I want to give up

I have been doing this dieting thing for two days and like a fool I weighted myself this morning. According to the scale I have gained 6 pounds. Please someone tell me what I am doing wrong.


  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    Probably nothing.

    Everyone's weight fluctuates on a daily basis and two days is not long enough for you to see the (hopefully downward) trend.

    Don't panic, carry on with your food plan and on Wednesday (7 days of the diet) you will almost definitely see a loss.
  • runningalice
    runningalice Posts: 71 Member
    Water weight! Not fat! :) the longer you keep at it the better the results will be. Try to find a weight trending app so it gets rid of fluctuations. Also keep an eye on your sodium intake. Keep going!
  • mathoma94
    mathoma94 Posts: 13 Member
    2 days is not long enough to see any results whatsoever. Your weight fluctuates immensely based on what you last ate/drank, so don't get scared off by one bad weigh in. Keep at it for a few weeks and don't cheat, change will come!
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    Two days and you're ready to throw in the towel? What you're doing wrong is not being patient.
  • finnsgma
    finnsgma Posts: 55 Member
    MommyL2015 wrote: »
    Two days and you're ready to throw in the towel? What you're doing wrong is not being patient.

    This. And get rid of the scale. Only weight yourself every couple weeks initially so you don't get frustrated with ups and downs. And be honest with your logging.
  • crb426
    crb426 Posts: 657 Member
    finnsgma wrote: »
    MommyL2015 wrote: »
    Two days and you're ready to throw in the towel? What you're doing wrong is not being patient.

    This. And get rid of the scale. Only weight yourself every couple weeks initially so you don't get frustrated with ups and downs. And be honest with your logging.

    I weigh everyday. OP may freak out over 6 pounds, but will be very happy when they then lose 8 pounds. Your weight will fluctuate up and down, but as long as you accept this, and do everything correctly, you will begin to see a downward trend. Give it more than 2 days. Try 1 month. If you still see no change, then yes, you're doing something wrong.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Two days? Honey this is going to be a long long process.

    Be sure to read all of the topics at the top of the forums and make sure you are doing everything accurately. If you are. Then just be patient. Give it at least a couple of weeks.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    On top of being more patient, your user name is telling me the state of mind you're currently in...
  • Jenfromtheblock84
    Jenfromtheblock84 Posts: 140 Member
    Do not give up after one weigh in. Like others said it is too early to really see a difference. What you are seeing is water weight most likely. Make sure you are checking your sodium in your food, drinking lots of water, and just give it time. If you started a new workout plan with your "diet" then it could be your muscles holding on to the water. Keep at it and it will go away. Remember it's a learning experience for us all and you only fail when you give up.
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    Pick one day a week that is your weigh-in day. Weigh-in at the same time wearing the same thing once a week. Weight fluctuates daily depending on a variety of factors. If you drink too much water, not enough water, did you eat too much sodium things like that. Enter in all your information in the My Fitness Pal. Set your weight loss goal 1 lbs, 1.5 lbs, .5 lbs, whatever you want it to be. Now comes the hard part give it a few weeks. It takes time to make the changes, the scale is not the only factor to go by. How do your clothes fit, how do you actually feel. It is an uphill battle that most people do not want to face, but the end result is a new healthier, happier, slimmer you. Just remember weight loss is not linear, you may see a huge dip in numbers the first week, but slowed results after due to water weight loss. But just stick with it, find some groups on here for support as there are hundreds to choose from. But use this as a tool for support and help. Good luck to you.
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    a) It is not really a diet, more a change of lifestyle. b) 2 days after start already thinking about giving up is not the right way of mind set. It is a commitment, and it probably has taken some time to get it on, by doing the right things it should drop off a lot faster, but don't expect miracles in 2 days (and gaining weight, can you really blame the program? weight fluctuates from day to day, so you might have stepped up on "bad" day) c) Scales demotivate (as you have already experienced), if you really want to use them regularly, make it a weekly weigh-in, and do the weigh-in at the same time of the day.
    d) This only really works if you are thinking "I have to do it" (commitment), rather than "I should lose some weight" (it is nice but you are not convinced). Now, I do apologize if the above sounds too harsh :D ... honest
  • timetochange52
    timetochange52 Posts: 66 Member
    Give it time to work. Your body needs time to adjust to your new eating pattern. If possible try to stay low carb for a few days to shed some water weight. Stay away from "diet" foods, processed, and canned foods - they are loaded with salt. Add friends and let them view your food diary for good tips and motivation. Relax and enjoy it. It doesn't have to be hard, or depriving, or tedious. It's a long journey. Ups and downs, trips and falls. We all go though it. There is no magic. Just better choices and learning what works for you.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Two days is nothing. Commit to two months & let us know how it goes.
    When I started I labelled ten 10-week sessions by date in the 'notes' section of my phone. I told myself I didn't care if I only lost 5 lbs each ten week session, but I was going to move the 50 lbs of overweight I had become and transform my health. Of course, it is going much faster than that! But even if I had found it more of a struggle, losing 50 lbs over two years would have been a fraction of the time it took me to put it on... How long have you been overweight? Surely this deserves more than two days effort...
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Wow, a whole 2 days and quitting already? Did you read any of the stickies at the top of these forums? If you can't handle a whole 2 days you're in for a rude awakening...
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    2 days?

    2 DAYS

    sit down.


    Get back up and keep at it !!!!

    You WILL NOT see results in 2 days.

    This takes time.. Loads of it. If you had seen a drop in 2 days it was NOT that you lost 2 lbs worth of weight.

    GET UP and move.. get back to it!
    You CAN do this!

    Set realistic goals for yourself. 5 lbs the first month. You are probably still very new to all this so you will mess up doing this often. That is ok. We all do this at the start.

  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    What does giving up look like to you? If it looks like not eating at such a large deficit, do it! If it looks like continuing to eat nutritious foods and exercising while you practice logging eating at maintenance do it. If it looks like eating more calories than you burn then remember why you started in the first place.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    It sounds like you're making drastic changes that feel restrictive, punitive and self-defeating.

    Go with a non-aggressive calorie goal. Add some movement as you feel ready. (Exercise is not necessary to lose weight.) Ramp up your patience reserves. Breathe. Relax. Life is short.
  • colleenbailey98
    colleenbailey98 Posts: 1 Member
    Did you weigh yourself at the same time both days? Were you wearing clothes at the time and if so, different clothes would make a difference in the scale. Best time to weigh is when you first get out of bed. 6 lb weight gain in 2 days has to be water weight. Hang in there.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    On top of being more patient, your user name is telling me the state of mind you're currently in...

    This was exactly my first thought as well. OP, is your user name indicative of your current thought process? If so, you should try tackling that first because if you mind isn't ready your body won't be either. But don't give up! That will only make you feel worse.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    Are you looking to actually get fit or for instant gratification? These are mutually exclusive