How many times did you 'start again' until you finally put your all into loosing the weight?



  • lml852014
    lml852014 Posts: 243 Member
    I've lost weight and gotten to where I wanted to be about 3 years ago and then fell off the bandwagon and gained it all back. Then went back on about 6 months later, and lost about 13 lbs and ended up gaining it all back again. Its always the same time of year to from August-December. Then this year I've done the same thing except I started trying to lose a lot sooner then before. Think like October rather then January, so far I'm doing okay but instead of setting my goal to lose 1 lb a week I'm only doing .5 lb a week. I've heard the more vigorous your goal is the harder it is to keep it off so I think this is better and I def plan to stick with it!!
  • xKoalaBearx
    xKoalaBearx Posts: 181 Member
    LOL... too many times to count. Too many different diets that I tried and failed... until I realized I didn't have to deny myself any food to lose weight, as long as I stick to my daily calories. So simple and easy - wish I had learned this so much sooner.
    arditarose wrote: »
    Once I figured out I needed to count calories, I never had to try again. Because science and adherence.

    Same for me. I also wish I had figured this out sooner. It's so simple in concept and non restrictive. It's awesome.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    LOL... too many times to count. Too many different diets that I tried and failed... until I realized I didn't have to deny myself any food to lose weight, as long as I stick to my daily calories. So simple and easy - wish I had learned this so much sooner.
    arditarose wrote: »
    Once I figured out I needed to count calories, I never had to try again. Because science and adherence.

    Same for me. I also wish I had figured this out sooner. It's so simple in concept and non restrictive. It's awesome.

    Me too. It was kinda simple and easy.
  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 688 Member
    A bajillion times. I agree with others, it's not really about putting my all into it this time, it was just kind of finding a way to make slow and sustainable changes and just sticking with it for a long time. I didn't announce to everyone I was doing it or tell everyone every second of my progress, or do anything drastic, I just kind of did it.

    I still never really like thinking of it as "this time I really did it" or "now I've learned the error of my ways and will never go back". It's an ongoing forever thing. I'm still capable of going off track and gaining weight back, and I don't want to think that I've gotten past some hurdle will weight will no longer be a struggle for me. However, after 7 years total of doing this and 3.5 years at the same weight, I feel like my weight has at least been stable for a decent amount of time and I've been sticking with healthy habits for longer than I ever have. So, on the right track at least!
  • missblondi2u
    missblondi2u Posts: 851 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    This is the only time I've ever made any effort to lose weight (other than just talking about it). I've lost a little over 50 pounds in about 8 months, and I'm looking to drop another 20 or so before I'm done. I feel 99.9% confident that I will not gain the weight back, but the crazy low statistics for people who actually keep the weight off for good give me pause.

    I'm curious. For those that said this was not their first time to the rodeo, do you think that if you had started with MFP the first time, you would have needed a second or third time?

    Nope @missblondi2u

    I think the difference is an eye on maintenance rather than the specific tool that is working for you

    every time I've dieted I've done it on an "If I can lose this weight then I can go back to normal when I stop losing" but normal makes me fat

    I approached this from the start with no end - sure I had goals but no end - so the fact that I continue to log and follow habits I took up during loss just with a few more calories means this is my new normal

    The thing is it took me decades to realise that there is no 'going back to normal' there is just 'try to create a new normal' which generally doesn't need much focus because logging is 2nd nature but sometimes still I could retreat to old me - so sometimes I need to kick myself in my proverbial butt

    I actually think today is one of those days

    The new normal. I like that, and it makes sense to me.
  • missblondi2u
    missblondi2u Posts: 851 Member
    This is the only time I've ever made any effort to lose weight (other than just talking about it). I've lost a little over 50 pounds in about 8 months, and I'm looking to drop another 20 or so before I'm done. I feel 99.9% confident that I will not gain the weight back, but the crazy low statistics for people who actually keep the weight off for good give me pause.

    I'm curious. For those that said this was not their first time to the rodeo, do you think that if you had started with MFP the first time, you would have needed a second or third time?

    This is my 3rd time
    I wasn't motivated enough before and became slack, I gave up too easily and thought of it as a diet. It's not , this is a lifestyle change, now that I get that it all falls into place.
    Just CICO , I knew the obvious , but some how thought I had to add in other restrictions ( like paleo, gluten free, etc etc ) when really it's all about eating correct portions for my size , moving a bit more ( I only walk) and now I am consistently seeing changes.
    I can go out , enjoy special occasions , have a treat or too, I'm not deprived.

    I don't think it was in my head the first few times , that's why I gave up.

    I agree totally! I don't think I would have come this far if I had felt deprived. I've always loved food, and now I just have a deeper appreciation for it.

    BTW - Your daughter is a cutie pie!
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    I'm curious. For those that said this was not their first time to the rodeo, do you think that if you had started with MFP the first time, you would have needed a second or third time?

    There are no guarantees in life, and although I'm happy with where I am, even now I have to be vigilant as I know that I can regain easily if I relax.

    That said, I think I would have been successful earlier had I had a tool like MFP.

    The closest I came to being successful previously was when I did a homebrew version of calorie counting. I had a sheet of paper for each day, and I calculated the food I ate as best I could a few decades ago, and calculated calories burned based on rough estimates of exercise added to my BMR, not TDEE. The weight dropped off, but it was too aggressive and I couldn't keep it up. If I had a more refined tool like MFP it would have been easier and I think I would have been able to maintain.
  • missblondi2u
    missblondi2u Posts: 851 Member
    Jruzer wrote: »
    I'm curious. For those that said this was not their first time to the rodeo, do you think that if you had started with MFP the first time, you would have needed a second or third time?

    There are no guarantees in life, and although I'm happy with where I am, even now I have to be vigilant as I know that I can regain easily if I relax.

    That said, I think I would have been successful earlier had I had a tool like MFP.

    The closest I came to being successful previously was when I did a homebrew version of calorie counting. I had a sheet of paper for each day, and I calculated the food I ate as best I could a few decades ago, and calculated calories burned based on rough estimates of exercise added to my BMR, not TDEE. The weight dropped off, but it was too aggressive and I couldn't keep it up. If I had a more refined tool like MFP it would have been easier and I think I would have been able to maintain.

    Yes, MFP is an incredibly powerful tool. I've touted its benefits far and wide!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    This is the only time I've ever made any effort to lose weight (other than just talking about it). I've lost a little over 50 pounds in about 8 months, and I'm looking to drop another 20 or so before I'm done. I feel 99.9% confident that I will not gain the weight back, but the crazy low statistics for people who actually keep the weight off for good give me pause.

    I'm curious. For those that said this was not their first time to the rodeo, do you think that if you had started with MFP the first time, you would have needed a second or third time?

    I lost weight in 2012 with MFP, but stopped logging during a move, and during a new relationship gained most of it back. I didn't participate in the forums then. I would totally have become complacent when I reach maintenance if not for posts from people like @rabbitjb
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    This is the only time I've ever made any effort to lose weight (other than just talking about it). I've lost a little over 50 pounds in about 8 months, and I'm looking to drop another 20 or so before I'm done. I feel 99.9% confident that I will not gain the weight back, but the crazy low statistics for people who actually keep the weight off for good give me pause.

    I'm curious. For those that said this was not their first time to the rodeo, do you think that if you had started with MFP the first time, you would have needed a second or third time?

    I lost weight in 2012 with MFP, but stopped logging during a move, and during a new relationship gained most of it back. I didn't participate in the forums then. I would totally have become complacent when I reach maintenance if not for posts from people like @rabbitjb

    :) thanks @kshama2001 ...that kind of makes it worthwhile
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
  • iangelab
    iangelab Posts: 42 Member
    every day I start again...... every day
  • trinty425
    trinty425 Posts: 108 Member
    I have started and given up many times over the last 10 years. After the birth of my last son...something changed (dunno what) and the ability to lose weight has seemed impossible. I even saw a nutritionist for a year...who insisted I get blood work done, but my doctors at the time refused to do any blood work at all!

    I recently moved again (we're military so limited to our docs, etc.)...and the doctors and people here are so great. I barely mentioned blood work and my doctor called for tons of testing...thyroid, metabolic panel, blood sugar, the works.

    Now, this time I am sticking to diet and fitness lifestyle change. No matter what...I'm not going to just "give up" and stop working out and eat whatever. I have this account, fitbit account, fitbit watch, aria scale, digital food scale...the works!

    Why is this time so different from the previous times? Multiple things:

    1) I am now I officially have a medical issue that could get serious if I don't do something other than just being overweight.

    2) Because I am prediabetic...I am currently in a diabetes prevention class to help push me to get going. At the end of the 12 week program I will continue with a nutritionist, do bodpod, and they will analyze my results...make custom changes, and even do more blood work or tests. So, this time I know that if I put my all into this...I won't just be told to "eat less workout more....and you don't look that bad". I have a team of docs that will look into everything if I get no results this time. So....there IS light at the end of the tunnel regardless of what happens.

    3) This is our last base. My husband will finish his 20 years in the military here. We plan on staying here for a very long time. So...things will be more constant...for the long term....less stress...etc.

    4) I have found out from all the blood work and tests so far....that there doesn't seem to be anything apparently wrong with me preventing me from weight loss. So, I have no "excuse" now. I just need to really buckle down and do whatever my docs tell me to do.
  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    Don't know, I never stuck it out long enough to bother counting. This time really didn't feel that different, I just told myself I wouldn't give up, and I didn't. I found calorie counting by chance, a coworker mentioned it and I tried it on a whim. Ironically, she stopped doing it and I went from weighing 38 pounds more than her, to 36 pounds under her.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    This is the only time I've ever made any effort to lose weight (other than just talking about it). I've lost a little over 50 pounds in about 8 months, and I'm looking to drop another 20 or so before I'm done. I feel 99.9% confident that I will not gain the weight back, but the crazy low statistics for people who actually keep the weight off for good give me pause.

    I'm curious. For those that said this was not their first time to the rodeo, do you think that if you had started with MFP the first time, you would have needed a second or third time?

    This was my first "rodeo" as I never really had any kind of weight issues until I graduated college and took a desk job working a gazillion hours and went from being very active to sedentary...but I'll answer anyway as I have successfully maintained going on three years now.

    If you look at it statistically, the tool or methodology used to lose weight doesn't seem to matter much...regardless, only about 5% of people or so successfully maintain their weight long term. The reason for this is pretty simple really...most people don't view their weight issues as a symptom of a systemic problem but rather tend to view it as an isolated issue for which the solution is to just go on diet.

    Just going on a diet is a temporary solution to a systemic will address the immediate symptom in isolation, but generally doesn't result in a long term fix of the actual problem. For some people, the systemic problem is as simple as a poor diet and lack of movement...this can be addressed pretty easily, but the individual also has to realize that for long term success, sustainable habits must be developed and taken into perpetuity...there has to be a new normal. This is the crux of the issue for many...they just view what they're doing as temporary...they can't wait to be done so they can just get back to normal...which will of course result in putting the weight back on and having to start over again...and again...and again. They're failing to address the systemic issue of their overall poor diet and sedentary lifestyles long term.

    For others, it can get even more complicated...emotional eating issues, compulsive eating, binge eating disorders, etc all complicate the issue because the systemic issues run much deeper and more often than not will really require some kind of professional help to get at the roots.
  • trinty425
    trinty425 Posts: 108 Member
    Except for my first time trying to lose weight I have always used some sort of site or program like MPF. The reason I am specifically on MFP now is because it is what my doctors are set up to use at work so they can easily check my logs.

    I think that the main problem is that most people seeing "losing weight" as....time to go on a diet. When in reality...what needs to happen is a lifestyle the way you eat and the exercise you do to lose the weight...must never stop. It's not a temporary thing.

    Those who are successful....didn't go on a diet....they changed their way of life permanently.

    This time...that is how I am looking at it. I'm in for the forever change to be healthier period.
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    I'm so glad I didn't keep count, that would have been mighty discouraging!
  • donnacervelli11
    donnacervelli11 Posts: 109 Member
    Within the last year alone I must have said 'This is it, I'm losing weight' at least a dozen times. And each time I would last just a few days before falling off the wagon.

    I'm not really sure that's so different about this time, but after hearing about food scales, measuring and CICO for practically forever I think I'm finally ready to do it for real. I think this time it's more of a lifestyle change than just a diet plan. We'll see - one week in and 4lbs down!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I'm curious. For those that said this was not their first time to the rodeo, do you think that if you had started with MFP the first time, you would have needed a second or third time?

    I didn't use MFP to lose so it wouldn't have made any difference.
  • bmayes2014
    bmayes2014 Posts: 232 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    30 years of yo yo dieting following one fad after another, signing up for one programme after another until my head was so full of rules and tips and tricks that I finally said STOP

    So I changed my focus, decided to try to get fit, booked a personal trainer who said sign up to MFP

    So I did ...well actually it had been one of my temporary fads 2 years before ..but this time I threw away everything I knew and just went on calories

    And saw my trainer

    And steadily lost, and read discussions and listened to the mean people and read the science, screwed up my face trying to understand it...failed more often than not ...kept a little offended, got over myself

    Focused on CICO

    Got into my fitness gains, started moving more and going to gym on my own as well as with trainer

    Kept losing

    Started to get macros ...

    Hit goal, 52lbs down, kept logging, kept my PT, got stronger, got injured, kept going, recovered eventually, getting stronger still and certainly fitter

    Here I am ..still logging a year into maintenance, still reading about fads and quick fixes on here and sighing

    It's till CICO and not a fad in sight

    @rabbitjb Very good to hear. I troll daily (comment infrequently) and you offer great advice. Good to hear where it all came from. thanks!