March 2016 Running Challenge



  • jstafaz
    jstafaz Posts: 16 Member
    Sunshine and 57 deg in Michigan today! Finally ran with only one layer. Very wet feet (snow melt) but generally a nice 3.55 mile run around town. I could get used to this...please, no more snowy days!


  • joinn68
    joinn68 Posts: 480 Member
    @WhatMeRunning thanks for the tip. I didn't know about IT band (yep, newbie here). I'll pay a bit more attention tomorrow to feel where the pain is and will be careful to stop and switch to cross-training if necessary
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,129 Member
    edited March 2016
    01/03 3.5miles
    02/03 3.5miles
    04/03 3.5miles
    05/03 3 miles
    07/03 3 miles


  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - I have seen the Under Armour Marvel superheroes shirts at Academy sports here.

    Thanks @whatmerunning I'll check there tonight. I'm seeing lots of shirts, but only men's dri fit. :disappointed:

    @shanaber good luck with the hand surgery. My doc said to wait until the stitches were out so that is probably going to be the way to go.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for March
    3/1 7.25 miles - 7.25
    3/2 4 miles - 11.25
    3/3 9 miles - 20.25
    3/4 3.5 miles - 23.75
    3/5 6.2 miles - 29.95
    3/6 2 miles - 31.95 << race warm-up
    3/6 5 miles - 36.95 << 8K race
    3/7 6.2 miles - 43.15


    Upcoming races:
    UAH Spring Road Race 8K - 3/6
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler - 6/25

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    23 miles last week (including Feb 29th) is my new weekly high. With the temps here in Chicago looking to be in the 50's for the foreseaeable future I'm hoping to increase that gradually the rest of the month.

    One thing that has me worried about meeting my goal this month and in future months is cycling. I was planning to take today off before doing a longish run tomorrow but the temps are up and I really really want to go put 40 miles on my bike. I'll need to get to the point where I'm content with either activity promoting better fitness. That said, I don't want heavy bike miles to take away from continued running progression.

    My biking has definitely forced me to not raise my running goal, however I am still improving with both sports. The thing I really like is that it seems like if I get a lot of mileage in one sport, I can still do the other sport the next day. Different muscles. Some days I have biked and run or done my strength training with one or both, but I got a little carried away with it for a while. So I try to just do a max of two workouts only once a week. I wanted to run four times a week, bike 4 times, weights 2x and one day of rest. But since there are only 7 days a week and that was 10 workouts in 6 days it just wasn't working! I was getting too tired and couldn't eat enough.

    March 1 - 5.05 miles + 1 hour spinning
    March 2 - strength training
    March 3 - 5K for Orlando City Soccer (not sure why they need $) + 1 mile warmup
    March 4- strength training
    March 5 - 43 mile bike ride (went 9 more than the usual 34 mile Sat ride).
    March 6 - 51 mile bike ride
    March 7 - 5 miles


  • sleepigrl
    sleepigrl Posts: 53 Member
    I'm way behind on posting, and I'm really struggling with my (short, I know) runs right now. I'm just going to keep on, though and hope it works itself out.

    3/1 - 2 mile run
    3/2 - 3 mile walk
    3/3 - 2.25 mile run
    3/6 - 2 mile run


    Upcoming Races:
    12/3/16 SA Rock N Roll - 5K/10K

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    sleepigrl wrote: »
    I'm way behind on posting, and I'm really struggling with my (short, I know) runs right now. I'm just going to keep on, though and hope it works itself out.

    3/1 - 2 mile run
    3/2 - 3 mile walk
    3/3 - 2.25 mile run
    3/6 - 2 mile run


    Upcoming Races:
    12/3/16 SA Rock N Roll - 5K/10K

    @sleepigrl Your runs look like mine. I'm going pretty short too, except my long Saturday run. Just keep at it, you can do it!
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    edited March 2016
    Nice easy recovery run today. I find these really help after my long run when my legs are still sore. An easy 5 k and they feel a lot better.

    This week it's deload week. I feel like I need this and it's recommended to take one every 4-5 weeks I hear. So I'm cutting from my long run and intensity. I'll probably do around 20k this week.

    .....Date.....Distance...Pace (min/km).........................Random thought of the day
    March 01 - rest
    March 02 - 5 km............(4:42).........Stop bouncing like Bambi you idiot you gonna kill your knees
    March 03 - 7 km............(6:00)............................Bend at the ankles not the waist.
    March 04 - 3.5 km.........(7.46)....................A metronome app helps with your cadence
    March 05 - rest
    March 06 - 15 km..........(6:00)............Need to taper long run next week but don't want to
    March 07 - 5 km............(7:08).........................,.............Treadmills suck


    03/04: Bucharest 10k and Family run
    16/04: Color Run Bucharest
    15/05: Bucharest Half Marathon
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    sleepigrl wrote: »
    I'm way behind on posting, and I'm really struggling with my (short, I know) runs right now. I'm just going to keep on, though and hope it works itself out.

    3/1 - 2 mile run
    3/2 - 3 mile walk
    3/3 - 2.25 mile run
    3/6 - 2 mile run


    Upcoming Races:
    12/3/16 SA Rock N Roll - 5K/10K

    In what way are you struggling? Is it just a motivation thing? Or are you running out of steam part way through? I ask because it's very common for newer runners to go out too fast and end up flailing to the finish line, so to speak. I've done it myself (and still do on occasion). Assuming that's the "struggle" you're referring to:

    Even if you think you're already going slow, if you can't talk (full sentences) without gasping, you need to slow down further. Of course, that's assuming you are trying to build up your mileage with easy running!

    Just skimming through this board, you'll see easy run paces ranging anywhere from 7:00/mile to 15+/mile.

    Keep getting out there and doing your thing. It will get easier!
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Oh dear, I locked myself out tonight and had to wait for my OH to get home and let me in, by which time it was too late to get to Running Club. I am so disappointed, however rather than waste the evening entirely I decided to go for a little run on my own. 2.22 miles in total, and I was really pleased with myself as I pretty much jogged most of it with only a couple of quick stops to sip water and blow my nose (why does it always run while I run?). I am definitely seeing improvement each time I go out. A little bit further without stopping, and a little bit faster. Slowly building it up. :smiley:


  • whatang
    whatang Posts: 102 Member
    CariTJR wrote: »
    Oh dear, I locked myself out tonight and had to wait for my OH to get home and let me in, by which time it was too late to get to Running Club. I am so disappointed, however rather than waste the evening entirely I decided to go for a little run on my own. 2.22 miles in total, and I was really pleased with myself as I pretty much jogged most of it with only a couple of quick stops to sip water and blow my nose (why does it always run while I run?). I am definitely seeing improvement each time I go out. A little bit further without stopping, and a little bit faster. Slowly building it up. :smiley:

    I wish I knew... With size of my schnozz you'd think I'd be able to breathe easily through it, but the minute I start running it just fills up. I don't stop to blow it though: snot rockets ftw! (Always good to do a quick courtesy check first though!)
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    3/01: 3 miles, easy (am)
    3/01: 6 miles, 2x1 mile at LTP (7:30) then 800m @ 5K pace
    3/02: 6 miles, easy
    3/03: 5 miles, 5x800m at 6:45 pace with 400m recovery between
    3/04: 5 miles, easy
    3/05: 6 miles, easy
    3/06: 13.1 miles, long and easy
    3/07: Off, have the flu
    Total: 44.23 miles

    Running plan called for 5 easy miles today. But seeing as how I can barely drag myself out of bed to use the restroom, I'm taking the day off instead haha. Hopefully I'll feel up to an easy run tomorrow, but I'm trying to accept/be ok with the reality that I probably won't :cry: :disappointed:


    Upcoming races:
    3/12 - Leprechaun Leap (5K)
    3/20 - Excalibur 10 Miler
    3/26 - Chicago Quarter Marathon
    4/03 - Shamrock Shuffle (8K)
    4/09 - Chi Town Half Marathon
    5/28 - Soldier Field Run (10 miles)
  • whatang
    whatang Posts: 102 Member
    @moyer566 hope you get well soon!

    @ceciliaslater fingers crossed for that tendon...

    @sleepigrl dont sweat it, you're getting in a good number of runs. Maybe don't worry about the distance too much, and just try to get out as much as you can? Like @ceciliaslater said, maybe adjust your pace. The best thing I did for increasing my distance was forcing myself to slow down.

    On that note, I got in 8.4 miles tonight at a very slow pace. I was really strict with myself about keeping the pace down, backing off when I noticed it creeping up. I've planned out my training for my first half on May 15th, and it's time to start taking the stuff I've read about LSRs and recovery runs seriously. I don't want to keep pushing the pace on every run and either injure myself, or fail to get in enough miles or time on my feet. It's a bit weird that the willpower problem has now flipped from "get up and run, you fat b*****d!" to "slow down, dumbass!"
  • lloydwells66
    lloydwells66 Posts: 38 Member
    edited March 2016
    Moving right along...

  • ceckhardt369
    ceckhardt369 Posts: 115 Member
    sleepigrl wrote: »
    I'm way behind on posting, and I'm really struggling with my (short, I know) runs right now. I'm just going to keep on, though and hope it works itself out.

    3/1 - 2 mile run
    3/2 - 3 mile walk
    3/3 - 2.25 mile run
    3/6 - 2 mile run


    Upcoming Races:
    12/3/16 SA Rock N Roll - 5K/10K

    This looks like my runs too. Just gotta keep plugging away and I know from experience it'll get better. I also know slowing down helps a lot even if you feel like you're already a turtle running through peanut butter!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    March 6th - 3.33 k (outdoor walk)
    March 7th - 4.41 k (outdoor walk with 5 hill runs)
    Total to date - 29.98 k
    To reach goal - 70.02 k
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    March 2016
    01/3 – 09.44…walk……….9.44
    02/3 – 02.95…walk……….12.39
    03/3 – 15.36…walk……….27.75
    04/3 – 05.01..…run……….32.76
    05/3 – 10.00…
    06/3 – 06.20…walk……….48.96
    07/3 – 03.94...walk……….52.90 (+ strength)
    08/3 – 12.64…walk……….65.54 km

    Upped strength intensity on strength day... Far out my everything hurts :lol: And I just had to add this one!! It wont' stay like this for too long so sorry for my gloating for the moment :wink:


    March Races
    *12/3 Leukaemia Foundation Run – 21.1 km
    *20/3 Melanoma Awareness March – 4 km
    *The March Charge Monthly Challenge – 150 km
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    3/1 2.03
    3/2 3.53
    3/3 Rest (tweaked hammy)
    3/4 Rest (tweaked Hammy)
    3/5 6.00
    3/6 3.13
    3/7 3.25 (knee wasn't feeling great this morning, but went for two walks during work, and it loosened up, felt great during the run this evening.)

    Total: 17.94
  • lillymacki55
    lillymacki55 Posts: 35 Member
    03/01 3.23
    03/02 3.19
    03/03 3.17
    03/04 3.27
    03/05 6.83
    03/06 8.15
    03/07 3.17
    TOTAL 31.01

    GOAL 100
