Is this binge eating or something else?



  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    I did go look at your diary. I see classic binge eating pattern. on the days you eat more protein and protein at every meal you do much better. on the days you start out with carbs you seem to continue with carbs and eat more that day. It can be as simple as having protein to start your day and protein with every meal/snack. do sugary carbs seem to trigger you to eat more? I was/am a binge/purge bulemic. I haven't purged in at least a year but still struggle with binges when I am not super careful about my protein.

    This approach works well for me as well. Eating protien with every meal and starting the day with it helps keeps the carb cravings away. Because if your anything like me you don't binge on boneless skinless chicken breast :)
  • shannont70
    shannont70 Posts: 7 Member
  • shannont70
    shannont70 Posts: 7 Member
    My question would be was all these items in your house??? If so maybe you need to clean out the cupboards for foods that could allow you to put yourself in that same situation again, so that way if you have a bad day again, you grab fruit and things of that nature.

    Also, you know you have bindged in the past i would really recommend writing down how you felt when you binged, you are aware you have this issue, just always keep yourself in check..... and the biggest thing...........GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK. Its now in the past dont dwell on it.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    LOL! I wish I wanted to binge on boneless skinless chicken breast, that would make life so much easier!
  • angie_roo
    angie_roo Posts: 55
    My question would be was all these items in your house??? If so maybe you need to clean out the cupboards for foods that could allow you to put yourself in that same situation again, so that way if you have a bad day again, you grab fruit and things of that nature.

    This was key for me when I made the decision to start eating healthier and to lose weight. I made sure there were no temptations at home, so I wouldn't have to even look at it. My boyfriend's been a big help too. When he wants to buy chips he buys a kind he likes and I can't stand so I don't have any interest in it.