17 day diet



  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Hon, we are educated. And... it doesn't work. You'll lose weight in the short term, and you'll be hangry and tired and miserable (and so much poo!) and then, you'll finish the program and try their maintenance plan, and you'll gain the weight back in three months, four months, or six months, or a year, and you'll think, "Wow! That cleanse thing really worked!" and you'll do it again. And you'll be hangry and tired and sick, but you'll lose some weight, and then in six months, or a year, you'll be where you were, and you'll think, "That cleanse diet worked last time..."
    But hopefully by the third yo-yo, you'll cut the string and try something real that works for life.

    Good luck!

    This ^^^

    OP: you can listen now, or you can listen later. It's really your choice. :)
  • choppie70
    choppie70 Posts: 544 Member
    chrisbcats wrote: »
    The question was who was with me? Not against me.
    Everyone needs to educate themselves before becoming experts on the 17 day diet. Mostly everyone who commented have never heard of the diet until today and are just going by the title. If you are guilty of this, Google is your friend. Or better yet download the book and see for yourself it isn't a fad, it is a lifestyle change completed in 17 day increments.

    The thing is, the people who have replied, may not have know about the diet, but they know about weight loss. And all of the replies have been spot on!

    Google is my friend, I have used it to look at real medical studies not celebrity endorsed crap "programs" that people blindly follow or endorsed by crock Dr's who have sold themselves out.

    You don't have to know the specifics of the 17 day diet to know that your body does not need a detox. Your kidneys and liver detox for you. There is a ton of research out there (peer reviewed actual medical studies, not just testimonials) that prove this. Detoxing is a FAD, so hmmm... that stage of the 17 Day diet is a FAD.

    A second way to spot a fad diet? It promises to help you lose weight fast. Taken right from the 17 day diet info. site:


    Third way to spot a fad diet - "Scientifically proven! Dr. endorsed!" The Doctors endorsing something is enough to stay away from it!

    Fourth way to spot a fad diet - testimonials and before/after pictures. Lighting, clothing, camera angle can all make someone look slimmer. Don't forget photo shop! And, it is becoming more and more a thing to take people's before and after pictures from the internet and use them in advertising even though the person NEVER used the product or followed the plan!

    Also, as people have proven again and again on this website, you don't have to cut out certain foods or food groups to lose weight. Cutting out foods just leads to a cycle of binging and guilt.

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    that sounds horrible.

    80 some pounds down from a little over a year ago and i eat exactly what i want ....
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    This website always gives me a good laugh and oddly, good information at times.

  • TRC64
    TRC64 Posts: 22 Member
    I've actually read the book, and I don't think the diet is bad at all. It's fairly restrictive in the beginning, but many people find that helpful, and the quick initial weight loss is encouraging. It gradually reintroduces more foods, and emphasizes moderate reasonable exercise through all stages. Doing the diet in stages also helps a bit mentally, and may keep you more motivated to stick with it.

    If you eat a diet high in sugar/processed foods though, be prepared for a rough first week or so. Sugar "detox" (or however you want to label it) is very real and can cause a lot of unpleasant symptoms.

    Good luck!
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    When you say you're starting jumping off cliffs and the replies are from those noting the plan is unnecessary and foolish are you then going to just say you want to only hear from those who are with you? That is the logical parallel to your posts.
  • chrisbcats
    chrisbcats Posts: 16 Member
    When you say you're starting jumping off cliffs and the replies are from those noting the plan is unnecessary and foolish are you then going to just say you want to only hear from those who are with you? That is the logical parallel to your posts.
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    chrisbcats wrote: »
    When you say you're starting jumping off cliffs and the replies are from those noting the plan is unnecessary and foolish are you then going to just say you want to only hear from those who are with you? That is the logical parallel to your posts.

    That's just an analogy. You have to have thick skin around here. And don't take anything personally. There's lots of knowledgeable people on here, it doesn't hurt to listen to them. Then create your own plan that will work for you.
  • christinapearce75
    @chrisbcats I did the 17 days diet in 2010 and read most of the book. I can say from experience that it works!! I was losing weight quickly. I just fell off the wagon and didn't follow through all the phases so that's why I gained my weight back and thinking about starting over again! Good luck and dong listen to people who don't know this plan or haven't read the book.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    @chrisbcats I did the 17 days diet in 2010 and read most of the book. I can say from experience that it works!! I was losing weight quickly. I just fell off the wagon and didn't follow through all the phases so that's why I gained my weight back and thinking about starting over again! Good luck and dong listen to people who don't know this plan or haven't read the book.

    Surely the purpose of any "diet" is that you lose it, and whilst losing, learn the skills to maintain that loss? It has to be sustainable. The fact you gained the weight back and have to start again would indicate it was not a plan you could stick to for life.

    That's why overly complicated diet plans with restriction and rules don't get met with great enthusiasm here. They're even harder to sustain than just tracking your calorie intake.
  • evildeadedd
    evildeadedd Posts: 108 Member
    @chrisbcats I did the 17 days diet in 2010 and read most of the book. I can say from experience that it works!! I was losing weight quickly. I just fell off the wagon and didn't follow through all the phases so that's why I gained my weight back and thinking about starting over again! Good luck and dong listen to people who don't know this plan or haven't read the book.

    You just validated the opinion of every single person who spoke out against this diet on this forum. The fact that you "fell off the wagon" is exactly the reason people are saying it doesn't work. It is not sustainable for the average person to do this for the rest of their life. The fact that you lost weight is completely irrelevant, because you gained it all back. I can consume nothing but water that I boiled potatoes in for 6 weeks and lose a bunch of weight, but no one can live like that forever. And that's what people mean by saying this diet doesn't work.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    @chrisbcats I did the 17 days diet in 2010 and read most of the book. I can say from experience that it works!! I was losing weight quickly. I just fell off the wagon and didn't follow through all the phases so that's why I gained my weight back and thinking about starting over again! Good luck and dong listen to people who don't know this plan or haven't read the book.

    You are far more likely to fall off the wagon if you cut out the foods you enjoy.
  • debsdoingthis
    debsdoingthis Posts: 454 Member
    My nephew followed the 17 day diet and lost an incredible amount of weight in a short time. 100 lbs in 9 months. He ended up being squishy with lots of loose skin. Stopped the diet and started to eat as he normally did and the weight started climbing. He lost the weight but not his appetite (his own words ).went up 4 pant sizes and is afraid to get back on the scale. Anyway, what I'm saying is that if it isn't maintainable long term, there's no point in doing something that basically has a start and stop date. If this something you can do for the rest of your life, then go for it. Somehow though I don't think you'll want to eat like that for the next 40+ years . Best of luck with it
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    OP--look at the posting numbers of the people who are advising you not to do this. The ones that are for it are newbees--that should ring a bell right there. The naysayers are not mean--many have done fad diets in the past and are speaking from experience. Nobody wants you to yo-yo diet and spin your wheels. You are welcome to try whatever you like. We'll still be here to help you when you come back. Let us know how it goes. Best.
  • chrisbcats
    chrisbcats Posts: 16 Member
    @chrisbcats I did the 17 days diet in 2010 and read most of the book. I can say from experience that it works!! I was losing weight quickly. I just fell off the wagon and didn't follow through all the phases so that's why I gained my weight back and thinking about starting over again! Good luck and dong listen to people who don't know this plan or haven't read the book.
    @chrisbcats I did the 17 days diet in 2010 and read most of the book. I can say from experience that it works!! I was losing weight quickly. I just fell off the wagon and didn't follow through all the phases so that's why I gained my weight back and thinking about starting over again! Good luck and dong listen to people who don't know this plan or haven't read the book.
    @chrisbcats I did the 17 days diet in 2010 and read most of the book. I can say from experience that it works!! I was losing weight quickly. I just fell off the wagon and didn't follow through all the phases so that's why I gained my weight back and thinking about starting over again! Good luck and dong listen to people who don't know this plan or haven't read the book.
    @chrisbcats I did the 17 days diet in 2010 and read most of the book. I can say from experience that it works!! I was losing weight quickly. I just fell off the wagon and didn't follow through all the phases so that's why I gained my weight back and thinking about starting over again! Good luck and dong listen to people who don't know this plan or haven't read the book.
    @chrisbcats I did the 17 days diet in 2010 and read most of the book. I can say from experience that it works!! I was losing weight quickly. I just fell off the wagon and didn't follow through all the phases so that's why I gained my weight back and thinking about starting over again! Good luck and dong listen to people who don't know this plan or haven't read the book.

    Thanks I've done the diet several years ago too. It does work. The people here have no idea on what this diet is. They read diet and automatically *kitten*-ume. Well, I've counted calories, and I prefer this method to loose weight.

    One day down, only a lifetime to go. Good luck on your journey. Message me if you decide to restart the diet. I would love to chat with people who actually know about the diet.

  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited February 2016

    "The theory:
    The diet prescribes a slightly different eating and exercise regimen in each of its four cycles to promote “body confusion” – a way to prevent your body from adapting so your metabolism stays in high gear and you burn lots of fat. While this theory may not be scientifically proven, the balanced meals and exercise you’ll get should help you shed pounds."

    "Will you lose weight?
    Likely. It’ll be hard not to lose weight with the balanced diet and regular exercise this diet prescribes, as long as you don’t gorge on the weekends. It’s unclear whether the cycles themselves promote weight loss – no studies have specifically evaluated the 17-day-diet – and “body confusion” has not been scientifically proven."

    I'm sorry that your body is confused. I hope that after 17 days it becomes less perplexed.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    It sounds like a gimmick designed to keep you in a perpetual state of hunger/restriction/gaining. People tend to say that they tried (past tense) such and such a diet. These diets just aren't sustainable for the long haul.

    It's comforting to me to know that if I need to take some weight off, all that's required is eating at a caloric deficit. I can keep eating all my favorite foods, and I don't have to bow to someone else's prescribed schedule, timeline, allowable foods, etc. Also, there's no price of admission.
  • raindawg
    raindawg Posts: 348 Member

    ............Try MFP. You can eat what you already know and like........ You just have to be honest with yourself about how much you move and how much you eat. It works. Really.

    Perfectly said emmycatbemeeko
  • chrisbcats
    chrisbcats Posts: 16 Member
    This thread was started for those interested in starting the 17 day diet, not for you MFP experts in weight loss.

    I will let you MFP experts whom decides the means for weight loss for all users have this topic. You can support each other by sharing your calorie counting ideas
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    No one is claiming to be experts. But at least our bodies aren't confused.

    Let us know what happens on the Mysterious Day Eighteen!