Scared of running in public!



  • NemEhes
    NemEhes Posts: 27 Member
    edited March 2016
    I used to feel like that and hated the gym because of it. Now, I go around my neighborhood once (sometimes twice) a day. I started out walking and wearing GIANT sunglasses so no one would recognize me. Still wear the giant sunglasses, but now I'm doing c25k and not feeling shameful. It's kind of nice too because I see the same people out everyday and it's encouraging. I also have become really friendly with like 20+ dogs and 1 cat.

    No one has ever said anything to me other than a simple hi-how are you or a wave. If anyone did say something nasty, I would probably yell some profanity and then keep running.
  • Anaryne26
    Anaryne26 Posts: 23 Member
    As I'm getting back into this myself, I sometimes worry about how I look when I run. Every time I do, I remind myself that when I'm driving by and see someone running, I mentally throw them a "Nice job!" and then use that as motivation to get out there myself. No one really cares what you look like when you run. I tend to believe that most people send supportive thoughts when they see people out exercising.

    And I do believe that those who are out running/exercising are a non-judgmental and supportive group. The weather was beautiful outside yesterday, so I went to the park for my run. As I ran around the lake, there were many people doing the same thing - different ages, different body types, different abilities. We all waved to each other and smiled and gave the thumbs up as we passed. Was an amazing feeling, and pushed me to tack on an extra slow mile to my run.

    Just remember that you're doing this for you. It doesn't matter what others think. Most of them are going to be encouraging or jealous of the fact you're working hard, so use that as motivation to keep going. :smile:
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    edited March 2016
  • ghouli
    ghouli Posts: 207 Member
    KaiUneeda wrote: »
    Me five years ago: "Look at that person running, they're crazy...and I am secretly jealous." *never thinks of that person again*

    Exactly the same for me. When I see someone running outside I just think "someday I'm going to be good enough at running that I'll be able to do that, too. Good for them." and then I never think of them again.

    Honestly, I think most people are too tied up in what they're doing, what's on their mind, etc to really care. They might glance, but then it's back to their lives.

    If you don't want to hit the streets right away though, do you have some kind of secluded-ish place you could run where there are less people? A school track, bike trail, cemetery? (Okay I know the cemetery is kinda creepy/weird/whatever but I love going to the one I live by because it's quiet and no one's there to look at me). Or like others said, going at a time of day when there are less people out and about.

  • sunflowerlioness
    sunflowerlioness Posts: 2 Member
    I'm exactly the same! Something that really helped me get over it was having a running buddy! That way you focus more on the other person, whether it be talking with them while you're running or just having them there as motivation!
  • bclarke1990
    bclarke1990 Posts: 287 Member
    I walk every single day. Every time I see someone, my only two thoughts are
    "Wow, I wish I had that person's dedication", or "Good for them". Just do what you need to do to make yourself happy :). The opinion of strangers don't matter in the grand scheme of everything.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Okay, so this might sound weird, but I'm terrified of running in public! It's not that I'm worried about how I look when I'm running, I guess I just don't like the thought of people watching me - I never really get that feeling in the gym because I know everyone else in there are exercising too so are focussed on themselves.... But I hate it when I'm trying to run outside!

    I don't know if anyone else gets the same thing but I miss going on a jog on a regular basis so would appreciate any advice that'll help get me back out there!

    My worry is the opposite. I run early in the morning when it is dark and I'm afraid of being run over. I got myself a set of these:


    For being self-conscious, I'll give you the same advice I give my son. I guarantee that nearly everyone else is too worried about their own business to give much about yours.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    It just occurred to me that I started out with a running class. Running with a group helps the whole thing seem more normal.
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    Id be more scared of running in the dark or in a lonely park. I worry too much about what is going to happen to me if Im alone than people staring at me. If you are not afraid and its just what people think, think about how you feel when you jog not what everyone else is doing, they probably could not care less.
  • erockem
    erockem Posts: 278 Member
    You must look better than Phoebe.

  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    just do it. i felt the same way. thinking what will people think seeing a 240# old woman out running (slow pace at that), that the kids would be yelling from the school buses. i just figured i wanted to do it. so i just did it. now i don't care. when i pass other runners or walkers i get hellos or i get thumbs up. it's for my health not theirs.
    feels so good. go for a run. i just did.....

    This. Just getting out there and doing it for a couple months made me lose any anxiety I had about it. I no longer care. No one is judging you or paying that close attention. If they are, it's the same people that judge you in the grocery store etc. There's nothing special about running that draws that much attention. Do people occasionally drive by and shout things at me? Yeah, but if I was walking it'd probably be the same way. Some people are stupid, it doesn't bother me at all now honestly. I just laugh and think about what idiots they are to be worrying about what I'm doing instead of their own lives. I always get smiles, nods and waves from fellow runners even though I am usually the fattest and slowest one out there. Runners themselves are so encouraging, so happy to see anyone taking up their activity.