Wii Fit Hula Hoop



  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I can't find it in the database either. Someone said they found it under cardio but I can't see it. I just log it under general aerobics.
    I am trying to log the hula hopping that I've done today but I cannot find it in the exercise database. Is there a certain way to spell it or am I misisng something here :tongue:
  • ConnieR
    ConnieR Posts: 16 Member

    Love it!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    I can't find it in the database either. Someone said they found it under cardio but I can't see it. I just log it under general aerobics.
    I am trying to log the hula hopping that I've done today but I cannot find it in the exercise database. Is there a certain way to spell it or am I misisng something here :tongue:

    Yea That is what I am doing too.. I just unlocked the 3 min super hoola and man did I nearly collapse!! Thank god no-one was around to see the state of me on it!! I looked like I was having a seizure!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    my gosh how on earth are you getting so high in the turn count???:noway: i can bearly do 200. DH just said "they are moving their hips quick":laugh: . will need to keep at it i guess. haven't done it in awhile, been doing the "my fitness coach".

    keep turning ladies doing great.....
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    What stage are you on of the hula hoop? 200 is great, it takes a while to work up to that amount. I have been doing the 10 min Super Hula Hoop every single day for a little over a week now. Some days are better than others. Good luck on it. How do you like the "my fitness coach"?
    my gosh how on earth are you getting so high in the turn count???:noway: i can bearly do 200. DH just said "they are moving their hips quick":laugh: . will need to keep at it i guess. haven't done it in awhile, been doing the "my fitness coach".

    keep turning ladies doing great.....
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i haven't done the fit for months. got bored with it.
    i LOVE the my fitness coach. it's like having an instructor right there with you. you don't need the fit to use it. i just posted a reply in the post for jillian michaels game. there is a huge difference in the two.
    someday i will get back on the fit again.
    keep spinning.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I did 3146 Spins. Not my best but pretty good!!
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    Does anyone JUST use Wii Fit for their exercise? Right now, I have just been using it when I don't want to wander out in the cold to go to the gym.

    Is it effective enough to just use that?

    Just wondering how much I can rely on it in the cold weather!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    How can you keep it going for so long!?!???

    I just unlocked the 3 minute super hoola and I was ready to collapse halfway through it!! I even loose the rhythm and look so weird doing it!!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Does anyone JUST use Wii Fit for their exercise? Right now, I have just been using it when I don't want to wander out in the cold to go to the gym.

    Is it effective enough to just use that?

    Just wondering how much I can rely on it in the cold weather!

    Well I love the Wii Fit but I use many other things for exercise other than that. For me personally I don't get enough of a calorie burn on the Wii Fit as doing some other activities. I totally understand the not wanting to go out in the cold. I am fortunate to have a treadmill, bike, and elliptical at my house for me to use. You may want to look into some DVDs that you are able to use at home. You can get a huge calorie burn from these and stay in your home. I personally like the TurboJam Dvds but there are several that people recommend.

    I hope this helps in your questions. Feel free to message me.:flowerforyou:
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    How can you keep it going for so long!?!???

    I just unlocked the 3 minute super hoola and I was ready to collapse halfway through it!! I even loose the rhythm and look so weird doing it!!

    It is difficult at the beginning but you just keep pushing through. Just keep spinning those hips. I find it easier to keep my feet a little wider on the balance board, bend your knees a little, and keep your body from your hips up straight. At least this works for me.

    The 3 minute is a great start!! Be proud of yourself for that. Don't worry about losing the rhythm. Most of the time I listen to my iPod while doing it. I always put on a really upbeat song. I find that if I watch the counter going it is much easier than watching the hula hoops going around my mii.

    Good Luck on it and keep me posting how you are doing on it!!
  • Slovak
    Slovak Posts: 3

    I am steady at 3440+ and my highest is 3506 and I only noticed when I beat that barrier is when I am pretty limber and exhausted. After 2 hours of digging dirt outside and doing about 10 minutes of stationary jogging just seems to make those circles a bit easier (probably since I am trying to just keep myself from falling).

    Of course the real trick is the beginning hoops which you have to be really aggressive on and the goal is to get 5 hoops on you at around 100 spins then you can keep a normal steady pace. I've tried to be aggressive throughout the 10 minutes but can't seem to get any higher than my highest score. I've only reached 3500+ twice, but other than that about 3440+ has been pretty normal for me.

    By the way it has been 41 days and I believe I only missed 2 or 3 days since my use.


    Well I got the Wii Fit for apparently the same reason you did. It is really damn cold out there and before the Wii Fit I biked 7 miles (minimum) to 14 miles (usually if I missed a day or depending on my mood) outside for 6 weeks straight. As the colder weather kicked in to gear I had to wear a face mask which made it hard to breathe in and biking in 30 to 50 degree weather takes a lot out of you as well.

    I don't see why the Wii Fit couldn't be a good exercise if you took it serious enough and did it daily. I know my calf muscles hurt when I run for about 10 minutes with the wiimote in my pocket. To be honest I thought the wii fit was a joke and after using it for awhile I can see the benefits from it (well not really see, but feel). I think just like any exercise if you half *kitten* it then don't expect much from it. I don't know if you could bulk up from it, but I think you can firm up and lose weight.

    I can't really comment on the weight because my weight hasn't really changed and I don't think i can really lose anymore. I fluctuate from 180 to 186, but never more than that or less than that. Only thing I can say is if it is too easy for you then you need to kick it up a notch by either being more aggressive or adding some weight to yourself or just holding a pose. For example when you do the hula hoop, try to keep your arms straight out and if you are feeling extra adventurous then try to pretend you are picking cherries (or making a fist quickly multiple times during the exercise) while your arms are extended and I can guarantee that will kill your arms.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Slovak~ thanks for the great inspiration. I have noticed also that when I am tired I tend to do better. The problem that I often have is that at the beginning it says to spin in large near circles, well I am sure trying but i can't get it going. This delays me getting the new hula hoops early enough to get a high count.

    Thanks for the info!!
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    i use mainly the wii fit. I love the hoola hoop and do the 10 minute set all the time. I'm up to almost 4000 spins YAY me! I like the running as well. i use weights with it. good times.

    here is an article on the wii fit and calories butned

  • Slovak
    Slovak Posts: 3

    Well just keep it up and you will make it. I think I should correct something. You need to get all the hoops on you at around 265 seconds to get to where I am at and then just keep it steady. I am not sure how mommachag is getting close to 4000 spins because I thought anything above 3500 was impossible and I've only hit 3500 area about 5 times.

    I don't know if I really make big hip movements, but I do make them fast though in the beginning. Now since I am not a girl maybe that is why I can't get to the hip shaking that mommachag got there.

    By the way today I have finally made perfect center and I thought that was impossible as well. I've noticed that I could keep steady at a certain specific area, but to be right in the middle seemed like a fluke. Probably won't be able to do it again for another couple of days, but apparently being in a perfect center can be gained.
  • mazzle76
    i wish we had wii and wii fit, i really like the idea of the physical nature of the game - as i dont normally agree with console/tv game units.

    but i have real hula hoops and can hit my local park or beach to hula/excercise... (really gives a great workout!)
    wish i knew how many rotations i can do and how many calories burned - that way i cauld be part of your challenge!!!! :)

    check out some hooping videos by typing "hooping" in youTube - there is some cool moves...

    happy hooping everyone
  • Starrotts
    Starrotts Posts: 164
    can anyone tell me where to buy a regular hula hoop i live in Canada thanks
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318

    Well just keep it up and you will make it. I think I should correct something. You need to get all the hoops on you at around 265 seconds to get to where I am at and then just keep it steady. I am not sure how mommachag is getting close to 4000 spins because I thought anything above 3500 was impossible and I've only hit 3500 area about 5 times.

    I don't know if I really make big hip movements, but I do make them fast though in the beginning. Now since I am not a girl maybe that is why I can't get to the hip shaking that mommachag got there.

    By the way today I have finally made perfect center and I thought that was impossible as well. I've noticed that I could keep steady at a certain specific area, but to be right in the middle seemed like a fluke. Probably won't be able to do it again for another couple of days, but apparently being in a perfect center can be gained.

    maybe I'm crazy you could be right. I tend to transpose number like that. Ill have to check next time i get on it and do hula hoop

    yesterday I did the wii sports and crud Im sore sore sore
  • mazzle76
    dont buy a kids hoop from a toy store, adults need an adult size and weight for hooping.

    you can make your own with thins from the hardware store:

    and for some inspiration, check out this on the 'Ellen show' :

  • Slovak
    Slovak Posts: 3

    Figures Canada would only have square hula hoops. :)

    I couldn't resist and I apologize for that. :)