completely frustrated - different results, same effort



  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    You're not supposed to drink from the bowl.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    You're not supposed to drink from the bowl.
    But, it isn't full moon until the 22nd. Not buying it.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    I am sure I've mentioned this far....far....faaaaaaaaaaar down thread. Actually, I asked the question:
    How is your sodium intake?

    3lbs down in a couple of days?
    Water. Weight.
    TR0berts wrote: »
    rpachigo wrote: »
    3 pounds...hmmm...something's rotten in Denmark

    Eh, I lost 3lbs between yesterday and this morning. Sodium Sunday will do that to ya.

    I lost 0.8 lb in about 5 minutes this morning. Just a trip to the loo, and off it came!

    But....what if one weights more after paying a visit to the porcelain god?

    That happened to me. Out of scientific curiosity, I weighed myself before and after #2 and I weighed more after. I felt so cheated.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    I am sure I've mentioned this far....far....faaaaaaaaaaar down thread. Actually, I asked the question:
    How is your sodium intake?

    3lbs down in a couple of days?
    Water. Weight.
    TR0berts wrote: »
    rpachigo wrote: »
    3 pounds...hmmm...something's rotten in Denmark

    Eh, I lost 3lbs between yesterday and this morning. Sodium Sunday will do that to ya.

    I lost 0.8 lb in about 5 minutes this morning. Just a trip to the loo, and off it came!

    But....what if one weights more after paying a visit to the porcelain god?

    That happened to me. Out of scientific curiosity, I weighed myself before and after #2 and I weighed more after. I felt so cheated.

    Perhaps you were so energetic in your motions that you ended up with greater carbon dioxide content in your blood stream?
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    I havent read through all this, but you asked somewhere early on what could be different if NOTHING changed in the last year... The issue is that your body changes all the time - hormones up and down, etc. You are the right age for perimenopause to be coming around so that might be a possibility. Regardless, every year our hormones and metabolism change and decline - its not a perfect line change, its a "starts and stops" change. So possible it changed "more" in the last year than in previous years.

    And I agree with the buying a scale thing, just for the record. I can think I have the measurement thing down, but realize after awhile I am "packing" it more, etc. Its so gradual you think you are not doing anything different, but honestly - how well do you remember exactly how you filled a measuring cup on any given day a year ago?!

    But the bottom line is that if something is not working for you NOW, regardless of whether it ever did in your life, then you should do something DIFFERENT. No point looking into the past. Not sure why people want so badly to have an explanation - it would be nice to know WHY, but it wont change anything... knowing why wont make it work. So ... change something.
  • jackjackattck
    jackjackattck Posts: 117 Member
    edited March 2016
    I am not sure if you are against a food scale because of the money, and if you are this won't help you either. But my advice is to buy a body fat impedance calculator. I just ordered one on Amazon a few weeks ago for $40 and it has been a worthy investment. The reason I say this is that you keep stressing that you "are exactly the same weight" now as you were last year, however, you have NO WAY of knowing if your body composition is different between the two times. And the amount of muscle / fat you have plays a huge affect on your caloric burn, which could affect you losing weight.

    At my heaviest in college I was 160 lbs and a size 12. Now, I am 157 lbs and a size 6/8. The number on the scale is absolutely meaningless when it comes to your body composition and size, and you shouldn't be using only that number to compare two different times in your life. Not to mention as some others have said on here, you're now a year older which also affects your daily caloric burn.

    Edit: Here is a link to the body fat calculator I bought for your reference
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member




    Carry on.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    On top of that, you may be eating too little calories and your body is clinging on to some of the fat for fuel sources.

  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    I'm not sure why i finally started losing weight, but I'm now down over 7 pounds, and my measurements are finally moving too. This is very unscientific, but it feels like my body was saying 'yeah right, you'll stop this diet nonsense soon,so might as well hold onto the weight'. It took a full 4-5 weeks before I lost more than 2 pounds, but in the last1-2 weeks I've lost 5-6 pounds and inches too. My weight loss is now looking more like what I have charted from last year, where I will lose 'big' meaning 1-1.5 pounds, and then another .2-.6 in another 2-5 days. That seems to be my pattern.

    This is not the right place, but as it's a popular thread, I thought I would ask - can anyone recommend a good app for women for strength exercises with dumbbells, and bodyweight? With running/walking 3 days a week, I think the fitstar workouts I do are too high impact; I need to find some workout routines that will help me continue to gain strength, but without all the high impact stuff in there.

    thanks for any ideas.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    The Mightly Woosh? My way of losing weight was via wooshs: not really losing for a week or two, and then suddenly I'd run to the toilet like crazy for one to two days, lose a lot of water weight and ended up lighter in the process. I think the explanation is that you lose fat and that the growing empty space in the fat cells gets filled up with water, which gets expelled all of a sudden. Thus it looks like you're not losing weight at first, while you actually are.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    1000 calories is way too low. Your body will down-regulate your metabolism to hold onto body fat and up-regulate fat storage. It thinks you're starving and will protect you. Your body is your friend and wants to protect you. Now be your body's friend and promise your friend: "Friend, I promise I will never eat fewer than 1,200 cals per day because even that is pretty gd close to starvation."

    Fine. Now you and your friend have "made up." Next, fix your sleep. Bad sleep will make your body do the same thing. Bad sleep = stress. Your body-friend has a very old brain. And it's a one-track-mind brain. Your body-friend thinks stress = something bad is happening to meeeeeeee! I must conserve energy just in case!!! Fat storage and retention process: set to turbo mode. Engage.

    Then ... trust ... the ... process. If you are doing everything "right" the magic will happen. Tape it to your mirror, your fridge, and your dog's forehead. Trust the process.

    no,her body will not hold onto fat because it thinks its starving. it doesnt work like that when it comes to weight loss.she should have still been losing weight on a lower calorie diet. no its not safe to eat so little but,she would have still lost weight.

    True story bro:

    So all those prisoners of war hold onto fat? Does anyone ever starve to death?
    Critical thinking and elementary logic skills..................not even once
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    What? Calories in/out isn't working perfectly? Colour me not a at all surprised.

    It's the FOOD, quality more than quantity. And it's your body. Hormones regulate all things to do with metabolism.

    Nope, I pick the cookie crumbs out of my abz. Another aviless "expert"