completely frustrated - different results, same effort



  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    1000 calories is way too low. Your body will down-regulate your metabolism to hold onto body fat and up-regulate fat storage. It thinks you're starving and will protect you. Your body is your friend and wants to protect you. Now be your body's friend and promise your friend: "Friend, I promise I will never eat fewer than 1,200 cals per day because even that is pretty gd close to starvation."

    Fine. Now you and your friend have "made up." Next, fix your sleep. Bad sleep will make your body do the same thing. Bad sleep = stress. Your body-friend has a very old brain. And it's a one-track-mind brain. Your body-friend thinks stress = something bad is happening to meeeeeeee! I must conserve energy just in case!!! Fat storage and retention process: set to turbo mode. Engage.

    Then ... trust ... the ... process. If you are doing everything "right" the magic will happen. Tape it to your mirror, your fridge, and your dog's forehead. Trust the process.

    no,her body will not hold onto fat because it thinks its starving. it doesnt work like that when it comes to weight loss.she should have still been losing weight on a lower calorie diet. no its not safe to eat so little but,she would have still lost weight.

    True story bro:

    Let's pretend that Women's Health Magazine is a credible source for a moment. Then explain people who suffer from anorexia; how do their bodies not enter "starvation mode"? (HINT: It doesn't exist. It's one of the biggest myths in the diet industry. The people who "increased" their calories and lost actually became more accurate about their calorie counts because they had more calories to play with and therefore didn't binge.)
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    rpachigo wrote: »
    3 pounds...hmmm...something's rotten in Denmark

    Eh, I lost 3lbs between yesterday and this morning. Sodium Sunday will do that to ya.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    1000 calories is way too low. Your body will down-regulate your metabolism to hold onto body fat and up-regulate fat storage. It thinks you're starving and will protect you. Your body is your friend and wants to protect you. Now be your body's friend and promise your friend: "Friend, I promise I will never eat fewer than 1,200 cals per day because even that is pretty gd close to starvation."

    Fine. Now you and your friend have "made up." Next, fix your sleep. Bad sleep will make your body do the same thing. Bad sleep = stress. Your body-friend has a very old brain. And it's a one-track-mind brain. Your body-friend thinks stress = something bad is happening to meeeeeeee! I must conserve energy just in case!!! Fat storage and retention process: set to turbo mode. Engage.

    Then ... trust ... the ... process. If you are doing everything "right" the magic will happen. Tape it to your mirror, your fridge, and your dog's forehead. Trust the process.

    no,her body will not hold onto fat because it thinks its starving. it doesnt work like that when it comes to weight loss.she should have still been losing weight on a lower calorie diet. no its not safe to eat so little but,she would have still lost weight.

    True story bro:

    anyone can write an article but that doesnt mean its fact. most of the stuff on the internet now adays are just hearsay, hell even shape,health and other magazines and sites are full of woo too.
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    1000 calories is way too low. Your body will down-regulate your metabolism to hold onto body fat and up-regulate fat storage. It thinks you're starving and will protect you. Your body is your friend and wants to protect you. Now be your body's friend and promise your friend: "Friend, I promise I will never eat fewer than 1,200 cals per day because even that is pretty gd close to starvation."

    Fine. Now you and your friend have "made up." Next, fix your sleep. Bad sleep will make your body do the same thing. Bad sleep = stress. Your body-friend has a very old brain. And it's a one-track-mind brain. Your body-friend thinks stress = something bad is happening to meeeeeeee! I must conserve energy just in case!!! Fat storage and retention process: set to turbo mode. Engage.

    Then ... trust ... the ... process. If you are doing everything "right" the magic will happen. Tape it to your mirror, your fridge, and your dog's forehead. Trust the process.

    no,her body will not hold onto fat because it thinks its starving. it doesnt work like that when it comes to weight loss.she should have still been losing weight on a lower calorie diet. no its not safe to eat so little but,she would have still lost weight.

    True story bro:

    Did you just cite Women's Health Mag?

    I'll see your registered dietician cite and raise you a random blogger:

    Yes, apparently she did. The article lost me when the nutritionist/dietitian mentioned "starvation mode."
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    edited March 2016
    synacious wrote: »
    1000 calories is way too low. Your body will down-regulate your metabolism to hold onto body fat and up-regulate fat storage. It thinks you're starving and will protect you. Your body is your friend and wants to protect you. Now be your body's friend and promise your friend: "Friend, I promise I will never eat fewer than 1,200 cals per day because even that is pretty gd close to starvation."

    Fine. Now you and your friend have "made up." Next, fix your sleep. Bad sleep will make your body do the same thing. Bad sleep = stress. Your body-friend has a very old brain. And it's a one-track-mind brain. Your body-friend thinks stress = something bad is happening to meeeeeeee! I must conserve energy just in case!!! Fat storage and retention process: set to turbo mode. Engage.

    Then ... trust ... the ... process. If you are doing everything "right" the magic will happen. Tape it to your mirror, your fridge, and your dog's forehead. Trust the process.

    no,her body will not hold onto fat because it thinks its starving. it doesnt work like that when it comes to weight loss.she should have still been losing weight on a lower calorie diet. no its not safe to eat so little but,she would have still lost weight.

    True story bro:

    Let's pretend that Women's Health Magazine is a credible source for a moment. Then explain people who suffer from anorexia; how do their bodies not enter "starvation mode"? (HINT: It doesn't exist. It's one of the biggest myths in the diet industry. The people who "increased" their calories and lost actually became more accurate about their calorie counts because they had more calories to play with and therefore didn't binge.)

    Alternatively, since weight can be a ridiculously volatile thing from day to day, the intake for a few days didn't actually affect anything, but the scale happened to go down a few pounds, so they connect the unrelated outcome with the activity preceding it and then go preach about it on the internet as living proof that it works.

    Never underestimate the ability of human beings to find causality (and patterns) where none actually exist.
  • Suzanne106
    Suzanne106 Posts: 149 Member
    You sound frustrated because what worked the first time isn't working this time. I've modified my diet and exercise program several times to accommodate my new weight loss; I've been fighting to lose the same 2 lbs for over a month. However, I continue to get smaller by losing inches. I stopped looking at the scale because it does not define me. It is a tool to assist me in my weight loss journey. Perhaps you should view it as such. Good Luck!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    What? Calories in/out isn't working perfectly? Colour me not a at all surprised.

    It's the FOOD, quality more than quantity. And it's your body. Hormones regulate all things to do with metabolism.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    1000 calories is way too low. Your body will down-regulate your metabolism to hold onto body fat and up-regulate fat storage. It thinks you're starving and will protect you. Your body is your friend and wants to protect you. Now be your body's friend and promise your friend: "Friend, I promise I will never eat fewer than 1,200 cals per day because even that is pretty gd close to starvation."

    Fine. Now you and your friend have "made up." Next, fix your sleep. Bad sleep will make your body do the same thing. Bad sleep = stress. Your body-friend has a very old brain. And it's a one-track-mind brain. Your body-friend thinks stress = something bad is happening to meeeeeeee! I must conserve energy just in case!!! Fat storage and retention process: set to turbo mode. Engage.

    Then ... trust ... the ... process. If you are doing everything "right" the magic will happen. Tape it to your mirror, your fridge, and your dog's forehead. Trust the process.

    no,her body will not hold onto fat because it thinks its starving. it doesnt work like that when it comes to weight loss.she should have still been losing weight on a lower calorie diet. no its not safe to eat so little but,she would have still lost weight.

    True story bro:

    @Shenvalleygurl This is an informative article re; starvation mode
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    What? Calories in/out isn't working perfectly? Colour me not a at all surprised.

    It's the FOOD, quality more than quantity. And it's your body. Hormones regulate all things to do with metabolism.

    Nope. It's calories in- calories out. Science
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    edited March 2016
    What? Calories in/out isn't working perfectly? Colour me not a at all surprised.

    It's the FOOD, quality more than quantity. And it's your body. Hormones regulate all things to do with metabolism.

    Well, that's demonstrably false. Those quality foods follow the same CICO rules as the seemingly lower quality.

    (Also, where have you been??? Haven't seen you in the forums in a very long time. Welcome back!)

    ETA: OP isn't weighing. She's measuring calorie dense foods like cashews in measuring spoons. If you're looking for a failure of CICO, it's likely not going to be here...and if it is, OP isn't going to cooperate to give you any data on which to hang your "CICO doesn't work" hat.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    And back on the "starvation mode" point, let's be clear: I'm not pro-eating too little. In fact, I'm pro-eating as much as you can while still making satisfactory progress towards your goals (for numerous reasons). I'm just also anti-broscience/myth/woo.
  • kate_baxter
    kate_baxter Posts: 7 Member
    Ellaskat wrote: »
    Please help. I'm 37, 5'6. On Jan 2, I weighed 150. I started a concerted and focused weight loss effort on Jan. 26. I've been eating 1000-1400 calories a day for the first 3 weeks, then dropped that to 1000-1300.
    you don't state what type of exercise you are doing, and you also only refer to weight and not body measurements. 1400 calories seems too low for your height, do you know what your maintenance level is? I'm 5'4 and my maintenance @ 130lbs is 1654 calories, so best to confirm your maintenance level first before tweaking the diet.
    You need to be doing resistance or strength training as muscle burns more calories than fat. So a program of weight training combined with HIIT will see you on your way to seeing measured changes in your body.

    I'd be recording my measurements (chest, waist, hips, thighs) weekly as it is more likely you will see the changes there prior to seeing something on the scale, often in the first few weeks of a new program the scale wont change but your clothes will get looser.
  • memacdonaldnz
    memacdonaldnz Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Ellaskat - I know what you mean, because I have been there. I'm still struggling, but I"m slowly improving. If you are doing the same things and it's no longer working for you, something has changed in your body chemistry or physical make up. It may be time to get some blood tests done by a doctor and see what is happening with your health. Some of these may include glycosylated haemoglobin levels, uric acid, liver function, diabetes, insulin, cortisol levels, and SHBG. The tests usually focus on hormones and liver function.
    Good intestinal health and good liver function are critical to a healthy weight. Perhaps look at your raw food consumption, fibre intake and intestinal 'food' such as yoghurt and kombucha. I am taking some 'women supplements' from my doctor to help with my problem and its helping alot. I also have found that kombucha twice a day has helped with my stomach fat (but not overall weight) and my mood. I feel happier when i drink kombucha daily. (I make my own).

    Take care of your health, the human body is very complicated.

    Don't give up. All the best.
  • GlaaneNithdall
    GlaaneNithdall Posts: 12 Member

    What if we show you, instead of tell you? Please, please, please watch this video, @ellaskat. It's only three minutes of your life. ;)

    Thank you sooo much for that video.. I was already using a scale for some stuff but will be using it more now.. thanks a million!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    What? Calories in/out isn't working perfectly? Colour me not a at all surprised.

    It's the FOOD, quality more than quantity. And it's your body. Hormones regulate all things to do with metabolism.

    OP says she hasn't changed anything. Why assume she changed her food choices?
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    This shows a comparison of measuring vs weighing and how they can look nearly identical, but can cause a HUGE difference in calories. At least watch the video, please."

  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    Bump....honestly these videos need to be stickies!!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    edited March 2016
    rpachigo wrote: »
    3 pounds...hmmm...something's rotten in Denmark

    Eh, I lost 3lbs between yesterday and this morning. Sodium Sunday will do that to ya.

    I lost 0.8 lb in about 5 minutes this morning. Just a trip to the loo, and off it came!
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    sanfromny wrote: »
    Ellaskat wrote: »
    ok, said I wouldn 't come back - but I guess I lied - here I am. I weigh daily, and take measurements daily too - to the person who would like to believe I made up inches lost. Really? You so crazy.

    Just wanted to say I've now lost an additional 3 pounds - that's from Saturday and Sunday.

    So you see, THAT's why I didn't want to hear about scales. I knew something else was going on, I just didn't know what. I still have no idea why it took so long to kick it into weight loss mode, but apparently, it just took my body longer this time.

    Yes scales work - I've never denied they do. I've only wanted to look for other potential ideas - because I was certain that was not what was going on with me. I ask the questions that I have. There are other possible responses than 'just use a scale'. Looking for different possibilities shouldn't make me a target. We're all looking for our own answers to our own questions - so why vilify mine? So silly.

    I don't think anyone vilified your question. It was more of wondering why you were so opposed to something. I've always been one to eyeball food until recently, now that I'm getting closer to my goal weight it's not as easy to see weight drop off anymore so trying something new doesn't seem ridiculous. When you begin by telling everyone what NOT to say you come off abrasive, unreceptive and put a target on your head. You could've easily posed the same question and silently sorted through what you felt was and wasn't reasonable or didn't pertain to your personal situation.

    Lastly- You never mentioned having a heart rate monitor so my question is how do you know you are putting in the same effort? Unless you have accurately tracked your heart rate then you really don't know if you are putting in the same effort. If you ran 1 mile last year and it took you 15mins and you ran a mile this year and it took you 15mins that does not mean that you put in the same effort. Your strides could be different, the amount of energy you exert could be different. You know, it's like the saying it's like riding a bicycle. The first time you learn is hard you have to put in a whole lot of effort, you wobble, you fall off, your body and muscles attempt to figure out it's balance until you get it, sometimes it takes hours, sometimes it takes days......... but if you don't ride a bike in 5 years when you do it again it's never like the first time. You're not as wobbly for as long, it'll only take a minute or 2......WHY? because you're muscles, well your body as a whole recognizes the activity and adapts quicker......I'm just saying...

    Anyway, good luck

    On that 2nd paragraph, you actually have it reversed. If someone runs 1 mile and they weigh the same they're doing essentially the same amount of work every time they run that mile (very minor differences for changes in form*).

    On the other hand, you could run that mile this month with an avg HR of 160 and an avg HR next year of 140 and it seemed easier. But you didn't do less work, you still burned the same calories, you just got better at handling the physical demands of running.

    It's important to know that greater perceived effort does not indicate more calories burned.

    A better illustration - is it harder to lift a 20 lb dumbbell one inch with just your pinky finger, or is it harder to lift a 20 lb child into your arms? I doubt you could do the first at all, and the second is pretty easy for most. It should be self-evident that lifting a 20 lb weight one inch will not burn as many calories that lifting the child several feet.

    * I'm assuming they're running 'normally' - OP is not disabled and learning how to run or in a similar situation as far as I know.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    I am sure I've mentioned this far....far....faaaaaaaaaaar down thread. Actually, I asked the question:
    How is your sodium intake?

    3lbs down in a couple of days?
    Water. Weight.
    TR0berts wrote: »
    rpachigo wrote: »
    3 pounds...hmmm...something's rotten in Denmark

    Eh, I lost 3lbs between yesterday and this morning. Sodium Sunday will do that to ya.

    I lost 0.8 lb in about 5 minutes this morning. Just a trip to the loo, and off it came!

    But....what if one weights more after paying a visit to the porcelain god?