Letting MFP Friends Go?



  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Whatever others do with their friend list is fine with me since we need to be on here to get healthy and achieve our goals. However I am not a big deleter. The few I have were because of issues not relating to health and for self promotion. I don't mind some of that if you are also a supportive friend and are working on your health goals but I am not on here to be someone elses fan base. I have some friends that come and go and some of them make progress. Others don't but show up motivated again later and when they aren't on they don't really take anything away from me. I have more friends than I need so I do not have to weed anyone out to make room for someone else. I do understand that sometimes you have a friend that is great but comments that others make on their posts can be less than helpful. Self-destructive behavior is a hard one.
  • LaPistolaSexola
    LaPistolaSexola Posts: 243 Member
    i delete people who don't post or haven't logged in after a long while.
    do what helps you w/ your success.
  • MsLadyVirgo
    MsLadyVirgo Posts: 160 Member
    I had to delete a few today, their status updates were making my teeth hurt. If someone you don't even know in RL has the ability to irritate you, best to cull, I reckon. It's all about detoxification, right - and I don't just mean food!!

    Okay! I may need to do the same.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I don't think I'll ever unfriend anyone. Most people I friend it's because I enjoyed a post of theirs, forum or blog, and want to read more of the same. So far I haven't been disappointed.

    I don't know why others friend me though, so I suppose I might come across someone obnoxious eventually.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I usually wait for them to delete me. :D
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    I usually wait for them to delete me. :D

    LOL Yeah I don't need to. I usually just get deleted too.
  • jmula
    jmula Posts: 38
    When do you let your MFP friends go? When do you delete them from your list? I have found some friends are not motivating, but instead seem destructive. I also have some friends that don't show up regularly and this is a bit discouraging. But, I know that we can not be "on" all the time and that I am also here to encourage and motivate them.

    So...what do you do? When do you 'unfriend' someone? Do you do that quietly, or let them know why? How much do you invest in someone who is willfully hurting themselves? I would love to get some advice on this. Thanks much.

    this is a tool to help you reach your goals. if you need to be motivated, and want motivated people around you, then thats who you keep. if there not doing it DELETE them. this is the internet. its not like real friends where you go hang out and BS about personal stuff. Dont sweat it. :)
  • sandraksims3
    sandraksims3 Posts: 17 Member
    if someone isnt being supportive,,,havent logged in for a month,,,r being self destructive...calling people on things that they arent even doing...then id remove them with no warning...they probably wouldnt even notice anyway
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    I have to admit that I don't notice these things. I have probably been deleted,......that is sure to have happened.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i haven't had to unfriend anyone yet.

    but if they said negative things that made me feel bad (i can hack the truth, but i don't need people to be rude and nasty). I am totally happy to ignore people who don't interact with me. I don't feel a responsibility to encourage everyone on my list. I really only look at the most recent posts, comment on those that I feel I need to, and that's that.

    If i provide some motivation, great, if not. They'll probably unfriend me, and that's fine.

    I'm not going to get all offended by people I don't even know. I'm here to lose weight and follow people's inspiring stories, to keep myself on track and to read about fitness and health to keep myself open to new ideas. I'm not here as a coach.
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    just went thru and deleted friends just now. went from 12 pages down to 3. i just feel like i kinda lost what the site was for there for a while. so i deleted everyone accept for the people who have REALLY supported me. i didnt explain anything to any of them. if they ask me, ill tell them just that.
  • jmula
    jmula Posts: 38
    just went thru and deleted friends just now. went from 12 pages down to 3. i just feel like i kinda lost what the site was for there for a while. so i deleted everyone accept for the people who have REALLY supported me. i didnt explain anything to any of them. if they ask me, ill tell them just that.

    I think most people on here are getting this site confused with faceBook! :)
  • Roszepoo
    Roszepoo Posts: 46
    For me-one ugly word (curse word, etc.) and I delete them. Two or three negative comments, and they are gone. I am here for positive only-my life offers enough negative battles, I will not accept them here. Tough-you bet. This is about me for a change.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I guess I'm inpatient because I unfriend people if they haven't been on in 4+ days. :blushing: Except if I know they're on vacation, having personal life problems, etc OR unless they were super motivating to me and their absence seems strange and I think they'll come back.

    There are a lot of people I've let go that friended me and then never sent 1 word of encouragement, so I don't really need them clogging up my dashboard. :huh:
  • et57
    et57 Posts: 20 Member
    :happy: Don't delete me! I only have two friends on here!!!!!
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    I've only let 1 go - too much BS from them, just seemed to be clogging my home page with "chatting" all the time. Wasn't all bad just too much. I had debated it and actually they made a comment that kind of irked me (in the community page), so I deleted the person. I didn't let them know, just did it - was not wanting a debate started... it's not like I personally knew the person.
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