Your most embarrassing moment?



  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    As of this very day, it's discovering my favorite pair of yoga pants have a small hole in the butt!! And I just spent an hour on the elliptical with the stair stepper row behind me. :blushing:

    Good thing my undies were purple, so I don't THINK they were too obvious against the black yoga pants!!

    Yup, I'm cool like that!:glasses:

    There didn`t happen to be any pics taken was there? smiley-excited002.gif
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Well, now you have an excuse to get a new pair of yoga pants.
    Yep! They were getting way too loose on me anyway.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    As of this very day, it's discovering my favorite pair of yoga pants have a small hole in the butt!! And I just spent an hour on the elliptical with the stair stepper row behind me. :blushing:

    Good thing my undies were purple, so I don't THINK they were too obvious against the black yoga pants!!

    Yup, I'm cool like that!:glasses:

    There didn`t happen to be any pics taken was there? smiley-excited002.gif
    Uhhh, no! lol
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    a few years ago, i was in the mall with my (ex)boyfriend. we were walking around and there was a jewelry store on the corner. he said 'are those diamonds big enough for you?'. i looked and they had 3 huge 'diamonds' on display to show the different kinds of cuts. being curious and not knowing jack about diamond cuts, i went to get a closer look. one of the cuts intrigued me so i leaned in to get a closer look then - BAM! - i smacked my forehead on the glass window the display was behind! i was so embarrassed i just stood next to the window holding my throbbing head laughing hysterically. when my bf came over to me he had to walk me out. when i walked by the store, everyone inside was pointing to me and their heads asking if i was ok.

    yea, im a dork.

    Don`t feel bad,more then once I have walked straight into a sliding glass door (last year at the golf course carrying some beers was the latest).

    Blame it on the beers Carl! I always do. :drinker:

    That often does seem to be a common denominator.:smokin:
  • WillPillageYourVillageForFood
    My entire life is an embarassing moment. I would like to think that it is due to the copious amount of alcohol consumed during my lifetime, but sadly my husband says I am just silly. This pretty much sums me up.
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    I would have to say i dont get embarassed easily!!!!

    but... my middle son has had a few moments where he has embarassed the crap out of me...

    When he was about 2 and a half we were in the mall and he threw a temper tantrum because i wouldnt buy him a chocolate bar. So he throws himself on the floor and starts kicking and screaming... so i pick him up and start walking out of the store because im not going to give in.... and he starts screaming at the top of his lungs " PUT ME DOWN YOUR NOT MY MOTHER!!!" EVERYONE turns around and looks at me like im stealing some child :laugh: :blushing:

    another time we were on the city bus and there was this lady sitting across from us... and he says in his loudest talking voice so everyone can hear "HEY MOM I DIDNT KNOW GIRLS COULD HAVE MUSTACHES!!!" as he is pointing directly at her.... she was not impressed!!!!

    And another time on the bus we were getting on and the bus driver kindly says Hi to Joey.... and of course in his loudest voice my kid says "OH MY MOM LOOK OUR BUS DRIVER IS A GEENIE!!!" yes the bus driver had a turbin on... thank god the bus driver started laughing really hard... which made me feel a whole lot better as i kept apologising lol:laugh:
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    My entire life is an embarassing moment. I would like to think that it is due to the copious amount of alcohol consumed during my lifetime, but sadly my husband says I am just silly. This pretty much sums me up.

    Take my word...copious amounts of alcohol do make for unusual moments.
    Once I lost a battle with gravity and did a face plant into some rasberry bushes.
    Had to go to work the next day with broken glasses and looking like I had been in a dog fight.

    Thankfully I couldn`t damage it any worse then it was before.:drinker:
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    i have too many stories i could write!

    i'l tell u 1 now.

    my son was about 5yrs. i was 1 month pregnant. son was asking about baby details like growing in your tummy and coming out. so i taught him that babies grow in a woman's uteras and come out a woman's vagina, or pee pee.
    later that day, son and i were rideing the public bus. ~u can guees the rest but i'll say it too.
    a 9 mo pg woman sat near us. my son loudly proclaimed, "my mom told me u have a baby in your uterus and it will come out your vagina".
    all eyes were on me. i just smiled.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    As of this very day, it's discovering my favorite pair of yoga pants have a small hole in the butt!! And I just spent an hour on the elliptical with the stair stepper row behind me. :blushing:

    Good thing my undies were purple, so I don't THINK they were too obvious against the black yoga pants!!

    Yup, I'm cool like that!:glasses:

    So ummmmmmmm, it wasn't when you hit yourself in the head with your door? whistling.gif

  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    a few years ago, i was in the mall with my (ex)boyfriend. we were walking around and there was a jewelry store on the corner. he said 'are those diamonds big enough for you?'. i looked and they had 3 huge 'diamonds' on display to show the different kinds of cuts. being curious and not knowing jack about diamond cuts, i went to get a closer look. one of the cuts intrigued me so i leaned in to get a closer look then - BAM! - i smacked my forehead on the glass window the display was behind! i was so embarrassed i just stood next to the window holding my throbbing head laughing hysterically. when my bf came over to me he had to walk me out. when i walked by the store, everyone inside was pointing to me and their heads asking if i was ok.

    yea, im a dork.

    Don`t feel bad,more then once I have walked straight into a sliding glass door (last year at the golf course carrying some beers was the latest).

    no way! that was you??? lol! :laugh:
  • Puddmuffin
    Puddmuffin Posts: 79 Member
    Oh yes, that most embarrassing moment. Mine would have to be the summer of 2005, we all went water skiing on my Bro-in-law's boat. I hadn't been water skiing in over 20yrs, but I was up for it.

    After skiing awhile we had come to shore to allow the next group on, the boat was in about 5ft of water. I proceeded to climb over the side of the boat thinking I'd slide down into the water below. Sounds easy right? Right.

    As I took off over the side, I hear my Bro-in-law say, "watch out for the cleat!" I thought, "cleat, what's a cleat?" Swaying back and forth above water, I realized the elastic around the leg of my bathing suit bottoms had caught on a hook and there I was hanging on the side of the boat while my entire family on shore and in the water were laughing hysterically. For some reason it's the first story told now at family gatherings...Hey everyone remember when Jan...hahaha,heheh,hohoh!!! It was pretty funny.
  • sweetassurance
    I would say that one of my most embarrassing moments would be at my old job. I use to work for a recreational department and every month we would have new ideas and relays to do with the kids. Well during one of our drills I blasted off so fast that on the way back I fell backwards and hurt my coaxes bone. The worst part of it was that it happened in front of my super fit colleagues who I was competing with.

    Another embarrassing moment and it has happen more then once is when people come up to my husband and I and congratulate us and/or ask that embarrassing and ask the annoying question of " How far along are you or when is your due date" :laugh: I just answer them by saying “I am way over due but with my diet” I can tell they get as embarrassed as I was. I probably would not mind if they asked me when I was alone but it can get humiliating when they ask you in front of your husband who you are trying to look thin for:bigsmile:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Back when my DH and I were first engaged (we've been married 3 1/2 years now), we had his family over for a birthday shindig. I was in the kitchen with his SIL talking about ordering a cord of firewood, and she told me that she had all this extra wood at her old house. I called hubby in and let him know, but he said he didn't want to chop it himself. SIL then told him that it would build good arm muscles, and wouldn't Robin like that....

    Well, I looked her in the eye, smiled and said "That isn't the muscle that I worry about" with a nice wag of the eyebrows. My husband spluttered and I was laughing until I turned and there his mom was, not 5 feet away and heard the whole thing. Mind you... this was before we were married,and we're all good catholics! Luckily mom thought it was cute and funny... Whew

    My husband says it's the only time he's ever seen me blush...
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Sitting watching Biggest Loser, a night before MY weigh in in the Biggest Loser Challenge, eating tollhouse chocolate chip cookies with icing. :noway: Can you believe it? PMS-dang it! (nice excuse).:cry:
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    bunny that is too funny!

    Mine is not recent at all but definitely the worst in my life! I was in 10th grade and we had to memorize one of the speeches from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and I did Mark Anthony's. I was about 430 lbs in HS so I sat in the back to not block anyone. As I squeezed out of the desk and started walking to the front of the room to recite my speech everyone started grabbing at the air and saying ahhh what's that??? Some idiot had put gum under the desk and it got stuck to the front of my shirt and I was stringing it all the way to the front of the room, as I passed everyone it was getting on them. I was soooo embarrassed! :blushing: But I recited my speech perfectly and excused myself to the restroom to bawl my eyes out. I got a 100 A! My teacher said if I could recite that speech perfectly under those conditions I could be president some day. LOL! She was a sweet lady.

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • greeneggsam
    bunny that is too funny!

    Mine is not recent at all but definitely the worst in my life! I was in 10th grade and we had to memorize one of the speeches from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and I did Mark Anthony's. I was about 430 lbs in HS so I sat in the back to not block anyone. As I squeezed out of the desk and started walking to the front of the room to recite my speech everyone started grabbing at the air and saying ahhh what's that??? Some idiot had put gum under the desk and it got stuck to the front of my shirt and I was stringing it all the way to the front of the room, as I passed everyone it was getting on them. I was soooo embarrassed! :blushing: But I recited my speech perfectly and excused myself to the restroom to bawl my eyes out. I got a 100 A! My teacher said if I could recite that speech perfectly under those conditions I could be president some day. LOL! She was a sweet lady.

    I hope those kids grew up to, I don't know, walk into walls and trip over flat surfaces?!?! :wink:

    That's what they call a "character builder", I think.
  • gnicolecan
    gnicolecan Posts: 293 Member
    i have too many stories i could write!

    i'l tell u 1 now.

    my son was about 5yrs. i was 1 month pregnant. son was asking about baby details like growing in your tummy and coming out. so i taught him that babies grow in a woman's uteras and come out a woman's vagina, or pee pee.
    later that day, son and i were rideing the public bus. ~u can guees the rest but i'll say it too.
    a 9 mo pg woman sat near us. my son loudly proclaimed, "my mom told me u have a baby in your uterus and it will come out your vagina".
    all eyes were on me. i just smiled.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Now that is a good one!
  • WillPillageYourVillageForFood

    I hope those kids grew up to, I don't know, walk into walls and trip over flat surfaces?!?! :wink:

    That's what they call a "character builder", I think.

    Carl walks into walls and I trip over flat surfaces, but I swear neither of us was in that class. :bigsmile:
  • gnicolecan
    gnicolecan Posts: 293 Member
    Ok here is mine...

    When I was pg with my 2nd son, I was suffering terribly with many of the issues that pg mom;s face. I came home and went upstairs, and when I got to the top of the stairs, I felt like I was safe to let a little poot out.
    RAAAAAAAAAAAANRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNT, this LOUD long machine gun like noise came out.
    My hsband and 6 yr old son were down stairs. There was silence, and then my son said to my husband, "Was that mommy?"
    My husband said, "yes honey."
    My son replied with "Wow, that sounded like a man!"
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member

    I hope those kids grew up to, I don't know, walk into walls and trip over flat surfaces?!?! :wink:

    That's what they call a "character builder", I think.

    Carl walks into walls and I trip over flat surfaces, but I swear neither of us was in that class. :bigsmile:
