Some of these friend requests...



  • tristen_leigh
    tristen_leigh Posts: 214 Member
    Non_Stop wrote: »
    Non_Stop wrote: »
    Basically, we are judging others based upon what they look like.

    Basically, we're human.

    We have so much in common! We could be besties!


    You're just jelly.
  • tristen_leigh
    tristen_leigh Posts: 214 Member
    Non_Stop wrote: »
    Non_Stop wrote: »
    Basically, we are judging others based upon what they look like.

    Basically, we're human.

    We have so much in common! We could be besties!


    You're just jelly.

    Of course I am

    When it's not all about me I go all Snickers mode :sad:

    Mmmm Snickers.
  • brewingPHX
    brewingPHX Posts: 284 Member
    Yeah, it's so weird when these topless women hit me up and have nothing about themselves in their profile. Happens every single day! LADIES! I'M HERE TO GET HEALTHY! NOT LOOK AT YOUR BOOBS! (well maybe...)
  • Monnie67
    Monnie67 Posts: 88 Member
    Im a female and I recently experienced a similar situation. I was friend requested, so I was trying to find out a little background. It was Male with no shirt. Okay, whatever..... Im trying to check this person out I accidentally accepted him. So figure it will be fine. "But something didn't feel right this time. That voice we females have built in us was talking. This person started posting like they was on there Facebook page. About themselves and kids, stuff "I". I looked at all his friends a "lot of attractive female". A whole lot. People speak about there day, family, children etc..... And you think nothing of it you send positive comments. But I just didn't like there post. You start becoming genuine friends with your MFP family by talking to folks everyday On off all day sometimes. But you know when a person is bragging appose to being genuine. From the moment I accepted this person I got a bad vibe. So I Unfriended them. And I immediately felt better about it. This person may have meant no harm and if so I'm would say I'm sorry. However, It didn't feel right so it was right. I just want to share my story.

  • Becky_44
    Becky_44 Posts: 227 Member
    I don't go off of the profile pic. But am leary if it's all women friends, and generally there is a theme with those women too. But I always give someone a chance if they send a request. IF I get nothing, or if they come at me with obvious ulterior motives, I will delete.
  • niamibunni
    niamibunni Posts: 110 Member
    Some are creeps, others are nice people.

    Haven't had those topless women try to friend me yet though. :D
  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    I have 3 pics I use as profile.....I get lots of men FR with the abs and the figure comp pic and a few very rude questions I block those then I have a pic of our Wombat Daisy....I only get women FR then lol my profile pic I use as my own motivation but then I get sick of the sleeze bags so I change it to Daisy again......I have a disclaimer on my profile lol
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    I give most everyone a chance....pressing unfriend if it goes wrong isn't hard..
  • Peter_Brady
    Peter_Brady Posts: 3,750 Member
    Monnie67 wrote: »
    Im a female and I recently experienced a similar situation. I was friend requested, so I was trying to find out a little background. It was Male with no shirt. Okay, whatever..... Im trying to check this person out I accidentally accepted him. So figure it will be fine. "But something didn't feel right this time. That voice we females have built in us was talking. This person started posting like they was on there Facebook page. About themselves and kids, stuff "I". I looked at all his friends a "lot of attractive female". A whole lot. People speak about there day, family, children etc..... And you think nothing of it you send positive comments. But I just didn't like there post. You start becoming genuine friends with your MFP family by talking to folks everyday On off all day sometimes. But you know when a person is bragging appose to being genuine. From the moment I accepted this person I got a bad vibe. So I Unfriended them. And I immediately felt better about it. This person may have meant no harm and if so I'm would say I'm sorry. However, It didn't feel right so it was right. I just want to share my story.

  • Shesaleo18
    Shesaleo18 Posts: 126 Member
    When I first started I had a beautiful pic of the beach and got a couple of soon as I put a face pic on (mind you I was wearing sunnies) more requests. Now Iv got my kids as a pic...haven't had any requests lol
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I decline all friend requests that don't include a note.

    I also decline FR that include a note if that note appears to be generic/not addressed specifically to me.
  • brewingPHX
    brewingPHX Posts: 284 Member
    I require a note in all friend requests that include their name, address, and social security number with a statement granting me permission to conduct a full credit report and background search. You can never be too careful of who your friends are these days on MFP.

    Also, I want a whole paragraph dedicated and addressed specifically to me telling me why I should consider being friends with them.
  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    brewingPHX wrote: »
    I require a note in all friend requests that include their name, address, and social security number with a statement granting me permission to conduct a full credit report and background search. You can never be too careful of who your friends are these days on MFP.

    Also, I want a whole paragraph dedicated and addressed specifically to me telling me why I should consider being friends with them.

  • Khovde07
    Khovde07 Posts: 508 Member
    Most of the females who send me a FR only have single pic of their faces. I mean, what am I supposed to do with that? This is a fitness sight, not glamour shots. Let's see some abs, glutes, mams, etc. :p

    I can agree with this. Except I'm not at the point where I'm proud enough of my body to post anything but my face. Hopefully I'll get there soon, but for now you guys are only going to get my brilliantly beautiful smile! ;)
  • tristen_leigh
    tristen_leigh Posts: 214 Member
    Non_Stop wrote: »
    I sent OP a FR and she hasn't stopped PM'ing ever since. I think she did it on purpose to collected naked torsos.

    I can't believe you figured me out so fast. :(
  • Sadlyinwar
    Sadlyinwar Posts: 859 Member
    brewingPHX wrote: »
    I require a note in all friend requests that include their name, address, and social security number with a statement granting me permission to conduct a full credit report and background search. You can never be too careful of who your friends are these days on MFP.

    Also, I want a whole paragraph dedicated and addressed specifically to me telling me why I should consider being friends with them.

    Oh... That explains why I didn't get accepted.
  • closetlibrarian
    closetlibrarian Posts: 2,207 Member
    I accept pretty much anyone, but I also cull weekly for people who are either a) insane; b) dead air; or c) stalkerish. Although "c" might reference back to "a".
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i pretty much accept everyone.

    that doesn't mean they stay long, though ..... im trigger happy on the delete button lol
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    If they don't send me a message asking for a nude selfie, then I don't consider them to be serious, and I don't accept.