Chalean Extreme Group Starting Monday 5/23



  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Jenyfur--nice to see you back!
    I got an HRM--thanks Mom and Dad!! I can't wait to see what the actual cal counts are compared to MFP!!! I'm going to be all psyched to workout just so I can check the totals!

    Love the Tarjey garb!!

    Single leg sumo squat, huh???

    I can do the push-ups and burpees, but that because I did Jilian Michaels Ripped in 30 and Shred in 30. Very different kind of workout from CHX, but she sure got me ready for a lot of the moves here. When I started with JM, I could only do 1 pushup on my toes and that was a shaky, not very far down, sissy kind of pushup--now, I'm practically touching my nose to the ground! I love pushups 'cause they make me feel so strong!!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Morning, gang!!

    catniss, great profile pic!! So pretty!

    Jenyfur, glad you're back in the game. And no more lurking, lady! We want to be able to support you. :happy:

    Janine, WOOHOO for being able to do four pushups on your toes! You'll be doing all 11 (8 during the set and 3 during the breakdown) before you know it!

    Michelle, I think the last time I tried yoga, I was really young and didn't really get it, you know what I mean? So, I'm definitelyl going to go to that site and sample some of their workouts and see which one fits. I get to do a yoga-esque workout tomorrow with TF's Stretch 40. Let's see how it goes. :laugh:

    Enjoy your day!
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Hi Everyone,

    Great job on all of your progress and commitment.

    I was disappointed with my weigh-in...the same as last week but then I have to tell myself that things are fitting better and I feel better. Still don't know if I like the building muscle thing!

    Yesterday was my rest the last Push circuit 2. Can't wait for next week, when I start the Lean phase.
  • Hey everyone!!

    Wow are my bi and triceps toast today!! I started the Push phase, so I did Push 1 and I went heavy enough to fail at 6 or 7 on everything. Then if that wasn't enough, I did Biggest Loser Weightloss yoga... TONS of downward Dog, planks, and other arm balancing poses. But it's a GOOD ouch!! :) Unfortunately, I know I'm going to be needing to invest in at least 2-3 more sets of weights for this phase. And I just don't have the $$ for that! They are so expensive!! So I'm thinking about using the bands instead. Does anyone on here use them or is everyone using the dumbbells? The thing I like about the weights is you KNOW exactly how much you're using, and the bands all vary depending on where you put your feet and how tight the band is. I just like to know the data, charts, graphs, numbers, etc. I'm a very big dork in that aspect. :D

    Bev~ just keep in mind that the more muscle your body has, the higher your resting metabolism is so the more calories you burn!! Which .... to me... means that I can eat more food without it having an adverse affect on my weight! So I say bring on the muscle!! lol Plus it looks sexy and makes your body tight and toned. But to each their own!! I've heard that the Lean phase is where most of the weight is lost anyway. Hope you enjoy it!!

    Welcome Jenyfur!! Always glad to see new people popping in to join the group! :)

    Janine~~~ CONGRATULATIONS on the pushups!! That's awesome!! I only did a half one on my toes today during Push 1 then had to go back to the knees LOL I could do up to 5 on my toes during Burn so either it's because they are slower in Push, or because I was using heavier weights for Push and the pushups were at the end??? Either way.. Great job!!!

    Cee~ I used to loathe yoga too, til I found one that I like! It really makes all the difference in the world when you find one you like. It feels amazing and I've noticed a definite increase in my flexibility. Plus the Biggest Loser weightloss Yoga is NO JOKE. I'm full of sweat and shaking muscles before I even get halfway done. lol But like I said, the stretching feels amazing!!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    lots to tell...used my new HRM for a cardio interval class this morning--it shows less than if I had calculated it according to MFP--so I know now that I've probably been eating back too many cals--good thing to know.

    In the class, we had to do pushups--the instructor had us on our knees--but it was a hard wood floor and my bad knee just won't take that kind of pressure, so I figured I would just do the regular ones until I couldn't do anymore and then wait for the class--weeeelllllllll--I did them all!!! And there were lots!! And slow ones!!! And just when I didn't think I could do even 1 more, it was over!!! I got the most INCREDIBLE endorphin and adreneline rush afterwards.

    And then at the end, we did abs and I kept up with the instructor (and then some!). I have been thinking about talking to the instructor (who is also the owner of the studio) about me leading a Pilates class in exchange for my son being able to take dance classes from there, but I haven't had the nerve to bring it up (I mean, who am I??? I've done Pilates for years, but I'm not certified and I still overweight--it's like, if you are teaching a class, then shouldn't the instructor look like it's effective???) and at the end of the class-SHE asked me if I ever taught a fitness class, specifically Pilates!!!!!!!

    So, I'm giving a 15 min session at the end of the next class (on Thurs) and then maybe even leading 2 classes next week!!!! I'm totally nervous!!!!! And excited!!!!!

    I would have never believed in myself enough to even try something like this until I have started the CHX and seen the possibilities and my untapped strength (and I wrote down that goal like Chalene suggested!).

    Thank you all for being so encouraging--I dedicate my success to MFP and you all.

    And Cee--thank you for the lovely compliment--I took nearly 6 months before I was able to post a pic.

    Enough of my narcissim....back to my "to-do" list!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    catniss, that is AWESOME!!!!! My BB coach told me that you don't have to be ACE certified to teach Turbo Kick so now I have a new goal of being certified to do Turbo Kick as well as Zumba. I think you're going to kick *kitten* leading your session! Can't wait to hear how it went! :bigsmile:

    Bev, it is SOOOOO tough not seeing any movement on the scale, but just like you said, your clothes are fitting better and that's really what it's all about.

    Time, I'll let you know how the stretch 40 class goes tomorrow and whether I can wrap my head around doing yoga. We'll see. :laugh:
  • remisenforme
    remisenforme Posts: 180 Member
    I'm very late to the party but I am planning on starting ChaLean Extreme this coming week. Very excited!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Time, I just remembered you asked about the resistance bands. I did the TF Sculpt 30 class yesterday using the bands and, believe me, it was CHALLENGING!! They have different colors for different ranges of resistance. Maybe you can look into that?

    Welcome, remisenforme! So glad to have you come join us and get extreme!!
  • Healthymom0000
    Healthymom0000 Posts: 14 Member
    I have Chalean Extreme sitting in a box in my workout room and I have really wanted to start. I was about to post a new topic asking if anyone wanted to join me and I noticed your group. I would like to start even if I am very late:( You all seem very supportive and are having so much fun. Do you mind if I post along with you?
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    I'm very late to the party but I am planning on starting ChaLean Extreme this coming week. Very excited!
    I have Chalean Extreme sitting in a box in my workout room and I have really wanted to start. I was about to post a new topic asking if anyone wanted to join me and I noticed your group. I would like to start even if I am very late:( You all seem very supportive and are having so much fun. Do you mind if I post along with you?

    Welcome both of you to the group...!

    It6 doesn't matter where you are in the schedule, because we're all in different places & are picking up tips from those that are ahead of us.

    Also, I'm pretty sure all of us are going to do another round right after we finish the 1st.... I know I am....!

    Anyway.... I switched my schedule around today & did Burn Intervals.... because I didn't want to miss it....
    The burn from the sumo squats has finally gone from deep in my glutes....
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    Welcome, new CLXers! Come on in!

    Time: I feel ya on those expensive weights. I need 25s & 30s ASAP!!

    Catniss: That is AMAZING!!!! Would you like to teach Yoga as well? Cuz Chalene has these workshops to teach a class called PiYo (pilates & yoga) that you might be interested in!!! I heard you can get certified right after the class! Check out this Chalene site...

    I'm with Cee about teaching Turbo Kick!!! I'm thinking when I hit my 100 lbs lost goal (in 17.5 lbs!!! WOO HOO!), I want to seriously give it a go! I'm thinking of going to school to get my nutritionist license as well. I want an inspiring job/jobs!

    Cee: Do you know when you want to check out about teaching Turbo Kick?

    Guys! I lost 1.5 lbs! I'm 181.5 lbs- haven't been at this weight since I was 16! I'm hoping to hit my 100 lbs lost goal (164 lbs) when I'm done with the 90 days!

    Chalene's always talking about sharing your goals to bring them into reality. I just told you most of mine. What are goals that you all want to hit? We should totally post them as a team to create them in our lives! Just look at Catniss, she is rockin it out!!!

    :heart: You guys rock my world! :heart:
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    I did Burn Intervals and Abs tonight. I really like this one instead of burn it off... I was able to do all but 3 burpees tonight. I did most of my weights with 5lbs. I am whooped..... I can't wait until bed time...:)

    Tomorrow is Burn 3 and then Burn it off. I am going to have to run in there sometime too... There are not enough hours in the day when you like to sleep in....

    Congrats to you Cubana on your weight loss!
    Welcome CLxs! This is an awesome group
    Congrats to you catniss!!! That is fabulous.. You should be so proud of your self!
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Welcome to all who are new. I'm glad you found us...and yes, I plan on being around for a long while yet. I'm almost done with my 2nd month of CX but there's so much more and this is a fantastic group!!!

    Congrats Cubana and everyone else who KEEPs PUSHING PLAY (that's all of us:happy:),

    Man-oh-man, am I tired! I did my push 2, turbo fire 30 minutes, and I received my Brazilian Butt Lift so I had to try it. The bum, bum video is TOUGH!!!

    I wonder if I'll be walking tomorrow?! At least I don't have work again until Monday, so hopefully I can focus on getting this exercise and food thing under control. My biggest problem is either eating way too little or way too happy medium...

    Good night everyone! Bev
  • JayelleC
    JayelleC Posts: 83 Member
    I just wanted to post and say hello to the fellow CE people! I am starting my first day today. I will continue to use some turbo jam workouts on the days when I feel like I can push myself a little harder!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Marianne, I plan on redoing the hybrid after I'm done but this time starting at week 1 (burn phase) instead of week 5. So, I'll be here for a long, long time, ladies! :happy:

    Janine, I love your energy!! I just looked up instructor training for TK in my area (NONE for MD - hmph) but there is one in VA in August. I think I may shoot for that one. My BB coach told me that I should definitely go for the certifications before I reach my goal so that when I do reach my goal I'm ready to roll with instructing. She's so right too! The Zumba site is down for maintenance so I'll have to see when there's a certification class being offered close to me later.

    As far as goals, my ultimate goal is to be in the size 4-6 range (I'm only 5'3" and in a size 8 now) as well as getting my BELLY down. I don't even need washboard abs, but just to not have this spare tire any longer! I will be content when I get there. My ultimate goal, of course, is to be able to maintain that body once I reach it. :smile:

    I did TF Stretch 40 today and survived. :laugh: I actually liked it. I like stretching in general though so the class didn't bother me much at all. The Core 20 class on the other hand...I'm going to be sore later, I just know it. :laugh:

    Enjoy your day!!
  • remisenforme
    remisenforme Posts: 180 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome! I know everyone is so different but I was wondering if anyone had suggestions about weight amounts to get. I was originally planning on getting the bands but have heard they can easily snap sometimes (?). There is a deal on Amazon for a set of 3, 5, and 8 lb weights right now. I know that the whole point of this program is to lift the heaviest weights possible for you. Does anyone have advice in terms of where to start for someone who hasn't worked out for quite a while?
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    Man-oh-man, am I tired! I did my push 2, turbo fire 30 minutes, and I received my Brazilian Butt Lift so I had to try it. The bum, bum video is TOUGH!!!

    Ooooh... oooh, I've got Brazilian Butt Lift ... is it good?
    How long is the bum, bum video?
    I seriously need to work that area.... to give it a major lift before I lose any more weight, because if I don't I will be flat as a pancake....!

    Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome! I know everyone is so different but I was wondering if anyone had suggestions about weight amounts to get. I was originally planning on getting the bands but have heard they can easily snap sometimes (?). There is a deal on Amazon for a set of 3, 5, and 8 lb weights right now. I know that the whole point of this program is to lift the heaviest weights possible for you. Does anyone have advice in terms of where to start for someone who hasn't worked out for quite a while?

    There is a girl in the video who uses lower weights, I think uses the sizes you mention above - plus 10 lb ones.

    Personally, I think you would be better investing in some adjustable ones if you're serious about this program - because you'll be surprised at how quick you get stronger.

    Have a look at these:
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    marianne--the bum bum video is about 30 minutes long...I had to laugh at my balance...somewhere along the line he says you can use a chair but I don't know how that would work!!!:laugh: I really loved it!!! And it's exactly what I need, so if you have time and have it--throw it in!

    remisenforme--I am w/marianne, by the 2nd week of push, I wasn't using anything less than 12's (except for the intervals and burn it off and warmups). I am still only going up to 20 b/c of my back and my one arm can hardly hold on for very long. I don't think you should bother w/3's at all.

    Hope that helps! Bev
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    Bev! I was looking at those videos at BB the other day! You gotta let me know how you like em along the way! There's so many I waan get! Shaun T's Hip Hop Abs, Yoga Booty Ballet, Chalene's Ball Work outs. I think I just wanna work for BB & spend my whole pay check on videos! LMAO

    Cee: Those goals sound fantabulous to me! Get it, girl!

    Remisenforme: Marriane's got some awesome links on there as far as weights. You wanna give yourself LOADS of choices cuz you'll find you get stronger faster than you know!!! I wouldn't suggest any lighter than 5 lbs. And really, I only ever even use the 5 lbs for Burn Intervals. You are going to be surprised at how much weight you can lift! This program makes you feel like she-Hulk in just the first WEEK!

    Jayelle: Welcome! You'll LOVE how CLX mixes with Turbo Jam! A few of us are doing the same combo! It's hard giving up Turbo Jam cuz it's so dang FUN! And don't forget to check out the bonus Fat Blaster Workout on the Burn Intervals DVD. It's a free Turbo Jam bonus with 8 TURBO DRILLS! LOVE IT!!!!!!!

    GO TEAM! GO!!!!!!!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    marianne--the bum bum video is about 30 minutes long...I had to laugh at my balance...somewhere along the line he says you can use a chair but I don't know how that would work!!!:laugh: I really loved it!!! And it's exactly what I need, so if you have time and have it--throw it in!

    Bev.... I'm going to have to figure out where I can fit that in..... I'm finding that having a set schedule, is what's keeping me on track

    Push 2 completed today.... no cardio though... no time....
    I'm going to take a rest tomorrow... got another blind date.... :bigsmile:
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