I REALLY need to lose weight in 14 Days!!!



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Take off running and don't stop for 14 days.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted".

    Looks a lot like a troll has been aboard this community forum!

    Please, flattery will get you everywhere. :smooched: :blushing:
  • Phentermine. I lost 7 pounds the first week. That and I drank at least 100 oz of water a day, which also helps with weight fluctuation. I've lost a total of almost 33 pounds in a 3 month time span. The biggest loss happening in the first 30 days. It's a bit pricey but I'd do it again in a heart beat.

    PHENTERMINE is bad.. its very addictive.. plays games with your brain.. really bad for you...

    She is right Phentermine is not good for you, I was on and off of it for a few years and I did lose weight, however the trade was heart valve problems...so not worth the trade.
  • rosadona
    rosadona Posts: 36 Member
    To those saying she'll harm her body, are you having a laugh?!!

    Isn't being overweight/obese harming your body for like a very long period of time? She's wanting a quick fix for i'm guessing a special occasion, so what's 14 days extreme dieting in comparison to months (or most likely years) of feeding your body too many calories!?

    are you serious? being overweight is a body in a state of unbalance, the way to fix that is not by throwing it in another extreme state of unbalance. if you mess with your metabolism too much (by either way too much food or way too little) it harms your body's ability to regulate and get to a healthy weight that will be sustainable.

    Yes I am serious.

    So you say you shouldn't mess with your metabolism if you're overweight and trying to lose weight? What like starting an exercise regime you mean...like most people are advised to do?

    you shouldn't mess with your metabolism, as in your body's ability to metabolize food. obviously starting to exercise and eat better is beneficial, but not so extreme that you confuse your body any more. if you are overweight your body thinks it needs a certain amount of calories to sustain your current weight - if you slowly lower them your body gets used to sustaining itself on less calories and your weight decreases. if you lower your calories TOO much, your body thinks you are actually starving rather than trying to become healthier and it actually holds on to fat and calories more than usual. even with this "holding on" mechanism, if you decrease your calories to almost nothing you will still lose weight - what you hold on to is not enough to make up for the huge deficit you have created - but eating that amount is not sustainable forever. when you do begin to eat more your body thinks that a normal amount of calories is too much and it still holds on to them as though you are starving, therefore making weight loss incredibly hard when normally that is a good calorie range to lose weight.
  • That is definitely a risk of the medication. Not everyone is effected by it the same way. I don't believe Phentermine is directly linked to heart value problems but it did cause those issues when combined with other medications. Ultimately, you should know what you are getting into before starting it. I use it as directly and have monthly check ups to make sure I'm on track and that I'm healthy. Addiction is a problem in my family but I'm not remotely close to feeling addicted to it. So like I said, there are definitely risks involved but I am fully aware of them and being obese was a lot bigger risk to my health than the potential risks of take Phentermine.
  • triciawebb78
    triciawebb78 Posts: 142 Member
  • My sentiments exactly! MFP I guess gives most these people the ability to judge people. I'm left wondering if these people have never been judged before in their lives. You'd think from they way they talk that they haven't, despite my sneaking suspicion that they ALL know what this girl is feeling. Not every two people lose weight the same way and what has worked some, doesn't work for all.

    Did the OP ask for your opinion? No, she simply asked for a way to lose the most weight in 14 days. If you don't like the fact that she feels it's urgent enough to put most health risks aside, you shouldn't waste your time posting as she specifically said that she knows it's unhealthy. You are just beating this issue to death and it's obviously not a concern for her. Can you say, waste of time?
  • JellyPrz619
    JellyPrz619 Posts: 172
    I would work out hard and eat healthy. You may not lose all the weight that you are hoping for, but you will feel better about yourself and have more confidence AND that will be noticeable!!!!

    Very well said. This is the best advice in my opinion
  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379

    Now think about if this day is really worth it.
  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379
    Actually thinking about it, if you are that adamant on crash dieting then nothing that anyone says on here will effect your decision.

    I am only just learning how to diet healthily and safely. So here are some more sensible suggestions...

    1. Going vegan for 2 weeks. I have a few friends who went vegan. They lost shed loads in the first few weeks.
    2. A detox. Just eat fruit and veg (not for the whole 2 weeks!!!) and drink lots of green tea. It will cleanse your system and leave your tummy alot flatter.
    3. Lots and lots and lots of exercise.
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    the head weighs about 10 pounds... I am sure you could do without?
  • voytechs
    voytechs Posts: 2
    Low Carb.... Really low carb and lots of water. It wont last long but you can possibly lose close to that. And any exerices

    I second that. Really low carbs and skip the fruit too if you want to loose weight super quick. It's not a good idea to skip fruit for too long, but you are fine for a couple of weeks. You want to cut out all sugar sources. Replace the carbs with some fat which your body will need. Fat doesn't get stored away unless there are also carbs. It will be burned as fuel. I eat a ton of saturated fat, low carbs (all carbs from veggies) and I'm loosing weight like never before. Also eat plenty of green and leafy veggies (they have small amount of the good carbs.)

    My wife lost 6lbs in 2 weeks just by cutting out the bagels, breads, cereals, sugar, but she loads up heavily on fruit which is fine and very healthy.
  • This is about the closest way to do it and still be healthy, I think:


    It references an MD that works on The Biggest Loser. You're going to need to do a lot of cardio, and reduce your calorie intake to about 1000-1200.

    Also cut out carbs and sodium.

    Good luck.
  • bexxw
    bexxw Posts: 44 Member
    Did anyone actually read the OP? She understands that what she wants isn't healthy but for whatever reasons wants to achieve a certain goal. She is 23 not 12 so I presume she can make up her own mind after weighing up the risks and benefits of any approach.

    One would hope that after the 14 days she then approaches her weight loss in a more considered or sensible manner. However, there are certain times in people's lives where they do want to lose weight rapidly (coming up to a wedding for example.) Now idealism is all well and good but people are well, human, and fallible. Yeah, they shouldn't crash diet but you can bet your bottom dollar they will do.

    When someone has made up their mind to do something you can either give them the options to undertake their endeavour with a degree of safety and minimise the risks of what they are doing if you have that within your knowledge or not. Denying them knowledge or limiting their options ultimately hurts them more.

    What is clear however is that lecturing, brow beating or taking the piss out of the OP will not help her AT ALL.

    This is really positive and well written! Thank you for maintaining the supportive nature of this site! We're here to support people not kick them while their down!
  • mflm
    mflm Posts: 10
    blood is 8% of your body weight...just sayin.

    if there was a diet that could let you lose a large amt of weight in 2 weeks (safely), none of us would be here.
  • mamato3babes
    mamato3babes Posts: 125
    Secondly, Its ok to be concerned for someones health but why be so mean. Isn't the site for support? Not to be torn apart for asking a question.

    EXACTLY! This irritates me to no end! UGH
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