Diamond Dolls Week 1- Closed Group



  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    I want to travel so bad!!! I guess my number one pick would be Egypt. I would love to go to Italy or Austrailia too. I don't want to do the "touristy" things though. I want to be immersed in the culture. Awwww someday.....
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Hubby and I have a 5 year plan to make it over to Europe for some traveling. Greece and Italy are the places I am most looking forward to. Especially for the cuisine, wine, beaches and fashion!! He wants to do some sightseeing and hit up some museums, I guess I could fit that in ;) We make time to travel every year or so and our place of choice is Akumal ( just south of Cancun). That place is heaven on earth and I highly recommend it. Haven't been able to get away this year because of school :(
  • Tacita123
    Tacita123 Posts: 26 Member
    Oooo my dream vacation would be to take a year off and travel travel travel - everywhere, all the cities I haven't visited in Europe, then Australia, South America... the list is almost endless.. maybe my dream vacation is a permanent holiday... is that allowed??? :)
  • Harrar10
    Harrar10 Posts: 116
    A dream vacation to me would be ANYWHERE tropical with my husband to make up for not getting to have our honeymoon.. thanks to the NAVY.. oh and id love to wear a string bikini on this dream vacation :)

    I know how you feel my husband and I got married in the court house because we were both active duty Army and they wouldn't let us take leave!! So we got a weekend, we visited his parents. it was nce but looking back we def would of gone some where better lol!!
    Ouestion of the Day: 6/21

    What would your dream vacation be?

    Everyone mentions out of the Country, but I'd rather just go to the Colorado mountains and spend a while enjoying the snow and snowboarding!! I've lived in Florida practically my whole life so I am used to the sunshine and beaches lol
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    I’m honestly not MUCH of a vacationer…but if I had to DREAM about it…my perfect vacation really could be anywhere as long as it contained the following 4 items…

    1) Weather that’s warm in the fall/winter
    2) A pool that has a bar I can swim up to and procure an adult beverage
    3) Myself being able to wear a 2 piece bathing suit without frightening TOO many people
    4) Daily horseback rides on a beach

    I don’t think that’s asking for much!! :drinker:
  • Fergieberg
    Fergieberg Posts: 92 Member
    I am a huge history nut and Italy is the place that interests me the most. I have always wanted to go, but like most people money is the issue :( Lately I have also wanted to go to a nice tropical island and enjoy a relaxing time at the beach.
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    I love to travel and being able to sit in an airline seat again without feeling uncomfortable or self-coconscious is a major motivator/target of mine.

    Ever since I saw the Indian Ocean Islands episode of Globe Trekker I’ve wanted to go. It’s not a place for the overweight though. There are a lot of outdoorsy things to do and I’d want to be fit so I can run all over the islands, literally. “Off the east coast of Africa, are a paradise on earth. With superb resorts, sun-kissed beaches, and sparkling turquoise seas - countless Africans, Indians, Europeans, and even pirates, have all settled in this timeless, tropical location.” (Globe Trekker)

    I would also like to travel down the Mekong River in Southeast Asia. Stretching roughly 2,600 miles from Tibet to the South China Sea, the Mekong flows through six nations—China, Myanmar (Burma), Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. (National Geographic)
  • Macy_R
    Macy_R Posts: 91
    Good Morning Ladies!!!! Just wanted to pop in and say that I hope everyone feels as motivated as I do :) You guys are attacking my posts with comments that motivate me and make me smile, and I hope I am doing the same to you guys! I hope I can at least lose some weight to help all you ladies out so we can win this first week and show DITR we are super serious and came to kick @$$$$$!!! hahaha :) so thanks :)
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    When is weigh in day again? Is it Fri or Sunday?

  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    Ouestion of the Day: 6/21

    What would your dream vacation be?

    Oh wow I don't know which I would pick for my dream vacation. It would be between the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, or a Safari somewhere. If I had to choose it would be a Safari.

    If you come to Niagara Falls in the next year or so - give me a shout! I live an hour away =)
  • When is weigh in day again? Is it Fri or Sunday?


    It's any day you choose as long as it's BEFORE 12pm PST on Sunday.
  • Question of the Day: 6/22

    Payday! When there's money in the bank, are you a better saver or spender? What's your splurge of choice?
  • Am I in the right thread now?? I was a little slow jumping onto the threads but I'm totally HERE now...as long as it's the right thread bahahaha
  • Question of the Day: 6/22

    Payday! When there's money in the bank, are you a better saver or spender? What's your splurge of choice?

    what a good question ;)
    Unfortunately I am a splurger...for instance, today is payday for me...as soon as I get my paycheck I'm going shopping...looking for those new crocs for my daughter and there's a summer dress at Dillards I've been eyeing for a while, I'm hoping it's on sale (with some snazzy matching shoes of course)
  • Harrar10
    Harrar10 Posts: 116
    Question of the Day: 6/22

    Payday! When there's money in the bank, are you a better saver or spender? What's your splurge of choice?

    No Splurges for me, our bank is tight right now especially with a 3 month old! I don't save nor spend lol IF i do splurge it's usually something for my daughter like clothes, toy, or something. I am awaiting the day when I can splurge again though lol
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    Payday! When there's money in the bank, are you a better saver or spender? What's your splurge of choice?

    For me, it’s a little bit of both. I get paid once a month which is really helpful. I pay my bills in one fell swoop and what ever money is left over is what I have to spend. I do like to shop but I’m not compulsive (like my mom) and I think it’s because of her that I don’t fancy too much “stuff”. On the other hand, I’ll spend $$$ for face crème or a piece of fish so I guess it’s all subjective.

    My splurge of choice is… wait for it… food! I used to eat out several times a day which is certainly one of the reasons I’m where I’m at today. Now, when I talk about splurging on food, I mean Chilean Sea Bass or soft, fluffy lettuce.
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    I tend to splurge - if I can, I'm a rubbish saver, I splurge on my kids, clothes, shoes and nights out - hey, I could get run over by a truck tomorrow!
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    Bills get paid as soon as the money is in. If there's money leftover...we tend to throw it in the savings account. We're fixin to buy a house soon. :)
  • MeganLord
    MeganLord Posts: 28 Member
    saver.. but i havent had a job in over a year.. i just got a job .. so ill be busy spending it on paying off my credit cards faster! :)
  • Macy_R
    Macy_R Posts: 91
    I'm a broke college student...so I don't splurge and I can't save :( hahaha
This discussion has been closed.