40+, WITH 40+ TO LOSE!



  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    Hi there! I am also 40+ with 40+ pounds to lose. I log daily, support friends, and my diary is open to connections. Happy to accept new friends!

    Here's a link to a very supportive "50+ Pounds to Lose!" MFP group I recommend:


  • kootenayfit
    kootenayfit Posts: 4 Member
    Hi just turned 49 but most days I feel 39 lol. Have had a big weight loss of 60 pounds 10 yrs ago and I have managed to keep 50 of it off but I still want the final 20 off and then the ten that I keep yo yo ( I love red wine lol) on and off. I exercise riguosly but I know it about the food. I Really want to get this weight off before I start to go in to menopause ... Ugh
  • boaorhat77
    boaorhat77 Posts: 11 Member
    How about this 39 year old with 40 pounds to lose?!?!
  • dja060
    dja060 Posts: 13 Member
    I would love to join this group. 44 with ~44 to lose. So daunting right now but I NEED to do this!!
  • leyza025
    leyza025 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 40 and I've been overweight for a long time. I was diagnosed as having diabetes last year and it was a wake up call for me. I need to lose weight and need to keep it off permanently. I've already lost 25 lbs since last year and I still need to lose 20 more. I stopped losing weight last quarter of last year and I felt frustrated. I began eating sugary foods again and I didn't feel motivated but now I want to continue working out and be consistent in using MFP. Good luck to all of us. We can do it.
  • jakes2011
    jakes2011 Posts: 36 Member
    Fit by 50 is my goal. I just turned 48, have 40+ lbs to lose & just want to stop the roller coaster dieting. I'm using a fitbit too, but have to get back to regular walking. Hope to be able to get/give motivation here :)
  • jakes2011
    jakes2011 Posts: 36 Member
    buxbert wrote: »
    Hi there! I am in the same boat! I am almost 45 with 50 to lose. When I lose the first 50 then my goal will be 20 more. I started on here Jan 2nd I have lose 22lbs! I also got a fitbit. That helps so much. You can do this!

    Hi Weightlossissues - Been thinking about getting a fitbit myself - are they any good? good luck with the rest of your journey - sounds like you are really on it!! :-)

    Hi, I would like to get one, too. What I want to monitor is steps, running and cycling. (maybe swimming but I guess that makes it expensive.) any experiences on which model would be good for that?

    Buxbert - Not sure if you got a response privately to your fitbit query? They're great for the steps/running, but not so great for other stuff. I put my fitbit one on my shoe when I cycle, and in a waterproof pouch for aquafit, but neither seem very accurate. I use a fitbit charge hr most of the time, and it seems pretty accurate (unless you're walking with your hands full (i.e. they can't swing) or pushing a shopping cart/stroller) ... at least it motivates me!
  • Sparkymel
    Sparkymel Posts: 80 Member

    I have to remind myself daily! We got this!
  • shonabardecki
    shonabardecki Posts: 26 Member
    Hi....I'm in the same boat.
    Add me :)
  • Empress_Becky
    Empress_Becky Posts: 3 Member
    Oh I so need some support, motivation and accountability! I'll be 46 in June. Mom to four ages 22-15. Husband only home on weekends and "loves me the way I am". Great, I don't and BTW, don't necessarily like his waistline right now either ;) ... Oldest daughter getting married in September and I'd like to be able to buy a dress I like and feel good in.
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    Wow, I am late to the party but I would still like to come. Please add me, I need friends :). I will be 45 next week, have lost 20lbs since the first of December but would still like to lose 40 more. I am currently "retired" with two sons 17 and 19, married. I try to get to the gym 5 times a week doing anything from yoga to working out with a trainer.
    Currently, I am finding myself in a losing rut. It is coming off but very slowly and I am going to toss my scale through my bathroom window pretty soon.
    I use my Apple Watch to track my fitness and I find it pretty accurate when comparing it to my older fitbit and HRM (I love my gadjets). Love trying new recipes and healthy alternatives so send them my way if anyone has any suggestions.

    I can not wait for the warm weather. I live near Rochester, NY and it is cold and windy today.
  • aloha198
    aloha198 Posts: 6 Member
    edited March 2016
    So Excited to have found this group! I will be 40 in June
  • aloha198
    aloha198 Posts: 6 Member
    Finally getting back to taking better care of me! Married mom of 5 ages 2-20 years. Have 44 lbs to go to goal weight and would love some extra support! Add me please
  • billsnita
    billsnita Posts: 7 Member
    Well hey there all! I'm 42 a mom of a 21 yr old and just realized last weekend that I have been struggling with a yo yo weight for over five years! Geesh! My heaviest weight was 189 when I realized things need to change and in 2013 I decided this time to make this a lifestyle change and not a diet. I had been on a diet before, I even lost 30lbs and then gained 40 back. This needed to be a lifestyle change. I started simple came back to tracking my food on here (on and off) and started making better food choices, I also became more active and committed to at least 10000 steps a day. This was good and got me down in weight very slowly. I finally got down to the low 170's and then yo-yo'd again 5lbs up and down and could not cross the threshold and if I did I would bounce back up. This January my husband and I got a gym membership and got more active. The big change now is we added strength training, with that and with eating low carbs and really watching for hidden sugar. With doing that I am now down to 155! Slow gradual process but I know this time it is permanent.

    Biggest lesson so far, read labels and pay attention to what you are eating and how your body reacts to what you eat. It could be the difference to all your hard work being undone.
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    Reading the labels, haha, but now I need my reading glasses :wink:
  • BexB42
    BexB42 Posts: 32 Member
    edited March 2016
    43, third real weight loss journey. I have over 100 pounds this time to shed, according to my doctor. I like to weigh 180-190. Right now, at 283 and holding, even with eating less and exercise 3x a week. Stepping it up now, hoping to lose at least 10% of my weight by my birthday in November. I am looking to add friends, even though I skip some days, I will be more diligent in the future. I am out of breath lately really quickly, NOT loving it. My boys both live with me, ages 24 and 15, and I have always put them first, but I am sinking... I need my own life raft to pull them onto!
  • shonabardecki
    shonabardecki Posts: 26 Member
    Where are you located???

    I'm in the same boat. ..but in order for us to be there for our kids. ..we have to get healthy :)
  • lavrn03
    lavrn03 Posts: 235 Member
    Hey everyone!!!! Stick with it you are worth it. I've lost over 60lbs and only 15lbs left to go! It feels so good on this end of the journey.
    What I've learned these past 19months that I feel have made me successful in my journey:
    1- don't set up your deficit too high. Figure out what you need to eat to maintain your current weight then only eat 250 less each day for awhile. Work up to 500 less a day. If you become very active Then alternate -250/-500 during the week and eat at maintenance on the weekend. FOCUS ON MAKING CHANCES WITH YOUR FOOD CHOICES
    2-MOVE! I started out walking 20 min miles for 30 mins then 45-60mins, now I can jog a 5K/10K (10-12min mile) and powerwalk at 13 min miles.
    3-Strength Train NOW!!! Build muscle!! Even if u have 100lbs to lose build it now. The more muscle the better. There are people who weigh less then me but look bigger because I have more lean body mass.
    4-This is the hardest!!! Allow yourself the time to take care of yourself, you are worth it! Don't feel guilty. And cut yourself some slack when life happens and you get off track.

    Other tips: eat more protein. 1gram per body weight. You will fee full and eat less carbs. The more you eat complex carbs only and limit simple carbs the less cravings you will have. Drink at least half your body weight in water.

    Okay that's it....go be a loser!!

    Anyone can friend me if you want
  • justduckit
    justduckit Posts: 9 Member
    45, 3 kids 16-24. I have (Based on the healthy BMI recommendation, 111.2 lbs - 150.2 lbs) 57 pounds to lose to reach the high end of my goal. I cannot imagine being 111 lbs, I think I weighed that in middle school. I think I would feel fabulous at 150. The husband and I have started an exercise program and are trying to make better meal choices. I know I need to track my intake to achieve results. Now, to do what I know in my head!

  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    I have found tracking is very important but remember you can be doing everything right and it is not going to be a fast process. It kills me the people on this site that say the weight just fell off and it was so easy. This is not easy. I am currently so frustrated with how slow the scale is moving I want to kick someone but then I look back an see it is moving, just like molasses in the spring.