what i usually play in my off time, which is barely any nowadays.
  • Cobbie916
    Cobbie916 Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2016
    I play too many. SWTOR, Battlefront, BF4, fallout 4 a lot. Just finished Witcher 3, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Firewatch. Felt like taking it old school and now playing KOTOR until the Division comes out.
  • bounciercastle
    bounciercastle Posts: 7 Member
    PC here, I played 2500 hours of Skyrim including modding before I put it away (similar on Morrowind). I've played lots of mmos... EQ1 and 2, FFXI and FFXIV, WoW, Vanguard, and through all of that, a small mmorpg called Ryzom, which is F2P at low level and supported on PC, Mac, Linux and a few others I have only ever heard of. Ryzom I've played since 2004, no handholding, survivalist game but on the scifi side of the genre. Lovely community too. If I played less I'd likely be running marathons ^^
  • sun_cat
    sun_cat Posts: 114 Member
    edited September 2016
    I know this is a really old thread, but I was looking for Vive threads. We bought one a few weeks ago - I would love to chat with other Vive owners. I haven't ever been a serious gamer - but this may transform me :)
  • JeffreyMGiron
    JeffreyMGiron Posts: 3,582 Member
    someone play LoL with me :(