Mediterranean Diet



  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Clarimade wrote: »
    Thanks everyone, I'm looking more into it. Im going to look more at the links you guys provided to do more background research. When I spoke to my doctor her words were, sticking to mainly chicken and fish, beans, nuts, less red meat, and lots of fruits/veggies. But she also said to watch my sugar intake when it came to fruits for I do have problems with my sugar. She said try and stay limited from heavy carbs such as rice, bread, and pasta as much as I can. Reading into it I see everyone has different versions of what a Mediterranean diet consists of.
    The good news is that when you reduce sugar, you increase fat like olive oil, cheese, salad dressing, avocados, dark meat chicken, nuts, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, coconut oil, butter.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    So many misconceptions about what a Mediterranean diet is.

    First of all, the research that showed positive effects of lifestyle not just diet. That means that it includes being physically active, sharing food, eat generally fresh produce.

    It's a diet that is middling carbs neither low or high - pasta, breads are certainly part, in a more limited fashion than in the US. Diary is also present in the form of cheese, yoghurt, etc.

    It is high in vegetables.

    Oil sources tend to be extra-virgin olive oil, nuts, seeds, olives, and avocados.

    Sources for protein are more fish, then lean meats and less red meats.

    BUT. It is first and foremost a calorie to lifestyle balanced diet. Active people eating food that is less calorie dense than the average American diet.

    All of this.

    I do some things that are similar to a Med diet -- I focus on eating lots of vegetables, healthy fats (olive oil, olives, avocados, nuts, fatty fish), lots of seafood, whole grains and other whole food sources of carbs. Oh, and good cheese and gelato, although that's probably not what the dr is getting at! I don't know if it makes sense to call it a Med diet, though, as I don't really follow the pyramid and of course choose based on what's locally available first (well, other than the fish), and I live in the US midwest, not the Mediterranean.

    I do like the lifestyle aspects and that the food culture seems a lot healthier than the US (on average) with real focus on appreciating foods and cooking well. The whole slow food thing.
  • CassidyScaglione
    CassidyScaglione Posts: 673 Member
    I'm veering in that direction too... I get to eat carbs and drink wine? In! lol.

    I'm not going full throttle, but the recipes all seem really nice, and like things that I would conceivably eat anyways (Italian). The bonus to eating this way is that my partner is down with it too, which should make grocery shopping easier.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Clarimade wrote: »
    Hey everyone!
    I started this post to see if anyone would care sharing any recipes or any suggestions when it comes to starting a Mediterranean diet. I was told by my doctor to start one, well more of incorporate it as a lifestyle. I'm not a big fish eater, but I'm gonna do it. She wants me eating seafood, chicken, and veggies, a very low carb intake. Has anyone else did a Mediterranean kind of diet and how did it workout for you?

    The Mediterranean Diet is far from low carb, so I guess she wants you to do a modified version of it. You'll probably have better luck looking for low carb recipes that feature lots of vegetables with seafood or poultry.
  • Clarimade
    Clarimade Posts: 11 Member
    I'm veering in that direction too... I get to eat carbs and drink wine? In! lol.

    I'm not going full throttle, but the recipes all seem really nice, and like things that I would conceivably eat anyways (Italian). The bonus to eating this way is that my partner is down with it too, which should make grocery shopping easier.

    Definitely let me know how that works out for you lol
  • Clarimade
    Clarimade Posts: 11 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    Clarimade wrote: »
    Thanks everyone, I'm looking more into it. Im going to look more at the links you guys provided to do more background research. When I spoke to my doctor her words were, sticking to mainly chicken and fish, beans, nuts, less red meat, and lots of fruits/veggies. But she also said to watch my sugar intake when it came to fruits for I do have problems with my sugar. She said try and stay limited from heavy carbs such as rice, bread, and pasta as much as I can. Reading into it I see everyone has different versions of what a Mediterranean diet consists of.
    The good news is that when you reduce sugar, you increase fat like olive oil, cheese, salad dressing, avocados, dark meat chicken, nuts, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, coconut oil, butter.

    That is true. Which all that I have no problem with. I'm hoping with her suggestion I see some changes. It's hard because I have problems with my sugar it's been hard to lose weight. I'm not the type that eats fast food, drink soda or high sugary juices, I do have a tendency to eat the higher carbs which is probably why she suggested this. As Hispanics we do tend to have rice as our main course for dinners. So it's definitely hard to let that go, but I have too.
  • trippmommy
    trippmommy Posts: 1 Member
    I am just beginning with the whole Mediterranean thing too! We have always enjoyed this type of food but I am attempting to adjust the staples that remain in my house to the Mediterranean diet so that we are cooking more healthful .... I am very careful not to call anything a "diet" in my house because I have three girls that I don't want on that rollercoaster their whole lives. Our reasons for doing the Mediterranean diet are my husbands cholesterol is high and I would love to lose the weight that just hasn't come off from having my four babies, but most of all I want to cook healthy for my family! My older kids love to get in the kitchen and cook. It would be good for them to be learning recipes that are a good balance of flavor and health at the same time! I hope we all have a good experience with this way of eating!! Good luck!!
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    like others have stated its a lifestyle not so much a diet. Not low carb, at least for my family. Family in Italy and here from italy. For sure eat bread, pasta, and risotto as well as fruits. The point is they walk a lot, are active, and the portions are not even close to olive garden haha. As others also stated there are a lot of countries in the Mediterranean and they all have their own adaptations. My family in italy doesnt eat a lot of dairy like yogurt but in greece its a staple.