Is there really any chance of a 320 pound guy getting a girl friend ?

F4Tdestroyer Posts: 34 Member
I'd really like to know what you guys think ? .. I'm super nice and helpful loyal trusting and have a good sense of humor but at this weight is just feel like sh#t , I'd like to have a girl friend for my promise in august, this is the main reason I'm trying to lose weight thanks


  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    Yes, there are plenty of men larger than you that have girlfriends or wives.
    You may be lacking confidence which could be the problem. Do you have a problem talking to women?
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
  • Chenry18
    Chenry18 Posts: 211 Member
    It sounds like you are suffering from low self esteem, my friend! You are on here and making your health a priority- look at you go! You don't want a girlfriend who is dating you based on your looks or weight, you want one who loves you for you!
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    _MistahJ_ wrote: »
    _John_ wrote: »

    Ugh... is she wearing pantyhose? Did she just get off her shift from Hooters?

    I thought this place was for support.
  • lawsonsaysread
    lawsonsaysread Posts: 53 Member
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    _MistahJ_ wrote: »
    _John_ wrote: »

    Ugh... is she wearing pantyhose? Did she just get off her shift from Hooters?

    I thought this place was for support.

    Maybe this was a pun on the word hose...a place for support. If not, I snickered anyway.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    Non_Stop wrote: »
    Yes, there are plenty of men larger than you that have girlfriends or wives.
    You may be lacking confidence which could be the problem. Do you have a problem talking to women?

    Define "larger"...

    Bromeo...I've lost over a 100lbs and was where you're at. I get all kinds of MFP action now.

    Okay, the 400lb former co-worker of mine who was married... To a woman. And no, it was not 400lb of muscle.
  • provencal73
    provencal73 Posts: 1,275 Member
    You should lose weight for yourself. Not others.
  • charlottemmarks
    charlottemmarks Posts: 61 Member
    Looks are only a piece of the puzzle. You can look like Brad Pitt, but without confidence, it'll eventually wear thin. It's excellent that you're taking your health into your hands and making positive changes. It definitely pays off, in many areas of life. My advice would be to do some inner work on your journey, as well. Meditation, self-help books (mostly geared toward spirituality and life purpose), and watching The Secret helped me tremendously with my self-esteem issues. Perhaps they'd help you, too? Best of luck to you! You can do it!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    theres someone for everyone ....

    for me, personality and intelligence are more important than looks HOWEVER, the ability to 'keep up with me' is also a requirement. my ex was probably 300 pounds when i met him (and i was maybe 120 at the time). however, i was much lazier then than now LOL. My boyfriend is bigger than me, but works out and works on improving himself. My best friend (guy) is also bigger (though not large by any means- maybe 200ish and 6' tall) - and if i had no bf, i could see something developing between us (we've known each other 20 years)

    but the underlying factor is personality and confidence, between all 3.

  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    When I was 283lbs I was getting sniz on the reg so I would imagine you'd at least get it on a seldom basis at WORST at 320lbs. Thats only 37lbs difference. If your reason for losing weight is to get a girlfriend, I can't think of a better one.
  • jenmar222
    jenmar222 Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited February 2016
    Lots of guys bigger than you have girlfriends

    At my heaviest weight I had a boyfriend, and I don't now :joy:

    Earlier this year I went on a couple dates with a guy who was prolly a bit over 280ish. It was fun. Would have gone on more...but he was just in town for a couple weeks. Some people look for other stuff before looks.

    Confidence is key. Like if you know you are a badass, but still have humility too, that is sexy. No one wants someone who comes across desperate (guy or girl...of any weight). And tbh, having a timeline comes off a bit desperate.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    Non_Stop wrote: »
    Non_Stop wrote: »
    theres someone for everyone ....

    for me, personality and intelligence are more important than looks HOWEVER, the ability to 'keep up with me' is also a requirement. my ex was probably 300 pounds when i met him (and i was maybe 120 at the time). however, i was much lazier then than now LOL. My boyfriend is bigger than me, but works out and works on improving himself. My best friend (guy) is also bigger (though not large by any means- maybe 200ish and 6' tall) - and if i had no bf, i could see something developing between us (we've known each other 20 years)

    but the underlying factor is personality and confidence, between all 3.

    So you're saying you'd bone your BF if your hubby wasn't in the picture? What does this have to do with OP? Focus people.

    You focus! she said she'd bone her best friend if her *boyfriend* wasn't in the picture, not husband.

    Okay so she's saying that personality is more important and that the 200'ish 6' tall "friend" is bangable but that personality and confidence are underlying factors. Not primary factors.

    idk i think she just said she'd get with both guys but since they are nowhere near 320 i'm not sure how that helps the op

    wheres a head banging gif when i need one?

    point being, personality trumps size, often. everyone likes different things. just ike some guys like bigger chicks, some gals like bigger guys. if OP has a good personality, im sure he can find someone to love him as he is.

    ex hubby is on his own for getting banged. not my problem anymore ;)
  • jenmar222
    jenmar222 Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited February 2016
    Also "nice," "loyal," "trusting,"....those are all good qualities, but if that's all I wanted, I'd get a dog.

    Of course, those are base line requirements for most girls in a boyfriend. But describing yourself like that won't make you stand out in a crowd. There's got to be other more unique/exciting/note worthy attributes that you have.

    If you don't know what they are...get to know yourself more. How can you show others what you have to offer, if you're not sure yourself?
  • tristen_leigh
    tristen_leigh Posts: 214 Member
    Working on your confidence should be numero uno - self confidence goes a loooong way.
  • dervari
    dervari Posts: 805 Member
    I can empathize with the OP. I was around 330 at one point and the woman I had been dating for a couple of months broke it off saying "I like you, but I want a size 36 you." Can you say salt in the wound?