Irritated by excuses

fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
Ok so I used to be one of those people who always had an excuse for my weight, or I always said I tried but couldn't lose. The plain fact was that I never stuck with it or cheated on diets. Since MFP I have realized there is NO EXCUSE for people to not be able to lose weight. I have met people on here who have overcome massive weightloss, medical conditions, etc and that has not stopped them.

Ok so the reason for this rant. Some woman on my local news site just made a comment that "people do do not wake up and decide to be fat, there is almost always a medical condition to blame." I say that's a bunch of crap. I have a PCOS which makes it very hard to lose weight but I developed that condition partially because I was gaining weight and being unhealthy. I think if anything people develop these conditions because they are unhealthy.

Is anyone else irritated by the excuses you have seen from others since starting MFP?


  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    I hate the excuses because they start to go to work on me, and then I catch myself starting to make excuses, which is BS. There is no excuse. I can work out harder, I can switch things up in different ways. I haven't lost anything in 2 weeks but I'm not going to sit here and cry about it. I'm using it to fortify my resolve. I'm getting married in September, and I'll be damned if I'm going to do it as a fat bride.
  • tammylfinch
    I"m with you. I was one of those people too. I still catch myself doing it but really, you make your own choices. Once you start focusing on what's important, it's like a game to go around those excuses. I really like your post because you are telling it like it is. Keep up the good work!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Im not really irritated,why should I be. Other peoples excuses have no impact on my life. You say yourself you used to be one who made tons of excuses too, I would think you would be a little more understanding of it since youve been there yourself. Who knows maybe your excuses irritated someone else. People will eventually figure it out like you did or they wont.
  • skbruewer
    skbruewer Posts: 144 Member
    I get irritated all the time! My favorite is when people ask why they're not losing weight, and ask for help. Then they say, well, I wont exercise, and I won't stop eating pizza, pasta, etc.
    I get it, I really do. I was the girl who just would stop mid workout because it was "too hard". I was the girl who would order a medium pizza and demolish it myself because, heck, it's got all the food groups and therefor, must be okay!
    NOT ANYMORE! If the workout is too hard, I modify. If I want pizza, I have a slice, or I make my own. I've accepted that I got myself into this fat mess, and only I can get myself out.
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 178 Member
    "I got myself into this fat mess and only I can get myself out"

    LOVE LOVE LOVE that! Very true!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I get irritated in the beginning until it dawns on me that I use to be the same way at one point of time.

    I can't fault anyone because they haven't reached the level I'm at in my journey. I had to swim through my own BS to get here and it wasn't easy. Now with that said, what I am not is a enabler. If I see someone making excuses I will call them on it because I know thats what they need even if they don't realize it. I don't give pats on the backs...I tell you to brush that ish off, suck it up and get back on the horse. Put on your big boy and big girl pants on because pity parties are for children.
  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
    I do agree.. these are our choices. Owning what we do is empowering!
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Honestly, I just feel kind of sorry for people who make excuses like that. Because losing weight isn't really *that* hard - it's basic math, not rocket science.

    I just think it's easier to blame others or a medical condition than it is to take a serious look in the mirror. Most of us on here know how rewarding it can be to take accountability and responsibility, but the people making excuses are afraid. And that just makes me sad for them.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I mostly just feel sad for people who make excuses. They've not really woken up and realized what they are missing yet. I just hope they do and find joy in their life.
  • Chilliaddict
    Chilliaddict Posts: 57 Member
    I used to make excuses, a hell of a lot of excuses but now i know that it's all my fault and i got myself fat so i'm going to have to get myself unfat. Only you can help you ..
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    There are people with legitimate health issues that make it so they cannot lose weight - regardless of the simple math (I am not one of them!). I feel very bad for the VERY small percentage of people who do have these issues, and for them, this is not an excuse. For a much larger percentage of people, their weight is due to some type of emotional turmoil in their lives. I don't want to deny them their excuses, since for some, this may be much easier on them then accepting what has happened. Excuses will ultimately keep people from doing the things they think they want in life, but until they are able to see past their excuses, they really don't want to meet the goals they are setting for themselves.
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    Honestly, I just feel kind of sorry for people who make excuses like that. Because losing weight isn't really *that* hard - it's basic math, not rocket science.

    I just think it's easier to blame others or a medical condition than it is to take a serious look in the mirror. Most of us on here know how rewarding it can be to take accountability and responsibility, but the people making excuses are afraid. And that just makes me sad for them.

    I don't think I could have said it better!

    Of course medical conditions, injuries, etc. can complicate the processs, but its obvious from MFP, or The Biggest Loser, or even Weight Watchers that it CAN be done with some serious resolve, the right support, and the right information. Excuses are almost certainly a manifestation of fear.

    It is my sincere hope that everyone comes to the breaking point (as many of the above posters and myself clearly did) where you say, "That's enough. I'm not going to look/feel/be ok being in the physical state that I am anymore. "
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    I think also it's the emotional/mental issues that may keep some people from losing. Until you can find what's bothering you, what's making you hide behind the weight, you won't be successful. This has been proven over and over again on Biggest Loser and now on Extreme Makeover:Weight Loss. I do struggle with weight loss, and do have some medical/medication issues, but don't just lay down and give up. I know I'm eating healthy, getting exercise and eventually it will come off. Am really liking MFP, and don't feel the pressure of counting points, like I used to. Good luck to all of you on your journey and God bless!
  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    Im not really irritated,why should I be. Other peoples excuses have no impact on my life. You say yourself you used to be one who made tons of excuses too, I would think you would be a little more understanding of it since youve been there yourself. Who knows maybe your excuses irritated someone else. People will eventually figure it out like you did or they wont.

    I agree!!
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    I think also it's the emotional/mental issues that may keep some people from losing. Until you can find what's bothering you, what's making you hide behind the weight, you won't be successful

    I was always perplexed by the epiphanies people have on that show....until I had my own mini-epiphany while watching the Australian version. There is a female trainer on that show who has the most incredible arms on the planet. She looks great, fit, and just has this wonderful body and I thought to myself 'man, it'd be nice if i could have arms like that, but i'll never have them, it's just not possible.'

    Then I got to thinking...WHY isn't it possible? Do I have alien arms or something? Am I comprised of different elements than everyone else in the world who's lost weight? I can have awesome arms, and awesome anything else I want, as long as I work at it. I think it was at that point I realized that the only thing holding myself back from reaching my goals is myself. I lacked faith in myself. It's still a process, and I still get wrapped up in the idea that I'm going to have flappy arms or something, but you know what? I'm never going to know if my skin will pull in nicely or not if I don't get to my goal weight in the first place, so all I can do is press on and work towards that goal. Excuses don't get me closer. Getting off my *kitten* and working harder will.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Loving all these responses. And let me make it clear, I don't have anything against people that are obese. I still have like 50 lbs to lose until I am no longer overweight... Maybe I am irritated out of pity. I tell everyone about MFP. I've recruited about 5 people to join and I couldn't be happier! I just wish others would realize how easy it it!
  • cccathyyy
    cccathyyy Posts: 207 Member
    I totally agree with you! You just have to have your mind set to make the change. There are no excuses!
  • Red_Minx
    Red_Minx Posts: 26 Member
    I think the one thing I hate the most is ppl belly aching about diet pop. It is like really? Your going to use the fact you don't like diet pop as an excuse to stay fat? No matter how many times you tell them, you get used to it fast and then you can't go back with out tasting all the syrup ickiness! I have a friend that drinks a ton of pop a day. There is no telling how much weight she could lose just by cutting out all of the calories from the pop.
    I have another friend who has health problem after health problem that I GUARANTEE are associated with her weight but she still won't do anything about it. I just can't understand sitting there and not even trying.
  • sushisuzi2
    sushisuzi2 Posts: 111 Member
    All you can do is cheer on people's successes and not shove anything down anyone's throat that doesn't ask for it.
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I've heard all the excuses in the book in work recently! The other girl in my office lost a bit of weight last year and when she hit plateau she gave up, while I kept going. Now she's getting married and her bridesmaids are more determined to lose weight than she is because she "can't be bothered going to get her dress taken in"

    I've also heard the "none of my clothes would fit" - well you're always buying new ones, so why not aim for a size smaller??

    I was fat, I used all the excuses before, then I woke up and realised I was unhealthy, unfit and a fat, wobbly mess! I did something about it, and I'm proud of what I've achieved so far....