Fit for Fall Challenge - 6/20 - 9/05



  • Majbdrake
    Majbdrake Posts: 69
    I'll never drop the coffee out of my diet choices. It is what is called "Lifer's Juice" in the American military. Black, strong and always on the burner.

  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    I didn't get a chance to check in yesterday, it was a super busy day, and today will probably be much of the same. But the end of the week will be much quieter, as I will be in summit county, CO (home of some of the country's best skiing, but obviously this is the off-season) for a work training and it'll actually allow me some very nice down time (break from mommy- and wife-hood) in which I will get in some good workouts, playing on MFP time and general relaxing. I am promising myself that by Friday I will have my NSVs...

    Here are my starting weight stats and goals:
    CW (Monday 6/20): 164.5
    GW (Monday 9/5): 158

    I'm setting my sites a bit lower than normal because 1. the last 3 challenges I have not hit goal weight and would like that celebration for myself in this one, 2. I will be traveling/visiting family the entire 2nd 1/2 of July and I'm shooting to just maintain in that time, 3. my weightloss is slowing as I am nearly the weight I was before pregnancy, which was previously the lowest weight of my life, my body just ain't use to small numbers and size.

    Here's to what's sure to be a great 11 weeks! :drinker:
  • Hi everyone! I'd like to start the challenge with you...

    CW: 130
    GW: 120
    NSV for the week: to hit the gym 5x
  • rchristison
    rchristison Posts: 25 Member
    I know I am a day late but I would like to join as well.

    CW : 228
    GW : 219
    NSV : Fit back into my 16's (I have a ton, until last spring and a new medication that packed on 20+pounds this had been my largest)
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Good morning! Love the challenges Leslie, one of my NSVs is to get in more water so that is perfect! I never liked water either, I used to be a HEAVY sweet tea drinker with occasional cokes before January. I just love the True Lemon packets I have found to help the water drinking!
    Also started up the 30 Day Shred again which incorporates weights, need that strength training to build muscle! I'm not going to do the shred but every other day, not everyday because I get burnt out, but still will incorporate the weights into my workouts.
    Olivia, I'm like you, my weight loss is slooooowing down as was reflected in the last challenge we had, it didn't want to budge. My body just doesn't know how to act in the 150's!! But it's gonna learn on this challenge!!!!

    Oh and Michelle, do not worry about what weight you are coming into this challenge...we are here to support you all the way!!!
  • cookie241
    cookie241 Posts: 147 Member
    A day late but would still like to join.

    CW - 168.6
    GW - 150 ish

    I am doing the 30day shred at the moment which incorporates hand weights and would say i probably drink nearly 10 cups a day.
  • SKilmartin
    SKilmartin Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone! I'd love to join this challenge. Just starting my weight loss journey #2...

    SW: 177
    CW: 174
    GW: 145
  • slackeyj
    slackeyj Posts: 68
    I easily made the daily water intake but had already done my workout prior to your posting about the ankle weights. I'm in Afghanistan so I'm pouring the water in me everyday to counter the heat so my water count is about double what you are asking for to stay properly hydrated. I'll start adding a 16oz bottle of water in each of my hand for added weight when I run in the future.


    Hi Bruce,

    I got back from Afghanistan a couple months ago, I hope you are at a base or FOB that has a good AC gym. I was at Fenty for most of my deployment and lucked out that it was only just barely starting to get hot. I admire you taking on a challenge in addition to all the stressors of deployment life. Good luck and stay safe!

    Also, I will have to stop addressing the group as ladies!
  • sissona2
    sissona2 Posts: 8
    I'd love to join too if its not too late! My wedding dress is supposed to arrive by Sept. 19th and I want to fit into it so I need to lose some more weight!

    SW: 169
    9/05 GW: 155
    NSV: Fit into my wedding dress and if anything have to have it taken in!
  • slackeyj
    slackeyj Posts: 68
    Oh I forgot to list one of my goals....I'd really like to get the courage to go to some of the classes offered at my gym. I'm really intimidated by them but i need to just bite the bullet and go :ohwell:

    The great thing about classes is that they have an instructor. Don't be intimidated (I know easier said than done) because most of the people who are regulars in the class will have been in your shoes before and the instructor is there to make sure you have proper form. I found that going to classes is a huge motivator to me, I am slightly competitive and when I am in a class and want to stop I don't because everyone around me is still going while if I were at home in my living room I might have taken a break. I just wish my schedule allowed for me to attend some of the classes my gym offers. The biggest thing about being fighting off the intimidation is remembering that everyone in that class was in your shoes once and that if you stick with it you will be the one showing the new guy how its done in no time! Good luck and I hope you find a class you love, it makes all the difference in the world.
  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    khaleesinoodlebelly Posts: 165 Member
    Is it ok to still join? If so my Start weight for yesterday was 277 and my goal weight for 9/5 is 249 :)
  • Majbdrake
    Majbdrake Posts: 69
    Running in 100+ heat down here in Kandahar is twice the workout in half the time! I wouldn't recommend it but does give a good burn...

    Not sure if the extra heat causing excess sweating during the run counts as double on the calorie counts on MFP but I'll stay with the regular count of calories.

  • miss_this
    miss_this Posts: 4 Member
    Hi guys I'm new to MFP and a day late, but I would like to join.
    6.20 - 162
    9.5 - 145
  • Hello, Im a day late but I'd still love to join. I'm new to MFP and MFP challenges, but not new to dieting, exercise, weight loss, and yep- weight gain. I started dieting when I hit 180lbs and lost 30 lbs, but I have creeped back up 20 lbs.

    So, my SW is 170
    My GW for 9/05 is 150

    I'd love to be back at my lowest weight before going back to college in the fall!
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    Hello, Im a day late but I'd still love to join. I'm new to MFP and MFP challenges, but not new to dieting, exercise, weight loss, and yep- weight gain. I started dieting when I hit 180lbs and lost 30 lbs, but I have creeped back up 20 lbs.

    So, my SW is 170
    My GW for 9/05 is 150

    I'd love to be back at my lowest weight before going back to college in the fall!

    Hi Kayla! you sound like me, I fluctuate like that a lot. This site has been a blessing for me so far, and I'm sure you'll do great! Just try and stay in til the end and you'll get results.
  • krfederico
    krfederico Posts: 26 Member
    Please include me in the challenge too.
    CW- yesterday 291
    GW- for 9-5-11Fit for Fall Challenge 259

    All my best to all participants. I know you can do it.
  • mrsmorris13
    mrsmorris13 Posts: 225
    I'm in! Yay!
    I'm excited to have a challenge. This is my first one on MFP.
    I'm super frustrated, I can't seem to drop any weight. With the exception of last week, my son's graduation festivities, I have been eating smart and working out....I CAN"T DROP A POUND! I am setting my weight loss goal low, but my NSV's HIGH!!!

    CW: 127.5
    GW: 122
    NSV: 1. Gym 5 days a week (3 cardio, 3 weights)
    2. Burn minimum of 350 calories per gym
    3. Under calories 6 days a week (gotta be real)
  • mrsmorris13
    mrsmorris13 Posts: 225
    Forgot one goal...
    CW: 127.5
    GW: 122
    NSV: 1. Gym 5 days a week (3 cardio, 3 weights)
    2. Burn minimum of 350 calories per gym
    3. Under calories 6 days a week (gotta be real)
    4. Drop 4% BF by 9/05
  • BeCali
    BeCali Posts: 69 Member
    I would love to join you guys on this challenge.

    CW 6/20: 137
    GW 9/05: 128

    My goal is to routinely work out 5 times a week. I have been working out pretty much daily for a month now and am really enjoying it.
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    I had another long term NSV goal in mind but I was hesitant to put it down because I wasn't certain I would be able to accomplish it and right now I'm trying to give myself tasks that I can succeed in doing, not ones that I beat myself up for NOT doing.

    Anyway, I have had in mind to offer to lead Pilates classes at a local dance studio (I'm not certified, just experienced) for trade for dance classes for my son (they have dance for kids and fitness for adults) but I have never had the courage to ask--I mean, who wants to see an overweight person lead an exercise class?? If the exercise worked, then she wouldn't be fat, right? (at least that's the message that runs through my mind). So I've been going to some classes, checking out the place, making sure it's not one of those gyms where the ladies come in with full makeup and workout clothes right off the rack--and it isn't, it's laid back and relaxed and fun. I've really been keeping up with the workouts and I know I've impressed the owner (who teaches some classes), but I still haven't suggested my idea.

    Well----today, after class---SHE ASKED ME!!! So, I'm going to do the last 15 mins of Thursday's Cardio Interval class and then she even asked if I would take both of her classes next week since she's going to be away!!!

    I'm thrilled and nervous and excited. I feel like I'm totally pushing my comfort zone--I just don't want to take on too much and not do well. I'm so used to cutting myself down and selling myself short and now here I am selling myself as an instructor (well, I say I can "lead" the class since I'm not trained or certified). I'm on the end of the diving board and the water looks sooooooooo far away.

    So another "official" long-term NSV--have a regularly scheduled Pilates class offered at the Outshine Dance and Fitness Studio on their Fall Schedule.....whew, it's even scary to type it.....

    That's enough narcissism for now (or the rest of the year!!). Thanks to MFP and all the amazing friends I have met here.
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