How big is your breakfast?

I usually have a larger breakfast 500-600 calories but i think that I'm going to change to about 200 because either way I'm hungry later in the day. How much do you usually eat for breakfast?


  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I usually don't eat breakfast.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I usually have porridge and coffee, totals less than 300 calories. I prefer larger meals later in the day, or just one big meal and some snacks.
  • chimaerandi
    chimaerandi Posts: 153 Member
    Cup of coffee
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Coffee with creamer and a granola bar- usually 235 calories total. I am not hungry in the morning and could go without but try to eat something so I won't have a blood sugar spike and crash later. In fact I have started eating a banana mid morning to avoid the mid afternoon slump of a blood sugar spike and crash brought on by not eating all morning- it has really helped a lot.
  • daltonjsmom
    daltonjsmom Posts: 74 Member
    I get 1200 calories per day, so I evenly divide them between Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, & Vitamins/Evening Snacks. If I have a special occasion, I will do a lighter calorie, high volume (still filling) bfast & lunch and water so I don't feel hungry but can save more calories for a beer and dinner out or if I have a party to go to.
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    It depends on how hungry I am. I'm only on 1200 calories a day without exercise so... I'm very stingy with breakfast. I'm also a sweetaholic and absolutely have to make sweets fit into my allowance. I tend to go for filling veggie-based breakfasts.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    I eat about 100-150 calories every two hours from 6:30 a.m. til noon ... hard boiled egg, banana, yogurt, baby bel cheese etc ... I have carrots and bell peppers and toss the egg yolk if I'm having a hungry day. And coffee.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I'm eating around 1650 calories a day and spend around a third on breakfast
  • ridge4mfp
    ridge4mfp Posts: 301 Member
    My breakfast is usually under 300 calories. Greek yogurt, hard boiled egg and slice of rye toast most mornings. Easily satisfies me until lunch.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    200-300 calories.
  • mountainninja
    mountainninja Posts: 2 Member
    I started mfp with a calorie goal that was much too low, and thus went from not ever wanting breakfast to being starving in the morning. I've since adjusted calories to something more sustainable, but I've stuck with having a light breakfast and packing a snack for later in the morning. Then I'm able to eat a late lunch which actually tides me over until dinner. I used to grab a snack on the way home or raid the pantry for snacks when I got home, so this adjustment has been helpful for me.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Around 300 calories, or 1/6 of my daily intake. Usually either crispbread+milk, or porridge+butter. Sometimes, when I feel really adventurous, I'll have a pita bread. Always a piece of fruit and vegetable.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    Usually my first meal of the day winds up between 350 - 450 calories. I only eat two decent meals, and a mid-day snack of a banana & yogurt.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I eat breakfast around noon and its usually about 300 cals
  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    Usually non-existent. Some days it's just a cup of low calorie hot chocolate. Other days it's a bowl of cereal.
  • wonderchu
    wonderchu Posts: 53 Member
    About 350: 40g of Cheerios with milk and a banana.
  • scorpcookie
    scorpcookie Posts: 113 Member
    My breakfast tends to vary from 150-250 calories. Probably for the next month or so it will be at 250 as I work through several boxes of instant breakfast that I found in the back of the cupboard.
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,150 Member
    Between 200 and 350 calories, and most of the time with almost equal amounts of carbs and proteins or I will crash before noon.
    The only cereal that I eat is bran on top of cottage cheese or Fage, and only for the fiber. I change menus all the time. Sometimes is a whole wheat Eggo waffle or a high fiber english muffin with cheese and/or avocado, or eggs/eggwhites either scrambled or in omelets; sometimes yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit. I don't eat bacon but I do eat few times a week a turkey sausage patty.
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    When i first started this last year I did best by eating a large breakfast like 500 to 600 calories. I get about 1900 daily and I've always been a volume eater.

    The last couple months I noticed I was way too full to the point of being a little ill so I cut back to about 300 to 400 for breakfast most days. Sometimes even less but then i have second breakfast a few hours later. I have found some options that work for me to keep me full for that meal and I use the extra calories for something else later in the day now.
  • law102189
    law102189 Posts: 85 Member
    During the week it's usually Greek yogurt and fresh berries. Large black coffee too.

    Weekends I'll have a 2 egg omelet with lots of veggies or scrambled eggs with avacodo on the side.

    I get 1200 calories and rather save them for dinner