Starting Insanity



  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    Max Recovery wasn't too bad! The lunges sequence was easier, and there was a challenging plie set and triceps pushup set, but the only brutal part was the high plank/low plank set. You start leading with the right arm, do 4/rest/8/rest/16/rest, then go on to the left and do 16/rest/8/rest/4. Since I could only do 6 in a row it was so hard!

    This morning I did Max Intervals again. I was really low energy, and almost stopped, but after 10 minutes of going through the motions I got into it and finished strong. One more day and then a rest day!

    Have a great weekend :)
  • Mbeforethes
    Hey, you really are amazing, a true inspiration. Month 2 really scaring me!! Don't think I can manage a single one handed press up......

    Didn't get to do CC&B yesterday, didn't get home until about 12.30am - intended to do it then but hubby was watching tv when I got back, by the time his programme had finished was nearly 1am and I needed my bed. Had big plans to do it twice this morning but ran out of time after the first round. Have been really energised and full of the joys of spring today, had a flying day at work - worked at home, so stayed in my workout gear intending to do another round of CC&B to catch up. Then it all went wrong.....managed to find an egg free gluten free ciabatta roll, so had one for my afternoon snack as a BLT with turkey bacon, half an hour later I was blown up like a balloon, by 7pm was snuggled on the sofa with blanket and by 8pm I couldn't keep my eyes open. Just come back to, and feeling more normal but is nearly 11.30pm and can't face another CC&B now. Was intending having tomorrow off then fit test on Sun, but think I will do a final CC&B early tomorrow 'because I luv it!!' then fit test on Sun as planned, as I have already had a day off this week.

    Hope you have a great day today, and make it to the rest day with a smile on your face. Have a wonderful weekend. xxx
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    single handed pressups :noway: i think they might need practice when I get there lol.

    I kind of half way though week three but I keep jumping the workouts around depending on what I feel like doing lol. Also started playing my own music because I'm kind of getting a bit bored, especially in the warm up because its the same for every work out. Pushing through though.

    Wow HS i don't know if I would have carried on after actually throwing up! Good job!

    mmmm BLT *Druels*
  • Mbeforethes
    Well my daughter disappeared for a sleepover, and my fab sister took my son out for an hour or so, giving me the opportunity to get the workout in that I couldn't do this morning. So I decided to do the fit test......and the CC&B, burned 649 calories and feeling very virtuous. Though I have to say that I usally enjoy CC&B, but I was so drained from the fit test that it was torturous.

    Well here are my results; did better in most things - tho with the low plank obliques I was leaning on two cushions, that half way through I decided to move and then wasn't comfy so got them back again - so reckon I could have done at least another 10 - 15. Something to aim for next time.....

    Switch Kicks = 58,62,69 (form not great after half way I have to admit)
    Power Jacks = 60, 64, 71
    Power Knees = 82, 100, 120
    Power Jumps = 30, 35, 45
    Globe Jumps = 10, 12, 11
    Suicide Jumps = 13, 15, 17
    Push Up Jacks = 22, 25, 26
    Low Plank Obliques = 40, 65, 65

    Haven't decided whether to have a day off tomorrow, now I've made up the CC&B I missed on Weds, or to do CC&B again...will see how I feel in the morning.

    Hope you're both having a great weekend xxx
  • Mbeforethes
    Well my theory paid off........I've been imagiing the worst possible painful impossible workout (without peeking at the session in advance) with the expectation that I'd only be able to manage a few of the exercises, and anything more would be a bonus. Alarm went up at 5am and by 5.30am I could put it off no longer......and I did it, MI done!! And it felt good!!! :drinker:

    Really glad I did the fit test in advance and could give it my best shot. Couldn't manage all of the exercises at their pace but I gave them all a damn good go, and kept up with most of it, only stopping a few times. And the endorphin hit afterwards was well worth it!! Don't get me wrong, it was really hard, but not impossible. Even quite enjoyed it in places - I'm definitely insane!!! BRING IT ON!!!!! :noway: :happy: :laugh:

    Hope you had a great weekend and your day is going well xxx
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    Awesome job with the fit test M, and welcome to month 2! I think the Max Interval DVD is my favorite so far! Great job pushing yourself!

    I was really low energy at the end of last week, but then after getting a good night sleep Friday night I found myself really excited for Max Plyo Saturday and I kicked butt. I even popped in Insane Abs afterwards cause I wanted to see what it was like, and ended up doing the whole 30 minutes of that too! I had tons of energy for the "rest day" yesterday and found myself wanting to move around- my body just felt like it was ready to work out. So I'm excited to see how Cardio Conditioning is tonight. I might do Cardio Abs afterwards today, instead of on Friday, cause Friday's are usually harder to find time to fit the extra 17 minutes in. I hope my body has adjusted to the rigor of month 2 and I can keep kicking butt for the next 3 weeks :)

    Lu-I hated how little variety there was in the warmups too- but they change in month 2 so you have something to look forward to!
  • Mbeforethes

    How was CC HS?, and doing Abs as well - am very impressed.

    After my euphoric endorphin high yesterday I've come crashing down with a bump. Had a rubbish day at work yesterday and was exhausted by 5pm, by the time i got to bed at 10.30pm I was shuffling round like an old woman. Woke up this morning followaing my 5am alarm, faffed about until 5.45am then pressed play...for all of 3 mins, then pressed stop and watched something I'd recorded for an hour. Just wasn't in the mood to commit :o(

    Am slowly kicking myself up the rear as the days goes on, and intend to focus on a quality workout within the next hour or two as a lunch break, am working from home today fortunately, tho it was probably one of the reasons I let myself wimp out - knowing I could make it up later.

    Hope your both having a great day, and are managing to dig way deeper than me!! xxxx
  • Mbeforethes
    It's official - Shaun T IS trying to kill me!! Struggled to get my head in the zone today and when I did finally force myself to do Max Plyo - O....MG!!! I was pretty much sobbing by the end, some pof those moves, my god!! Sure it was exacerbated by my lack of mojo today but I just felt defeated. Had a bash but was a poor attempt. Had it been yesterday I'm sure I would have thought it was funny and pushed harder to see what I could do, but today it just pushed me further away. Never mind, tomorrow is another day and something to aim for when we're PLYOing later in the week.

    Happy Tuesday xxx
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    CC was so much better. I was dreading it all day, but I actually enjoyed it. I guess I just hated it so much cause I was so burnt out by the time I got to it last week. I still couldn't do a full minute of several of the exercises, but I tried to take short breaks and keep pushing through. The "recovery" moves helped a lot! I'm curious to see how you like it tomorrow.

    I did Abs after so I don't have to do them on Friday- I'll throw in some Abs on Saturday instead when I have more time- P90x Ab Ripper maybe. But my husband said I was shaking the whole apartment building when I was doing the tuck jumps. Whoops! Tried to focus on landing softly in the power jump set!

    Good job getting through plyo. I thought it was really hard- so many strength moves one already exhausted muscles. A lot of the moves seem to be in all 3 of the main videos this month, and it is hard to do them daily without a break. I definitely would have put the workout off until lunch too- but I hate getting up early!

    I have Max Interval tonight~bring it on!
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    Max Interval beat me. I caved and had a handful of jellybeans about two hours before the workout and I was on the verge of throwing up the whole time. I made it through the warmup, stretch and first circuit and then stopped. I don't know if I can blame the candy or being tired though- my HR was skyrocketing even during the warmup and I was really sleepy all afternoon. I think getting a good nights sleep is crucial in month 2.

    I will try to finish up Max Interval this week- maybe one circuit tonight after Max Plyo and the last circuit on Thursday.
  • Mbeforethes
    Big hugs HS - looks like you're having the kind of day I had yesterday. It's impossible to be a superstar everyday, important to listen to your body and cut yourself the slack to have an off day.

    I'm definitely craving more food in general and succumbing to the odd sweet morsel. Thankfully I've found some great sugar free marsh mallows in the UK that are only 5 calories each, zero fat etc etc - completely empty calories of course but least it makes me feel like I'm having a treat. Have frozen some little pots full of protein shake with berries and almond butter, prob about 25cals a piece at a guess - a nice little treat instead of ice cream.

    Totally agree about the sleep - I'm trying to get to bed by 10pm to allow me a 5am start and it's a struggle. My 8yr old daughter is rarely in bed before 9pm, often later if we're not on her case constantly - so by the time we've done usual chores it can easily be midnight. Keep trying to be mroe organised but having varying degrees of success. Mon, Tue & Weds nights are the worst, my son's allergies mean I send all food for him into nursery for three days, so we're often cooking brek, lunch and tea for him late at night for the following day - again, need to be more organised.

    Well I managed max cardio conditioning today, tho didn't have time to slip in an abs too. Definitely got on better than yesterday but my energy levels re still lower than I'd like. I'm struggling with the confidence to throw myself onto the floor for any suicide jump type work, am frightened I'll break my wrists, back or both!!!

    I was disappointed to find that my delexe abs disk doesn't work, and the abs with max cardio is the same as in month one. I bought the disks from ebay, completely new and sealed, and looks way too good to be a copy (everything is per the pics of the set on beachbody - though I can only get the disks to work on one dvd player in the house, they just freeze on the dvd recorder/player. Wonder if beachbody would send me another disk? Must check the other deluxe ones when I get chance.

    Expecting max recovery to be a challenge tomorrow.... xxx
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    How did the recovery go for you?

    I did it yesterday and pushed through the plie set and most of the press up/downs! woohoo! This morning I switched Friday and Saturday and did Cardio Balance instead since my knee was bugging me and I didn't want to do the pounding of Cardio Conditioning. So I'll do that tomrorow instead, along with the final set of Max Interval that I still need to make up from Tuesday (made up the second set on Wednesday).

    Have a great weekend!
  • Mbeforethes
    Recovery - hmm, should be done under the trades descriptions act!!! Struggled through it, so much more upper body work and I was so sore.

    Have stopped aching now and got on ok with MIC yesterday but haven't done Plyo today, intended to but it hasn't happened. Motivation and energy at a real low at the moment. As I've had today off I'll get up early tomorrow and do plyo I think. On the one hand I'm pleased I've got so far even tho I'm struggling, but on the other I don't see how my body can possibly transform to anywhere near what I was hoping for in only three weeks. Maybe my expectations were too vast.

    Have had digestion problems and lots of tummy aches so making the whole eating thing more tricky. Haven't lost or gained any weight (which is what I was aiming for) but my body fat dropped three % in the first two weeks but hasn't moved since. I've started takiing a mutivit with ginseng and ginko biloba hoping to give me a boost. Hopefully will kick in soon and I'll be able to embrace month 2 properly.

    Hope your knee is feeling better soon, and you're having a great weekend. x
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    Hang in there! I have the same frustrations, saw changes at first, then let my eating slip too much. I was really feeling like it was hopeless during M1W1 when my clothes almost seemed tight again despite the increase in activity. I FINALLY started to see changes again in M2W2. I can feel my abs really developing (under the layer of fat unfortunately) and my legs thinning out (not to mention getting stronger). My husband actually said yesterday that he could see changes too. So while I haven't lost any weight I am feeling better. I don't think the changes for the remaining 2 weeks are gonig to be drastic, but at least I know that the suffering through Max Interval is worth it!

    I am not looking forward to the Fit Test and MIC today- what a long and hard workout! I'm thinking I can probably skip the warmup in MIC at least since I'll be warmed up from the fit test already- that will help knock 10 minutes off at least!
  • Mbeforethes
    Good luck for the double, not looking forward to that one!!

    I've turned a corner!! Woo Hoo!! I had Sat off, and have increased my food and hydration. I wore my HR monitor for 24hrs over the weekend and it reckoned I'd burned 3200 Cals, no wonder my body was shutting down on 1500. The teambeachbody site puts my caloric needs at 2200, so am trying to increase with tier 1 & 2 of Michi. Rocked Plyo on Sun morning - I never thought I'd use 'rocked' and 'plyo' in the same sentance!! and I quite enjoyed cardio conditioning too. Reckon my time of the month is round the corner, which I'm hoping won't throw me off too much.

    It's a real rollercoaster isn't it - not long now though!! Have you given any thought to life after Insanity??

  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    Fit Test #4. I let myself see my chart and I pushed extra hard. Was dripping in sweat by the end, but improved in every exercise! Super proud of the power jumps, I did the first 23 in a row fast without resting! Nice to see that with Month 2 incorporating all these exercises it is making a difference!

    Switch Kicks 65(?)/ 57/ 59/ 63
    Power Jacks 52/ 61/ 65/ 67
    Power Knees 109/ 116 /111/ 130
    Power Jumps 36/ 35/ 40/ 51
    Globe Jumps 9/ 11/ 11 /11
    Suicide Jumps 16/ 19/ 20 /21
    Push Up Jacks 17/ 19/ 18*/ 21
    Low Plank Obliques 54/ 74/ 71/ 80

    Now off to do MIC....
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    So happy you have turned a corner! It is very up and down! I was dreading MIC after quitting in the middle of it last week. I built it up in my head as impossible, but yesterday I tackled it and it wasn't so bad so I'm really proud.

    I am getting a weekly average net of 1500 calories- so I'm eating close to an average of 2000-2100 (1800 some days and 2500 others) and then burning off 500-600 a day with Insanity. I think having the extra calories for fuel will help a lot, especially since you are looking to tone and not lose weight. I keep thinking about wearing my HRM for 24 hours to see what my average daily burn is, maybe one of these days I will actually do it.

    Well, my last day of Insanity is June 30th, so 9 more days for me! As for what comes next, I'm thinking I will take the first 2 weeks of July to give my body a break- walk a bunch on vacation, and then get back into the gym. I miss lifting weights and taking classes like spinning, bootcamp and kickboxing at the gym. I haven't stepped foot inside for 2 months, they probably think I moved away!

    I have the Rev Abs DVDs, but I'm not sure I am mentally ready to commit to another several months of one program. I'm thinking about doing the first 2 weeks of Rev Abs for the second half of July, then starting a hybrid of stuff in August.

    Something like:
    Monday- P90x Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper
    Tuesday- Insanity Pure Cardio
    Wednesday- P90x Legs and Back, Cardio Abs
    Thursday- Kickboxing at the gym
    Friday- Insanity Plyo or Max Plyo
    Saturday- Step class at the gym
    Sunday- Rest

    And then switching up the cardio workouts depending on what I feel like doing to get some muscle confusion in there.

    What are you thinking of dong next?
  • amberfranklin1
    amberfranklin1 Posts: 79 Member
    HurricaneShaunn- seems like you and I are about the exact same spot! I did fit test #4 yesterday and MIC too. I am procrastinating for today doing max plyo. It seems for me I do better with the month 2 workouts if I wait later in the day after I have a little more fuel to burn. I am still feeling like a pretty big loser with some of the moves, I only take short breaks, less than 30 seconds or so, but feel like Im not really doing all I should. My knees kill me with this so I have had to take it easy with some of the jumping exercises. I wondered if you too felt like I do though, my thighs which were really starting to get in nice thin shape with month one are now starting to feel like they are getting bigger. I can feel them rubbing together again! They do not really seem fatter, the fatty bumps are gone, but they just seem bigger. Also, I need to really pay attention this month to my diet, last week I really felt beat, I dont think I was getting enough and am trying to step up on the protein. Nice to find someone in the same spot I am!
  • Mbeforethes
    I really hate routine, and especially if I have to be somewhere to do it - that combined with my husbands alternating shifts rules out gym work and classes.

    I was thinking of doing CC&B for a week then having a go with hip hop abs, a bit light weight but a bit more fun, to try and focus on my middle a bit more. Maybe after a while I'll be hungry enough to tone up a bit more and have another go at Insanity.

    Bless him, all this training (combined with some unflattering pics ont eh beach recently) has encouraged by husband to start a health and fitness drive!! Yay!!! So I've committed to turning our spare room (which is currenly a junk/things to sell on ebay room) into a gym. I already have a commercial rowing machine int he conservatory, so will buy a cross trainer and potentially a bike and multi gym as well if space permits. I read somewhere that P90 is a good base point, so may order him P90 and P90X, so I can use those too.

    Didn't work out this morning, got all ready and pressed play but had a rection to banana protein powder last night (which I suspected wasn't agreeing with me) so was all bloated and crampy this morning and totally on another planet. Had an important presentation to give at work this afternoon, so managed to sort myself out during the day - hopeful I can enthuse myself enough to do MIC tonight when I get home.

    Wow - 9 days left, he end is sooo close!!! Really looking fwd to seeing before & after pics. My legs are def more toned but not sure if it shows, I can just feel it. Wish my tummy was tighter tho - still, years of no exercise and two kids is bound to tae it's toll - not sure it's completely reversible!!!

    Have a great day, you're nearly there!!! So proud of both of us xxxx
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Amber! It's great to hear from someone in the same place! I have had some major issues with my right knee for years and I am getting grumbles from it with Insanity too. The high jump-rope jumps are the worst, so I try to do them slower and keep my form good. I'm not having too much pain with the power jumps, tuck jumps, diamond jumps, etc. The jumping lunges bother me a lot too, not during the move but after I've finished the set. So I've started only doing 3 while Shaun T does 4, and making sure my form is really good.

    I felt like I wasn't making any progress in M2W1, but in M2W2 I started seeing it again, and now I feel like in Week 3 I am seeing improvements almost every day. My thighs have always rubbed together, so I can't help with advice on that, but my outer thighs have definitely slimmed down a lot, and I feel like my core is getting smaller and tighter all the time. Eating a bit more helps, and I try to get in protein right after my workout to help refuel. I am finding I have a lot more energy to push through Month 2 if I work out in the evenings too. If you feel like your legs are getting bigger but not in a flabby way, you are probably building muscle, so keep it up! I know that with my pear shaped build, I tend to get bigger (solid) thighs when I start a workout, and then they tend to slim down after that if I stick with it.

    How have your fitness tests improved over the past 6 weeks? Hope your Max Plyo went well yesterday! I really attacked the workout and tried to dig deeper. I felt really strong, though I was dripping so much sweat that I had to wipe down in between each move!