17 day diet

I'm need some people to start the 17 day diet with. I will be starting cycle 1 tomorrow. Who's with me?


  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    Out of curiosity, what does this diet entail?
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    edited February 2016
    That's what I thought. There's no such thing as a "cleansing diet." Your body does it naturally. Stick with a calorie deficit and a lifestyle change, and you won't have a need for fad diets.

    PS. Sugar is not bad for you unless you have a medical condition that causes it to be. Demonizing food sets most people up for failure.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Well, for everyone that would argue that 17 days does not a diet make - it's not 17 days, it's 17+17+17+forever :#
    The diet consists of four Cycles that promote fast, healthy weight loss: Accelerate, Activate, Achieve and Arrive.

    Accelerate (17 days): This works as a cleansing diet, removing unnecessary sugars in the food we eat. The cleansing accelerates weight loss by burning, and not storing, fat. Weight loss can be as great as 15 pounds during this Cycle. Foods for the Accelerate Cycle include Greek yogurt, green tea, eggs, fish, chicken and fresh fruits and vegetables.

    Activate (17 days): This next Cycle retrains the metabolism by changing your caloric consumption and stimulating fat burning, which triggers sustained weight loss. Foods added during this Cycle include shellfish, lean meats, natural starches, legumes and starchy vegetables.

    Achieve (17 days): During this Cycle, good, healthy eating habits are developed through a re-introduction of additional foods that continue weight loss. Every food group is represented, with an emphasis on non-starchy vegetables and lean proteins. One alcoholic drink is allowed daily, and the amount of exercise is increased. Foods added during this Cycle include poultry, such as turkey bacon, and high-fiber cereals and pasta.

    Arrive (Ongoing): The final Cycle allows you to stay at a goal weight throughout the program and allows you to enjoy your favorite foods on weekends, while eating healthily during the week. From breakfast on Monday until lunch on Friday, meals should be from one of the previous Cycles, while during the weekend, you can enjoy your favorite foods and meals in moderation.

    I really need to be cleansed, and my metabolism to be retrained. Must do this for 34 days before starting to develop healthy eating habits! Must not eat food I like during the week. But booze is alright :D
  • "The Doctors" is all I needed to see. I'm out.
  • emmycantbemeeko
    emmycantbemeeko Posts: 303 Member
    OP, your body doesn't need "cleansing" (your kidney and liver do that just fine, and if they don't, a diet isn't going to fix it, you're having a medical emergency).

    Your metabolism doesn't need to be retrained.

    You don't need to eat special combinations of specific foods to lose weight.

    You don't need to eliminate food groups to lose weight.

    You just need to eat fewer calories than you burn.

    Try MFP. You can eat what you already know and like and not be beholden to a meal plan that you probably aren't going to be excited about it able to make work forever. You just have to be honest with yourself about how much you move and how much you eat. It works. Really.
  • faidwen
    faidwen Posts: 131 Member
    Think lifestyles, not diets... :smile:
  • chrisbcats
    chrisbcats Posts: 16 Member
    The question was who was with me? Not against me.
    Everyone needs to educate themselves before becoming experts on the 17 day diet. Mostly everyone who commented have never heard of the diet until today and are just going by the title. If you are guilty of this, Google is your friend. Or better yet download the book and see for yourself it isn't a fad, it is a lifestyle change completed in 17 day increments.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    chrisbcats wrote: »
    The question was who was with me? Not against me.
    Everyone needs to educate themselves before becoming experts on the 17 day diet. Mostly everyone who commented have never heard of the diet until today and are just going by the title. If you are guilty of this, Google is your friend. Or better yet download the book and see for yourself it isn't a fad, it is a lifestyle change completed in 17 day increments.
    I know this well. An in law did the program a few times. All that happened was lots of hangriness and tiredness..oh, did I mention hangriness?
    The thing is, the body doesn't need a 'cleanse' from toxins... The liver and kidneys are a great team when it comes to removing 'toxins'. Also when losing weight, it is all best to look at long-term solutions and not temporary fixes. I agree with what has been said here in this thread by others, and as well as science itself. All everyone is trying to say is that these sort of cleanses are not necessary, and weight loss can be achieved simply by eating less and moving more. Trust me, it's not worth feelng like *kitten* for 17 days. One does not need to eliminate foods or food groups to lose weight. We're just trying to save you the time, really.

  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    chrisbcats wrote: »
    I will be starting cycle 1 tomorrow. Who's with me?

    I'll pass. A simple calorie deficit works for me. And millions of others. Thanks for asking though. :+1:
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    "The Doctors' is the show for snake oil artists who can't afford airtime on Dr. Oz.
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    This is what I found after checking out the website:

    "The 17 Day Diet Testimonials"

    "Does the 17 Day Diet really work? Find out from people who have actually tried it!"


    I'll stick to MFP, but thanks anyway.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I'm out.
  • CiaBria
    CiaBria Posts: 4 Member
    I am interested, but I do not know the diet.
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    Hon, we are educated. And... it doesn't work. You'll lose weight in the short term, and you'll be hangry and tired and miserable (and so much poo!) and then, you'll finish the program and try their maintenance plan, and you'll gain the weight back in three months, four months, or six months, or a year, and you'll think, "Wow! That cleanse thing really worked!" and you'll do it again. And you'll be hangry and tired and sick, but you'll lose some weight, and then in six months, or a year, you'll be where you were, and you'll think, "That cleanse diet worked last time..."
    But hopefully by the third yo-yo, you'll cut the string and try something real that works for life.

    Good luck!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    edited February 2016
    chrisbcats wrote: »
    The question was who was with me? Not against me.
    Everyone needs to educate themselves before becoming experts on the 17 day diet. Mostly everyone who commented have never heard of the diet until today and are just going by the title. If you are guilty of this, Google is your friend. Or better yet download the book and see for yourself it isn't a fad, it is a lifestyle change completed in 17 day increments.

    Its funny, I was going to write the same exact thing ! Just change the words from "everyone" to "you "
    You don't need these fad diets , its nonsense. Instead start by reading the stickied posts in the beginning of the forum !
    Nobody here is against you. We want you to learn the truth and educate yourself !
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    OP, your body doesn't need "cleansing" (your kidney and liver do that just fine, and if they don't, a diet isn't going to fix it, you're having a medical emergency).

    Your metabolism doesn't need to be retrained.

    You don't need to eat special combinations of specific foods to lose weight.

    You don't need to eliminate food groups to lose weight.

    You just need to eat fewer calories than you burn.

    Try MFP. You can eat what you already know and like and not be beholden to a meal plan that you probably aren't going to be excited about it able to make work forever. You just have to be honest with yourself about how much you move and how much you eat. It works. Really.

    This !!!
  • emmycantbemeeko
    emmycantbemeeko Posts: 303 Member
    chrisbcats wrote: »
    The question was who was with me? Not against me.
    Everyone needs to educate themselves before becoming experts on the 17 day diet. Mostly everyone who commented have never heard of the diet until today and are just going by the title. If you are guilty of this, Google is your friend. Or better yet download the book and see for yourself it isn't a fad, it is a lifestyle change completed in 17 day increments.

    None of the elaborate specifications of the diet or the promised stages ("activation," "cleansing" etc) are a necessary part of weight loss. I'm plenty educated, thanks, and one of the things I'm educated about is the telltale signs of weight loss scams and fad diets, and this hits every tickybox.

    Will it still work if you manage to achieve a caloric deficit through it? Yes. Will it work if you manage to eat a caloric deficit while eating anything? Yes. Are you likely to stick to a highly restrictive, specialized diet forever?No. Is there any additional benefit to doing so? Not unless you have an actual medical indication for one, and just being overweight is not a medical indication for food type restriction.

    So why go through the restrictions and stress of elaborate diet plans? Are you going still be excited to be eating special, different, highly restricted foods from everyone else in 17 day cycles forever? If not, this is not a lifestyle change, it's a temporary diet that may help you lose weight (if the amount of food specified is lower than you daily energy requirement) but will not help you keep it off after you stop following it.

    "Eat less, move more to lose weight" is a really hard thing to market or use to generate clicks. That doesn't make it any less true. "Eat these seven things the first phase of the full moon and it will cleanse your colon to regenerate your metabolism" is, for whatever reason, super-easy to market. That doesn't make it true or necessary to lose weight.
  • RetroPolkaDot
    RetroPolkaDot Posts: 83 Member
    I got the book from the library. it was the only book that I ever checked out and then returned a few hours later.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    My dad has started the 17 day diet so many times I can't even count. "But Laura! You can eat all the veggies and tuna or chicken you want all day! You eat two yogurts a day and no fruits, nuts, sweets, alcohol, you should really try this" (He's lost no weight) "Mmm no thanks dad I'll stick with counting my calories and making certain foods work if I want them, you should try THAT!" (I've lost 12 lbs) /story.